Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 254 Sounds More Interesting

Chapter 254 Sounds More Interesting

After leaving Universal City, Yu Dong did not rush to New York immediately, and there were still three days before the autograph meeting, during which time they could take a good rest.

After sleeping for a whole day, Yu Dong and Jimmy took a few others to Hollywood the next day.

This destination was selected by voting. The students were very curious about Hollywood, and since they were all here, they always felt that they couldn't go and have a look, which was a big loss.

But when we got there, everyone was a little disappointed.

There are indeed many attractions in Hollywood, which are very prosperous from a distance, which cannot be seen in China.But when you walk on the street, you can find that under the glitz, there is shallowness and vulgarity.

Jimmy himself doesn't have a soft spot for Hollywood.

"Hollywood used to be really good, but these years have been getting worse and worse. Hollywood in the past two years is basically the worst Hollywood in my impression."

Before coming here, everyone felt that, as the center of world cinema, Hollywood must be full of dreams and art.

In fact, there are still traces of dreams and art, but there are vulgar and dilapidated commodity stores everywhere on the roadside, as well as beggars and prostitutes everywhere. .

Jimmy told Yu Dong and the others that there was turmoil here in 92.

Originally, the students were still thinking about free activities and wandering around. After hearing Jimmy's words, they didn't dare to say anything, and followed Jimmy and the others closely.

In fact, most of Jimmy's words were scaring. Although Hollywood is now in ruins, there are usually no problems in broad daylight.And Jimmy is very familiar with this place, he knows where it is safe and where it is dangerous.

In the afternoon, several people were tired from walking. Yu Dong happened to see an audio-visual store selling CDs, and went in thinking of buying some gifts for Cheng Yanqiu.

The name of this store is "Dead Snake in the Field". The name is quite weird, but Yu Dong doesn't find it strange. There are many messy store names in the United States, and some names actually have meanings, but outsiders don't understand it.

The area of ​​the video store is not big, about thirty to fifty square meters. When Yu Dong and the others entered, there were no customers.

There are a lot of classical music CDs on the shelves, which seem to be a bit niche, so it is no wonder that there are few patrons.

The boss is an old man with white hair, sitting on the innermost recliner wearing a pair of headphones.When he saw a guest coming in, he just glanced at it and stopped looking.

Lin Ke looked at Yu Dong's careful selection of CDs, and asked gossipingly, "Are you going to buy it for my wife?"

Yu Dongbai glanced at Li Ke, "Can't I enjoy music myself?"

Lin Ke, a little girl, was a little shy when she first joined the group. Later, everyone discovered that her shyness was just a disguise. In fact, she has a very lively personality. When the atmosphere in the group is not good, she is the one who comes out to be active atmosphere.

Yu Dong continued to search, and Jimmy introduced him, "Many of his dishes are second-hand, but they seem to be of good quality. If you haven't heard of some, you can ask the boss to play them for you. If you think they sound good, you can buy them again." .”

"Let me see for myself." Yu Dong glanced at the boss who was intoxicated in the CD player, and shook his head.

Jimmy was right, the quality of the records here was pretty good, and Yu Dong picked a few at random.

After picking out the record, when Yu Dong was about to ask the price, another man came to the video store.

The man is blond, about 30 years old, of medium build.The weather in Los Angeles in early March was still a bit cool, but the man wore a black suit with only a blue shirt inside.

He probably felt the colder himself, and shrank his neck when he entered the door.

After entering the door, he first glanced at Yu Dong and the others, and then walked directly to the owner of the video store.

Yu Dong always felt that this person looked familiar, so he took a few more glances.

Jimmy noticed Yu Dong's expression, and then looked at the blond man.

"Howard, did anyone come over to buy records yesterday and today?"

The boss seemed to be annoyed by the blond man, so he glanced at him and turned his back.

The blond man was left out and didn't respond much. He smiled and began to look for it on the shelf, then shook his head in disappointment.

He held two cassettes in his hand, and glanced in the direction of the boss. Seeing that the boss was still facing away from this side, he took the cassettes to the front and put the cassettes in front of the shelf, where it was most conspicuous.

When the cassette was being played, he smiled at Yu Dong and the others, with a little embarrassment in his smile.

When the blond man walked out of the store, Jimmy smiled and said, "I'm probably a down-and-out musician, and I can't sell my cassettes, so I just come and have a look."

Yu Dong nodded, picked up one of the cassettes, and read the name on it, "Dan Brown?"

"I've never heard of this guy. Looking at his cassette, the production is mediocre, and the cover is rough. It's very likely that he made it at his own expense. Here in Hollywood, a group of people who dream of movies and music. This guy is not bad. , at least dressed properly, looks like he should have a decent job, and music is probably just his hobby." Jimmy said with a smile.

Wang Kuo asked curiously, "Can they be famous?"

"There are also famous ones, but they are rare. Those who have these dreams are young people in their 20s. When they get older and face the pressure of life, they will naturally withdraw."

"Mr. Ji, do you think that person just now has musical talent?" Wang Kuo asked.

Jimmy said with a smile: "I can't say for sure. Although I have a good eye and a well-known talent, I can't tell whether a person has musical talent just from his appearance."

He looked at the cassette in Yu Dong's hand again, "If you are curious, you can buy this cassette and listen to it."

Wang Kuo shook his head quickly, he was not willing to spend money on such things.

But no one expected that Yu Dong suddenly walked up to the boss with the cassette: "Boss, how much do these CDs and cassettes cost?"

The boss was originally carrying Yu Dong on his back, but when he heard this, he turned around and showed a bright smile at the same time: "Sir, are you talking about this?"

His reaction surprised everyone present, because Yu Dong's voice was not loud, and he was several meters away from him, yet he heard it all at once and reacted.

This made Jimmy and the others have to suspect that there was no sound in the boss's earphones at all.

"Hey, do you want to buy this cassette?"

When the boss was counting the items, he pointed to the cassette and asked in surprise, "Did that kid sell you just now?"

Yu Dong shook his head, "No, I just think this cassette looks very interesting."

The boss suddenly showed a strange smile, "Sounds more interesting."

 Thank you [Cheese Flavored Wafers] for the 500 tip
(End of this chapter)

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