Chapter 244
Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu were still discussing what state Bo Zui was in until the gate of Jinyi.

"Your Teacher Yang said that you stepped on the cotton. I don't think you are lightly drunk, but heavy drunk." Yu Hua said.

"I think whether you step on cotton or not depends on the shoes you wear. If you wear a pair of cotton shoes with thick enough soles in winter and drink alcohol to keep your hands and feet warm, it is of course the same as stepping on cotton." Bi Feiyu said.

Yu Dong ignored the two of them, it was too cold and he was in a hurry to go back, how could he have time to chat with the two of them about whether they are drunk or not.

At the door, Yu Donggang was about to knock on the window of the reception room, but saw Yu Yu inside, chatting with the guard Xiaopang.

Xiaopang also saw Yu Dong.

"Teacher Yu is back, Teacher Yu is back."

Yu Yu looked over and saw that Yu Dong was really back, so he ran out happily, "Teacher Yu, you are back."

Yu Dong was a little surprised and said, "Why are you looking for me at this time?"

Xiaopang also came over at this moment, and said to help: "Brother Yu came when I was not at work, and I have been waiting for several hours."

Yu Dong looked at the time, it was past ten o'clock.The doorman's shift was around six o'clock, which meant that there was at least four hours of waiting.

"I have something very important to report to you."

Just as they were talking, Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu also walked over, and they were also very surprised to see that Yu Yu was there.

"Manager Yu, why are you here?"

When Jimmy was away, the writers signed by the company were all in contact, so they were already very close.

Yu Liang smiled and said, "I have something to ask Teacher Yu."

"oh, I see."

Yu Hua and the others didn't ask any further questions, and the two of them continued to walk forward with their arms around each other, "Then we'll go back first, anyway, you and us won't be on the way."

After Yu Hua and the others left, Yu Dong also returned to the dormitory with some spare time.

After entering the dormitory, Yu Yu couldn't wait to say: "Boss, Mr. Ji has something important that I want to convey to you."

"Why is it so urgent that you have to wait until so late in winter?"

"Well, Spielberg hopes..."

Yu Yu talked about the general situation on Spielberg's side, and Yu Dong frowned after listening: "I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to spare time at this time. When will they shoot, can they wait until summer?"

"I'm afraid not." Yu Yue shook his head.

Yu Dong's reaction was within expectations, and he continued, "Actually, besides Spielberg who wants you to be a prop consultant, book fans in New York have also made a petition, hoping that you will do it." A signing event, it is said that tens of thousands of people have signed it now."

petition?Thousands of blood books?
"I am very touched by the enthusiasm of New York book friends, but this signing event does not have to be held during the Chinese New Year, it can be arranged until next summer, I think they should be able to understand."

Yu Yu nodded: "The signing meeting can be postponed, but the props consultant may not be able to postpone it. I heard Mr. Ji said that Spielberg hopes that you can bring a few painters there by yourself, so that it will be more convenient for work. What Mr. Ji means is that anyway, this job is not too demanding and it is paid. Why don’t you bring a few Jinyi students there. First, you can make some money for the students, and second, you can also take the students out to meet Familiarize yourself with the world and get familiar with the work in advance. Maybe after going out this time, they can also find the way to go in the future."

Yu Dong looked at the margin, and said with a half-smile: "Is there anything else? I've said it all once. Why don't you squeeze toothpaste with me here?"

Yu Yu also smiled: "Boss, it's really gone, that's all."

"The artist and the petition are all arranged by Mr. Ji, right?"

"Yes, Mr. Ji said, once I finish talking to the boss, you will definitely understand his heart."

"I think it's a trick."

Yu Dong knew that Jimmy was trying to trick him, but he couldn't refuse this kind of real trick. Spielberg's crew was indeed very attractive, especially for the children of Jin Yi. , It is likely to change their lives.

What I learned in arts and crafts has little to do with film and television, but it can’t be said that it has nothing to do with it, especially props, which are involved in many aspects of art and crafts.

Moreover, after studying fine arts, the scope of majors is already wide, and the film and television industry is definitely one direction.

After thinking for a while, Yu Dong said, "Okay, I know about this, and I will give you an answer tomorrow morning."

Yu Dong can't make a decision now. It's the end of the semester and the students haven't had their holiday yet. If they really want to go, they still have to ask Wu Changxin for instructions.

"Okay, then there is no order, I will go back first."

"Well, go back, thank you for your hard work today."

"Should be."


Early the next morning, Yu Dong went to the principal's office.

Wu Changxin just made himself a pot of tea and was about to go to work. When he saw Yu Dong knocking on the door, he was a little surprised and said, "Why are you here so early?"

"There is a situation that I need to report to the principal."

"What's the situation? Sit down and talk."

Yu Dong was also polite, dragged a chair and sat down opposite Wu Changxin: "Two things, the first is that all three of our manuscripts have passed, and "Zhong Shan" in March will open a column and post it together."

Wu Changxin said with a smile: "This is a good thing. Let me tell Su Tong later that our school will order more copies of their magazines from the next issue. He supports us, so we should give him some work support. You say Two things, what is the other?"

"There is one more thing. I would like to ask for a few days off. By the way, I will bring a few students with me. It is best to bring Liu Changmin with me."

Wu Changxin stared at Yu Dong with piercing eyes, "Yu Dong, it's the end of the semester, and I don't like this line of work, and you are not alone, and you are taking care of teachers and students. Tell me , what is this going to do?"

Yu Dong said with a smile: "It's a good thing. Didn't I sell the film and television adaptation rights of "Second World" to Spielberg? Now they are going to start filming, but there may be some problems with props that I need to help solve." Let’s take a moment. I can’t do these things alone, and I need art support, and they agreed to let me lead an art team, both to work and to study, and everyone who goes there will be paid.”

Wu Changxin's expression changed. He said why he was in a very good mood early this morning for no reason. It turned out that there was such a great thing waiting for him.

Yu Dong put it tactfully, saying that he needed help. In fact, how could a professional film and television team lack people in art.To put it bluntly, taking Liu Changmin and the students there is to study, and it is paid to study.To put it more realistically, with this qualification, it will be easier for students to work after graduation.

"How many can you bring?"

Yu Dong smiled, and Wu Changxin directly agreed with what he said.

"In addition to Liu Changmin, I can take four or five students."

"Can you draw two places for other majors?" Wu Changxin asked.

"Yes." Yu Dong didn't hesitate at all, "But the quota must be determined as soon as possible. It's almost Chinese New Year, and I still want to come back before the year."

"No problem." Wu Changxin rubbed his hands and stood up, "I'll arrange it now... You can decide the quota for Gongmei yourself."

"Okay, I'm going to discuss it with Liu Changmin."

 Thank you [Book Friend 20181219000432861] for the 100 reward of the boss
  Thank you [Huang Tian Zai Kong] for the 100 tip
(End of this chapter)

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