Chapter 240 Starship
When Ma Xiaohong became the editor-in-chief, Yu Dong was about to be reborn. Because "Xinmin Evening News" was based in Shanghai, Yu Dong paid more attention.Although Ma Xiaohong is much younger now, her appearance has not changed much.

In fact, when Yu Dong heard the name Ma Xiaohong just now, he felt vaguely familiar, but now he finally remembered it after seeing him.

The current Ma Xiaohong is still young and looks very shy. She bows her head when she says a word, just like a school student.

"Xinmin Evening News" sent such a newcomer to interview, but Yu Dong did not expect it.

However, in the later interviews, Ma Xiaohong's professional ability was commendable.

She listed several versions of the list of questions alone, and carefully marked the differences of each version, and then let Yu Dong choose by herself.

In addition to the questions on the list of questions, she also made some other extensions, such as she also asked about the new book "Deep Space".

This surprised Yu Dongting, because the new issue of "Science Fiction World" just came out today.

It was really not easy for Ma Xiaohong to come all the way from Shanghai to read today's magazines.

Also because of her dedication, Yu Dong not only talked about "Deep Space", but also talked about his next two books, "Fatal Identity" and "Resident Evil 2".

"Teacher Yu, you said that "Fatal Identity" is mainly about reasoning and thriller elements, does that mean you are considering transformation?"

Yu Dong smiled and said, "What type of author am I?"

This question stopped Ma Xiaohong.

Yes, Yu Dong doesn't seem to be a "genre writer".

You can say that he is a science fiction writer, but he is so successful in traditional literature. You can say that he is a traditional writer, and his popular novels are sold abroad.

Ma Xiaohong looked at the notes, and the conversation was almost done today, and if she continued to ask, maybe Yu Dong would get bored, so it's better to stop in moderation.

"Okay, today's interview is over here, thank you Teacher Yu for your cooperation today."

Ma Xiaohong was really grateful to Yu Dong. Before she came, she thought she would encounter difficulties, but she didn't expect Yu Dong to be so easy to talk to. He didn't put on airs at all, and he didn't shy away from problems.

"Thank you for your hard work. You came here from such a long distance. Don't rush to leave at noon, let's go to the cafeteria to have a working meal together."

"No, no, I'm on the train after one o'clock in the afternoon, and I have to go back today. When I have a chance next time, Mr. Yu, come to our club as a guest, and I'll treat you to dinner..."

Ma Xiaohong originally wanted to ask Yu Dong to eat local dishes, but then she thought that Yu Dong was born and raised in Shanghai.

"Okay, see you next time, I'll see you off."

Yu Dong took Ma Xiaohong out of the meeting room, but seeing Qu Aiguo waiting at the door, he wondered, "You need me for something?"

Qu Aiguo scratched his head, "I have a few questions I want to ask Reporter Ma."

Yu Dong looked at the two of them unexpectedly, "Do you know each other?"

"I met on the road just now, and we chatted for a few words, and we hit it off." Qu Aiguo explained.

Yu Dong didn't doubt him, nodded and said: "That's just right, you help me send the reporter Ma."

"Guaranteed to complete the task." Qu Aiguo said, patting his chest.

Yu Dong said to Ma Xiaohong again: "Reporter Ma, I still have some work to do, so I won't send it away. Qu Aiguo is my student. If you have any other questions, you can ask him."

"Okay, Teacher Yu, go and do your work."

After Yu Dong left, Qu Aiguo asked Ma Xiaohong with a smile, "Xiaohong, how was the interview just now? Brother Dong didn't make things difficult for you, did he?"

"No, Teacher Yu is very kind."

"Hey, are you going to the train station? Let me see you off. I just have a few questions to ask you."

Ma Xiaohong was a little hesitant, and Qu Aiguo said again: "You are stupid, we two have a good relationship, if I have any inside information in the future, don't I tell you all? Not only from Dong Ge, but also from Teacher Bi and Teacher Yu Hua, The few of them often play together. Before the three of them had Han you know the poet Han Dong?"

"I know." Ma Xiaohong nodded.

"The last time they went to the association together, they gave us speeches one by one."

"A few of them went to the Science Fiction Association to give a speech to you?"

Qu Aiguo said awkwardly: "It's not the Science Fiction Association, it's the Poetry Reading Club. I'm also a member of the Poetry Reading Club. Anyway, no matter what happens to Jin Yi, I can't escape my eyes."


"Come on, I'll take you to the train station. I'll take you to eat some warm food while I have time. It's so cold and I'm still on my way. It's impossible not to eat something."


The news that "Deep Space" will be serialized in "Science Fiction World" spread quickly in the sci-fi circles. Science fiction fans have not seen Yu Dong's works on "Science Fiction World" for a long time, so when the news came out this time, everyone very excited.

Although the quality of works on "Science Fiction World" has been getting higher and higher in the past year, and newcomers have emerged in large numbers, people are still looking forward to Yu Dong's works with all their heart.

It feels like "Science Fiction World" lacks Yu Dong's works, as if something is missing.

In fact, it's not just sci-fi fans who are anxious, Yang Xiao and Tan Kai have always been anxious.

The sales of "Science Fiction World" are still rising every issue, but after comparing the data, it is found that in the past few months when Yu Dong has not released any works, the sales growth has been getting lower and lower, and it seems to be reaching a bottleneck.

This is enough to see the importance of Yudong to "Science Fiction World".

"Yu Dong still has too few novelettes and short stories."

Yang Xiao leaned on the office chair and sighed with some regret.

Tan Kai, who was sitting across from him, smiled and said, "The lack of novelettes is not the root cause of the problem. The root cause is that he does not specialize in science fiction like other science fiction writers. For example, "Xiang Xi", which has recently sparked heated discussions, you can say that this novel did not take half a year. Time to write, I don't believe it at all."

Yang Xiao nodded: "That's Yu Dong. If you change someone else, you won't be able to write for a year. His efficiency has always been very high, but too many things distract him. The key is that he still has a teaching job. Writing is a sideline in itself.”

"That's right, he was just a counselor before, and after teaching classes, he has even less time."

"Fortunately, if you have nothing to do, call him to communicate with him, and urge the draft by insinuating. By the way, what about Han Song, has there been any movement lately?"

Speaking of Han Song, Tan Kai laughed, "Maybe it's because he has seen the good development of science fiction, and he is quite motivated. I heard that he has a novella in his hand recently, which is also about interstellar."

After the interstellar topic came out, it still played a role. A large number of manuscripts about interstellar were sent to the magazine, and many of them were high-quality manuscripts.

Speaking of which, Yu Dong's "Deep Space" is a step behind.

However, Yang Xiao and Tan Kai knew clearly that once the novel "Deep Space" came out, their interstellar special ship could be regarded as really launched.

(End of this chapter)

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