Chapter 236 Reopening

Su Tong and the others discuss market changes, but they are not arrogant. They clearly know that it is difficult for individuals to change the market.

Moreover, their research on the market has always remained at the stage of discussion, and no one has ever thought of catering to them. Everyone has their own pursuit of literature.

Chen Zhongshi couldn't write well, so he wanted to go home and raise chickens.

But they are different. Yu Dong and Bi Feiyu are still university teachers. Su Tong is the editor-in-chief of "Zhong Shan". Lack of "aggressiveness".

Some people say that Yu Hua's writing is like Hemingway, but in fact his writing attitude is also like Hemingway. He always hopes to keep himself in a state where he still has enough energy. Once he reaches this state, he doesn't want to write anymore.

Sometimes when Yu Dong was writing in the dormitory, Yu Hua would come to see him.

When they arrived at Yu Dong's dormitory, Yu Hua didn't say a word, just watched quietly by the side. Yu Dong also didn't greet him immediately, and only raised his head to ask him when he reached the point of writing, "Have you started writing today?"

Usually, Yu Hua's answers are moved, and she still wants to continue writing, but she needs to keep this enthusiasm until the next day.

Yu Dong's writing style is different from Yu Hua's. Yu Dong always has passion, regardless of whether 21 burns first, and he is never afraid that he will not have passion the next day. If there is no passion the next day, he will not stop until the next day Pen.

"Oh, right."

After chatting for a while, Su Tong suddenly remembered something, got up and went back to the desk to search in the drawer, and found a piece of paper from it.

"This is a letter of opinion from the Secretariat of the Writers Association. The National Short Story Award should be re-opened, but there is a high probability that the name will be changed to the Lu Xun Literature Award. In addition to short stories and novels, there will be other award-winning works. Set up other categories, prose and essays are among them."

Su Tong gave the submissions to Yu Dong and the others, and then lit another cigarette by himself, "So, you have to work hard in the past few years, and the awards will be reopened at any time."

Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu were pleasantly surprised when they heard that the National Short Story Award was going to be reopened. In the past two years, there have been no important literary awards in China, and the writers are quite lacking in motivation.

Few writers don't care about things like literary awards.

Because Yu Dong knew the specific situation of the Lu Xun Literature Award, he was not too surprised. He even remembered that Bi Feiyu was among the winners of the first Lu Xun Literature Award.

Of course, with his rebirth, many things have changed, and whether Bi Feiyu can win the award is still unknown.

Yu Hua looked at the submission, and there was not much content on it, just what Su Tong said. He smiled and said, "We have to work hard, don't you want to work hard too?"

"I'll let it go."

Su Tong waved his hand. Although he has created a lot in the past two years, he is the editor-in-chief of the magazine after all, and he is busier than others. No matter how hard he works, he still has less time than them.

Bi Feiyu couldn't help but also lit a cigarette, he was the most excited about this news.Since last year, his creative enthusiasm has continued to rise, he has published a lot of short stories, and he is still writing many more.He seemed to have a feeling that this award was set up just for him.

The other three could see his appearance, Su Tong said with a smile: "Feiyu doesn't need to work hard, you have been productive enough in the past two years."

"It can't be compared with Yu Dong." Bi Feiyu laughed and said, "His output is several times mine."

"No, we can't compare." Yu Dong waved his hands repeatedly, "I haven't written a few short stories, most of them are science fiction."

"You didn't delay at both ends." Yu Hua said with a smile, then looked up at the quartz clock on the wall, "Don't you want to eat mutton boiled in a copper pot at night? It's time to go now."

Yu Dong and the others also looked at the clock, and Bi Feiyu said, "It's only early four o'clock, the place you mentioned is far away?"

"It's really far away, on the side of Wufu Street."

"Wufu Street is also okay, so you don't have to go there so early."

"The main reason is that their business is very good. I'm afraid I won't have a seat if I go late."

Su Tong smiled and said, "I've been to Lao Xu's hotpot on Wufu Street, and it's really good. There might be no seats at this point in the past. Go there now, I have to go to work."

"Then let's go there first, and you go there by yourself after get off work."

Su Tong thought for a while and said, "OK."

In winter, mutton boiled in a copper pot is really attractive.

This time, instead of riding a bicycle, the three hired a car.

"Master, go to Wufu Street." Bi Feiyu yelled after getting on the bus.

"Okay." The driver responded, and then said with a smile, "Teacher Yu, is this for dinner? Isn't Teacher Su with you?"

Yu Dong looked at the front with some doubts. The driver was a bit fat and wore a soft hat. From the back, he could only see a thick neck.

The voice is somewhat familiar, it seems to be...

Before Dong could remember, the driver turned his head to look at Yu Dong, with big and round eyes, and said with a smile, "Teacher Yu doesn't know me, I have a big head."

As he spoke, he also took off his hat, revealing his bald head and his iconic smiling face that seemed to explode his face.

Yu Dong suddenly remembered that this was the special car driver that Su Tong called when Zhang Yimou and Gong Li came over.

It was just because the hat covered it that I didn't see the bald big head, so I didn't remember it for a while.

"It turned out to be Master Liu, what a coincidence."

"you do not say."

When the car started, Liu continued with a big head: "I said, why did I hear the magpies calling on the tree early in the morning today? I haven't encountered any good things after waiting for a day. I didn't expect it. The good things are here. These two gentlemen Looking at the face, let me introduce myself to the two of you, my name is Liu Quanyou, because I have a big head, others call me Big Head, you don't mind, just call me Big Head."

The excitement of taxi drivers is the same everywhere, so Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu certainly don't find it strange.

The two smiled and shouted "Master Liu", and took the time to hand over two business cards, "You two need a car in the future, just ask me, for Teacher Yu's sake, I will definitely give you two Friendly price."

When Yu Hua and the others took the business card, they all thought the handwritten business card was quite interesting, with the words "big head" written on it "magnificently".

When they encountered a red light at the crossing, Liu Datou wanted to give Bi Feiyu and the others some cigarettes. Although they smoked, they didn't pick it up.

Big-headed Liu himself doesn't smoke, but he always has a pack of cigarettes in his pocket, handing them to everyone, most people don't know how to pick them up, and he doesn't care, what he wants is the action of loosening cigarettes.

Regardless of whether the other party picks up or not, both parties have contacts.

"It's as cold as a ghost today. Teacher Yu, what are you going to eat? I know Wufu Street well. Sometimes the car is late and I don't want to go back and trouble my wife, so I go to Wufu Street to find something to eat. Like today In such a cold day, it’s best to eat some soup, stir-fry a few dishes, and sit in two hot pots..."

The big head talked enthusiastically about Dashan, and the three of them listened carefully.

Writers are very interested in such gossip, listen to it more, maybe you can find some inspiration.Everyone has limitations, and it is impossible for a writer to experience everything he writes, so a writer needs to learn to listen.

The big head chatted happily by himself, but he probably didn't expect that there were three writers in the car studying him.

Yu Dong: This big head is still as enthusiastic as before. Maybe I can use him as a template to write some characters later.

Bi Feiyu: This driver looks very pleasant, and his speech is also funny, so I will write it in the book later.

Yu Hua: This driver is good, and Yu Dong and Bi Feiyu are also good. I will write them in the book later.

When the car arrived at Wufu Street, the big head enthusiastically waved goodbye to Yu Dong and the others: "Teachers, if you need anything, please call at any time."

Before the big head finished speaking, he saw someone waving in front of him, he stepped on the accelerator, and the car sped away.

Yu Hua was still holding the big-headed business card in her hand, and said with a smile, "Master Liu is quite interesting, how did you know him?"

"Senior brother used his car before, and I also rode in it."

"No wonder, when he mentioned Teacher Su, he was referring to Su Tong." Yu Hua stuffed his business card into his pocket, "Let's go, if you slow down, there might be no seats left."

The three of them quickened their pace to "Old Xu Boiled Mutton". It turned out that Yu Hua's worry was justified. When they got there, there was only one table left.

The main reason is that the shop of "Old Xu Shabu Mutton" is not big, with a total of one floor, no boxes, and four or five square tables in the hall.

There are only two men, one old and one young, busy in the store. They seem to be father and son.The younger one was in his twenties, wearing an apron, and greeted Yu Dong and the others in the lobby. When he saw Yu Dong and the others entering, he greeted them warmly, "Leader, who are you?"

Yu Hua pointed at Yu Dong and said with a smile: "One leader, plus our two subordinates, there will be another one in a while, who is also the leader."

"Four guests." The young man called out, and then asked, "Which leader is ordering?"

"Let me do it."

Yu Dong beckoned, ordered some mutton and cabbage, and ordered a plate of peanuts and a bottle of white wine.

After the dishes were ordered, the three of them sat down safely. Bi Feiyu looked around the shop and asked Yu Hua curiously, "How did you get here?"

"I asked you to go out for a walk before, but no one paid any attention to me. I just wandered around Wufu Street, and happened to come across this shabu-shabu restaurant."

"Then you are lucky."

"What luck, I just saw that he has a lot of family members, so I came in and took a look. The reason is very simple, follow the footsteps of the locals, and you can't go wrong."

Although the restaurant was full at the moment, most of them had just arrived and were waiting for the dishes to be served. Only the table next to Yu Dong and the others had already started eating.

The three young men at the table were pushing and changing glasses and drinking lively, Yu Dong and the others were not hungry at first, but now watching them eating and drinking, they were aroused by greed.

"Old Fang, I didn't expect you Jinling to have such authentic boiled mutton. I'm not afraid of your jokes. Before I came to Jinling, I always thought that mutton was not eaten in the south."

One of the young men was an authentic Beijing movie when he opened his mouth.

"Old Fang." He said with a smile, "That's nonsense. Although we eat less boiled mutton here, we really do eat less mutton. It's just that the method is different. Besides, what kind of south is Jinling? It's neither south nor north."

"Isn't it the South for us?"

"Haha, that's right. But I haven't been to Yanjing yet. I wanted to apply to the school there, but I still didn't apply."

"You can go to Yenching University with this score, you are a little timid."

"That being said, our Jinling University is not bad either."

"It's not bad, so I picked up the leak. I'm seventy or eighty points less than you."

It turned out to be a student of Jinling University.

But what they said aroused Yu Hua's interest, and Yu Hua said with a smile, "Did you two pick up on mistakes at that time?"

"It's okay, my grades were considered above average in the class at that time." Bi Feiyu said.

"What about you?" Yu Hua looked at Yu Dong.

Yu Dong smiled and said, "I'm not bad either, I can do anything with my score."

"Is it okay to go to Yanda University?"

"no problem."

"Then why didn't you fill in Yanda? Is it because you were not confident when filling out the application form, or because you were worried that you would make a mistake in the exam later?"

"I didn't think much about it. At that time, our class teacher told me that with my grades, I would be fine in any school. I didn't care about other things. I thought the Chinese Department of Yan Normal University was good, so I filled it in."

"People can't compare with people."

Yu Hua said with emotion, when he failed the college entrance examination and entered the health center, the only thing that could be considered a university was his two-year advanced study at Lu Xun Academy of Arts.

As for Yu Dong, he was indeed a top student.Now the college entrance examination is to fill in the volunteers first and then take the exam. At that time, he never thought that there would be a situation where he would not be able to pass the exam. The school and major he filled in depended on his preferences.

If in a few years, he can fill in Yanda University instead of Yanshi University, he will probably be told by his parents and teachers, but it is different now, the status of Yanshi University in their hearts is still quite high.

The food was served very slowly in the store, and Yu Dong and the others didn't rush, because Su Tong hadn't arrived yet.

After waiting for more than an hour, the copper pot came up first, followed by Su Tong.

Su Tong came in with a chill in his body, holding a scarf in his hand: "Yu Dong, did you drop something?"

Yu Dong rubbed his neck, he didn't have a scarf... No, he didn't wear a scarf when he went out, then he pointed at Yu Hua: "It's his."

Yu Hua also touched her neck, "Hey."

The three young people at the next table were still eating. When Lao Fang heard the word "Yu Dong", he subconsciously looked towards the door, and then looked at Yu Dong who was speaking at the next table.

After drinking some wine, Lao Fang was a little dazed, staring at Yu Dong blankly.

This look was seen by Bi Feiyu, "Young man, what's the matter?"

Yu Dong also looked over and had a face-to-face meeting with Lao Fang. After seeing each other, Lao Fang was half sober.

Fang Tao met Yu Dong. At that time, he went to Jinyi with the president of the branch, and happened to meet Yu Dong, but they didn't know it was Yu Dong at the time.When Qu Aiguo told them that they met Yu Dong, they were annoyed for a while.

"Are you Teacher Yu Dong?"

Fang Tao is still not sure, because he met him once at that time, and because he didn't know that he was Yu Dong, so he didn't pay much attention to his appearance, but he felt a little like him, and he did hear the person who just came to the store shout "" In the East".

Yu Dong smiled and nodded, "I'm Yu Dong, do you know me?"

(End of this chapter)

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