Chapter 251 The drowned man

The fact that YU is going to the United States to hold a signing event, people in the American science fiction circle are basically paying attention.

Because "Second World" can be said to be the most popular science fiction novel in recent years. The science fiction circle in the United States is much larger than that in China, but that's it.

In a way, everyone's situation is similar, science fiction writers are basically part-timers.

In the past few years, it is not science fiction that has not been out of the circle, such as the "Ender's Game" series, which has performed very well in terms of awards and sales.

But in terms of sales alone, it is still inferior to "Second World", which has sold more than 200 million copies in a year.

Of course, the reason why "Second World" can sell so well is not only because the quality of the novel passes the test, but more importantly, it has a good beginning.

Before "Second World" began to be sold in the United States, YU had already made a name for himself in the United States with "Resident Evil". The name YU entered the American book market.

At this time, "Second World" was born, and it was difficult to sell well.

Later, Universal announced that it would adapt the film, which was still directed by Spielberg, and it is reasonable that the sales surged again.

But in any case, as the best-selling science fiction novel in recent years, both readers and authors in the American science fiction circle are paying attention to Yu Dong's movements.

Perhaps the appearance of YU will be an opportunity, an opportunity to make the science fiction circle grow stronger.


Jiwang Town is getting more and more lively. Even though there are a lot of migrant workers leaving because of the Chinese New Year, there are still many more people than before.

There is a large courtyard at the village head, where any activities in the village used to be held there, but there have been basically no activities in the village in recent years, and even if there were activities, they would be notified by calling or broadcasting.

So the big yard is empty, and the children usually like to play in it.

Sometimes Yu Dong would run over when he was free.

In this village, Yu Dong was not very popular with the children.On the one hand, he has rarely been at home since he was in middle school, and has less contact with these children. On the other hand, he is now a teacher, and most children are unwilling to play with the teacher, regardless of whether it is their teacher or not, as long as it is a teacher , I ran away when I saw it.

So as soon as Yu Dong went to the yard, the children who knew him from the local area unconsciously shifted to the corner, and some of them were more courageous, and at most they just greeted him.

"What are you playing?"

Sometimes Yu Dong also wants to be more friendly and blend in with them, but once he shows that he wants to blend in, these children will run away immediately.

After coming and going, even if Yu Dong came to stroll in the yard, he would not take the initiative to talk to them.

The courtyard has walls on three sides, and the west side is bordered by a small river. Yu Dong often stares at the small river in a daze. He used to play in the river, but the water quality has been getting worse and worse in recent years, making it impossible to play in the water.

Across the river lived a family who were washing rice for cooking. Their family often caught toads to eat, which impressed Yu Dong deeply.

Even in winter, when the toads hibernate, the family can dig them out from under rocks and send them to the dead.

"What are you thinking about?"

Liu Jiang passed by the gate of the courtyard and saw Yu Dong's back, so he came over and patted him on the shoulder.

Yu Dong turned around with a smile, "It's nothing, just come out and let the wind go."

"I think you are in a hurry, do you have any plans for tonight?"

"You have to ask my mother."

"That means there is no arrangement. I will treat you to dinner tonight. Uncle Yu and Aunt Fang will be together."

"Why are you so polite to invite me to dinner?"

"You can't invite dinner if you're good?" Liu Jiang said with a smile, "Lily's parents will come over tonight."

"Who is Lily?"

"Your future sister-in-law."

Yu Dong looked at Liu Jiang with a smile, and said nothing, this guy solved the major event in his life.

"I haven't heard from you all this time."

"It wasn't stable before, but now it's almost the same, and we'll get married next year."

Yu Dong gave a thumbs up, "Li Luo, where is my sister-in-law, how did you know her?"

"Former colleagues."

Former colleagues……

Liu Jiang's wife in the last life was a colleague, so is it the same person this time?Yu Dong couldn't remember the full name of Liu Jiang's wife, but it seemed that her surname was Lin.

"Okay, then go and talk to my parents."

"You won't go back with me?"

Yu Dong shook his head, "I'm just staring blankly for a while."

"I'm so busy!" Liu Jiang walked away with his hands behind his back, shaking his head.

After Liu Jiang left, Yu Dong continued to stare at the lake.

There may have been more than one drowned person in this river, but Yu Dong knew only one.

A child in the east of the village, who was a few years younger than Yu Dong, used to play behind Yu Dong and his older children.

Later, Yu Dong went to high school and didn't go home often. He didn't see the child for more than half a year. He suddenly remembered that he asked his parents and found out that he had drowned.

"How many times have I told you, don't rely on the river, people have drowned in it."

The child from the opposite family ran to the river and stared at Yu Dong with a curious look on his face. His mother came out in time and pulled him back.

"People drowned in it."

Before the child drowned, adults often warned them that these children who like to play with water, but at that time no one thought that they would become part of this sentence.

After seeing the white foam blocks floating on the lake for a while, Yu Dong turned his head and went home.

After returning home, he started writing a novel, and when Liu Jiang came to call him for dinner in the evening, he had just finished writing.

The novel is very short, more than 5000 words, and it is called "The Man Who Drowns Inside".

Seeing him writing, Liu Jiang smiled and said, "It's almost Chinese New Year, and you're still working so hard, why don't you give yourself a vacation?"

"Write whatever you want, treat it as a vacation."



Liu Jiang's partner is Lin Li, who was his wife in the previous life, and her parents seem to be quite satisfied with Liu Jiang's son-in-law.Although he is a little older, he looks good, is lively, and makes money.

Yu Dongting sighed with emotion, the fate between people is really unclear, Liu Jiang has changed a lot in this life, but he still came together with Lin Li.

They plan to get married next spring, and the date is discussed at the dinner table.

Liu Jiang's mother left early, and his father was getting older, so Yu Hansheng and his wife naturally helped with some matters, and the old couple also helped to discuss the marriage.

Yu Dong could see that the two of them were very caring, not only because they watched Liu Jiang grow up and the two families had a good relationship, but also because Yu Dong was going to get married soon. Exercise exercise.

Sure enough, after returning home after dinner, Qin Fang was talking about Yu Dong's marriage, saying that they should help Liu Jiang get married, and they will have experience when Yu Dong gets married.


After the Chinese New Year, Yu Dong went to "Harvest" first, and gave Wang Yu the manuscript of "The Man Who Drowned Inside".

Wang Yu took the manuscript to Cheng Yongxing again, and it was decided on the spot, but it will not be published until May.

Before leaving, Cheng Yongxing nodded to Yu Dong: "It is a good thing to write more short and medium stories."

Yu Dong nodded, he knew why Cheng Yongxing said this, and they must have also received the news that the short story award will be reopened.

On the second day after handing in the manuscript, Yu Dong set foot on the road to the United States.

(End of this chapter)

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