Chapter 253 Sponsorship
Yu Dong looked at Jimmy, and Jimmy hadn't told him about the advertisement.

Jimmy said to Yu Dong: "I asked them about this before, and they only said that they were talking, but there was no result yet. It is written in the contract that if the placed advertisement needs to use the props we designed, we will charge 15.00%."

"Will it affect the subsequent patent licensing?" Yu Dong is more concerned about this, "If Motorola buys the mobile phone advertisement now, can this mobile phone be licensed to other brands in the future?"

"Is there any problem with this..." Halfway through the speech, Jimmy was a little uncertain, "I'm going to ask the legal counsel later."

"Okay, go back and make sure."

Yu Dong looked at Spielberg and the others again, "Don't worry about the design, the props we designed are all of different brands. If there are really sponsors who want to advertise later, we can arrange them at any time."

Spielberg nodded, "Actually, we are discussing cooperation with Motorola. If we can negotiate, I hope to design a series of future products for them."

"No problem at all." Yu Dong nodded.

After Jimmy smiled and translated Yudong's words to Spielberg, he added, "Director Spielberg, if you really want to tailor a series of future products for their brand, the advertising fee will not be less. Received."

"Haha, don't worry about this. Even if you want to charge less, the company won't agree. Of course, I won't agree either."

Spielberg made this movie with a profit share, and Yu Dong and the others didn't know the specific share ratio, but in any case, the purpose of all parties is the same, to reduce costs and expand profits.


After about three or four days, news came from Universal Pictures that they had negotiated a cooperation with Motorola.

Motorola hopes that 5+2 brand mobile phones will appear in the movie, and no other mobile phones from other manufacturers will appear.

The so-called 5+2 is virtual five models plus two models provided by Motorola itself. In addition to the first-generation Motorola DynaTAC8000X, they also hope that the new mobile phone Motorola 8900, which will enter the market next year, will appear in the movie.

For this, they are willing to pay 1000 million U.S. dollars, and also promised to pay 200 million U.S. dollars for the film's advertising, a total of 200 million U.S. dollars.

The budget of "Second World" is 6000 million US dollars, that is to say, one advertisement saved them more than one-third of the cost.

Of course, the original advertising cost planned by Universal Pictures was not 200 million US dollars. Motorola's cooperation model made them have to increase the film's publicity cost.

There are many details in the specific contract, including the duration of the advertising shots, the size of the logo...

But these don't need to be considered by Yu Dong and the others.

All they have to do is to tailor a series of mobile phones for Motorola. As for how Spielberg will use it in the future, they don't care.

Motorola also sent two designers to assist Yu Dong in their design. The most important thing is that the Motorola 8900, which has not yet been released, needs their company to provide parameters.


Time always flies by when you're working hard.

Before I knew it, half a month passed, and Yu Dong and the others basically completed most of the work.

But the work is not that easy, because there are many things involved and all parties must be satisfied, so it is really time-consuming to do.

The reason why such a good progress can be achieved is that everyone worked day and night in exchange for it.

On the contrary, Yu Dong is the most relaxed one, he can always leave Liu Changmin and the others busy for a long time.

Especially the few students who have not gone to work, they really felt the intensity of the design work during this time.

Wang Kuo is a young man who likes to talk so much. Apart from work, he has no time to argue with others during this time.He is very capable, very talented in prop design, and he is also very sure about commerciality, and he can always come up with some eye-catching ideas.

What surprised everyone the most was that when Yu Dong proposed to design a mobile phone protective case, he actually proposed a joint model.

The joint name is nothing new, and its history can be traced back to half a century ago.

But no one has ever tried this in a movie before: linking two brands through a conceptual product.

Of course, Universal Pictures was very happy, and went to harvest another wave of Nikes, and got 200 million advertising fees.What Universal Pictures needs to do is to add at least three seconds of a mobile phone case shot with the Nike logo to the movie.

Because of this idea, Spielberg even wanted to poach people.

Yu Dong went to ask Wang Kuo for his opinion, but Wang Kuo refused.This made Yu Dong look at Wang Kuo with admiration. Apart from being a good guy, this kid can actually resist the temptation.

Of course, not only Yu Dong and his team surprised Universal Pictures, but Universal Pictures' commercial capabilities also surprised Yu Dong and the others.

It may be that Motorola's advertising contract gave Universal a taste of the sweetness, and they began to increase their efforts to find advertising sponsors.

I talked about a lot of advertisements here and there, but they were all small orders of one or two hundred dollars, or even hundreds of thousands of dollars.

What surprised Yu Dong the most was that they actually got advertising sponsorship from the Premier League.

But think about it carefully, the Premier League has just been established (renamed), and it really needs a wave of publicity, and the Premier League has been seeking development over the years to become the first league, so it seems reasonable for them to spend money on sponsorship.


"This is probably the movie I advertise the most."

The day before Yu Dong left Universal City, Spielberg said this to Dong with great emotion at the farewell banquet.

However, it can be heard that Spielberg is still very happy, because he can increase some budgets for the film.And these commercials are actually well chosen, very suitable for the movie.

In order to increase the sense of reality of the movie itself, some brands need to appear to substituting the audience into it, and accepting the sponsorship of some brands is nothing but mutual benefit and win-win.

And advertising sponsorship is nothing new to Spielberg. As early as when he was filming "ET", he created a classic case of advertising sponsorship.

At that time, Hershey replaced Mars as the sponsor of the film, and paid 100 million US dollars to put the candy they produced into the film, which finally gained huge benefits.

It is said that if it is normal marketing, Hershey will spend at least 500 million US dollars to achieve such an effect.

So this time the ad can sell so well, not only because of the characteristics of the movie itself, but also because of the previous success of Universal Pictures.

 I see that some readers don't like the content of the United States

  There will be a long period in the follow-up in the United States, but the commercial content is basically gone, and there will be some other plots, such as the literary circle in the literary desert...

  I don't like to write about business, because I'm not good at it, but I have to write.If it is always mentioned in one stroke, the plot will be disjointed. Two days ago, I saw two friends asking why the protagonist has money to invest in the company. This is because I have too little description of the subscription certificate.

  And those marketing routines, I actually don’t understand them, my friend Jimmy guided me to write them.

(End of this chapter)

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