Chapter 247 Haircuts
Yu Dong was about to speak when Cheng Yongxing came back from the outside, "Yu Dong is here."

"It's been a while."

"Let's go to my office and talk."

Yu Dong nodded, and went to Cheng Yongxing's office with Wang Yu.

When she got to the office, Wang Yu was still saying, "Let me see the manuscript first, maybe we can really post it."

"It's unlikely, but you have to see it. I'll bring it to you sometime later."

"That's a good thing." Wang Yu said with a smile.

Cheng Yongxing just took out his cigarette and was about to light it, when he saw the two of them talking, he asked, "Why are you biting your ears?"

"Teacher Yu has a new manuscript, I asked him to go back and read it."

Cheng Yongxing raised his eyebrows and said with interest: "Really?"

"The reasoning thriller is not suitable for "Harvest"."

"We'll know if it's suitable or not after reading it." Cheng Yongxing said with a smile, "Last time "Chaos Diary", you said it wasn't suitable, but we published it later, and the response was good. In our "Harvest", nothing is impossible of."

"That's what I told Teacher Yu too." Wang Yu said.

"Okay, I'll bring the manuscript later. By the way, is Miss Xiaolin there? I'll go say hello to her."

"It's a coincidence that she didn't come today. Aren't you going to deliver the manuscript? Come back tomorrow, she will definitely be there tomorrow."


After sitting in Cheng Yongxing's office for a while, Yu Dong left for "Shanghai Literature".

The editorial department of "Shanghai Literature" is chaotic, a large group of people can't tell who is a staff member and who is a foreigner.

Yu Dong was looking around when a curly-haired man in his 40s came over and asked him, "Who contributed?"

"not me……"

"Business Cooperation?"

"No, I..."


Yu Dongding took a look at the man, what's wrong with this guy, why didn't someone let him finish his sentence?

"I'm here to find Jin Yucheng."

"Oh, look for him." The man nodded, "I'll look for him too."

"Aren't you from the editorial department?"

The man shook his head, "No."

Yu Dong was a little speechless, you are not from the editorial department, and you have been asking people for a long time.

"Aren't you looking for Jin Yucheng? I know where he is, and I'll take you to find him."

The man smiled and walked towards the small room on the side.

Entering this small room, Yu Dong was stunned for a moment, and saw Wang Anyi sitting on a chair covered with a piece of gray cloth, and Jin Yucheng was cutting Wang Anyi's hair with scissors.

The man who came with Yu Dong said with a smile, "An Yi's side is coming to an end soon, and Xiao Jin will give me a haircut later, okay?"

Jin Yucheng glanced over here, nodded, "Okay, Mr. Zhao, find a place to sit for a while."

"By the way, this good guy is also here to look for you." Teacher Zhao pointed at Yu Dong.

Jin Yucheng turned his head again, and when he saw Yu Dong, he said pleasantly, "Teacher Yu, you are here."

When Wang Anyi heard Teacher Yu, she was curious about who it was, so she also bowed her head.

"Yu Yu, why are you here?"

Seeing Yu Dong, Wang Anyi was very happy. He wanted to stand up, but was held down by Jin Yucheng, "Sister Wang, I'm getting a haircut."

"Oh, oh, I almost forgot, it's less than you have to worry about, I'm busy now."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "It's okay, you guys do your work first."

Teacher Zhao next to him saw that Jin Yucheng and Wang Anyi both knew Yu Dong, so he was a little curious, "Who is this?"

Wang Anyi said with a smile: "Old Zhao, thanks to what you call Bai Xiaosheng, Yu Dong, we don't know any local writers in Shanghai."

"Oh, it turned out to be Yu Dong, nice to meet, nice to meet, I'm Zhao Lihong."

Yu Dong was also surprised to hear that it was Zhao Lihong.

There are only a few well-known writers in Shanghai, and Zhao Lihong is one of them.

Zhao Lihong's works are mainly in poetry and prose, and many of his works have been selected into textbooks. Yu Dong also saw Zhao Lihong's "Learning Walking" in the middle school Chinese textbook published by Yan Normal University.

It's just that Mr. Zhao in front of him looks more like a street trickster.

Street Liuzi is also as good as Street Liuzi. Zhao Lihong is very familiar with him. The first time he met Yu Dong, he pulled Yu Dong into a lively chat.

"I don't know gold and jade, so I didn't recognize you. I am familiar with "Shanghai Literature". Xiao Jin can cut hair. Wang Anyi and I often come here to ask him for help..."

After chatting for a while, Yu Dong realized that Zhao Lihong was in the same situation as Wang Anyi, and both were professional writers of the Shanghai Writers Association.

They are usually in the creation room of the association. Because of the nature of their work, they are relatively free, so they often go to other units to visit.Moreover, he had worked in the "Sprout" magazine for several years, so he was very familiar with the building of the Writers Association.

Because of this, he often boasted that Bai Xiaosheng, the Shanghai Writers Association, and all kinds of people, big and small, he didn't know.

After a while, Wang Anyi finished the haircut, and Zhao Lihong replaced it, and Wang Anyi took Yu Dong to chat again.

Wang Anyi really likes Yu Dong, his little brother. The two got married before Yu Dong became famous, and Wang Anyi thought Yu Dong was good at that time.

"Jinling is not far away, come back and take a look if you have nothing to do. You are from Shanghai, and now you are working in Jinling. Isn't the Shanghai Writers' Association your natal family? I laughed just now that Mr. Zhao didn't recognize you. In fact, you also have problems. If you come back more often, how could he not recognize you."

Zhao Lihong, who was getting a haircut, heard this, and continued with a smile, "Yes, it's not my fault."

Jin Yucheng pushed Zhao Lihong's neck with the pusher, and said while pushing: "It's not because of the teacher, he is really busy. Unlike the two teachers, he can concentrate on creation, and there are so many students in the school who want him to go take care of."

Of course, Wang Anyi didn't want to blame Yu Dong, but she was just making things happen. After hearing Jin Yucheng's words, she smiled and said, "I know, his annual output is also high, which is comparable to me and Lao Zhao combined."


"In the future, we will have to rely on Xiao Xiao to support Shanghai literature. We are not too young now."

"When you are young, you have to fight hard."


Yu Dong sat in the small room, listening to the three of them chatting with each other, it felt like he had really arrived at a barber's parlor in a town, and met a fellow villager who came to get their hair cut together, and chatted with each other when they were free. Sentence homely.

As for the editorial department outside, it seemed to be a world far away in the sky, where all the troubles and noises were kept out of the door.

Later, Wang Anyi looked around at Yu Dong from left to right, and waved his hand, "Jin Yucheng, give Yu Ye a haircut later."

"no, I'm fine."

Yu Dong's refusal didn't work at all. Wang Anyi and Zhao Lihong held Yu Dong on the left and right, pushing him onto a chair as if escorting a prisoner to the execution ground.

come alive.

Jin Yucheng smiled and raised the scissors.

Yu Dong thought about it a lot, but he never thought that he just came to the writer's association to drop by, and he even got his hair cut by the way.

(End of this chapter)

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