Chapter 249 Attribution
Li Xiaolin looked at Cao Yang who was still reading the manuscript, then looked at Yu Dong, and said in a low voice, "It's pretty good."

Just these four words, Li Xiaolin didn't say any more.

But Yu Dong basically understood what Li Xiaolin meant, that this novel probably wasn't suitable for "Harvest".This was expected, and Yu Dong was certainly not surprised at all.

However, Li Xiaolin continued: ""Sprout" is actually quite good. Over the past few years, "Sprout" has forged ahead and has a very new style. Your novel is quite suitable for them."

Li Xiaolin spoke for "Sprout", which was not surprising to Yu Dong. The several units under the Writers Association themselves communicated with each other.

Many manuscripts have reached "Harvest", and the editor thinks that the level is good, but they are not suitable for publication in "Harvest", so they will recommend them to several other magazines such as "Shanghai Literature".

When Cao Yang heard Li Xiaolin mention "Sprout", he looked up at the two of them, and then continued to concentrate on reading the manuscript.

Li Xiaolin didn't continue talking, stood up with a smile on his face, and went to add water to Yu Dong and the others.

After another ten minutes, Cao Yang finally finished the manuscript.

He tidied up the manuscript and put it on his lap. He was not in a hurry to express his opinion, so he asked Li Xiaolin first: "Xiaolin, I'm afraid you won't be able to accept this "Fatal Identity" in "Harvest", right?"

Li Xiaolin said with a smile, "You asked the question knowingly, I was still speaking nicely for you just now."

"Haha, thank you for your success." Cao Yang said with a smile.

Li Xiaolin waved his hand, "It's useless for me to be perfect, you have to ask Yu Dong. Your "Sprout" is good, but it's not enough for Yu Dong to watch."

"No, no. Sister Xiaolin, you're flattering me too much." Yu Dong said hastily.

In fact, when Li Xiaolin said this, it was obvious that he was talking down "Sprout", but in fact he was still speaking for "Sprout". When she said this, Cao Yang was easy to answer, and Yu Dong was too embarrassed to refuse.

Cao Yang said with a smile, "So I hope Teacher Yu will give him a chance. I know that our "Sprout" is not as influential as top publications like "Harvest" and "Zhongshan", but we also have our advantages. To tell you the truth Said, I have been exploring for the past few years, what kind of path should our "Sprout" take."

"From the day "Sprout" was born, we were destined not to compete with "Harvest". In my opinion, we are more like a supplement, supplementing the publications such as "Harvest" and "Zhongshan". We have a young audience, which is similar to Science Fiction World, but the difference is that we provide young readers with a path to magazines like Harvest.”

"I like "Fatal Identity" very much, and I think it is very suitable for our magazine. It has wonderful stories that can attract young readers, and it has extraordinary humanistic care. The most important thing is that this novel involves domestic violence. , school violence, and left-behind children and other social issues are not only for the parents and teachers to see, but also for the students who are the main groups involved in the incident. Therefore, considering all aspects, I think that "Fatal "Identity" handed over to "Sprout" is a matter of mutual benefit and win-win."

It can be seen that Cao Yang really wanted this novel, and he said a lot in one mouth.

And he also got to the point. After hearing this, Yu Dong was really moved.

Maybe because he saw Yu Dong was a little moved, Cao Yang hit the rails while it was hot, "For your novel, I can give you a separate column called Novel Family. This column will continue to exist in the future. After your novel is serialized, we will Just find another novel to take over. When people mention this column in the future, the first thing that comes to mind must be "Fatal Identity", which started this column."

Cao Yang knew that Yu Dong was not short of money, so he changed his tricks to attract his attention.

In fact, it wasn't Cao Yang's temporary idea to open the column of Novel Family. During this time, Zhao Changtian had been discussing this matter with him, hoping that the magazine would be revised to make the content a column.

It's just that the two never reached a consensus.

If nothing else, Cao Yang has been the editor-in-chief of "Sprout" for more than a year. Since there is only such a short time left, it is better to leave it to Zhao Changtian to do the revision.

But now the appearance of "Fatal Identity" made Cao Yang change his mind.

Since it is going to be a column, it is better to open a column to test the water first.

Yu Dong laughed. He laughed because the later "Sprout" did have a column of novel families.Cao Yang and the others probably already had this idea, otherwise it would be too coincidental to come up with this thing suddenly.

However, Cao Yang's sincerity really moved Yu Dong.


"Of course, if you are worried about affecting the sales of the later single volumes, we can leave the ending part unserialized and let readers read the single volumes."

For this novel, Cao Yang really went all out.

But Yu Dong waved his hand and said, "No, no, if you want to serialize, just serialize them all, don't care about that."

Cao Yang's eyes lit up, "So, Teacher Yu agreed to give us "Fatal Identity"?"

Yu Dong nodded, "Editor Cao's sincerity is hard to refuse."

"Okay!" Cao Yang pressed the manuscript on his lap with one hand, and stretched out the other hand in front of Yu Dong: "Teacher Yu, thank you for your support."

Yu Dong held Cao Yang's hand, "You're welcome, let's support each other."


The ownership of "Fatal Identity" was settled in this way, and Yu Dong followed Cao Yang around the editorial department of "Sprout" and met Zhao Changtian.

Facing Yu Dong, Cao Yang did not shy away from it at all, and directly told Yu Dong that Zhao Changtian was the next editor-in-chief.

Zhao Changtian is in his forties, with his hair combed back, and whether he speaks or not, he always smiles.He is very thin, wearing a thick jacket, which still makes people feel empty inside.

Compared with Cao Yang, Yu Dong is more familiar with Zhao Changtian, because Zhao Changtian has more works, such as "Harvest", "Zhongshan", "Shanghai Literature", "Yuhua" and other magazines have published his novels.

"Teacher Yu, come to my office?"

Yu Dong had no choice but to follow Zhao Changtian.

After entering the door, Yu Dong saw a young man lying in the office writing something. Seeing Yu Dong and the others go in, he looked up at them both.

Zhao Changtian beckoned, "Zhao Yan, go out and do your homework."

Zhao Yan nodded and went out with his homework in his arms.

Zhao Changtian smiled and said to Dong: "Mr. Yu, this is a dog. You can laugh at me. I have nowhere to run during the holidays, so I can only come here."

Yu Dong nodded to express his understanding. In fact, when he saw Zhao Yan just now, he deliberately took a second look, because he remembered that it was probably Zhao Changtian's son.

Judging by his age, Zhao Yan should be that much.

 Thanks to [Xinzhi~Wenbai] for the 1500 reward
(End of this chapter)

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