Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 241 Is there such a coincidence in the world?

Chapter 241 Is there such a coincidence in the world?

If the news of the upcoming serialization of "Deep Space" ignited the enthusiasm of sci-fi fans, then a report on "Reference News" the next day directly detonated the sci-fi world.

"The film and television adaptation rights of "Second World" belong to Universal Pictures!"

"The film and television adaptation rights of the novel "Second World" serialized by the famous domestic writer Yu Dong in "Science Fiction World" have been confirmed to be purchased by Universal Pictures, and it is reported that it has entered the stage of filming..."

"Industry sources revealed that the shooting of "Second World" will use the latest movie special effects, and the visual effect is likely to surpass that of "Jurassic Park" directed by Spielberg before. As we all know, Spielberg is a..."

"It exploded, it exploded."

When Fang Tao saw the news, he jumped up from his chair.

The past two days have been too exciting. The news of Yu Dong's new book "Deep Space" just came out yesterday, and another blockbuster has come out today.

Although most people in the country don't know Universal Pictures or Spielberg, the word Hollywood is well known to every household.

Hollywood is like a symbol, representing all foreign blockbusters.

And it was written clearly in the news that the shooting of "Second World" is very likely to use the latest film technology.

Ignoring the need to seriously study the news, Fang Tao ran to the branch of the Science Fiction Association with his hands. He wanted to spread the news as soon as possible.


This report by "Reference News" stirred up not only the sci-fi circle, but also the movie circle.

In the past two years, the domestic film and television industry has been undercurrents, and the higher-ups have been leaking rumors, and everyone knows that there will be big moves soon.

Last year, Wu Mengcheng, the general manager of China Film Corporation, proposed to the Film Bureau to adopt the internationally accepted method of box office sharing and import the latest first-class foreign films, with the purpose of using distribution revenue to support the film industry in poor areas.

The film bureau has been discussing this issue for the past two years, but there has been no specific statement.

This year, the Ministry of Radio, Film and Television issued the "Several Opinions on Deepening the Reform of the Film Industry Mechanism" and its "Implementation Rules".

Although this "No. [-] Document" did not explicitly implement the box office accounting model, it sent out a signal: China's film distribution model has begun to transition to a market economy system.

Maybe it won't be long before Wu Mengcheng's proposal will be realized.

At that time, Hollywood blockbusters will be introduced into the country.

And "Second World" was bought by Hollywood to shoot at this stage, so people had to put these two things together.

Zhang Yimou saw this news at the filming site of "To Live", and Liu Heng was next to him. Both of them immediately thought of the film distribution model.

"Tell me, if the timing is such a coincidence, is it possible for "Second World" to become the first foreign film to enter the country after the reform?" Liu Heng asked with interest, holding a half uneaten steamed bun in his hand. road.

Zhang Yimou nodded and said: "If the timing is good, there is indeed a possibility. "Second World" has inherent advantages, as long as Spielberg doesn't mess around with the content, there should be no problem. At that time, just one The gimmick of adapting a novel by a 'domestic writer' is enough to explode the box office, which is impossible for other foreign films. And I believe that Yu Dong will definitely play a role in the middle."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Direct effect."

"Yu Dong has this idea?" Liu Heng asked suspiciously, "He doesn't seem to care too much about the movie. When you were filming "Soft Knife" before, he didn't ask a question from the beginning to the end."

"He doesn't have this idea, but his agent does. As far as I know, that Jimmy has a lot of contacts in foreign film circles. If he knows that China is going to introduce foreign blockbusters, he will definitely work actively."

Although he didn't meet Jimmy many times, Zhang Yimou knew the businessman's habits too well. Faced with such a good opportunity, it was impossible for Jimmy to miss it.

"Second World" itself has an advantage in the introduction, and after his operation, it is basically a certainty.

"However, we still forgot one thing." Zhang Yimou suddenly said again.

Liu Heng asked, "What's the matter?"

"More than one of Yu Dong's novels is being filmed. As far as I know, the filming of the previous "Resident Evil" has already started, and it should come out first."

Liu Heng pouted and shook his head, "I don't like "Resident Evil". The content is too bloody and not suitable for introduction."

"That's true."

Zhang Yimou nodded, and the introduction of foreign films will definitely be within the scope of consideration.

"You two, what are you talking about?"

The leading actor in "Alive", Ge You, who played Fugui, walked over holding a bag of soy milk. The soy milk was still warm, so he took a sip and breathed out.

Zhang Yimou handed him "Reference News", he took the newspaper, and squatted down beside Zhang Yimou and the others.

"What big news, I just saw you two muttering here from afar." Then Ge You glanced at the news headlines, opened his mouth wide, "Hey, it's really big news. Why did Mr. Yu Dong appear in the newspaper again? The last time he appeared on "Reference News" was because of "Resident Evil", this time it's even worse, Spielberg is here. Seeing this news, Director Zhang, do you regret it?"

"How do you say that?" Zhang Yimou asked.

Ge You patted the newspaper, "If "Soft Knife" is released later, just in time for this news, the response will definitely be even higher."

"You think carefully." Zhang Yimou patted his knees and got up, "Let's go, Ge You, go change your clothes, and change to the part where you herd cattle today."

"Cow herding?" Ge You was taken aback, "Didn't you film the part of the cow herding? Besides, it's cold..."

Liu Heng smiled and said, "Director Zhang is just kidding you."


It was already noon when Yu Dong saw the report on "Reference News", but he had heard about it from Jimmy before.In order to make the news more effective, Jimmy deliberately pushed the news to the time when the latest issue of "Science Fiction World" came out.

The effect was exactly as Jimmy expected. When the two pieces of news were put together, the effect would definitely be one plus one greater than two.

"Do you have anything else to do?"

Yu Dong looked up at Qu Aiguo who sent him "Reference News".

"Yes, there is still something to do." Qu Aiguo scratched his head shyly.

Yu Dong couldn't help laughing, Qu Aiguo like this is rare.

Moreover, Yu Dong felt a little weird that Qu Aiguo came to deliver the newspaper today.

Qu Aiguo likes to flatter, but he always speaks well, and his words are better than his songs.Jia Zhangke often does such things as delivering newspapers.

"If you have anything to say, just say it. After all, this newspaper can't be given away for nothing."

"Brother Dong, I just want to ask you, do you have any rules for dating in Shanghai?"

"What are the rules for dating? I don't quite understand your question. Are you asking about marriage customs, or do you want to ask young people what conditions they look for in dating?"

"Actually, I just want to ask, what kind of men do Shanghai girls like?"

"It's hard to say, the girls in Shanghai are not all the same." Yu Dong looked at Qu Aiguo, "Why did you suddenly ask this? Which girl from Shanghai do you like? Li Jing seems to be the only one in our class." It’s Shanghai.”

"No, Li Jing has a partner."

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows, "Li Jing has a date? It seems that I don't know many things about you. Is Li Jing's date from our class?"

Qu Aiguo licked his lips, "Brother Dong, just let me go, if I tell you, won't I become a villain who reports?"

"Hey, it's just a matter of talking about someone. Then it's not Li Jing you're looking for, but who is it?"

"Not from our school..."

"From Jinling University? From the southeast? It seems that you are not as busy as you say, and your hands are stretched so long."

"No, isn't this fate?" Qu Aiguo rubbed his hands, "Brother Dong, let me tell you the truth, I think Ma Xiaohong, who came to interview you last time, is pretty good, and I chatted well with her." It's very speculative. But I don't know much about Shanghai girls, so I want to learn from you."

Yu Dong stared blankly at Qu Aiguo, this kid is really a good apprentice, if there is nothing to do, he would light a big bomb for his teacher, and it would make his scalp numb and his outside scorched and tender inside.

Ma Xiaohong only stayed at Jinyi for more than two hours, and half of the time was spent interviewing herself. Yu Dong really couldn't figure out how the two of them chatted speculatively and fell in love at first sight.

Speaking of which, Ma Xiaohong was pretty good looking, but Jin Yi had at least a row of girls who were prettier than her, let alone a handful.

After being stunned for a long time, Yu Dong said, "Patriotic, I tell you as a teacher, if you want to have a date with Ma Xiaohong, you must be mentally prepared."

Qu Aiguo blinked his eyes and asked, "Why, are you girls in Shanghai particularly difficult?"

Yu Dong waved his hand, "It has nothing to do with going to Shanghai or not. The main reason is that Ma Xiaohong is a girl who is very self-motivated. She is not the type who caresses her husband and raises her children at home. Maybe in the future you will take care of the inside and she will take care of the outside. Can you accept these?"

"Brother Dong, you are exaggerating. I think Ma Xiaohong is a soft and weak girl, and she is quite a little bird. Besides, under the brilliance of humanity you spread, I will never grow into a A big man with old feudal ideas. I absolutely respect the independence of women. If she really wants to pursue her career, I will definitely go hand in hand with her to create a better future."

Yu Dong nodded: "If you are mentally prepared, then there is no problem. As for whether to go to Shanghai or not, don't think too much about it. Which girl likes what, you need to find out by yourself. Then again, if she likes It's not your type, will you change it according to her preferences?"

"I can change the small aspects, but I certainly can't change the big ones. I can't change this either."

"That's right, just be yourself."

"Okay, with Brother Dong's words, I feel at ease." Then Qu Aiguo looked at the newspaper in Yu Dong's hand again, and said with a smile, "You have read this newspaper, I still have a lot to read , I’ll take it back first.”

Yu Dong looked at Qu Aiguo's back, and then at his empty hands.

This little bunny!
Typical unloading and killing donkeys!
Shimen is unfortunate, really Shimen is unfortunate.

But it reminded him of the scene when he "borrowed books" from his teacher Hu Yueming back then. It is estimated that the teacher at that time was in the same mood as he is now.

Speaking of it, it's really me who is upright.


Hu Yueming, who was reading the newspaper, suddenly jumped up his eyelids.

"What happened today? Why are my eyelids always twitching?"

After reading the newspaper, he got up and went to the big office of the Faculty of Arts.

"Is there a September issue of Youth Literature?"

After asking around, he finally found one.

The reason why I was looking for this magazine was because of the kid I met when I visited Huizhou last time.At that time, because of "Contemporary", he became interested in the kid named Ruan Xiaohu. After many exchanges, he found that Ruan Xiaohu had a strong interest in literature and a lot of insights.

For a student who only went to the second year of high school, this insight is really rare.

So after the tour, the two would occasionally communicate.

In addition, I don't know if it's an illusion, but when Ruan Xiaohu learned that he was a teacher at Yan Normal University's College of Arts, he behaved very strangely, a little excited, a little shy, and a little unpredictable.

When Ruan Xiaohu first learned that he was teaching at the university, he also showed admiration, but after hearing about Yan Normal University, he immediately became different. Hu Yueming felt that Yan Normal University should be a very special existence to Ruan Xiaohu when he came. .

But everyone has everyone's story, the specific reason is that Hu Yueming didn't ask about it.

This morning, Hu Yueming received a letter from Ruan Xiaohu, in which he said that he had actually published a novel in "Youth Literature" and that he was about to publish a second novel.

Hu Yueming was very surprised to learn that Ruan Xiaohu had published a novel in a magazine, so he went to find a copy to read.

Ruan Xiaohu's novel is called "Little Tiger", and he didn't shy away from his name at all.

"In May 1991, Xiaohu became a thief."

When he saw the first sentence, Hu Yueming felt a little familiar. With this familiarity, he read all the content that followed.

"This seems to be Yu Dong's style."

Hu Yueming knew that Ruan Xiaohu liked Yu Dong. When they talked about "Xiang Xi" in "Contemporary", Ruan Xiaohu was very familiar with Dong's works.

So Ruan Xiaohu's imitation of Yu Dong in his novels doesn't seem to be a particularly strange thing.

But Hu Yueming always felt that something was wrong.

Once this thought appeared, I couldn't stop it.

"What's wrong?"

Hu Yueming read the novel "Little Tiger" carefully, and then recalled the details of the communication with Ruan Xiaohu, and suddenly an idea came to his mind that he felt unbelievable.

Ruan Xiaohu knew Yu Dong, and the prototype of the owner of the "manuscript" in "Little Tiger" was probably Yu Dong.

"Is this possible? Is there such a coincidence in the world?"

(End of this chapter)

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