Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 242 Jimmy's Routine

Chapter 242 Jimmy's Routine

When Hu Yueming received the call, Yu Dong had just returned from the cafeteria after eating.


"it's me."

"Teacher, you pinched it really well. I just entered the dormitory with my front foot, and the phone rang." Yu Dong was also very happy when he received the teacher's call. Originally, he still wanted to make a call these few days Say hello to Hu Yueming.

"I just finished eating, so you should finish eating and go back. I read the news on "Reference News". It's a good thing. Now many students in the Chinese Department like to watch science fiction. Part of it was influenced by you. And Yang Peng, he did a good job."

"Teacher, you don't blame me for taking my juniors and juniors bad, do you?" Yu Dong joked.

"Nonsense." Hu Yueming laughed, "Principal Su mentioned before that he wants to invite you back to school for a symposium."

"How can I..."

"Don't be modest, it's just a symposium. Besides, I'm not only going to invite you, but I might also invite Su Tong, Yu Hua, and Mo Yan. You and Su Tong graduated from Yan Normal University, and Yu Hua and Mo Yan has also studied here, and they are all alumni. After this matter is settled, you can help Yu Hua and Mo Yan with their work."

Yu Dong didn't refuse, nodded and said: "Okay, if there is a need, I will go and tell them, but whether I can invite them is not up to me."

"Just do your best."

After saying this sentence, Hu Yueming suddenly fell silent for a moment, and when Yu Dong was about to speak, Hu Yueming spoke again: "Ask you something."

"Well, teacher, you ask."

"Do you know a young man named Ruan Xiaohu?"

Ruan Xiaohu said these three words from Hu Yueming's mouth, which surprised Yu Dong: How could the teacher know Ruan Xiaohu?

After thinking about it, Yu Dong said, "I do know it, and you know it too, Teacher?"

"Yes, he was our tour guide when we traveled to Huizhou before."

Yu Dong smiled and said: "So that's the case, that's quite a coincidence, you guys talked about me?"

"We talked, but he didn't tell me he knew you."

"Didn't you say it?" Yu Dong was a little surprised, "Then how did you know, teacher?"



"That's it..."

Then Hu Yueming told Yu Dong the process of his guessing. After listening to it, Yu Dong couldn't help but sigh secretly. Unexpectedly, the teacher is still a master of reasoning, so he can guess almost exactly like this.

But regarding the novel, Yu Dong still explained: "Teacher, I did meet Ruan Xiaohu on the train, but I can't be sure whether the plot in his novel happened."

"Understood, as long as he doesn't say it directly, you can just pretend it didn't happen. Even if this kind of thing really happened, it shouldn't be passed on from you and me. Besides, you really have no way to be sure." Hu Yueming instructed.

"That's what I intended."

After hearing Yu Dong's answer, Hu Yueming laughed happily: "I want to praise you for this matter, teacher, preaching and accepting karma to solve doubts, we should not only regard teachers as a profession to make a living, but also sincerely Dedicate yourself to this career, and at the same time, you should not be limited to the one-acre three-point land in front of you. It is said that there is no one to teach, which is difficult to do, but Ruan Xiaohu has done a good job in this matter. In between, you can change a person, or even save a person."

"This year, Mr. Qigong wrote an inscription for our school's publishing house: Teachers follow the rules and set an example. I think these eight words are very warning. Teachers should naturally lead by example and moisten things silently."

Yu Dong nodded with emotion. Of course Yu Dong knew these eight characters. Later, Yan Normal University's school motto "Learn to be a teacher, act as a model" was the predecessor of it.

"Thanks to the teacher, the students have benefited a lot."

"Stop being polite. I will still communicate with Ruan Xiaohu, but I won't tell him about these things. You can tell him later."

"I see."

"Okay, I'll hang up first, you go ahead."


After hanging up the phone, Yu Dong touched his head, still feeling incredible.

This world is too small, the teacher can meet Ruan Xiaohu every time he goes on a trip, after much deliberation, only fate can explain it.

In fact, Yu Dong received a letter from Ruan Xiaohu a few days ago. From the content of the letter, it can be seen that Xiaohu has been very happy recently. His career as a tour guide is stable and his writing has made great progress. A novel, which will be published in March.

Yu Dong was naturally happy for him.

Xiaohu has been working hard to live, facing the difficulties and hardships in life, he has always smiled at each other.What impressed Yu Dong very deeply was that when Xiaohu was fired, he was also smiling, without resentment or resentment.

Yu Dong believes that even without him, it may be more tortuous, but Ruan Xiaohu will probably walk on a bright road in the end.


Spielberg looked at some of the storyboard drafts of his preliminary drawings, and felt that something was missing no matter how he looked at it.

At the beginning, he focused on the virtual world. Later, as he continued to dig into the script, he discovered that many things displayed in the "game world" in the novel have great potential.

For example, the mobile phone mentioned in it does not look too sci-fi, and it has been mentioned in sci-fi works a long time ago, but the description of the appearance of this mobile phone and the capabilities it can display in "Second World" The functional description is so nuanced that no matter how he draws it, he feels that it lacks a natural atmosphere.

The small details shown in many places in "Second World" give people the feeling that they are things that can be realized at any time in life. At first glance, they are not science fiction at all, but as you read deeper, you will feel that there are enough A huge and rigorous "living system" has emerged earlier.

These things that are not available now seem to be not far from people at all.

In this case, these props cannot be designed too fanciful, but need to be realistic.

After thinking about it for a long time, Spielberg called Jimmy James.

After receiving Spielberg's call, Jimmy looked very happy, "Mr. Spielberg, what can I do for you?"

Spielberg cut to the chase: "I need a little help with the props."

"Props?" Jimmy didn't react for a while, "I think you don't need my help when it comes to props. Everyone knows that Director Spielberg has absolute authority in props. Maybe I can introduce a few The prop expert will give it to you, but I’m afraid it may not be able to help you.”

"No, no, Jimmy, you didn't understand what I meant. I have a lot of doubts about props, and I'm afraid I need answers from the original author. I don't know if YU is willing to come and help me. Of course, it will never be free."

Jimmy murmured.

In his opinion, this is definitely a good thing. It can not only make money, but also gain a good reputation, and it is definitely good for the movie.

But the problem is that Yu Dong may not have the time.

Yu Dong is really busy, teaching, writing books, falling in love, each of which takes up a lot of his time.The help that Spielberg mentioned would never be resolved in a few words, and it would definitely require Yu Dong to make a special trip.

"Mr. Spielberg, I'm afraid I can't promise you right away. I need to ask what YU means. You know, he is in China, so it's not easy to come here."

"20 US dollars, as a reward for the prop consultant."


Just as Jimmy was about to speak, Spielberg continued: "Another $20 is for him to participate in the screenwriting. There is another $[-] for his assistance in publicity. The so-called publicity, he only needs to come to participate in a show at that time. The "Second World" signing event will do."

$50... Jimmy licked his lips, he was really tempted.

Jimmy really wanted to agree to Spielberg's terms immediately if he could.If it's another author, Jimmy is completely confident that he can handle it, but Yu Dong is different, Yu Dong is his boss.

"Mr. Spielberg, I absolutely believe in your sincerity. I will try my best to persuade you at YU. How about it, give me three days... no, two days, after two days, I will give you reply."

Jimmy's reaction made Spielberg a little surprised, 50 US dollars, can't Jimmy directly make a decision?Does this YU really not love money at all?
With so much money, let alone China, Spielberg believes that even in the United States, few people can resist such a temptation.

But the matter has come to this point, Spielberg can only say helplessly: "Alright, I will wait for you for two days, hoping to get a good answer."

"Don't worry, I will try my best."


After finishing the call with Spielberg, Jimmy did not rush to contact Yu Dong, because he felt that the probability of success in talking to Yu Dong about this matter was not high.

And he had to carefully consider Yu Dong's schedule to find the most suitable time for him.

After a while, the school will be on winter vacation, and Yu Dong might be able to leave a few days earlier. After all, during the Chinese New Year, he might be able to spare 20 days.

If it doesn't work, move the time to the next year, but the time is much less, it should only be ten days.

After thinking about the schedule, Jimmy began to think about how to get Yu Dong to agree, preferably with a reason that Yu Dong could not refuse.

What reason should I use...

Jimmy scratched his head, alas, if it were any other writer, he would just shoot the money in front of him.


Jimmy suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and quickly took out a pen and paper.

He thought of two reasons.

The first one is to ask the YU Umbrella Reading Club to create a "petition", please come to the United States to do a book signing, and then try to find as many people as possible to sign the "petition".

Yu Dong is an author no matter what, and he must have feelings for readers who love him. If thousands of readers invite him to come to the United States to sign books, he is likely to be moved.

Of course, this is not safe.

So Jimmy has a second trick.

Yu Dong is the teacher of Jinyi, and Jinyi has an art department. The most important thing is that Yu Dong is the counselor of the arts and crafts major.

Didn't Spielberg want Yu Donglai to be a prop consultant?

Although those things were written by Yu Dong himself, he is not very good at art. At that time, Yu Dong can bring a few students from the art department to participate in prop design, and he can also persuade Spielberg to give these few A little salary for each student, not too much, one or two thousand dollars per person, Spielberg should not refuse.

Children are the weakness of parents, and students are the weakness of teachers. For the sake of students, Yu Dong has no way to refuse this proposal.

"Hey, Dong, don't blame me for tricking you, I'm really doing it for your own good."

Having made his decision, Jimmy rolled up his sleeves and got to work.

He went to find Jeff Gonzalez first.

The young man was very pleasantly surprised when he saw Jimmy, "Mr. James, why are you here? The suggestion you gave me last time was very effective. The enthusiasm of the members has increased a lot, and many new members have been recruited recently. There are many of them. People come here for the point exchange system. We don’t need to do any extra mobilization now, and those student members are very active to help promote it.”

What Jeff said was within Jimmy's expectation. He said with a smile: "Take these things slowly, don't rush them, and try to control the number of activities, not too much, not too little, so that members feel hopeful, but not too much. They find it very easy to earn points."

"I understand that, we've always done that."

Jimmy nodded, "I'm here this time to tell you some good news."

"good news?"

Jeff opened his eyes wide. From the time he met Jimmy to now, the other party has never let him down. If Jimmy said it was good news, it must be good news.

"That's right, great news, YU is likely to come to the United States to hold a signing event."

"Really, when is he coming? In what city? What can we do?"

Jeff couldn't help rubbing his hands, and walked up and down the office. He usually looked mature and stable in front of the members, but in front of Jimmy, especially after hearing such great news , I couldn't hold back at all.

Jimmy pressed his hand and signaled Jeff to calm down, "It's just a possibility, everything is uncertain now. So I need you to do something for me."

"I can do whatever I need," Jeff said, patting his chest.

"It's not too difficult. I hope that YU can see the enthusiasm of American readers. In two days, make a 'petition' and get as many people as possible to sign it."


"It's very simple, you go and get a banner, and it says that you want YU to come to the United States to hold a signing event and get someone to sign it. If one banner is not enough, get two. But it must be true, and it cannot be signed by one person. Kind of."

Jeff touched his head in embarrassment. He was thinking just now that this is not an easy matter. One person can sign tens of hundreds of names, and tens of thousands of names can be obtained casually.

Now that Jimmy has said that this is not possible, he has dismissed the idea.

Jimmy is too mysterious, and Jeff can't play tricks in front of him.

 Thank you [Cheese Flavored Wafers] for the 1500 tip
  Thank you [Huang Tian Zai Kong] for the 100 tip
(End of this chapter)

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