Chapter 24

"Dad, do you know about stocks?" During dinner, Yu Dong asked about stocks.

"Of course I know. At the end of last year, it seemed that we went to Shanghai to do something. The mayor went over to cut the ribbon." Yu Hansheng shook his fan and glanced at Yu Dong, "But I'm still not optimistic about this thing. It's no different from gambling, why are you asking this all of a sudden?"

"It's nothing, I saw news about stocks in the newspaper before, and I asked a question out of curiosity."

Regarding stocks, Yu Dong knew that his father should not have had much contact, so he did not ask in detail.He came back this time, on the one hand to stay with his parents for a few days, and on the other hand to inquire about stocks.

It doesn't take much trouble. The son of Grandpa Liu's next door works in the bank. He should know more about this.

It's just that Liu Jiang is still working overtime today, and he needs to wait until he gets off work at night to find him.

Liu Jiang is ten years older than Yu Dong. Because the two live close together, Liu Jiang took Yu Dong to play with him when he was a child, and the relationship is very good.

But after all, the age difference is relatively large. After Liu Jiang went to high school, they spent less time playing together.

In the following years, since Liu Jiang went to vocational school, the time for the two to meet was even less. Liu Jiang was busy with work, and Yu Dong was busy with school.

Occasionally I met at home, and it was just a simple chat.

Liu Jiang has not had a good time in the past few years.

He is handsome and lively. In addition, he has a good education and a good job. Many enthusiastic local people like to tell him about his wife.It's just that he has always refused directly without even looking at the photos of other girls, regardless of his relationship with the person he introduced.

After a long time, no one dared to introduce him.

Up to now, there is no object in the [-]s, so it is inevitable to be gossiped by others.Especially the old women who introduced him to the girl who had been rejected before had the most gossip.

It's still eloquent. Generally speaking, he is too high-minded, looks down on ordinary girls, and is overly self-sufficient.

If he doesn't keep his words, he can even say that he has a hidden illness or that he doesn't like women.

Yu Dong knew a little about why Liu Jiang didn't get married until now.

Liu Jiang had a girlfriend before, whom he met when he was in school. The two talked for many years. Later, Liu Jiang's girlfriend broke up with him after working for a few years. Because of this, Liu Jiang drank pesticide and committed suicide, but he was arrested in time. Saved not died.

Few people know about this, and the outside world generally only knows that he almost died of food poisoning.

It has to be said that Yu Dong and Liu Jiang are also brothers and sisters in difficulty, and they were both dumped not long after graduation.

It's just that Yu Dong's reaction was not as strong as Liu Jiang's when he was dumped at the time, and he didn't even think about seeking death. Perhaps it was because of his different attitudes towards relationships, or maybe it was because he and Xia Yangyan didn't have as deep a relationship as Liu Jiang and the others.

Later, Liu Jiang got married, and Yu Dong went to the wedding. The bride was very ordinary, but Liu Jiang's face was full of happiness at the wedding. I heard that the bride was a colleague with him and took the initiative to chase him.


At eight o'clock in the evening, it was already dark, and when Liu Jiang rode his bicycle home, he saw a person standing at the entrance of the alley.

With the light on the second floor of his house, he could vaguely see the person's appearance, Liu Jiang's face was overjoyed, and he shouted at the person, "Xiaodong, you're back."

Yu Dong originally came to see someone riding a bicycle back, but he didn't dare to recognize it. He heard the voice and knew that it was indeed Liu Jiang who came back, and responded with a smile: "Brother Jiang, it's time for get off work."

Liu Jiang kicked a few more feet, and when the car came to Yu Dong, he turned around with the handlebars, and a beautiful dragon wagging its tail came to Yu Dong.

After finishing, he said proudly: "How about it, brother's driving skills are good."

Yu Dong gave a thumbs up: "Let's compete (powerful), we are a must in Jiwang Town."

Liu Jiang put his hand on Yu Dong's shoulder and laughed: "How many days off for the holidays? Are you back today?"

"I left it for nine days, and I got home in the afternoon."

Hearing Yu Dong said that he had been released for nine days, Liu Jiang said with envy: "It's better to be a teacher at school, unlike us, there is no normal vacation. Forget it, let's not talk about it, why are you staying outside here, not afraid of being caught? Mosquitoes ate you."

"I'm waiting for you, the mosquitoes are okay, I wiped toilet water when I came out."

"Wait for me?" Liu Jiang looked at Yu Dong in surprise, wondering why this kid was feeding mosquitoes here at night just to wait for him.

If someone else said this, Liu Jiang might think it was a joke.But he knew about Yu Dong's character. Yu Dong said that he was waiting for him, but he should really be waiting for him.

"I can wait at home, go, and follow me in." Liu Jiang got out of the car and dragged Yu Dong into his house.

Liu A-Gong was watching TV in the living room and saw Liu Jiang and Yu Dong come in together. He didn't think much about it, and pointed to the dining table: "Leave the dishes for Nong. If you feel cold, just warm it up yourself."

"okay, I get it."

Liu Jiang was not in a hurry to eat, but pulled Yu Dong to his room, "What do you want me to do?"

Yu Dong looked outside and said, "Why don't you eat first, I'm not in a hurry."

"Don't be in a hurry to eat, what day will you not eat?"

"Okay, then I'll say hurry up. That's right, don't you work in a bank? Is there any news about stocks?" Yu Dong said straight to the point.

Liu Jiang said strangely: "Why, do you want to play stocks?"

"I just read the news, I'm a little interested, and I want to know more."

"Hey, stocks are in deep water, and you are working in Jinling, so you don't have the conditions to play stocks. Also, don't blame me, you just graduated, how can you have money to buy stocks, the domestic stock market has just started , no one can say in the future, don't put you in it. You don't seem to be in short supply now, but it is a capital game after all, and ordinary people can't make any money in it." Liu Jiang said bitterly.

Yu Dong doesn't understand the economy. The reason why he is interested in stocks is because he remembers the issue of stock subscription certificates.As for what Liu Jiang said, he was not very clear.

It is possible that what Liu Jiang said is right, but it does not apply to the issue of the stock subscription certificate. It is also possible that Liu Jiang himself did not understand it, but just heard some news and made his own understanding.

But Yu Dong didn't come here to learn economic knowledge, so what Liu Jiang said was not the key. He just wanted to know about the stock subscription certificate.

But it can't be asked directly.

"Is there any special news in the stock market? For example, an increase in the number of shares issued?" Yu Dong asked.

Liu Jiang thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "That's not true."

Yu Dong was not disappointed when he got this answer. Since Liu Jiang said no, at least it means that the issue of the subscription certificate will not happen in the short term, and he still has some time to prepare.

 Thanks for the 1500 reward of [Yilianyoumengdi Wusian], there is a popular category test push this week, everyone will count the votes.

(End of this chapter)

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