Chapter 237 Seminar

Yu Dong's response was like a spell, which directly stopped Fang Tao, and the other students at their table who were clinking glasses were also stunned.

What Yudong?
Who is Yu Dong?

In the past two years, Yu Dong became more and more famous in Jinling, especially after the two associations recruited members from various schools, there were very few students in these colleges and universities in Jinling who did not know Yu Dong.

The two turned their heads together and looked at the table.

Yu Dong was quite surprised to be recognized, because he lives reclusively, and few students from other schools should know his appearance.

"Mr. Yu Dong, I am a member of the Jinling University Branch of the Cucumber Garden Science Fiction Association. I just entered my freshman year. When our president took me to Jinyi, I happened to see you once in the activity room." Although Fang Tao drank There is a lot of wine, but the thinking is still quite clear, and the words are clear in a few words.

"Oh, so that's the case." Yu Dong nodded with a smile. He did have an impression of this matter. When he went to find Qu Aiguo before, the person who waited for him for a while was a student of Jinling.

"Mr. Yu, I really like your works. Whether it is science fiction or other works, I have basically read them, and more than once. I just finished watching the second half of "Xiang Xi" today, and I plan to read it tomorrow." I found the first half, put the two together and read it again..."

Fang Tao is not a shy person, just because he was a little confused because of drinking, he was a little caught off guard by the sudden situation.But now after reacting, once the chatterbox is opened, it can't be stopped.

The other two were still out of state, wanting to say something, but didn't know how to speak.

When Yu Dong was in school, he was often baptized by Qu Aiguo's flattering skills, so he had no reaction to ordinary flattery. He listened to Fang Tao with a smile, and then asked: "You and your classmates are called what name?"

Fang Tao hurriedly said: "My name is Fang Tao, Fang Zheng's Fang, the wave of Tao."

"My name is Yu Qian, surplus Yu, the money of money."

"My name is Li Shengwen, powerful Li, grand Sheng, literary Wen."

The other two finally followed suit and said their names.

Yu Dong nodded, pointed to the three people beside him and introduced: "This is Mr. Su Tong, the editor-in-chief of "Zhong Shan", this is Mr. Yu Hua, and this is Mr. Bi Feiyu."

"Ms. Su, Mr. Yu, Mr. Bi..."

Fang Tao swallowed his saliva, he did not expect to meet Jinling Writers Tiantuan when he came to have a boiled mutton with his classmates today.

The Jinling writers' group was not said by Fang Tao himself, but a statement circulated by Jinling University.

Before Fang Tao arrived at Jinling University, this saying had already been made. Someone put together several well-known writers in Jinling and called them the Jinling Writers Group.

In fact, it was also influenced by Hong Kong Island. The year before last, Hong Kong Island selected one of the Four Heavenly Kings, which became popular for a while, and many titles such as the Top Ten Heavenly Kings appeared in China.

Originally, there were five writers in this group, namely Su Tong, Yu Dong, Bi Feiyu, Han Dong, and Ye Zhaoyan. Later, Yu Hua also came, and Yu Hua was added.

That is to say, there are six people in the Jinling Writers Group, and two-thirds of them are seated at the table next to them.

"Mr. Yu Hua, I really like your "To Live", and many students in our school also like your works..."

"Teacher Su Tong, your "Wives and Concubines" has benefited me a lot..."

"Mr. Bi Feiyu, your "Isolated Island" is really amazing..."

"Compared to "To Live", I prefer "Drizzle and the Shout". I have read that book several times..."

Fang Tao's flattery has changed from a concentrated output to Dong to AOE, and he has flattered several other people without landing. Yu Qian and Li Shengwen are not far behind, you follow me every word shoot up.

At this time, the young master in the store came over with two large plates of mutton. He watched the other table facing this side continuously outputting language. Several people: It sounds like these are all great writers.

"Here comes the mutton."

Fang Tao and the others were also very knowledgeable. When they saw the food coming, they stopped talking and let Yu Dong and the others eat quietly.In the middle of the trip, Fang Tao brought two classmates over to toast again, and then he said hello to pay the bill and left.

After they left, Su Tong smiled and said, "These kids are quite interesting."

"That's right, I know how to leave room for others." Bi Feiyu nodded and said, "Just now I was worried that this meal would be unhealthy."

Yu Hua glanced at Bi Feiyu, "I didn't see that you were worried at all. When those kids praised you just now, the smile on your face almost overflowed to the ground."

"I was smiling politely."

"Then you are so polite, your face is almost frozen with laughter." Yu Hua rolled her eyes, and picked up a piece of mutton from the plate first with her chopsticks, "People in Yanjing have a saying when they eat boiled mutton. , but after my careful research, the length of time has a considerable relationship with the thickness of the meat slices. For example, the slice of meat I caught is slightly thicker, and it is the most scientific to keep rinsing for 20 seconds. One, two, three..."

When Yu Hua counted to three, Bi Feiyu had already picked up the plate, and put half a plate of mutton into the copper pot.

While the mutton was tumbling in the copper pot, Bi Feiyu opened the white wine again and poured a glass for everyone.

After pouring the wine, he divided the meat in the pot, except for Yu Hua.

"Well, the meat is pretty good. Yu Hua will find a good place this time."

"I've been waiting for this for a long time, Shu Tan."

"This soup is also good."

"The cabbage sticks are also good, tasty."

"Come on, have a drink."

The piece of meat that Yu Hua boiled was still hanging in the air, while the other three were already eating it warmly.

"Come on, eat a peanut."

Bi Feiyu put a piece of peanut into Yu Hua's bowl. The peanut was fried until it was crispy, and it swayed twice on the bottom of the bowl.


"Dean Hu, you have to express your opinions a lot today. After all, Yu Dong is your favorite student."

In the meeting room No. [-] of the Government Affairs Building of Yan Normal University, Tong Qingbing said something to Hu Yueming with a smile.

Today's meeting was decided last week, and it is a seminar dedicated to the novel "Xiang Xi".Tong Qingbing took the lead, and all the participants were teachers and students of Yan Normal University, and no outsiders were invited.

Hu Yueming took a sip from the teacup, "I'm a little subjective in what I say, so you guys should talk more."

"President Hu, we are more subjective."

One student spoke with a smile, which made everyone laugh.That's right, after all, Yu Dong came out of Yan Normal University, and when they came to chat, it was inevitable that they would be subjective.

Especially for the students of the Faculty of Arts, the younger ones all regard Yudong as the legend of the college, and when they read his works, they always look upwards.

Tong Qingbing pressed his hand: "Let me say a few words first."

Hearing the old professor speak, the others also silenced, and then Tong Qingbing continued: "I know, it is unrealistic for you to forget that Yu Dong is a graduate of Yan Normal University for a while, so let's just put his Chinese The status of a graduate of the department is also included in the discussion. Today, in addition to discussing the novel "Xiang Xi", we will also talk about the impact of graduation from the Chinese department on writing through this novel."

"Should I also mention Su Tong?" Someone suggested.

"That's a good proposal." Hu Yueming nodded, and looked at Tong Qingbing, "You have brought Su Tong before, and you have the most right to speak."

Tong Qingbing smiled, "Well, let's not only add Su Tong, but also two more people, Su Tong and Mo Yan. I also taught Yu Hua and the others during the writer training class before. Let's take this The two groups of writers compare and discuss the differences between students who graduated from the Chinese department and students who did not graduate from the Chinese department, and whether the students who graduated from the Chinese department have similarities in their novel creation.”

There were twenty people in the conference room, seven or eight student representatives, and the rest were school teachers.

There are not many seminars at Yan Normal University, and I have done seminars on other writers before, but this time is relatively special, and the objects they discuss are students who have studied here.

Because it was an internal seminar, the content of the meeting was very casual. The two big professors Tong Qingbing and Hu Yueming nodded, and the others just followed the discussion.

A student raised his hand and said, "Teachers, students, let me say something..."

As soon as the student opened his mouth, the door of the meeting room rang. Everyone looked towards the door, only to see a man in his fifties push the door and walk in.

As soon as the man came in, all the teachers and students stood up.

Tong Qingbing said with a smile: "Principal Fang, why are you here?"

"I heard that your Faculty of Arts holds a seminar. Let me listen to it." Fang Fukang pressed his hands with a smile, "Everyone sit down, I just sit and listen."

Of course, it was impossible for Tong Qingbing and the others to let the principal sit next to him, and they beckoned someone to move the chair, and invited Fang Fukang to the head seat.

After sitting down, Fang Fukang said again: "Today's seminar is about Yu Dong's new work "Xiang Xi". Speaking of which, Yu Dong and I are also considered alumni."

As soon as these words came out, the students felt strange.Principal Fang is from Yan Normal University. Everyone knows that he and Yu Dong are alumni of course. Yan Normal University studies, and Yu Dong is an alumnus.

But Hu Yueming and the others knew that Fang Fukang was not talking about Yan Normal University, but Jiguang Middle School. Yu Dong, like Fang Fukang, both graduated from Jiguang Middle School.Therefore, Fang Fukang and Yu Dong have some relationship.

Fang Fukang was born in the Department of Physics, and cared more about system theory, and rarely interfered with the affairs of the Faculty of Arts. Hu Yueming could not remember the last time President Fang came to attend a seminar of the Faculty of Liberal Arts.So Hu Yueming was quite surprised when he saw Fang Fukang just now.

Tong Qingbing smiled and told Fang Fukang about the topic of today's seminar, "Originally we only planned to talk about the novel "Xiang Xi", but everyone proposed to talk about the relationship between the study of the Chinese Department and the creation of novels. So I added another one. Not only should we talk about Yu Dong, but also Su Tong, Yu Hua and Mo Yan."

"Su Tong is also from our liberal arts school?" Fang Fukang asked.

"That's right, it's a few classes behind, but it's a coincidence that both of them went to Jinyi after graduation."

"Our Yan Normal University has exported a lot of talents to Jinyi. If you have time, please Su Tong and Yu Dong to come back and share their experience with the younger brothers and sisters. The talents cultivated by our school are not forbid to be used by other schools, but Let's get some light on ourselves, don't we?"

"I think it will work. Why don't we call Mo Yan and Yu Hua together? I heard from Dean Hu that they have a good relationship. Moreover, Mo Yan and Yu Hua have also studied in the writing class, so we have some connections. , Jinyi invited Yu Hua to be stationed at the school, I think this idea is good, and we can learn from it in the future." Tong Qingbing said.

"Let's talk about the writer-in-residence later. Let's follow the topic of the discussion today." Fang Fukang looked at the student who just said, "Is this the student who was talking just now? Sorry, I interrupted you. Please continue."


When Yan Normal University was holding a seminar, Jin Yi was also having a meeting. The textbook written by Zhang Xian had already been printed out. Wu Changxin meant that at the end of this semester, everyone would study and study and come up with a specific plan. Do a system test in the next semester to facilitate the teaching plan for the next school year.

"Zhang Xian, Yu Dong, Bi Feiyu, you three are authors, let's talk about your opinions first."

Yu Dong and Bi Feiyu looked at Zhang Xian together.

Speaking of the signing of the textbook, Zhang Xian came to ask Guo Dong and Bi Feiyu before, but both of them refused at that time.

From their point of view, although the two of them gave a lot of advice when Zhang Xian was compiling the textbook, it was mainly Zhang Xian who was compiling the textbook, and it was not appropriate to add their two names.

But Zhang Xian was very persistent, and after Wu Changxin learned about this, he came to do the ideological work of Yu Dong and Bi Feiyu, and the two finally agreed to sign their names.

Zhang Xian said: "Actually, our previous teaching mode was very consistent with this set of textbooks, and there are not many things to adapt to in the future. I think that as long as we follow the steps step by step, our teaching plan will definitely be perfected after one semester. I I feel that the main problem we are facing now is that there is no systematic teaching plan for the film and television photography and production major that will be opened in the next school year.”

Wu Changxin smiled and said, "You don't have to worry about this. Next semester, the Department of Drama will welcome several new colleagues. They have rich teaching experience in film and television photography. Haven't we already drawn up a preliminary teaching plan? Turn around After they come over, we will perfect it together.”

The teachers in the other drama departments murmured when they heard this. This old Wu is so powerful that he can only poach people if he says he can poach them?Everyone knows the level of Jinyi, especially the drama department is in its infancy stage, and it is incomparable with other art schools, and has no competitive advantage at all.

Although there have been a lot of topics about Jin Yi recently, they are all related to the literary circle. Professional teachers of film and television production cannot come here just because of this.

But no one questioned Wu Changxin's words. Facts have proved that he has done everything he said before.

Including the poaching of Zhang Xian at that time, it also exceeded everyone's expectations.

 Thank you [Cheese Flavored Wafers] for the 500 tip
(End of this chapter)

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