Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 246 Autumn, Winter, Spring and Summer

Chapter 246 Autumn, Winter, Spring and Summer
After dinner, Cheng Liye proposed to play mahjong, and Yu Dong followed suit to make up the number of people.

One afternoon, Yu Dong lost ten yuan.

At the end, Cheng Liye said with a smile: "Yu Dong, you still have to practice your skills. Although luck is very important in mahjong, once there are too many samples, the probability will prevail. You must always be aware of your skills." Under what circumstances has the highest probability of winning cards. As long as you know how to use the theory of probability, even if you lose once or twice, you will definitely win after a long time."

"Yes, yes." Yu Dong nodded repeatedly.

The so-called thousand-year-old daughter-in-law becomes a mother-in-law, and a thousand-year-old son becomes a father. The scene of Cheng Liye being baptized by his father's probability theory is still vivid in his memory, and he started to train his son-in-law in the future.

But during the lecture, Cheng Liye was smiling, because he won more than ten yuan this afternoon.The money he lost to the old man before was won back from his son-in-law's pocket.


After dinner, Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu walked side by side on Anren Street.

Although the cold winter has arrived, Anren Street is still bustling. There is a video store on the corner of the street, and Zhang Xueyou's new song "Kiss Goodbye" is playing.

This year this song is so popular that it can be heard in the streets and alleys.

For some reason, while listening to the song, Yu Dong suddenly thought of Jay Chou's "Listen to Mom".

"You will start to like pop songs, because Zhang Xueyou starts to sing kiss goodbye."

Maybe this kid is listening to "Kiss Goodbye" now.

When the two walked to the entrance of the video store, "Kiss Goodbye" had already been sung, and it was time for the next song.

The boss probably didn't play the original tape, but after "Kiss Goodbye", Cai Qin's "Your Eyes" was played.

Yu Dong looked at Cheng Yanqiu, "Do you still remember this song?"

Cheng Yanqiu was also looking at Yu Dong, "I remember."

"It's been a long time since I heard you sing."

"Do you want to listen?"

Yu Dong smiled, "Of course."

"What do you want to hear?"

"How about "Ode to the Motherland"?"

"Let's sing this song until the National Day."

Cheng Yanqiu suddenly stood still, standing under the street lamp, holding the lamp in his arms with open arms.She wore a tartan scarf with half of her hair tucked in and over the scarf. The light was obscured by the bumps, but her smiling face was clearly visible.

Yu Dongxin understood, walked in front of her, turned around, bent his legs and bent over.Cheng Yanqiu supported Yu Dong's shoulders and jumped up, and Yu Dong quickly supported her legs to carry her on his back.

The last time she sang, she was also on his back.

Cheng Yanqiu was not in a hurry to sing, first rubbed Yu Dong's ears with his hands, then untied the scarf and loosened half of it to cover Dong's neck.The two were wrapped in the same scarf like this, feeling each other's warmth.

"This is a new song I learned."

Cheng Yanqiu whispered something in Yu Dong's ear, and then spoke slowly.

"The wind blows tonight

想起 你 好 温柔
有 你 的 日子 的 轻松

爱 的 路 有 你
我 并 不 寂寞


Listening to the gentle "Intimate Lover", Yu Dong walked forward step by step, the wind was getting stronger and stronger, but Yu Dong felt warmer and warmer from the inside out.

It's like, if you keep going like this, even if you don't have a destination, it's pretty good.

But before the destination was reached, one song was sung, Yu Dong was still not satisfied, and said with a smile: "Sing one more."

Cheng Yanqiu let out a sigh of relief, "This is the end of today's performance."

After singing, Yu Dong didn't put her down, and she hugged Yu Dong tightly, not wanting to get off.

"Why are you called Luoluo?" Yu Dong suddenly asked.

Cheng Yanqiu stretched out his head to look at Yu Dong's profile, "That's all you want to know?"

"of course."

"Because I wrote a poem when I was eight years old, the name of the poem is Luoluo."

Yu Dongrao said with interest: "You can write poetry at the age of eight."

"Don't underestimate me, I have been a talented girl since I was a child."

"Well, don't underestimate, that talented girl, can you tell me about your masterpiece?"

Cheng Yanqiu was silent for a while, and then said: "The leaves fell first, and then the snow fell, and then the yolks on the eaves fell on the ground, smashing a nest, the white mist fell from the sky, the grass sprouted, and the rain in the clouds It fell, suppressing the rising dust."

After listening to it, Yu Dong smiled, "This is not like a poem, but more like a proverb."

It is indeed like a proverb, the sentence is simple, but a lot of things are written, from autumn to summer, it just happens to be a reincarnation.

But for an eight-year-old child, it is not easy to have such a narrative view.And I don't know if it's a coincidence, but this poem starts from Autumn, which just corresponds to the "Autumn" in her name.

If you look at it from the perspective of a Chinese student, you can analyze more things.

This poem has a total of nine lines, but four lines are about winter. In the eyes of the poet, winter seems very long.

The "dust" in the last sentence should symbolize some kind of negative thing. It may be the author's irritability, or some bad things in life, but the word "press" has eliminated this bad thing.

So when the author wrote this poem, he should be in a situation where he just came out of a bad mood.


Of course, the above is all nonsense.

When Yu Dong was eight years old, not to mention writing poetry, even writing a diary was stumbling, and many words needed to be replaced by pinyin.

Of course, Yu Dong is not surprised that Cheng Yanqiu can be so early. With a Chinese teacher as his father, this part of enlightenment is earlier than others.

Cheng Yanqiu thumped Yu Dong in retaliation for his ridicule.

"Actually, my name is Luoluo, not because of this poem."

"Ah? Why is that?"

"I was very thin when I was a child, and my mother wanted me to eat more."

"and then?"

"No, it's because of this."

"Is there any connection?" Yu Dong looked puzzled.

"Go as you wish."

Then Cheng Yanqiu slid off Yu Dong's body and ran forward, "You are walking too slowly, if you keep walking like this, we will not be able to get to school tomorrow morning."

"I'm slow?" Yu Dong adjusted his clothes and made a starting posture, "I'll let you see, what is Jiwang Town Scud!"


The next day, it snowed heavily in Jinling, and before the snow melted, the school was on winter vacation.

Yu Dong returned to Shanghai, took a short break, and then went to "Harvest". He wanted to say hello before the year before, and if Jin Yucheng was here, he would meet him by the way.

First I met Wang Yu. As Yu Dong's responsible editor, apart from Cheng Yongxing in "Harvest", he is the one who is most familiar with Yu Dong.

Wang Yu is no longer a newcomer in "Harvest". Apart from Yu Dong, he also has many writers on hand, and in order to facilitate communication, Cheng Yongxing also recruited Yu Hua under Wang Yu's staff.

Now that Wang Yu is sitting on Yu Dong and Yu Hua, she has more confidence in speaking in the club.

Wang Yu is honest and serious, but all editors have a bad habit. The first one they see is to ask if there is a new manuscript.

"Teacher Yu, is there any new work recently?"

Before Yu Dong's butt was hot, he was urged by Wang Yu to write, and said with a smile: "Yes, "Resident Evil 2", do you want it?"

Wang Yu licked his lips and said with a smile: "I still don't want it, but if you are willing to show me the manuscript, I'm very happy."

"Then you really have a good idea." Yu Dong took a sip of tea and said, "Actually, there is another one, but it's just a mystery and a thriller. I'm afraid you won't want it either."

Wang Yu thought for a while and said, "Maybe then, didn't you call the previous "Chaos Diary" a science fiction?"

 Thank you [Jing Long] for the 500 reward
(End of this chapter)

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