Chapter 243
As soon as Hahns entered the base camp of the reading club, he felt a busy atmosphere. Everyone walked fast and focused.

When the staff saw him, they called out "President" and went on with their own business.

After Jeff joined the reading club, Hahns was still the president of the reading club. Although he usually didn't care about things, everyone still respected him very much.

On the one hand, because some of the old backbones of the reading club were developed by him in the early stage, on the other hand, he is also very rich, and he personally paid a lot of sponsorship to the association.

However, as the president of the reading club, sometimes it is not a good thing. For example, after the book club point exchange system came out, he wanted to redeem the signed book, but Jeff advised him not to change it.

Because his status is too sensitive, if the book is replaced by him, it may cause dissatisfaction among the members.

Looking at the busy people, Hahns went straight to Jeff Gonzalez's office with doubts, "Jeff, will there be any activities for studying today? I think everyone is very busy."

"Hahns, you came just in time. I have good news to tell you that YU may be coming to the United States for a signing event."

Hahns asked in surprise, "Really? I haven't seen any relevant information on the news, and you learned about it from that mysterious person?"

Jeff smiled and said, "Of course, I told you a long time ago that it is good for us to make the reading club bigger."

Hahns nodded, agreeing with Jeff's statement.

When Jeff first found them, he didn't think about these things, and he was not interested in holding a big book club. He just hoped to find other readers who like YU to communicate with.

Now it seems that what Jeff said is right, at least with the reading club, they can do things that they never dared to think of before.

The mysterious person Jeff mentioned is most likely YU's book agent in the United States. Apart from that, Hahns really can't imagine who else can get so much inside information and give them a lot of information. The reading club provides support in all aspects.

"What about the place and time, did that person tell you?"

Jeff shook his head, "Not yet, to be precise, it's not yet decided whether to come or not. What we have to do now is to make a petition, and then on this petition... That's why everyone is so busy. "

"This is not difficult to do. Let our members mobilize their friends around, especially the student members who are studying in school. They can help mobilize the students around them, so that tens of thousands of signatures can be obtained quickly. And Passers-by can’t be spared either, we can set up a petition at the Little Bear Bookstore, where we can put a banner, and book lovers who pass by can sign it at any time.”

Seeing Hahns so positive, Jeff laughed, "I've never seen you so enthusiastic about these things."

"Of course I don't want to miss the chance to meet YU."

"Haha, don't worry, I've already thought of what you said, and I'm starting to do it."

Hahns said with a smile: "Yes, your ability is obvious to all."


While Yu Dong was sorting out the manuscripts in the corner, he received a call from Su Tong.

"Do you have time tonight?" Su Tong asked.

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"Where are Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu, do they have time?" Su Tong asked again.

"I don't know about that, I have to ask. What's the matter, Senior Brother, you're so thoughtless, I can't ask."

"That's it. Li Xiao will come over in a while. I want to have dinner with everyone in the evening."

Li should be Li Xiaotang, the son of Ba Jin, and the younger brother of Li Xiaolin.

"Okay, I see, I'm going to find them now."

"If the two of them have time, you guys can go pick up Li Xiao together, don't bring him to the magazine office, the office is cleaning up today, there is no place for him to lay down when he comes here."

Yu Dong laughed and said, "It's not Chinese New Year yet, so we're starting to clean up."

"There's no time until the end of the year. He's on the train to Jinling at [-]:[-]. If Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu don't go, tell me and I'll send someone there."

"No, if they don't go, it's the same if I go."

"Alright, then I'll leave this to you."


After talking to Su Tong, Yu Dong put down the manuscript in his hand and went to the teacher's apartment.

Both Bi Feiyu and Yu Hua said that they have time.

"What is Li Xiaotang doing in Jinling at this time?" Bi Feiyu asked with some doubts.

"What else can I do? I'm sure he came here to deliver the manuscript." Yu Hua laughed, "Actually, he could just take the manuscript to "Harvest", but as a human being, you have to fight for your breath."

In fact, being the child of a literary giant is not an easy task. When people talk about Li Xiaotang, they will say "I am the son of Ba Jin".No matter what achievements Li Xiaotang has made in literature, people look at these works in a different way.

He writes novels, hey, isn't that what it should be? It's strange that there is such a person in the family who can't write.

Well written?It should be, the tiger father has no dogs, besides, who knows that his father did not give some "guidance"?The novel must be written entirely by himself?Not necessarily?
He publishes novels in Harvest?Who doesn't know that "Harvest" belongs to his family, and publishing novels in his own magazine, there is nothing to say.

He won an award?Isn't that because he has a good father, without his father, who would award him the awards for his works, isn't the literary circle also a circle of relationships?

He also published novels in other magazines ?Isn't this hard to understand? With such a father, which magazine wouldn't give him some face?
Someone praised him for his good novels?Do you dare to say that your boss' son is an idiot?
Therefore, Li Xiaotang's achievements will always be "divided" by his father.

The three chatted for a while at Bi Feiyu's house, Yu Dong checked the time, "He's coming soon, let's go over."

"What's for dinner?" Yu Hua asked, "Is it the shabu-shabu?"

"Farewell, hot-boiled meat is good, but it's not suitable for treating guests. Go to Jinling Restaurant and treat guests." Bi Feiyu said.

"why me?"

"Isn't the booklet of "To Live" finalized? The first print is 2 copies, and the manuscript fee starts at [-] yuan. Who will treat you if you don't?"

Speaking of this, Yu Hua had nothing to say, and nodded with a smile, "Okay, I'll treat you today."

In the cold weather, the three of them didn't ride their bicycles, and called Lada to the train station.

It was said that the car arrived at [-]:[-], and it didn't arrive until [-]:[-].

Still, Bi Feiyu's sharp eyes saw Li Xiaotang at a glance, and he waved vigorously: "Li Xiaotang, Li Xiaotang, this way, this way!"

Yu Hua and Yu Dong also waved their hands, all three of them had yearning and hope on their faces.

Li Xiaotang looked at the three people waving. He knew two of them, Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu.

Seeing the excited expressions of the three of them, Li Xiaotang felt warm in his heart in the cold wind. The people of Jinling are really enthusiastic, and their enthusiasm does not seem to be fake at all, it is completely from the heart.

But what Li Xiaotang didn't know was that these three people had been waiting for him outside for more than an hour, and they were so cold that they doubted their lives. Now that they saw him here, they naturally saw the hope of getting out of the sea of ​​suffering, how could they be unhappy.

When Li Xiaotang came to him, Yu Hua grabbed his hands, "Mr. Li, we look forward to the stars and the moon, we are looking forward to you."

As soon as Yu Hua held Li Xiaotang's hand, she didn't want to let go, this hand was too warm!

Bi Feiyu also took hold of Li Xiaotang's arm: "The road is hard, the road is hard, let's go, let's go to the hotel first, and take you warm."

Feeling the enthusiasm of the two, Li Xiaotang was a little at a loss. He was not the kind of lively person in the first place, and he was usually reticent. Although he knew Su Tong and Bi Feiyu, they didn't know each other very well.

Although he was touched at this time, he didn't know how to respond.

He looked at Yu Dong again and asked, "Who is this?"

"Oh, you haven't seen him yet, he is Yu Dong." Bi Feiyu introduced.

"Sure enough, I said it should be Yu Dong, hello, hello, I'm Li Xiaotang."

"Hello, hello, welcome to Jinling."

Li Xiaotang was of medium height with a well-proportioned appearance, more like his mother.Although he is in his 40s, he looks only in his thirties, and looks a little dull and shy.

The few people didn't want to chat any more in the cold wind, so they hurriedly called a car and went to Jinling Hotel.

The heating in the hotel box slowly revived Yu Dong's almost frozen bodies, and Yu Hua and the others lit a cigarette comfortably, and began to puff.

"Ms. Li, did you come to Jinling this time to contribute?" Bi Feiyu asked.

Li Xiaotang nodded, and then took out a stack of manuscripts from his bag: "It's been a while since I wrote it, so I just thought of sending it here, please read it."

"I dare not be an axe."

Yu Hua took the manuscript from Li Xiaotang with a heavy heart, and glanced at the handwritten page numbers at the back. There were a total of 316 pages, about [-] to [-] words.

"Does the novel have a title?" Yu Hua asked.

"Temporarily, it will be called "Family Rules". After I show it to Editor-in-Chief Su, I will listen to his opinion."

Hearing the word "door regulation", Yu Dong became interested and couldn't help but glance at Bi Feiyu again.

This novel has a long history with Bi Feiyu.

Zhang Yimou later made a movie called "Shake Ah Shake, Shake to Grandma Bridge", which was also the work of his breakup with Gong Li.

This movie is adapted from Bi Feiyu's novel "Once Upon a Time in Shanghai", but "Once Upon a Time in Shanghai" comes from "The Rules".

The three of them passed on the manuscript and read it slowly.

In fact, Yu Dong has read "The Rules of the Door", but he still read it again along with it.

When the three of them finished watching and hadn't expressed their opinions, Su Tong came.

As soon as Su Tong came, seeing the three of them holding the manuscript in their hands, he immediately feigned anger and said, "I was sent the manuscript, but you should read it first."

"We'll be a vanguard for you, and help you check. It's a great thing, and you won't be happy." Yu Hua said with a smile, "I think this novel..."

Su Tong waved his hands again and again, "Don't comment, or it will affect my judgment."

He put the manuscript into a bag, and then said to Li Xiaotang, "I will keep this manuscript."

Li Xiaotang nodded, "It was originally for you."

"Is the dish ready?" Su Tong asked Yu Dong.

Yu Dong looked at Yu Hua, "It's already ordered, Master Yu said tonight, he's going to treat you."

Su Tong smiled and said, "Hehe, then eat more tonight. Last time I wanted to eat your hot-boiled meat, so Yu Dong invited me."

"Could it be my fault? He snatched my chance to treat me to dinner last time, and I haven't settled with him yet."

"Come on, you." Su Tong joked, and looked at Li Xiaotang, "Brother Xiaotang, how is the old man doing recently?"

"At this age, every day is getting worse, especially in winter. Sometimes when I go to see him, he tells me that his bones are cold, but in fact it is not cold at all, and the room is very warm."

"I still want to visit his old man when I have time." Su Tong sighed.

"Sometimes he would mention you guys. He knew I was coming, and asked me to ask you for the manuscript. My sister also talked about the manuscript. The old man still has the writers of the younger generation in his heart, and when he gets old, I also want to help with something. He is struggling to read now, but he insists on reading when he has a good manuscript. My sister can't control it, and I can't control it."

At the stall where a few people were talking, the food came out, Yu Hua opened a bottle of white wine, and they shared it.

When Li Xiaotang wasn't drinking, she usually didn't take the initiative to speak, but after drinking, she started talking a lot.

Bi Feiyu and Yu Hua also talked a lot, but they couldn't keep up with Li Xiaotang alone.

He became talkative and funny.

"When my father celebrated his birthday this year, Chairman Chen Tiedi went to see me at my house. He was very surprised and asked me why I also went. I was even more surprised than him. On my father's birthday, people asked me why I went. Isn't that ridiculous? But it’s not his fault, he didn’t know, he thought I was just an ordinary worker. I can’t say it myself, but someone else helped me out, saying that I am Ba Jin’s son.”

Li Xiaotang's words are not without reason. Indeed, many people only know that Ba Jin has a daughter, Li Xiaolin, but they don't know that he has a son, Li Xiaotang, because Li Xiaotang never takes the initiative to say that he is Ba Jin's son, and Ba Jin attends public events. He doesn't participate either.

But Yu Dong and the others were still very surprised. Li Xiaotang worked in the CPPCC, and Chen Tiedi, as the leader of the CPPCC, didn't even know that he was Ba Jin's son. This shows how good Li Xiaotang's secrecy work is.

"I met Cheng Yongxing when we were in college, but he didn't know who my father was until later."

Both Li Xiaotang and Cheng Yongxing graduated from the Chinese Department of Aurora University, and Li Xiaotang seems to be a year older.

In fact, Yu Dong and the others could all feel that when talking about these interesting things, Li Xiaotang's mood was complicated. He respected his father and took his father as an example, but he wanted to separate himself from his father.

They can't persuade Yu Dong about this, they can only joke and drink with him.

After the meal, Yu Dong arranged accommodation for Li Xiaotang at the Jinling Hotel, and then they went back to their respective homes.

Su Tong came here by bicycle, and he also rode back. He can drink well, and he only drank two or two drinks, so he should be fine.

But when he got on the bike, the three of them still tested his condition, "Can you do it?"

Su Tong waved his hand, "Bo Zui, Bo Zui."

The Bo Zui he mentioned was an allusion from Yan Normal University. Teacher Yang Minru often mentioned Li Qingzhao when he taught classical literature. Drunk is comfortable drunk, walking like stepping on cotton.

Many Chinese students are very curious about Bo Zui's state.

Yu Dong also went to the food stall with his classmates, trying to find the feeling of being drunk.

Su Tong got on the bike, and the three of Yu Dong and the others stared at the back for a while, seeing that his track was straight and not shaking at all, they felt relieved.

Yu Dong joked, "It's still not in the state of being drunk."

 Thank you [Ghost Valley Holy Word] for the 100 reward of the boss
(End of this chapter)

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