Chapter 255 Oolong
Yu Dong didn't take the boss's reminder and his weird expression seriously, but Jimmy became interested: "Boss, where is the cassette player, I'll listen."

The boss brought him a cassette player with a smile, and put on the earphones for him himself.

Jimmy listened to the cassette carefully, while Yu Dong asked the boss, "Is this cassette created by that person just now?"

"Yeah, except for him, who would care so much about this cassette?" The boss said with a smile.

"His name is Dan Brown?"

"That's how he introduced himself, and his name is on the tape."

"Is he working nearby?"

The boss shook his head, "It used to be, but not now, he moved with his it seems to be in"

To be honest, Yu Dong couldn't hear the boss's words very clearly, because the speed of speaking was getting faster and faster, and there were some awkward words.

Yu Dong wanted Jimmy to take off the earphones and translate for him, but Jimmy yelled, "What the hell is this?"

"Is this music?" Jimmy took off the earphones, pointed to the earphones and asked the boss: "Are you sure the cassette is not damaged?"

The boss shrugged his shoulders: "You have already paid."

In other words, things cannot be returned.

"Let me listen." Yu Dong curiously took the earphones.

After listening for a while, he laughed and said, "It's just some synthetic sounds, and there are some animal sounds in it."

"I thought..." Jimmy shook his head. Seeing the weird smile of the boss, he thought there was something nice in it.

Jimmy had seen the boss's smile on the faces of many adult CD dealers just now.

"Okay, ask the boss for me, where is this Mr. Brown now, and how can I find him."

"Are you interested in him? Don, don't blame me for speaking bluntly. It's impossible for this guy's music to be famous."

"At least it's a good idea, isn't it?"

"What's so special about the synthetic voice... Forget it, let me ask for you."

Jimmy turned around and asked the boss. Although the boss had already said it, he might have sold something, so he was in a good mood, so he said it again.

After asking, Jimmy said to Dong: "The boss actually doesn't know. He only knows that Brown went back to his hometown some time ago and became a middle school teacher. He came back to do some things in the past two days. He didn't say what he did specifically."

Yu Dong nodded in disappointment. In fact, he wanted to stop Dan Brown just now, but he couldn't seem to find any reason to stop him.

Seeing his disappointment, Jimmy said with a smile, "If you like this kind of music, I'll introduce you to a few studios later."

"talk later."


When Yu Dong and his group arrived in New York, it was the afternoon before the signing.

On the way to the hotel, Jimmy deliberately asked the driver to drive past Xiaoxiong Bookstore. Seeing the huge poster hanging in the bookstore, several students screamed excitedly.

"Such a big YU, this is too powerful."

"This poster is bigger than our classroom!"

"It's a pity that there is no photo of the teacher, otherwise the poster would be even better."

"You can't post photos. If you post photos, others will think you are a movie star."

"Yeah, the teacher is so handsome."

"That's right, so you have to help your mistress take good care of Teacher Yu to prevent him from being seduced by a woman from a foreign land. I heard that female book fans in the United States are crazy."

Yu Dong glanced at Liu Changmin: "Old Liu, don't make a fool of yourself."



After arriving at the hotel, everyone first went to their rooms to rest.

Yu Dong sat in the room for a while, and Wang Kuo knocked on the door and came in.

"Wang Kuo, what's the matter?"

Wang Kuo said with some embarrassment, "This is my first time in New York, and I want to go out for a walk. We don't have a long time in the United States. I want to experience this country firsthand."

In fact, Yu Dong thought Wang Kuo's idea was pretty good, but they didn't come here for a trip this time, and they didn't arrange for them to go out in advance.

"Wang Kuo, I can understand your thoughts, but Jimmy will be very busy today, and the only interpreter must stay at the hotel to prevent any emergencies. Unless we all go out together, but I think, I'm afraid not everyone wants to go out."

Wang Kuo nodded, "I asked Li Huixiang and Wang Jin, they both want to rest in the hotel."

"Yes, they are very tired."

"But teacher, my English is not bad. I also want Jimmy and the hotel's phone number. It will be no problem for me to go out alone. Teacher, we are already adults, there is no problem. And I will not go far, just in Take a stroll around, and come back at dinner time." Wang Kuo said earnestly.

In fact, Wang Kuo has changed a lot in the past two years. If he was a freshman, he might not come to ask for instructions at all, and ran out by himself.

But Yu Dong could not agree to his request, "I am your teacher, and I am responsible for your personal safety. There are still many opportunities to come to the United States, so I don't care about this time. Didn't Spielberg invite you to come and play at any time?" , I’ll wait until I’m free, let’s come to the United States again, I’ll ask Jimmy to arrange a few more people to show you around.”

"Oh, well, I see." Wang Kuo said with some disappointment.

"Take a good rest, go back and make a summary of the work during this period, don't let this experience go to waste."

"Then I..."

Wang Kuo was talking when the doorbell rang suddenly.

"I'll open the door."

The door opened, and when Jimmy saw Wang Kuo there, he smiled and said, "Xiao Wang, you're here too."

"I'm here to talk to the teacher about something."

Jimmy nodded, and didn't ask Wang Kuo what's the matter, and said directly to Dong: "I'm going to the YU Umbrella Reading Club now, do you want to go with me?"

"No, you can go." Yu Dong shook his head.

Jimmy smiled and said, "It's fine if you don't go...then I'll go first."

Wang Kuo at the side rolled his eyes when he heard this, and hurriedly asked, "Teacher, can I go and have a look with Brother Ji?"

Yu Dong thought for a while and said, "Yes, as long as you are together."

Wang Kuo looked at Jimmy again, "Brother Ji, can I come with you?"

"Of course." Jimmy smiled, "But you can't run around, you must follow me."

"No problem." Wang Kuo patted his chest as a guarantee.


Jeff Gonzalez and Hahns held a small meeting with a few core members to discuss the signing of tomorrow.

"How many members will participate in the signing event tomorrow?"

Assistant Tom Hui reported: "370 members have been confirmed to participate in the signing event, and there are more than 200 people to be confirmed. It is estimated that more than 400 members will eventually go."

Jeff nodded and asked again: "What about the petition? How many names have been signed now?"

"About more than 3 names, a total of [-] banners. Some banners from other cities, I am afraid there is no way to send them over."

"You don't need to bring them over. It's impossible to bring all of these forty banners tomorrow. The Little Bear Bookstore is just that big, so just bring twenty."

"Let's take them all with you." Hans, who was sitting in the main seat, said, "If you can hang it, you can hang it. If you can't hang it, it won't take up space. Tomorrow is a good opportunity to put some blank banners on the side of the street. Passers-by can write their names at any time."

"Then do as the president said. The most important thing is to arrange the manpower to maintain order. You can't completely rely on jc."

"Don't worry, the two presidents, we have arranged for [-] members to maintain order."

Jeff and Hans looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

In fact, these things have been explained before, but they don't want to make any mistakes when the signing event is approaching.

This time, they put a lot of thought into highlighting the role of the reading club in the signing session. They also made uniform clothing for the members who maintained order, with the logo of the YU Umbrella Reading Club printed on it.

Clothes are also determined after careful selection. They decide that everyone will wear this in what activities they will study in the future.

At the end of the meeting, Jeff looked at his watch. Jimmy had called him earlier to say he would come. He had waited for a long time but did not see him.

"Let's adjourn the meeting, everyone, hold on, we can relax for a while at the end of tomorrow."

Jeff left the meeting room with Hans, and Hans was also thinking about Jimmy's coming, "Why hasn't Mr. James come yet?"

"It should be soon, let's go to the office first."

The two were talking, when they suddenly heard a familiar voice from behind: "You two presidents, please stay safe."

Hans turned his head, first saw Jimmy, and then saw the black-haired young man next to Jimmy.

He suddenly froze.

Is it...

According to the information, YU is nearly six feet tall and in his 20s.

And the black-haired young man in front of him was basically the same as what was said in the information.

At this point in time, here, a black-haired young man suddenly followed Jimmy, and Hahns couldn't help but think about it.

Jeff, who followed Hans and turned his head, also noticed the black-haired young man next to Jimmy, and had the same thought as Hans.


Jeff called out first, Hahns was taken aback, is it really YU?Maybe Jeff has seen YU's picture before?
"YU!" Hahns also called out.

The two ran to the black-haired young man in three steps and two steps, and each grabbed a hand.

"YU, welcome to us—no, it should be welcome to your reading club."

"We finally waited for you. Everyone in this room is a fan of your book."

The noise made by the two was not small, and it quickly attracted the attention of others.

Especially the two "YU" they shouted directly stirred everyone's nerves.

"YU is here? Where is it?"

"What, YU is here?"

In just half a minute, a dozen or so people rushed to the "crime scene". There was no need to ask any more questions. There was only a black-haired young man present, and they recognized "YU" at a glance.

Wang Kuo was so frightened that he didn't dare to move. Everything happened so fast that by the time he realized it, people had already surrounded him.

He glanced at Jimmy next to him, who smiled happily.

Wang Kuo could only explain, "I, I am not YU."

At this moment, Jimmy laughed loudly, "Jeff, Hahns, you two are too funny, you ran up to recognize someone without asking. This is not Yu, but his student, you can call him Wang. "

The scene suddenly became a little awkward. Jeff and Hahns held Wang Kuo's hand, not knowing whether to let it go or not.Hahns glanced at Jeff, and said in his heart that you dare to call someone without seeing YU?

In the end, Jeff reacted faster, and said with a smile, "Welcome, welcome, since you are a student of YU, you are also one of us. YU didn't come, and you are his full representative."

Seeing the situation, the others followed what Jeff said.

"Yes, yes, you are the representative of YU."

"Welcome to the king."

"Let's go, go to my office and talk."

Jeff quickly fled the "crime scene" with Wang Kuo and Jimmy.

An oolong, while everyone was disappointed, they also found it quite interesting.

And it's not for nothing, although the person who came here is not YU, but he is a student of YU.

As for Wang Kuo, he was indeed shocked by the atmosphere of the book club.

When I was in school, everyone always said that the more famous Mr. Yu is, the more famous he is, and various sales figures can also be seen in news reports.

But hearing people say that seeing it with your own eyes is completely different.


The next morning, Yu Dong and his party appeared at the door of Little Bear Bookstore.

At the beginning, the readers queuing at the door did notice a few of them, but they didn't dare to misidentify them, after all, there are not uncommon East Asians in this area.

It was only when Yu Dong and the others entered the bookstore under the leadership of the bookstore owner that they caused a sensation.

"YU! YU!"

In fact, they don't know who YU is, most of them just hear someone yelling and booing accordingly.

"Would you like to say hello to them?" Jimmy suggested from the side.


Yu Dong nodded, turned around and waved towards the long line.

As soon as he saw him waving his hand, readers would naturally know who YU is.

"I just said that he must be YU. I recognized him at a glance just now, and his aura is different from others."

"That's true. You can tell he's a writer just by looking at his hairstyle."

"I heard that he is still a university teacher. Although he looks young, he feels just like our university teachers."

"He looks like he's only 20 years old."

"East Asians look very young, and the information says they are 26."


"YU, the signing is on the second floor, do you want me to show you around the store?"

Entering the bookstore, the store manager Hal said with a smile.

"Then trouble you, Hal. Thank you for providing the venue for the signing, and the poster, I saw it from a long distance."

Hal waved his hands again and again, "You're welcome, this is what we should do. It's an honor for Little Bear Bookstore to hold your book signing. If there are some things that haven't been done well, I hope you can forgive me."

"very good already."

The first floor of Little Bear Bookstore is very bright, and you can see the whole picture at a glance when you stand at the door. After everyone took a few steps, Hal finished introducing the situation on the first floor, and then took Yu Dong and the others up to the second floor.

The second floor is the highlight. In addition to today's signing point, the second floor also has a "YU zone".

When introducing the "YU zone", Hal was very proud, "I think, if I search all over North America, I'm afraid I can't find another bookstore with such a zone. Readers who usually like you can communicate and discuss here. They Here you can find your books anytime, anywhere, and even some newspapers that report your news."

After hearing Hal's introduction, Jimmy said with a smile: "This special area is very good, but I think that in a few years, the area of ​​this special area will be a bit small. I believe that in the future, YU's books will be filled here."

Hal felt that Jimmy was bragging, but he was too embarrassed to point it out, so he just said along the way: "This is for sure, and we will consider expanding the area of ​​the special zone in the future."

After introducing the second floor, Hal wanted to show Yu Dong and the others upstairs, but Yu Dong said: "No, let's go up and see after the autograph session is over. Today's weather is still a bit cold, so book fans It's not good to stay outside for too long."

Yu Dong turned to look at Jimmy again, "Didn't Universal arrange a press conference, let's start early."

"Okay, I'll let the reporters come in first. There are a lot of reporters here today, some invited by Universal, and some by themselves. When the reporters ask questions later, I will be next to you. I will touch the left side of my cheek to represent you. I need to answer seriously, I will touch the right cheek, you can perfunctory."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Let's see the problem."

Jimmy shrugged, "Okay."

 Thank you [Su Mo] for the 252 rewards
  Thank you [Huang Tian Zai Kong] for the reward of 100
(End of this chapter)

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