Chapter 256 Career Line

The press conference will be held on the second floor of the bookstore.

In order to sign the sale, an empty space was vacated on the second floor, and now there are some chairs for the reporters to sit.

However, there were too many reporters, and some even brought photographers. In the end, everyone was standing and no one was willing to sit.

Jimmy temporarily acted as the host. After the reporters took their seats, he smiled and said, "Hi everyone, I am YU's manager Jimmy James, and I will host today's press conference. First of all, welcome everyone. , The "Second World" signing event, as YU's first signing event in the United States, has extraordinary significance. I also thank Universal Pictures, Bear Bookstore and YU Umbrella Book Club for their support. Without their efforts, There would be no signing event today."

"I think everyone should know that in order for YU to come to the United States and come to the side of many American book fans, many people have worked hard. When I came in just now, I saw petitions hanging outside. These petitions are for readers. We signed them out one by one."

"So, in order to live up to the love of the readers, we have to limit the time for asking questions to less than half an hour. The way of asking questions...Everyone raises their hands actively, and YU will choose. Okay, let's start."

As soon as Jimmy finished speaking, a dozen hands were raised.

Yu Dong casually clicked on one, "This is the gentleman in the blue shirt."

The reporter who was picked was very happy, and he smiled and said, "Hello, YU, I'm from Fox TV. I heard that before you came to New York, you were helping Spielberg with some film preparations in Universal City. Can you tell me about your specific job?"

Jimmy translated the question to Yu Dong, and then he touched the left side of his cheek, but Yu Dong didn't look at him at the moment, and answered the question directly, "Mr. Spielberg is a very professional director, he has Extraordinary talent and charisma. Especially in the film industry, I have never seen a director who is as dedicated and innovative as he is, and he can always surprise me in some details."

Speaking of this, Yu Dong gave Jimmy some time to translate, and then continued, "The preparations for "Second World" have been done well, we just came here to do some trivial things, of course, compared to what we have given With the help of Spielberg, we got more from him. He let me see how the preliminary work of an excellent film is carried out, and it also made me more confident that he will be able to make "Second "The World" was shot very well, everyone can look forward to the release of the movie."

The reporters below were taken aback after hearing Jimmy's translation.

What are you talking about? It seems to say a lot, but in fact it doesn't say anything.

The whole article is about how professional Spielberg is, and how he looks forward to the movie.

But can't fault it.

Jimmy secretly gave Yu Dong a thumbs up. He was worried that Yu Dong would not be able to cope with this situation, but now it seems that he was completely overwhelmed.

The Fox reporter was a little bit unwilling to give up and wanted to continue asking. Jimmy said with a quick smile, "Thank you for your question, sir. Next one please."

The reporters raised their hands again, and Yu Dong pointed to a female reporter, "This lady in red."

The female reporter in red originally stood a little further back, but after being clicked, she walked to the front, "Hi Yu, I'm Catherine, a reporter from Entertainment Weekly, and I like reading your novels very much, especially "Resident Evil" and "Resident Evil". "Second World". We all know that these two novels will be made into movies. But it is very difficult for American movies to enter the Chinese market, which means that you may not be able to Do you have any regrets when you see the film adaptation of your own novel in your hometown? Or, do you have any disappointment with China's film import system?"

After Jimmy translated this time, he touched the right side of his cheek, and winked at Yu Dong covertly, signaling him not to say more about this question, it's better to be perfunctory.

In Jimmy's view, there is a big hole in this issue, and it is easy to jump into the hole if you talk too much.

And Entertainment Weekly has only been out for a few years, so it's not particularly important, so it's okay to be perfunctory.

Yu Dong returned a look of "you can rest assured", and then replied: "There is no movie that can be released in all countries, so for me, there is no regret. However, regardless of whether the movie can be released in China, At that time, I will come to the United States to contribute my own box office. I have never seen a movie in an American theater, and I think this will be a good experience."

Catherine didn't necessarily want Yu Dong to jump into the pit, since Yu Dong didn't have a deep chat, she just took advantage of the situation and asked: "Then I don't know if you will watch it with the crew, or go to the cinema alone to watch it secretly? I am asking this question for the readers, maybe they can run into you in a movie theater by then."

She was very smart, so she asked the second question, and Yu Dong would not refuse.

"At that time, I will go to a random movie theater with some of my friends, because I also want to see the real reaction of the audience."

"I think your readers will be very pleased with this news. Thank you for your answer, and my question is over."

"Okay, next one..."

The atmosphere of the press conference was not bad, most of the questions were peaceful, only a few of the questions dug a hole, and Yu Dong perfectly avoided them.

In fact, this is thanks to Universal Pictures. Most of the reporters who came here were greeted by Universal, so the reporters would not ask too many excessive questions.After all, Universal's influence is there, and they don't want to offend too much, and it is not easy to interview Yu Dong, after all, this is Yu Dong's first appearance in the United States.

Half an hour passed quickly, and Jimmy expressed regret that today's interview is over, and the official signing will begin soon.

Hearing that the interview was over, most of the reporters had packed up their things and were about to leave, but Catherine sneaked up to Yu Dong.

Yu Dong was drinking water, but when Catherine came over, he was taken aback.

Catherine wore a red suit with a white shirt underneath.

Originally, such a match was nothing but conspicuous, but Catherine undid the three buttons on the top of the shirt at some point, revealing her career line.

Yu Dong even felt dazzling and turned his head away quickly.

Seeing this, Catherine laughed, and was about to say something when Lin Ke who was standing by the side suddenly ran over and looked at Catherine with eyes like a thief, "Ma'am, the interview is over."

Lin Ke also saw Catherine's career line, her eyes were much more straightforward than Yu Dong's, with a hint of disdain.

(End of this chapter)

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