Chapter 245

Yu Dong and Wu Changxin didn't make too much noise about the selection.

Wu Changxin's method is very simple, which is to talk about the students one by one according to their overall performance and ranking.

The main content of the talk is to ask them if they have time and if they are interested in the film and television industry.

Liu Changmin was the one who selected the spots for the engineering and fine arts major. He first said that there was a film and television project that needed people, and those who were interested could sign up. Then he spent half a day doing a quiz, and finally chose three more suitable ones. The people are Li Huixiang, Wang Jin and Wang Kuo.

Yu Liang was very happy after getting Yu Dong's affirmative answer, and immediately called Jimmy to report the good news, and then busy arranging the itinerary for Yu Dong and his group.

It's just that they were stuck with visas. Although there was plenty of mediation by various parties, they still couldn't get the visas in a short time.

In the end, Yu Dong could only decide to leave after the new year. Everyone made an appointment to leave on the sixth day of the new year, and took half a month off when the next semester started.

Jimmy wasn't too disappointed when he got the news. It would be better for him to wait a little later, as he would have time to prepare in many ways.

There is no problem with Spielberg, he doesn't care about this month.

After roughly confirming the itinerary, Jimmy started to create momentum for Yu Dong's signing in the United States.

He first found several media to report on the "petition". The news was quite exaggerated, claiming to have [-] signatures from readers.

In fact, according to statistics, the YU Umbrella Readers Association has only obtained about [-] signatures.

But this is not important, anyway, [-] is a lot, and no one will really count them.Moreover, the petition activity is still going on, and the number is still increasing. Maybe one day it will reach [-].

After Jimmy used the media to create a wave of momentum, he instigated a second wave of news: YU, who was far away in China, was moved and decided to go to the United States to hold a "Second World" signing event in February.

In order to make this news more storytelling, Jimmy made up many plots. For example, when YU was applying for a visa, the visa officer repeatedly made things difficult. In the end, YU had no choice but to show the visa officer the petition made by American readers. Finally, the visa officer was moved and the visa was successfully released.

The above is just one version.

There is also a version that YU faced difficulties with the visa officer and finally had to reveal his identity as the author of "Resident Evil" and "Second World". Unexpectedly, the visa officer turned out to be YU's book friend, and finally agreed to let it go, and was awarded Got YU's signed book.

In addition to these two versions, there are many other versions, but only these two versions were written by Jimmy himself, and the other versions were played by the news media for the sake of traffic.

The most outrageous version, even Jimmy felt ashamed after reading it.In that version, YU went to apply for a visa, and the visa officer who handled the visa for him was jealous because of YU's good looks, and made things difficult for him many times, and didn't want to pass it on to him.But at this time, their immediate boss, who is a beautiful woman, suddenly saw YU and recognized YU, and immediately went to ask about the situation. got a visa.Later, the two had dinner together and forged a deep friendship.

Jimmy couldn't help applauding the person who wrote the news. Although the news was full of loopholes and absurdity, it would definitely catch the attention of the public.

The American people like to read these things. Who cares if it is true or not? Even if it is false, it must be true.

Anyway, Yu Dong's trip to the United States had already been covered with a layer of legend before it even started.


Yu Dong, who is far away in China, doesn't know that he has formed a deep friendship with a certain beautiful visa officer who is drinking with his future father-in-law at Cheng's house.

Drinking with Cheng Liye, Yu Dong poured more wine than he served the glass himself.

The old man can drink too much.

"I know what you mean. I'm going to the United States next year. The engagement will have to wait until you come back from the United States. It's okay, and it's not too urgent. It won't be too late to get engaged when the weather gets warmer."

"Thank you uncle for understanding."

"Thank you, come, have a drink." Cheng Liye took a sip from his wine glass, and then said with a smile, "I heard from Wu Changxin that you, Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu wrote a few essays, and you will be in the "Zhong Shan" has been released?"

Yu Dong was taken aback, "Principal Wu still told you this."

"Of course I said it, and I showed it off to me on purpose. The old boy was so annoying. He called me to say something and thanked me. I didn't understand which song he sang at the time. Later, he told me that you wrote As for the essay, they also said that thanks to the help of my son-in-law, their Jinyi literary style is getting more and more prosperous."

Yu Dong held his wine glass and didn't dare to touch it. Isn't this old Wu a murderer? Why use this to provoke his father-in-law?
Cheng Liye smiled, and continued: "Don't be nervous, I'm in your favor for this matter, otherwise Wu Changxin will never thank me in his life."

Yu Dong swallowed, not knowing what to say, when Chen Yuqing, the mother-in-law, came over, "Don't listen to your uncle's nonsense, he was joking. Actually, he is quite happy knowing that you are going to write essays."

"Principal Wu likes to joke." Yu Dong said with a smile.

Cheng Liye patted Yu Dong on the shoulder, "I'll take you to Jinda for a stroll when I have time. Jinda's scenery is no worse than Jinyi's, and it will definitely give you a lot of inspiration. Moreover, Luoluo often played in Jinda when she was a child. A home. When you go there, you see those flowers and plants, bricks and tiles, which may have been seen by Luo Luo since she was a child. History changes, climate changes, but each piece of land will record those things on the land in its own way. Humanistic style. The humanistic style recorded by Jinda's inch-by-inch tiles is included in Luoluo."

After hearing these words, Yu Dong couldn't help sighing that the father-in-law really graduated from the Chinese Department, and he spoke in a different way.

"Yes, yes, I keep this matter in my heart, and I will definitely pursue it and feel it when I have time. On this land of Jinda, there are not only footprints, but also the ups and downs of uncles and aunts. As juniors, we are more We should follow in the footsteps of our elders..."

Chen Yuqing and Cheng Yanqiu's mother and daughter were sitting on the sofa, listening to Weng and his son-in-law chatting there, they couldn't help but rolled their eyes together.

"Yes, I think your father's faults are also reflected in Yu Yu. Our mothers and I are really miserable, so we should find someone from the Chinese department."

Cheng Yanqiu couldn't help saying something for the Chinese Department: "In fact, not all Chinese departments are like this."

"That even more shows that our fate is miserable. Obviously not all the Chinese departments are like this, but all we encounter are like this."

Cheng Yanqiu blinked, why did what her mother said sound reasonable?
(End of this chapter)

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