Chapter 23 Going Home

The description of the virtual network in the outline of "Second World" made Yang Xiao stunned. In addition, the book's discussion of human beings gave the whole novel a humanistic concern, which also made Yang Xiao feel very rare.

And from the story, the reversal of the ending can really attract readers.

She also understands why Yu Dong's writing is so delicate, which probably has something to do with his Chinese background.Yang Xiao has always believed that science fiction writing is secondary, but when other aspects such as storytelling and logic reach a certain level, the role of writing becomes prominent.

"Mr. Yu, have you written other science fiction novels or thought about writing science fiction novels, such as short stories?"

Yang Xiao has not decided whether to serialize "Second World", and she will not decide now.But this doesn't prevent her from making an appointment with Yu Dong. Even if she decides not to serialize "Second World" later, it would be good if she could get a short and medium-length manuscript from Yu Dong.

"I have some ideas, but I've been busy with the draft of "Second World" recently, so I can't take care of it. When I finish writing "Second World", it will be about a month later, and I will think about short and medium stories later. ." Yu Dong said.

Yang Xiao smiled slightly, "With Teacher Yu's ability, there is definitely no problem in writing short stories. In fact, I am quite surprised. Generally, the science fiction authors I meet usually write short ones to practice their skills, such as It’s the first time I’ve come across a novel of 10,000+ words when you come up like this.”

"I also wrote to try."

In fact, Yu Dong is not as long as Yang Xiao thinks, not to mention that after being sick in his previous life, he wrote books in addition to reading books all day long. He typed millions of words on the computer. He only entertained himself when he was a student. There are hundreds of thousands of words in short stories and essays written.

It's just that most of those essays and novels have not been published, and the only one published in "Harvest" is the one Su Tong mentioned last time.

Yang Xiao sat in Yudong's dormitory for more than an hour. Except for talking about sci-fi, the rest of the time was spent at home.

She is a good chatting person, and she can always make the conversation go on smoothly, and there is no cold scene in the whole process.

In the middle, she also tested Taidong's tone, if in the end "Second World" was not serialized, would he be willing to let them contact the publishing house for a single edition.

However, Yu Dong did not make a specific statement, only saying that it is best to serialize it on "Science Fiction World".

Yu Dong thought very clearly that although the sales of "Sci-Fi World" are not good now, they can still sell five figures per issue, and the circulation rate of their magazines is four to one, which means that one "Sci-Fi World" usually sells. There will be four people watching.

If the serialization time is longer, the readers who can gain will definitely be more.

But if a single book is published, it is estimated that it will burn a lot of incense if it can sell thousands of copies.

The way to go in the future will definitely be to publish a single book, but not now, whether it is his own reputation or the domestic sci-fi market, it is not suitable for doing so.

Of course, if Yang Xiao insisted not to allow "Second World" to be serialized, Yu Dong would have no choice but to go to the publishing house.

After chatting in Yudong’s dormitory, it was already more than six o’clock in the evening. Yudong proposed to invite Yang Xiao to have a meal, but Yang Xiao said that he had to catch the evening train back to Sichuan Province, and the meal was not completed.

"I took this manuscript with me, and you can send me the rest of the manuscript as soon as possible. How to decide in the end, I will write a letter - or send a telegram to you. If you really want to serialize, I hope you can Go to the club." Yang Xiao said, carefully holding Yu Dong's manuscript in his arms.

"Okay." Yu Dong nodded: "I am surprised and moved that you can come to me in person. Not only because my own works are valued, but also because "Science Fiction World" has people like you I am moved by the president, because Huaxia science fiction literature has a defender like you."

When Yang Xiao heard Yu Dong say that she was a defender, there was a flash of light in his eyes, and then he laughed: "It's serious, you stay, I'll go first."


Yu Dong was the one who took the train back home on National Day.

I set off before dawn in the morning, but it was already more than one o'clock in the afternoon when I got home.

His family lives in an underdeveloped town in Shanghu. Every household is a single-family small western-style building. There is a vegetable garden in front of each house. Those who live a more refined life will grow less a la carte vegetables, and plant some flowers that are good to care for.

A few hundred meters from the house to the north is a paddy field, and a few factories have just been built behind the paddy field in the past two years.

Because of the appearance of these factories, a lot of labor has poured in from other places, and some people in the village have already started to rent houses, which can be regarded as an extra income.

Their side is a place with relatively slow development in Shanghai. From the mid-90s to the [-]s, light industry was developed, and it was not until around [-] that they were collectively demolished.

When Yu Dong arrived at the entrance of the village, A Gong, who lived next door to his house, was washing clothes by the well. When he saw Yu Dong coming back, he opened his mouth with only half of his teeth and said with a smile, "Child Nong is back, Nong's mother and father are at home. Wait for Nong to cut the rice."

"Grandpa Liu, why are you doing laundry by yourself? Where's your brother Liu?"

"The unit works overtime, and you don't get paid how much money every day. There are many things at all. Now the unit is very good, and you won't be allowed to work overtime."

"It's okay, it's okay."

While talking to Grandpa Liu, Yu Dong quickened his pace because he heard that his parents were still at home waiting for him to eat.

Turning an alley, Yu Dong returned to his small courtyard. His father, Yu Hansheng, was in the courtyard to cool off with a fan. When he saw Yu Dong entering the door, he turned his head and ran away.

Yu Dong was stunned, what happened to this old man in his family?See you come back and turn around and run?

He was in doubt when he heard his father's excited shout from the room: "Wife, the son is back."

Immediately afterwards, the two parents came out of the house together, and the two circled around Yu Dongrao for several times. After confirming that all beards were full, Yu Hansheng nodded in satisfaction: "It seems that the water and soil in Jinling is not bad, and the body is well maintained. good."

Qin Fang said, "I think I've lost a lot of weight. I'm still not used to Jinling's food. Come in, my mother made you your favorite braised pork and white chopped chicken."

"Oh, what's the rush to eat, let him put the things down first. Let's talk about how long the dishes have been sitting, let's heat them up."

"Okay, you take him to put things down, then get some water to wash him, I'll go and warm up the dishes."

Looking at the excited parents, Yu Dong's emotions were also infected.

When he went to work in Jinling before, he said that he would be back for National Day, but he did not say the specific time. His parents probably waited until now without eating.

"Dad, Mom, next time I don't come back for a while, you can eat first and leave some leftovers for me."

Yu Hansheng looked at Yu Dong strangely: "We just left the leftovers for you, my mother and I have eaten it long ago, and we don't know when you will come back. If you come back at night, don't we have to wait until evening. "

After speaking, Yu Hansheng walked forward.


(End of this chapter)

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