Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 257 Is Chinese So Difficult?

Chapter 257 Is Chinese So Difficult?
Catherine looked at Lin Ke up and down, "Little sister, who are you?"

Lin Ke raised his head and said, "I'm a student of YU, my name is... I won't tell you."

At this moment, several other boys also noticed the situation here, and ran over quickly.

The few of them didn't understand the situation clearly, but they subconsciously stood in front of Lin Ke, fearing that she would suffer.

But when they saw Catherine's career line, they were immediately defeated and hid behind Lin Ke.

After all, the few of them are students who have not entered the society, and they have never seen such a formation.In this situation, it is better to let Lin Ke deal with it.

"Are you again?"

"They are all my students." Yu Dong stood up and said with a smile, "The interview is over, do you have anything else to do?"

Catherine brushed her hair, shook her shoulders, and made her career line tremble with a sine wave: "I still have some questions, I don't know if it's convenient for me to ask you."

"Sorry, the signing is about to start, I don't have time to answer your question."

"It's okay, you can tell me where you live, and I'll find you after your signing is over."

As soon as Catherine said this, Lin Ke scolded in a low voice: "Shameless."

Catherine couldn't understand the Mandarin she used, but seeing Lin Ke's expression, Catherine knew it was not a good word.

At this moment, Jimmy also ran over, "Ma'am, our book signing will start soon, if you have anything to tell me."

Catherine glanced at Jimmy and nodded, "Okay."

After Catherine and the others left, several students began to discuss cursingly.

"This America is open."

"Hey, what is this? Didn't there be such things in Hollywood before?"

"Can this be the same? This is a serious reporter."

"Wang Kuo is right. In a country, it doesn't mean anything for J women to dress less. Only when reporters dress like this can explain the problem."

Yu Dong interrupted their chat with a smile, "Actually, the United States is quite conservative in this regard, and some European countries are more open."

"That's right, then I have to see and see." Wang Kuo said.

Lin Ke patted Wang Kuo on the head, "Rogue."


"Okay, the signing party is about to start, you guys find a place to sit." Yu Dong said.


The signing session officially started, and Hal sent a box with a bunch of pens inside, "YU, please sign some later and change to another pen."

Yu Dong nodded to express his understanding. This behavior of changing pens reminded him of Parker signed by Eisenhower.

These pens should be custom-made, with numbers engraved on them. The number Yu Dong is holding now is 001.

Yu Dong was reading his pen when the first book friend came over.


Yu Dong took the two copies of "Second World" from the other party, "What's your name?"

"My name is Hynes, Hynes."

Yu Dong nodded and wrote in the book: To Hahns——Yu Dong.

The first book friend, Yu Dong will definitely give a special signature.

In Chinese, not Hahns's spelling.

After signing the first book, Yu Dong wanted to sign the second book. Hal suddenly said beside him, "YU, don't you know him? He is the president of the Yu Umbrella Reading Club."

Yu Dong, who was halfway through the registration, raised his head and said with a smile, "Oh, it's you, I heard Jimmy mentioned you. I didn't expect you to be the first in line."

Hahns quickly explained, "I lined up completely by myself and didn't jump in line."

"I didn't say you jumped in line."

Hahns' explanation made Yu Dong want to laugh, and he signed the second book: Suspending balance to know balance, setting rules to know circle, and gave it to the good boy Hahns who didn't jump in line.

After signing, Yu Dong thought for a while, then put the pen in his hand on the book and handed it to Hahns, "I'll give you this pen."

"Send me?" Hahns looked at Yu Dong with surprise, "Is it really possible?"

"Of course." Yu Dong smiled, "But now you need to lean to the side and let the friends behind come over."

"Thank you, thank you." Hans walked aside while thanking him.

On the other side, Hal's intestines were full of remorse. If he had known, he would not have said more, and the money was sent out like this.

That's number 001.

But YU said yes, Hal didn't dare to say anything.

The signing will continue. Fortunately, Dong didn't send any more pens, and even the special signatures are less. Basically, there will be a special signature only after 30 or [-].

Hahns got the autograph and walked out of the bookstore. Jeff saw him and walked over with a smile, "I'm satisfied now, I told you, there's no need to line up, just ask Jimmy to get us some autographed books later. Look at you, coming here early in the morning to line up, adding up to several hours of waiting, is it worth it?"

"I think it's worth it."

Hans shook the pen in his hand.

Jeff raised his eyebrows, "This is not..."

"That's right." Hans said with a smile, "It's the signature pen prepared by Hal. This is the first one, and there is a number on it. Yu gave it to me. And he also wrote a sentence to me..."

Harnes showed Jeff the signature on the title page.

"What's this about?" Jeff asked.

Hahns shook his head, "I don't know either, by the way, don't we have Chinese in our study club?"

"Yes, there is one of the volunteers who came to maintain order today. I saw him just now." Jeff said.

"Go, hurry up and ask him what is written on it."


Zhang Li is helping to maintain the order. There are more book friends who came today than they expected before, and those JCs who came to maintain order saw the members of the book club, and they all slacked off by the side and didn't come to help at all.

Although they sent a total of 30 people to the study club, they were divided into three classes with ten people in each class, which is already a bit difficult.


Someone called him, Zhang Li turned his head and saw two presidents walking this way.

"What's the matter? The two presidents."

"Zhang, do you speak Chinese?"

"I know a little."

Zhang Li is not humble. He moved to the United States with his parents when he was four years old. He usually speaks a lot of English at home, so his Chinese is very average.I heard that everything is okay, but reading and writing is very poor.

"Help us see what is written on it."

Zhang Li stretched out his head to look, and the top of his head was sweating all of a sudden, he couldn't understand at all...not completely, he could still understand the last sentence.

"To the good boy Hahns who didn't jump in line." Zhang Li translated the latter sentence.

Jeff and Hahns looked at him, "No more?"


Jeff pointed to the Chinese characters on it and said, "Although we don't know Chinese characters, this is obviously three paragraphs."

"Uh...uh..." Tension scratched his head, "Two presidents, please spare me, I'm going to maintain order."

Seeing the tension of running away, Jeff and Hahns looked at each other. Is Chinese so difficult?

(End of this chapter)

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