Chapter 239 Editor-in-Chief Ma
"Look, you said a week ago that you were almost done writing, and in the end, we both made the same progress."

Yu Dong and Bi Feiyu rode bicycles towards the outside of the school. They were going to deliver manuscripts of essays to the "Zhongshan" magazine.

Although "Resident Evil 2" and "Fatal Identity" have not been finished yet, Yu Dong still took the time to write the essay.

"This thing, the inspiration comes, and it can't be stopped."

Bi Feiyu was teased by Yu Dong, but she was not annoyed, and said with a smile: "I waited for you on purpose, lest you end up submitting the manuscript and lose face."

"Tough mouth."

The two chatted and laughed as they reached the gate. When Uncle Zhou saw them, he smiled and said, "Teacher Yu, is it over so soon?"

It's over so soon?
Uncle Zhou's ears are so good this week, he heard the conversation between himself and Bi Feiyu?
This is obviously impossible. Just now they were tens of meters away, and the sound was not loud.

"What's over?" Yu Dong asked.

This time it was Uncle Zhou's turn to be surprised, "Interview, the reporter from "Xinmin Evening News" came in to interview you before, isn't it today?"

"Is it?"

Yu Dong looked at his watch, and the interview with "Xinmin Evening News" was about 10:30, and it was only early nine o'clock, so Yu Dong took advantage of this time to deliver the manuscript, and came back just in time for the interview.

Of course, it is understandable that the other party came earlier, but no one has heard of it.

It stands to reason that when the other party came, he would definitely have to greet him. He and Bi Feiyu were both in the office just now, so they didn't see anyone.

"When did the man come?" Yu Dong asked again.

"It's been a while." Uncle Zhou flipped through the register, "Oh, I've been here for more than half an hour. She's a little girl. She's young and looks like she's in her early twenties."

Yu Dong and Bi Feiyu looked at each other, it was wrong, if they came for half an hour, they would not know.

"Could it be lost?" Bi Feiyu guessed.

"That can't be done. I made it clear to her that it's in the building behind. Our school is only so big, so it might be difficult to get lost."

Uncle Zhou is right, it is indeed difficult to get lost in Jinyi.

"It can't be a fake reporter, sneaking in, just like the one who bought the script last time." Bi Feiyu guessed again.

"That can't be done. I checked her work card. She is indeed a reporter from the Xinmin Evening News. The possibility of forging a work card is not high, because the work card is easy to forge, but you need to know in advance that the Xinmin Evening News will come to the school for an interview. If it is true, our school will definitely There is an insider. And this matter is easy to get rid of, after all, real reporters are also here. It takes such a big effort to do this, unless there is a problem with the brain."

Yu Dong and Bi Feiyu looked at each other, Uncle Zhou's reasoning was clear and logical, and it was a shame to ask him to be a doorman.

Yu Dong and the others were not too worried about Ma Xiaohong's whereabouts. After all, it was bright and sunny in school, so there was no possibility of accidents.

It’s just that this person’s disappearance is also a matter. After discussing it with Bi Feiyu, Yu Dong decided not to submit manuscripts to the magazine, but to find Ma Xiaohong first.

The two first went to the Youth League Committee to inquire, and then walked around the government affairs building, but in the end they still didn't see a trace.

Yu Dong looked at the time, "She has been in for an hour, let the radio call her."

Then the two went to the radio station again.


"Xiaohong, let me just say it, you will definitely gain something when you come here."

In the activity classroom of the Science Fiction Association, Qu Aiguo looked at Ma Xiaohong with a smile on his face. Just now, a member found the preview of Yu Dong's new book "Deep Space" in the new issue of "Science Fiction World". Qu Aiguo took this as the exclusive news and told Ma Xiaohong said.

Ma Xiaohong pursed her lips, what kind of harvest was this, the magazine published it.

During this nearly one hour, Qu Aiguo talked a lot about the Cucumber Garden Science Fiction Association, but only casually chatted about Dong's affairs.

Ma Xiaohong now knows the organizational structure, personnel distribution, rules and regulations, rewards and punishments of the Cucumber Garden Science Fiction Association, as well as the personal life of the president of the association...

Qu Aiguo, male, 26 years old, class monitor of Jinling Academy of Arts and Crafts 91, 1.8 meters [-] tall (I don't see it), loves sports, has won three consecutive gold arts autumn sports championships in shot put, and usually loves to read science fiction. Yu Dong A loyal fan of...

"Reporter Ma Xiaohong, reporter Ma Xiaohong, please go to the Propaganda Department of the Youth League Committee on the third floor of the Government Affairs Building when you hear the broadcast. Reporter Ma Xiaohong, Reporter Ma Xiaohong, please go to the Propaganda Department of the Youth League Committee on the third floor of the Government Affairs Building. Reporter Ma Xiaohong, Reporter Ma Xiaohong..."

Qu Aiguo was talking when the school radio rang.

Ma Xiaohong was shocked when she heard her name appear on the radio. She looked at her watch quickly. Fortunately, fortunately, it was not ten o'clock, so the interview was not delayed.

But why did the school announce his name?
With her mind in a mess, Ma Xiaohong quickly put away her notebook and pen, "I'm sorry, student Qu Aiguo, I'm going to the Propaganda Department."

Qu Aiguo said with a smile, "I'll see you off."

"no, I'm fine."

"I'm familiar with the Propaganda Department of the Youth League Committee. I can save time by taking you there. How much time is wasted if you explore by yourself."

Ma Xiaohong didn't refuse any more, and followed Qu Aiguo.

Halfway through, Qu Aiguo asked intentionally or unintentionally: "Reporter Ma, if you go out every day in this line of work, will your family have any objections?"

"Fortunately, I seldom go out to work, and spend most of my time in the agency. My parents are very supportive of my work, even if I often go out to work, it's okay."

"You live with your parents now?"

"Yeah, just graduated."

"Are you a native of Shanghai?"



After Ma Xiaohong went to the Propaganda Department of the Youth League Committee, she apologized for a while, "Sorry, sorry, I'm late."

Fu Jing from the foreign news team smiled and said: "Reporter Ma, you are not late, but you arrived at school more than an hour ago, and we haven't seen you, so we are just a little worried. Now that you are here, we are relieved. Let's go, I will take you to find Teacher Yu Dong."

While walking, Ma Xiaohong explained to Fu Jing: "I happened to meet the president of the Science Fiction Association, so I chatted with him for a while."

"Xiao Qu, oh, it's okay, it's good to chat with him, he knows the school and Dong very well."

Ma Xiaohong bit her lip, she was familiar with it, but her mouth was too tight, she seemed to have said a lot, but she didn't say a single key word.

Fu Jing took Ma Xiaohong to Yu Dong's office, and Yu Dong was chatting with Bi Feiyu about Ma Xiaohong.

Seeing people coming, both of them laughed, and Bi Feiyu said: "Reporter Ma, you are here to lurk."

One sentence made Ma Xiaohong's face turn red.

"Sorry, sorry."

Yu Dong looked at Ma Xiaohong's face and felt a little familiar. After combining the name Ma Xiaohong for a while, he finally remembered who this was.

The future editor-in-chief of "Xinmin Evening News" did not expect to be so young now.

(End of this chapter)

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