Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 261 Let's Help You Shout

Chapter 261 Let's Help You Shout

On the plane, Yu Dong unfolded a letter.

This letter was given to Yu Dong by Jimmy when he was about to leave.

Jimmy told Yu Dong that the letter was written by Joyce Carol Oates, and it was first sent to Romero, who then forwarded it to Jimmy, who then brought it to Yu Dong.

The time of posting the letter was written on the envelope, and it was already more than a month ago. It seems that this letter has gone through many twists and turns in my hands.

When he first heard the name Joyce, Yu Dong didn't have much impression. Later, Jimmy introduced a very famous female writer in the United States, who had won the National Book Award before.

After Jimmy said this, Yu Dong also remembered who it was.Joyce is considered to be one of the more famous contemporary American female writers. As for the masterpiece, the first thing Yu Dong thinks of is "We Are the Mulvaney Family". Compared with her other works, this book is more popular.

However, "We Are the Mulvaneys" should not have been published yet.

In [-], a graduate student of Yan Normal University recommended Yu Dong to read this book, because that student was writing a thesis related to this book, and hoped that Yu Dong could give some advice.

It's just that because there is no Chinese version, Yu Dong stumbled through the English version at that time, and he couldn't give that student much advice.

Joyce's works are quite complicated, with many types of themes, and he often writes some fantasy novels, many of which are horror themes.

It is said that she accompanied her to the Nobel Prize for Literature several times, but she never won it.

Of course, Yu Dong is not serious about accompanying the Nobel Prize. Maybe when he is old, when he is old, the encyclopedia will also write that he has been nominated for the Nobel Prize many times, which is not easy to verify.

To be honest, Yu Dong didn't quite understand why Joyce wrote to himself.

Americans can only see his works are science fiction and thrillers, and the number is not large. Writers like Joyce who are dubbed "writers" should not be interested in him.

Of course, Yu Dong can also try to guess that Joyce may have written to himself because of "Resident Evil". After all, the letter was forwarded by Romero.

The letter unfolded, and Yu Dong slowly read it.

Probably Joyce was afraid that he would not understand, so the choice of words and sentences was relatively simple.

"Mr. Yu, I am very glad that you can read my letter. You may be surprised by my letter, but I really like the novel "Resident Evil". Recently, I am also writing some novels with a little horror element , I happened to see Resident Evil, and it gave me a little more inspiration. I usually like to be exposed to new things...”

The letter was not long. Joyce briefly explained why he wrote this letter, and then expressed his expectation for the sequel of "Resident Evil" and hoped to keep in touch with Yu Dong.

She also included her phone number in the letter.

Yu Donghe couldn't help laughing when he closed the letter. Although he didn't know how old Joyce was, he should be quite old this year. He should be 60 or [-] years old. He didn't expect that he would like to read novels like "Resident Evil" .

Of course, compared to the fact that she is also writing horror novels, this is not surprising.


When Yu Dong and the others arrived at school, it was Friday afternoon. Uncle Zhou was very happy to see Yu Dong and the others coming back, "Oh, Teacher Yu, Teacher Liu, I haven't seen you for so long, I miss you all."

It's been a long time, and with the holiday period, I haven't seen him for almost two months.

Liu Changmin said with a smile: "This is not worth a summer vacation."

"Ms. Liu, don't tell me, since Teacher Yu came to our school, it's been so long since I haven't seen him. He also stayed at school for a lot of days during the previous summer vacation. Last summer vacation, he didn't get caught in the rain on the day he returned to school. What, I stayed at school the whole summer vacation..."

"Uncle Zhou, why do you keep bringing this up?"

Uncle Zhou laughed, "I won't mention it, I won't mention it, but you should hurry up and see Teacher Cheng. I think she has lost weight during your absence..."

Yu Dong ignored Uncle Zhou's nagging and led him into the school.He asked the students to go back to the dormitory to rest first, and he and Liu Changmin went to the principal's office to report the situation.

When Wu Changxin saw them, he was quite surprised, because he didn't contact them in advance, and he didn't know when they would come back.

"You didn't even go back to the dormitory, so you came here?"

Wu Changxin noticed the luggage in their hands, and criticized: "What's so urgent that you don't even go back to the dormitory?"

Yu Dong smiled and said, "There's nothing urgent. I discussed it with Lao Liu, and I'd better come here to report that I'm safe. I'm not in a hurry to go back to the dormitory."

Wu Changxin poured water for the two of them himself, lit a cigarette for himself, and then looked at them with a smile, "Okay, okay, judging by your state, this trip should be going well."

"It's not bad, everything is done."

"Where are the students?"

"Don't worry, all the students have to be full tails, I let them go back to the dormitory to rest first."

"I want to have a good rest." Wu Changxin nodded, then got up and went back to the desk, "You are not in China these days, so you don't know some things. "Zhong Shan" published the essays of the three of you in the cucumber garden, and the response Very good, I saw the students in the poetry reading group reading excerpts from it in the playground this morning."

Wu Changxin came over with a copy of "Zhong Shan", but Liu Changmin was even more interested, so he took it, "I really want to see it, but I asked them to read it before, but none of them paid any attention to me."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Didn't I finish writing at that time?"

"Pure excuses..."

Liu Changmin was about to flip through it when Wu Changxin said, "Don't read it now, this is for you, you go back and read it slowly. How about this, you can come back and talk about the specific things later, go back and have a good rest. Tomorrow afternoon, you take the book with you. Come over with a few students and tell me about your trip to the United States this time.”

Yu Dong nodded to Liu Changmin, and then said goodbye to Wu Changxin.

Back in the dormitory, Yu Dong put down his things and left again.

Cheng Yanqiu should have no class this afternoon, and he will most likely be in the dormitory or the complex at the moment.

Yu Dong went to the dormitory first. As soon as he arrived downstairs, the two female teachers who were leaning on the railing and chatting on the second floor noticed him and waved to him happily: "Teacher Yu is back from America!"

"Yeah, you two are chatting here again."

"What do you mean again? It's just a coincidence. Every time you come over, we are here. Did you just come back today, did you come to see Mr. Cheng?"

"Isn't this nonsense, Mr. Yu is here, who else can he turn to? It must be Mr. Cheng."

"Then I'll call for you."

Before Dong could reply, one of the female teachers yelled loudly: "Mr. Cheng, Mr. Cheng, your teacher Yu is here to look for you."



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 Thank you [Bai 97 You] for the 100 tip
  I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival in advance

  Give a poem:
  16 yuan for the fifteenth moon, and no money for the sixteenth moon.The fourteenth moon can keep ripe, don't ask me if it's sweet or not.

  ——Author: Liu Huaqiang (suspected)

  Written on the twelfth day of the eighth lunar month in [-]

(End of this chapter)

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