Chapter 252 Diversity

Wang Kuo and the others didn't know what they were going to do until they got on the plane.

Hearing that they were going to enter the Hollywood film crew to provide some help to the props crew, several students were a little uncertain.

"Teacher Yu, we don't know much about props either." Li Huixiang said nervously.

Several other students also looked at Yu Dong, because what Li Huixiang asked was what they wanted to ask.

Before Yu Dong could answer, Liu Changmin said first, "You can learn if you don't know, but you must have confidence before you do things. Since the school has selected you, there must be our reasons. You must first believe in yourself, and you must also believe in yourself." believe us."

"Ms. Liu, we are mainly afraid of holding you back." Wang Jin said.

Yu Dong said with a smile, "It's okay. This time, I mainly focused on studying. In addition, the work is not difficult. Whatever I say, you can draw whatever you want. I believe that you still have this basic skill."

Hearing what Yu Dong said, they were a little relieved.

"By the way, Mr. Yu, you said that when you arrive this time, will many readers come to pick you up? I heard that foreign stars will be picked up wherever they go."

Lin Ke, who was the only girl on this trip, asked curiously.She has paid attention to some foreign news, and knows that there are movie fans abroad who pick up the airport.

"There are people who pick it up, but they are all staff from Universal Pictures." Yu Dong said.

Hearing Yu Dong's words, the students were a little disappointed, they hadn't seen the scene of picking up the airport yet.

In fact, Jimmy had discussed with Yu Dong about picking up the plane.

On this matter, Yu Dong and Jimmy have very different ideas.Jimmy's idea is to maintain a sense of mystery while ensuring exposure.

Mystery and exposure may sound like opposites, but Jimmy believes that it can be done at the same time.To ensure exposure, as long as there are frequent news about Yu Dong, the public will often see him, hear him, and never forget him. He is everywhere in their lives.To maintain a sense of mystery is to let Yu Dong accept interviews as little as possible, talk less, and keep a little writer's aloof attitude.

It's just that Yu Dong felt that no matter what Jimmy did to promote his works, he should minimize his personal promotion.After all, he was a writer, not a movie star, and he didn't want to sacrifice his privacy.

So this time, Jimmy didn't arrange for book fans to come over for the airport pick-up.

Jimmy originally planned to mobilize the members of the book club to pick up the plane to make the momentum bigger and create another wave of hype.

This matter is very easy to handle, the members of the reading club are eager to pick up the plane, no one has seen what YU looks like.


When the group arrived in California, the sun had just set.

Jimmy came with Universal's staff. Although an interpreter was hired, Jimmy still acted as an interpreter when we met for the first time.

And in terms of Chinese-American bilingual level, there are few in the entire United States that can match Jimmy.With him around, the translation naturally has to stand aside.

"Everyone is exhausted from the journey. Come with me to the hotel first. The drinks are ready for you. My name is Jimmy, and my Chinese name is also Jimmy. You can call me Jimmy, or Mr. Ji."

Jimmy gave himself a Chinese name, Jimmy and Mi.

He is very satisfied with his Chinese name, which augurs well.

In fact, he once gave himself another Chinese name, Yu Dadong, with a big character added in the middle of Yudong's name, and he is very obsessed with Dadong.

It's just that the name Yu Dadong was strongly opposed by Yu Dong.

Of course, Yu Dong also gave Jimmy a Chinese name called Jixiang, which has a better omen, but the name Jixiang was strongly opposed by Jimmy himself.

After Jimmy expressed his objection, Yu Dong still sighed: What a good name.

If I had met Jimmy earlier and offered him this proposal when he first arrived in China, I am afraid he would have accepted it.

Liu Changmin had known Jimmy for a long time, and was not surprised at his fluent Chinese, but several students felt as if they had seen a ghost when they heard Jimmy speak Chinese.

In fact, Wang Jin and the others have also met Jimmy. After all, Jimmy often wanders around Jinyi, but he has never spoken to him.

"Mr. Ji, hello, hello."

Several students tried their best to make their Mandarin look standard, not wanting to lose face in front of Jimmy, a foreigner.

Liu Changmin said with a smile: "He often travels to Jinling now, and his accent has changed a lot. Before that, he was an authentic Beijing movie."


Jimmy took Yu Dong and the others to have dinner first, and then let them go to the room to sleep.

"I know some of you must have slept well on the plane, but you must sleep now, try to reverse the jet lag, and tomorrow we will go directly to Universal City."

The production of Universal Pictures is in California, and the distribution and administration are in New York. Yu Dong's main work is still in the studio. After the prop work is over, they will go to New York to carry out promotional activities.

After Liu Changmin took the students to bed, Jimmy went to Yu Dong's house.

They definitely still have a lot of time to connect before work begins.

"How did you feel when you came to America for the first time?"

Yu Dong said with a smile, "It will take a few days before I can answer this question for you."

Jimmy was no longer surprised by Dong's calmness, and he didn't know why. Yu Dong had obviously never been abroad, but after arriving in Los Angeles, no surprise could be seen on his face.

China is still in the initial stage of development, and everywhere is lagging behind. Even cities like Shanghai and Jinling are completely incomparable with the scene of Los Angeles. Sometimes it feels like two worlds.

Although Liu Changmin and the others tried their best to maintain it, they could still see surprise and envy on their faces.

Maybe Yu Dong was born with a big heart.

"Spielberg asked me to apologize to you. He was supposed to come to see you tonight, but he couldn't make it because he had a lot of work to do. In fact, this time you come here, the workload is still very heavy, Spielberg Berger's team tried to design some props, but he was not satisfied with most of them. So these props that have been made may be overthrown and reworked."

"It's okay, we're here to solve the problem."

"Well, I believe you, but you still have to be mentally prepared. Spielberg is usually very talkative, but he has high requirements for work. Moreover, it seems that their artists are not easy for us to call , so the few students you brought this time can’t just stand by and look around.”

Yu Dong nodded, expressing his understanding.Later, Jimmy had a detailed discussion with Universal Pictures about the patent of the appearance of the props. In addition to Universal Pictures' own film and television peripherals, an additional appearance patent contract was attached.

The content of the contract shows that once an appearance patent is applied for the appearance patent of the props designed by Yu Dong and his team, the patent right will be enjoyed by Deep Space Company. Except for the peripherals sold by Universal Pictures later, other individuals or units want to use this appearance patent. A Deep Space Corporation license fee is required.

That is to say, the appearance patent of the prop belongs to Deep Space Company, but it has been authorized to Universal Pictures in advance. They can use it, but they cannot sell the patent authorization.

In fact, this does not have much impact on Universal Pictures in essence. The commercial value of props to them is mainly peripheral products. Now that they have the authorization of peripheral products, they naturally don't care about other things.

Not all props can apply for appearance patents, and the possibility of other units using the patents is probably not high.

However, the appearance patent belongs to Deep Space Corporation, and Universal may not be too active.

It doesn't matter to Yu Dong, if it's just designing props, in fact, Liu Changmin and a few students are enough.


Early the next morning, Jimmy took Yu Dong and the others to Universal City.

They met Spielberg at the studio of the prop group.

Without Jimmy's introduction, Yu Dong recognized Spielberg at a glance. Similarly, Spielberg recognized Yu Dong at a glance.

"YU, you are welcome."

Just as Yu Dong was about to reach out, Spielberg embraced him enthusiastically.

Spielberg is not tall, and he had to step on his feet to hug Dong's shoulder with one hand. He probably felt that this posture was awkward, so he hugged it and then let go.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time." Spielberg laughed.

Although Yu Dong could hear Spielberg's words, Jimmy ran over to translate for them.

No matter how down-to-earth the conversation, once the translator intervenes, it will immediately become formal. It may be because of this, Spielberg didn't want to waste time, and immediately talked about the business, and asked Yu Dong if he could immediately get into work .

"We have no problem at all." Yu Dong smiled.

After listening to Jimmy's translation, Spielberg laughed: "Then let's get started."

Spielberg is not procrastinating at all in doing things, and he has already moved forward while speaking.

Everyone came to a long table. There were many manuscripts on the table, some were neatly folded and placed aside, while others were randomly scattered on the table.

Spielberg picked up three and handed them to Yu Dong, "We tried to design a mobile phone, and this one is the most mature, but I still feel that something is missing."

Yu Dong took the manuscript and looked at it. The three sheets of paper showed the front, back, and side of the mobile phone respectively, and marked the size.

Speaking of which, this mobile phone is very technological, with a full screen, no borders, 27.6 cm long, 9.56 cm wide, and only 3 mm thick.

The size is not like a phone, but more like a tablet.

"This is just a schematic diagram. We imagine that a special metal material is used on the back to facilitate heat dissipation."

Yu Dong smiled and nodded, "It's pretty good."

Jimmy translated Yudong's words to Spielberg, who was a little disappointed. What he wanted to hear was "this is not good" and "there are better solutions".

But Jimmy didn't respond. He knew Yu Dong, and Yu Dong said that it meant that the thing designed by Spielberg and the others was not working at all.

Sure enough, Yu Dong continued, "Director Spielberg, I think your thinking may be a bit solidified. Although I didn't specifically describe the shape of the mobile phone in the novel, it can be seen from some details that not everyone uses it. All mobile phones are the same. Therefore, if we want to create a decent near-future world, we must first work hard on the types of mobile phones.”

"Moreover, as an electronic product, mobile phones will definitely be iteratively updated. The game world designed in the novel has not been developed for many years. According to our current estimates, it will be about 30 years later. Let's assume now that we 30 years later, the world of the game will develop into the game world depicted in the novel, so what will happen in these 30 years?"

"30 years? I thought it might take longer, 40 years, 50 years, maybe even longer," Spielberg said.

Spielberg's words are a bit interesting. He said that he thought such a world would take 50 to [-] years or even longer, which means that he actually believes that the game world in the novel is what the future looks like.

Yu Dong did not refute his statement, but still smiled and said, "Okay, even if it takes 50 years, what will happen in these 50 years?"

Yu Dong's question aroused the thinking of everyone present, and everyone was wondering what would happen in the next 50 years.

"Now that our mobile phones have just come out, they are still very bulky. We need to solve the problem of size first."

It was a brown-haired woman who was speaking, standing over Spielberg.

"She's our producer, Catherine," Spielberg said.

Only then did Spielberg realize that he hadn't introduced their staff to Yu Dong, and he was busy introducing Yu Dong from the producer to the prop master.

After the introduction, Spielberg continued what Catherine said just now: "Catherine is right, the weight problem must be solved first. After solving the weight problem, the screen size problem must also be solved, and the buttons need to be eliminated. I think every It may take a long time for a step change, no, it may not take too long, because some problems can be solved quickly, such as the volume problem, as far as I know, there are lighter mobile phones now.”

"That's right." Yu Dong took over, "But the weight of the mobile phone will not drop in a straight line, and it may become heavier."

"Why is that?" Catherine asked.

"This involves the issue of demand. If there is no major breakthrough in various mobile phone technologies for a certain period of time, but people's requirements for mobile phones have become higher, and they hope to use mobile phones to do more things, then mobile phones must become larger. .Of course, what I’m talking about is based on the premise that mobile phones have become relatively small.”

"I get it, and maybe some people like a bigger phone because the screen is bigger, like a TV," Catherine said.

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Ms. Kennedy, you are very smart."

Spielberg also laughed, "That's true. I remember that in the novel, people can take out their mobile phones to play intense battle games at any time. Then this kind of game will definitely not appear suddenly, and the mobile phone that can support this type of game may appear first , and then this kind of game can develop rapidly, and in order to cater to the development of the game, the mobile phone has to make some changes, such as making the screen bigger.”

Yu Dong clapped his hands, "I said this not only to explain that mobile phones will be iterated in a short period of time, but also to tell you that there are various types of mobile phones, depending on the needs of users. Some people like to use mobile phones to play games. For games, some people want to use their mobile phones to take pictures, while others only need communication functions, so their requirements for mobile phones are different.”

"YU, it seems that our workload has increased instead." Spielberg patted his forehead, "But I believe that with you, our work efficiency will be greatly improved. Okay, then let's get started, first turn off the phone Solve this problem, and then solve other problems step by step."

But Yu Dong waved his hand and said, "No, we can do all the work together."


The reason why Yu Dong proposed to do all the work together is because it takes time to draw them, but he describes them very quickly, so many things can be done together, and he only needs to intersperse with everyone to give opinions.

The work started quickly. Yu Dong divided Liu Changmin and the others into three groups, with two people in each group. The first group was responsible for mobile phones, the second group was responsible for other electronic products, and the third group was on call at any time.

"The first mobile phone, the fuselage is about fifteen or six centimeters long and seven or eight centimeters wide..."

Yu Dong quickly entered the working state and began to teach the first group to design the first mobile phone.

Halfway through, Catherine and Spielberg will pull aside, and Jimmy will follow.

"YU, when you are designing, I am afraid that you need to consider the issue of advertising placement."

 The alumni team played a game yesterday, and drank a lot of wine in the evening, I dove everyone, sorry.Older, after a hangover, and still groggy now.It's also because my body is failing. I haven't played for a long time, but now my whole body is sore.

(End of this chapter)

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