Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 262 The 1st Teaching Assistant of the Chinese Department

Chapter 262 The First Teaching Assistant of the Chinese Department
The female teacher's voice didn't call out Cheng Yanqiu, but called out to the crowd.

Yu Dong looked at the female teachers popping up one after another, and smiled unnaturally. So many female teachers have no classes at this point?

Because Yu Dong was a celebrity in the school, the female teachers also laughed and booed.

"Hey, Teacher Yu hasn't seen Teacher Cheng for a long time, right?"

"Yes, yes, I will come to see Mr. Cheng soon after returning to school."

"Teacher Yu, when will you treat us to a wedding wine?"


They teased for a while, and seeing that Cheng Yanqiu hadn't come out yet, someone said, "Ms. Cheng hasn't come out yet, isn't she not in the dormitory?"

Another said, "No, I saw her go in just now, I'll go and see."

In fact, Cheng Yanqiu had already heard someone calling her just now, but the battle outside was too big, which made her a little embarrassed to go out.

Now when she heard that someone was coming to look for her, she ran out quickly, "Here we come."

As soon as Cheng Yanqiu came out, the booing became louder.

"Mr. Cheng, just now we were asking Mr. Yu when he will give us a wedding wine."

"Yes, Mr. Cheng, it's good to have wine in spring, summer is too hot, winter is too cold, and autumn is too bleak."


Cheng Yanqiu didn't dare to respond to them, he walked forward with his head down, ran downstairs in one breath, pulled Yu Dong and ran away: "Go, go."

Yu Dong was held by her with one hand, and he freed the other hand to wave to the female teachers behind him: "Goodbye, goodbye, wait for my announcement on the wedding."

There was another burst of joyous laughter from behind.

Pulled by Cheng Yanqiu, Yu Dong walked tens of meters at a stretch before stopping.

She gave Yu Dong a blank look, "You're still teasing them."

"Haha, it's lively." Yu Dong looked at Cheng Yanqiu's flushed face, "Miss me?"

Cheng Yanqiu's face turned even redder, and he lowered his head not to look at Yu Dong, but his hands were still held by Yu Dong.Jinling in March is still a bit cool, the sun hangs in the west, slowly creeping into the crevice.The sun was about to go down, but Jin Yi began to become lively, and gradually more people came out to exercise on the playground.

The two walked under the shade of the trees behind the complex, leaving the warm sunshine behind, the wind became cooler, and they held hands tighter.

Cheng Yanqiu looked up at the new shoots on the tree, and suddenly said: "The sound of frogs wrapped the stones on the road, leading me to the lake step by step. When I arrived at the lake, there was a ray of coolness again, and the sound of frogs left the stones again. Follow the footsteps, echoing between the shores of the lake..."

Yu Dong smiled and listened to her saying that it was all written in the "Cucumber Garden Essays · Notes on the Lakeside" that he voted for "Zhong Shan".

What this essay is about is not the present, but the past, the night when he just returned to Jinyi and met Su Tong by the lake.

At that time they asked him to write essays, he thought about it, and then thought of that night.If there is anything worth writing about in Jinyi, the encounter with Su Tong that night is definitely among them.

And Yu Dong felt that that night was an important moment in changing the trajectory of his life.

After all, Cheng Yanqiu didn't finish memorizing, only memorized a section, and said with a smile, "I like this section the most, and sometimes I would go for a walk by the Xuanwu Lake. So you and Su Tong met at that time."

"Actually not." Yu Dong laughed, "I knew him before, and he knew me."

"You know it's easy for him to understand. He was already famous at that time, and "Raise the Red Lantern" was about to be filmed. But why does he know you? Isn't it several years between you?" Cheng Yanqiu asked doubtfully.

"Want to know?"

Cheng Yanqiu nodded, "Yes."

"Then tell me why you are called Luoluo."

"You're really annoying."

"Or tell me the name of the piece you played to me?"

Cheng Yanqiu thought for a while and said, "Didn't I tell you that I was very thin when I was young and didn't like to eat?"


"My grandma gave me this nickname in order to let me eat more. When my grandma and the others usually call pigs, they are..."


Yu Dong burst out laughing, and seeing Cheng Yanqiu's big eyes, he quickly waved his hands, "I'm sorry, I couldn't help it."

"I shouldn't have told you." Cheng Yanqiu said angrily.

"Haha, I think it's pretty good, grandma is quite thoughtful." Yu Dong clicked his lips and said, "Luoluo, Luoluo..."

After shouting twice, Yu Dong suddenly felt the symbolism of the language. Once he accepted the setting of "Luoluo" as calling pigs, when he called Luoluo again, he always felt that a group of piglets were going to run here.

Cheng Yanqiu pinched Yu Dong's arm, "It's your turn to speak."

Yu Dong gritted his teeth in pain, and then said: "Actually, when I was in school, I published an article specifically criticizing avant-garde literature, and my senior brother was also among them. Of course, I didn't say everything. I just analyzed the limitations of avant-garde literature, but in fact the whole thing is exaggerating them.”

Cheng Yanqiu said with a smile: "So there is such a thing, why didn't you write novels when you were in school?"

"Want to know?" Yu Dong asked again.

Cheng Yanqiu stared at Yu Dong, shook his head, "I don't want to know."

She knew that once she nodded, Yu Dong would definitely ask her something again, most likely what the song was called.

"Hehe, just tell me if you want to know... Actually, I didn't have the idea of ​​writing a novel at that time. At that time, I studied literary language and literary structure every day, and those things were in my mind when I wrote."

"Actually, I know it even if you don't tell me. My dad is also like this. My dad also said that good novels written in the Department of Literature are all ordinary courses."

"Then my father-in-law is wrong. When I was in school, I was excellent in my studies. When I was in the fourth grade, I helped my teacher Hu Yueming take many of his classes. I had a nickname at that time. Called the first teaching assistant of the Chinese Department, many students are looking forward to my class every day."


A sneeze!

Hu Yueming sneezed violently. He rubbed his nose. What happened today? He keeps sneezing.

And that boy Yu Dong, I don't know what's going on, he hasn't contacted himself for so long, and no one answered his call this morning.The school was going to invite Yu Dong and the others to come to the school for an exchange after a while, and the principal also assigned a task.

He planned to call again tomorrow, and if no one answered, he would ask Wu Changxin.

In fact, the reason why Principal Su invited Yu Dong and the others over at this time was also because he had read the three "Essays on the Cucumber Garden".In the past two days, "Essays in the Cucumber Garden" has been very popular in Yan Normal University. Some teachers in the Chinese Department even took out these three essays to give lectures to students.

Because these three writers have different styles, it is a good teaching material to see how writers with different styles see a place from different perspectives.

 Thank you [Cheese Flavored Wafers] for the 1500 tip
  Thanks to [Xinzhi~Wenbai] for the 1500 reward
  Thank you [Little White Rabbit's Black Spot] for the 1500 reward
(End of this chapter)

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