Chapter 250 Nervous Howl

Seeing so much, Yu Dong remembered what Cao Yang said before, that he could end the serialization early and let the booklet take over to help the sales of the booklet.

This incident happened once in Naduo's novel "The Illusive River Picture of Qingming Festival". At that time, "The Illusive River Picture of Qingming Festival" was serialized in "Sprout" for a period of time, and the response was very good.But at the end of the day, the magazine suddenly stopped serializing and asked the publisher to publish a booklet. Readers who want to see the later part can only read the booklet.

This also caused dissatisfaction among readers.

Yu Dong rejected Cao Yang's proposal, because he didn't want to offend readers because of the sales.

Of course, Yu Dong can't care because he has the capital, and others may not be able to do it.

After sitting in Zhao Changtian's office for a while, Yu Dong got up and said goodbye.

"I send you."

"you are welcome."

Zhao Changtian still sent it out, and the two left the office, only to find that Zhao Yan was guarding the door.


Zhao Yan first saw Yu Dong, ready to say hello with joy on his face, and then saw his father coming out, turned his head and ran away in fright.

"I didn't teach it well, so I made you laugh."

Yu Dong waved his hand, "My child."


The fact that YU is going to New York to hold a signing event has been handled by Jimmy, and the news is already very hot.

Of course, this is not the credit of Jimmy alone.

Universal Pictures wants to promote the "Second World" movie, and they must contribute.Bantam has to sell books, so of course it's impossible to be idle.

Especially after Jimmy expressed his dissatisfaction before, Bantam now puts a lot more effort into promoting Dong's works than before.

In fact, the biggest winner this time should be Little Bear Bookstore.

Bantam picked a few places for Jimmy to choose, and finally Jimmy chose the Little Bear Bookstore.

The reason for choosing it is naturally because it is the cooperative bookstore of the YU Umbrella Reading Club.

And although it is called Little Bear Bookstore, it is definitely not small. According to its scale, it can be ranked among the top [-] in New York. It is completely possible to host a book signing.

However, for this signing event, store manager Hal still made a lot of preparations.

He first cleared a space on the second floor for YU's books, and set up a book fan communication area. This was done naturally to show that the bookstore attaches great importance to YU, and also strengthened the cooperation with the YU Umbrella Reading Club by the way.

Afterwards, he asked someone to make a huge poster, and hung it outside the bookstore the night before the signing, so that passers-by could see the information of the signing from a long distance away.

Not only that, he tried all the pens used in the signing meeting one by one, and each pen was specially made with a serial number engraved on it.

At that time, after signing one hundred copies, one will be exchanged. These pens will be kept and can be placed in the store as souvenirs or as gifts for book purchases.

Because YU is Chinese, he also contacted the most famous Chinese restaurant nearby to ensure that YU could eat delicious meals that day.

In addition, there are so many details that Hal has thought of. These days, his mind is full of signing events.

One day, when Hahns went to the bookstore, Hal was squatting on the ground and playing with a stand in the shape of a panda.

Hans smiled and said, "Hal, what are you doing?"

Hal looked up at Hahns, "YU is coming, I'm going to make some Chinese elements, so that he feels like coming home when he comes."

"Hal, do you think that YU will feel at home when he sees a panda?" Hahns said with a smile: "As far as I know, there are not many opportunities for Chinese people to see pandas."

"Really?" Hal was taken aback, "I heard that in China, if you make outstanding contributions to society, you can raise pandas."

"Pandas are protected animals. How can they be raised by private individuals? Where did you hear that?"

"In the paper."

Hans rolled his eyes. After all, Hal is also the manager of a bookstore, so I believe this kind of news.

Hearing what Hans said, Hal didn't plan to make any more pandas.He took Hans to find a place to sit down, and made another cup of coffee for Hans: "Hahns, you came just in time, you are the president of the book club, you should know YU very well, look at the preparations in our store , is there anything that needs to be improved?"

"You have found the wrong person for this matter. I don't know YU at all. I only know his works. Actually, you don't have to worry about it. Although the signing will be in your bookstore, the sponsor is Universal Pictures. They will do anything. After all, they are in direct contact with YU, and YU will tell them what they need."

Hal rubbed his forehead, "I know, but I just don't feel relieved, this is a good opportunity, a chance to make our bookstore famous. Speaking of which, I would like to thank you all. I understand, if it weren't for your book club, It is impossible for them to hold the signing in our bookstore."

"You're welcome, we're a cooperative relationship."

In fact, Hahns didn't know much about this matter, but he naturally accepted Hal's thanks.

"Hahns, tell me—" Hal said again, "How many people will come to the signing event? With such a big publicity this time, there should be quite a few people coming, right?"

Hahns smiled. He knew that the Little Bear Bookstore bought [-] copies of "Second World" from Bantam at once. Hal asked this question because he was worried about whether these books could be sold.

Because Bantam gave a discount, even if the books couldn't be sold, they couldn't be returned.

Of course, if you can't sell it, you can transfer it to other bookstores, but this will make you a lot less money, and it will also cost you money.

"Don't worry, hundreds of people will come to our book club alone. You can sell more than 1000 books with a guarantee."

When Hahns said this, Hal felt relieved: "The 3000 copies don't have to be sold out. If we can sell more than [-] copies, the financial pressure will be relieved, and the rest can be sold slowly."

"Your worries are completely unfounded. I heard that YU's signing event in China sold nearly [-] copies casually. The New York market is so good, can it be less than there?" Hahns laughed. .

"I heard that was when the new book was just released."

In fact, Hal is so worried mainly because this signing will only be limited to "Second World". question.

"Second World" is now the best seller, and it has been on sale for so long, especially after the news that Spielberg was going to make it into a movie came out, the sales volume skyrocketed in a short period of time.

Now many people around have bought books, and those who have already bought books may not come to participate in the book signing again.

"Don't worry, it will be fine, trust me."

Hans secretly sighed, this Hal is good at everything, but he is too nervous when things happen.

(End of this chapter)

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