Chapter 238
After the meeting, Wu Changxin took Yu Dong to his office and chatted for a while, mainly concerned about his personal life.

"The new dormitory is under construction. After it is completed, you and Yanqiu can also share a room."

"It's not urgent, let's consider other teachers who are more in need first."

Wu Changxin said with a smile: "This is not the time to promote style. Don't worry, the dormitory planning this time is quite comprehensive, and everything that needs to be solved can be resolved. The distribution of housing for you is not for personal gain, but in accordance with the school's rules and regulations. of."

"Okay, I see."

Wu Changxin nodded with a smile. He and Cheng Liye have known each other for many years, and they have always had a good relationship.Now that Yu Dong became Cheng Liye's son-in-law again, their relationship became closer.

However, Wu Changxin was also a little worried. After all, Cheng Liye was the vice dean of the Faculty of Arts of Jinling University. If he came to dig Yu Dong, it would be really troublesome.

Fortunately, Cheng Yanqiu is also in Jinyi.

"By the way, I heard from Su Tong that you are going to write a cucumber garden essay. This is a good thing. Why didn't you tell me?"

Yu Dong explained, "The matter hasn't been settled yet, so it's hard to tell you in advance. The few of us discussed and waited for Yu Hua's manuscript to pass through "Zhong Shan" before reporting to you."

"It's not about reporting to work. Speaking of it, it's your own private matter. Let's talk about this matter together. It's not the status of superiors and subordinates. I just want to understand this matter as a friend or a reader."

"Actually, the main reason for this matter is that Yu Hua is carrying the big flag, and I followed behind to make up the crowd."

"So, it's very useful for me to ask Yu Hua to come here. Of course, you also played a role in this matter. I know that if you and Feiyu weren't here, Yu Hua might not have come here, at least not. The promise was so forthright. Last time I chatted with your father-in-law, he also mentioned this matter. They also have the idea of ​​signing a writer-in-residence at Jinling University, but they are still hesitant. I guess when "Cucumber Garden Essays" comes out, it will make people They make up their minds."

Speaking of inviting Yu Hua, Wu Changxin was very proud.

In the past two years, his strides have been quite big, but at present, every step he takes is correct.Including the re-establishment of the Department of Drama, Drama Creation has only been established for a year and a half, and it has already begun to take shape, and the spirit of the entire major from top to bottom is very good.

And the news about buying the script last time also gave them some reputation for drama creation.

The two chatted for a while, and Yu Dong left the principal's office.

After returning to the main office, Bi Feiyu told Yu Dong that Yu Hua's manuscript had passed and it would be available in March. What Su Tong meant was that Yu Dong and Bi Feiyu should take advantage of this time to finish the manuscript. Write an article for all, and it will be able to make up a column at that time, so the effect will be better.

"My article is already being written, and it is estimated that it will be finished in two days. Now it's up to you."

"I'll wait until the novel in hand is finished. It should be in time."

"You serve snacks."

"Pay attention to it." Yu Dong smiled, "Didn't I say that writing essays is as easy for me as eating and drinking?"

"Blow it, you can blow it hard." Bi Feiyu pursed her lips, and said, "Go to the poetry reading club later to have a look."

"Why, I haven't heard anyone flattering you in the past two days, so I feel uncomfortable?"

"Tacky, I want to care about the cultural activities of the students."

"Okay, let's go together in a while..."

The two were talking, when Hu Changqing came in and waved to them, "You two are here, come to my office."

"I'm going too?" Bi Feiyu asked in surprise, because Hu Changqing usually looks for Yu Dong.

"That's right, you guys come here together."

The two looked at each other and followed.

Since Hu Changqing made money writing science fiction novels, his mentality has calmed down a lot. Now he has a lot of flowers and plants in his office, and he even got two small gourds to play with.

This is winter. If it comes to summer, all these flowers and plants will bloom, and entering his office is like entering a garden.

"Come on, have some tea."

Hu Changqing poured a cup of tea for Yu Dong and Bi Feiyu, and then crossed Erlang's legs leisurely, as if he was not in a hurry to talk about business.

"Is there any difficulty at work during this time?"

Yu Dong was quite familiar with Hu Changqing, so he said directly: "Old Hu, if you have anything to say, just talk about it, your style makes us both quite nervous."

"Are you still nervous?" Hu Changqing laughed, "I just want to ask your opinion on something. The communication room has been responding to us. The media outside the school are getting more and more enthusiastic. Their target is you. Two, but we have never arranged any interviews here, that is, last time the "Yangtze Evening News" came to do an exclusive interview."

"You mean, arrange an interview for us?" Yu Dong asked.

Hu Changqing waved his hand, "That's not the point. Whether you accept the interview or not depends entirely on your personal wishes, and the school will not interfere. The problem now is that there must be a department in charge of the interview. The communication room will The problem was reported to the security department, and the security department reported the problem to the Propaganda Department of our Youth League Committee, but the colleagues in the Propaganda Department of the Youth League Committee have their own affairs, and the work is not easy to divide, so I can't let me handle it personally every time."


"So I want to draw people from various departments to form a team, which is responsible for connecting you with the media outside the school. Regarding the specific work of this team, I want to hear your opinions. In addition, I want to draw Fu Jing to this team. Yu, as a family member, you can also share your opinion."

Yu Dong spoke first, "That's pretty good. Even without us, the external news department will be indispensable in the future when the Internet develops. As for the specific work, Feiyu and I don't have much experience. Why don't we hire one?" Professional journalists came to provide business guidance.”

Hu Changqing immediately smiled and said: "This is a good idea. How about Shao Tianjun of "Yangtze Evening News", you know him quite well, can you make an appointment for me?"

Yu Dong was taken aback, this old Hu reacted so quickly?As soon as he said these words, he thought of Shao Tianjun without any hesitation, and it seemed that he was deliberately playing tricks and waiting for him.

It seems that Lao Hu is still Lao Hu, he likes to talk around, and he has to wait for others to speak first when he has already thought about things.

But it's not difficult, Yu Dong nodded and agreed, "Okay, I'll make an appointment for you later."

"Then I will trouble you." Hu Changqing smiled, and then asked Bi Feiyu: "Feiyu, what do you think about Fu Jing?"

Bi Feiyu scratched her head, "I can't decide what to do with her."

Yu Dong couldn't help giving Bi Feiyu a little thumb. This guy usually brags better than anyone else, and he recognizes it faster than anyone else when things are imminent.

"It's okay, I know your attitude, I'll do the work with Xiaofu. After our group is pulled together, if you are willing to accept media interviews, just contact the group directly, and they will help arrange it. I will deal with the matter later. Report to him, it will definitely be necessary to use the lecture hall in the future."

Bi Feiyu didn't hear the subtext of the old nonsense, but Yu Dong could taste it. Lao Hu was implying that they should conduct some interviews as soon as possible so that the newly formed group could quickly operate.

"Okay, I will trouble the Youth League Committee later."


More than a week later, with the assistance of Shao Tianjun, the foreign news team of the Youth League Committee was formally established.

Yu Dong and the others were quite interesting, as soon as the group was formed, they did some work for them. Yu Dong, Bi Feiyu, and Yu Hua were each interviewed by a newspaper.

Fu Jing and the others were busy contacting the newspaper office, arranging the venue, and designing the interview process.

In fact, they are all personal interviews, and there is nothing special to arrange. However, the foreign news team attaches great importance to this event. As the first stop after the formation of the team, they certainly hope to play well.


When Ma Xiaohong walked to the gate of Jinyi, she let out a long sigh of relief. She didn't expect that the task of coming to interview Yu Dong this time would eventually fall on her head.

She just started working this year, and she has only been working for half a year now. She is a real rookie reporter.

But it's the end of the year, and their "Xinmin Evening News" is so busy that even the editor-in-chief has interview assignments recently, and this time Jinyi's notice to arrange interviews is quite sudden, leaving them with no manpower, no way, They had to send Ma Xiaohong over.

Ma Xiaohong has also done many foreign interviews, but she is still very nervous about facing Dong Dong this time.

"Master, I'm a reporter from Xinmin Evening News. My name is Ma Xiaohong. I made an interview with the school."

Ma Xiaohong walked to the reception room and showed her work card to the guard.

Uncle Zhou was quite surprised to see a little girl coming.

"Wait a minute, I'll take a look at the notice."

Uncle Zhou found out the interview form given by the Youth League Committee, and indeed found the "Xinmin Evening News", and said with a smile: "That's right, I made an appointment for today, and I still interviewed Teacher Yu."

"That's right, that's right, it was the interview with Teacher Yu." Ma Xiaohong nodded repeatedly.

"Although there is an appointment, it is still necessary to register according to the rules."

"Ok, no problem."

When Ma Xiaohong lowered her head to register, Qu Aiguo came out of the school, and Uncle Zhou smiled and asked, "Xiao Qu, where are you going?"

"Go get a few copies of "Science Fiction World." Qu Aiguo said.

"Didn't the boss send it to you? Why don't you make a trip?"

Qu Aiguo waved his hand, "Hey, the boss is probably busy right now and has no time to deliver it. I happen to have time, so I'll go get a couple of copies and go back and read."

After Qu Aiguo left, Uncle Zhou said to Ma Xiaohong, "Didn't you interview Teacher Yu, this is Teacher Yu's student just now, and he is also the president of the school's Science Fiction Association."

"Really?" Ma Xiaohong said in surprise, "Is it the Cucumber Garden Science Fiction Association?"

"That's right, our school has only the Science Fiction Association." Uncle Zhou took a look at the registration book, and said with a smile: "Okay, you can go in, and the government affairs building is around the building in front of you. See you after you go in." People just ask the Youth League Committee where the Propaganda Department is.”

"Okay, thank you, sir."

Ma Xiaohong entered the school with her bag on her back, but instead of rushing to find the Propaganda Department of the Youth League Committee, she first took a few photos in front of the big rock at the entrance of the library, then waited for a while, and finally waited for Qu Aiguo who came back with a magazine .

"Hello, classmate."

Qu Aiguo was concentrating on flipping through the magazine, when a little girl jumped out suddenly, startling him.

If it weren't for Ma Xiaohong's beauty, he could have sprayed magazines on people's faces.

"Girl, you can't be so scary in broad daylight." Qu Aiguo stared at Ma Xiaohong. Although she was very young, she had a camera hanging around her neck, so she couldn't be a student at school.

"Are you a reporter?"

"That's right, I'm Ma Xiaohong, a reporter from Xinmin Evening News."

"Oh." Qu Aiguo patted his head, "You are looking for Dong Ge, his office is in the government affairs building behind."

"Don't be in a hurry, classmate. I heard from the doorman that you are the president of the Cucumber Garden Science Fiction Association. Can I spare you some time and ask you a few questions?"

As soon as he heard that he was about to ask a question, Qu Aiguo put his hands back and pretended to say: "Actually, our association also has its rules. Normally, if you want to interview me, you need to contact our propaganda department first."

"Ah?" Ma Xiaohong was taken aback. Isn't the Cucumber Garden Association a student organization, so strict?
"Of course, it's not easy for you as a little girl in this winter, so I'll make an exception for you. I'm willing to accept your interview, so if you can't arrange a good venue temporarily, go to the headquarters of our association. "

Ma Xiaohong wanted to explain something, but she heard Qu Aiguo say, "I'll introduce our association to you after I go, and I know Teacher Dong very well. It can be said that he doesn't know him as well as I do."

"OK then……"

In this way, Ma Xiaohong followed Qu Aiguo to the activity classroom of the Science Fiction Association in a daze.

When they arrived at the activity room, Qu Aiguo distributed the magazine to several members present, and then found a table to sit face to face with Ma Xiaohong.

"Reporter Ma, shall we check the manuscript first, or start right away?"

"Let's start directly..."

Ma Xiaohong didn't know why the scene became like this. She only wanted to ask a few questions, but why did it look like an exclusive interview?

Is this guy really a student?
Not only is he very old, but his style is also old-fashioned. If it hadn't been for the introduction by the guard before, Ma Xiaohong would never have thought that he was still a student.

But since it's here, it's safe, maybe you can dig some good materials from here.

Ma Xiaohong straightened her body, took out a pen and paper, and asked, "First question, what's your name?"

"My name is……"

Just as Qu Aiguo was about to speak, when he thought of something, he waved to the members present: "Xinmin Evening News arranged for reporter Ma to do an exclusive interview with our association, you guys should come and listen too, so you can learn a lot. "

When several members heard that "Xinmin Evening News" was interviewing the association, they immediately gathered around.

Be good, the association is in trouble now, even the "Xinmin Evening News" came to interview.

Ma Xiaohong looked at the members of the association who surrounded her, and swallowed, she suddenly felt that there was a leak in the Tianling Gai.

 Thank you [Huang Tian Zai Kong] for the 100 tip
(End of this chapter)

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