Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 266 My brother-in-law is so powerful?

Chapter 266 My brother-in-law is so powerful?
Compared with the Cheng family, there are many more relatives from the Yu family.

The relatives of Yu's family basically knew about Yu Dong's situation now, so they started to visit Yu Dong's house more often since last year.

It is true that Fu has distant relatives in the mountains.

Yu Dong didn't think there was anything wrong, since they were all relatives, it was a good thing to go around more, who was good and who was bad and who had sincere parents, they could recognize them clearly, so he didn't need to worry too much.

He has always believed that no one in this world can be independent, and these situations must be faced, and there is no escape.

Of course, adults may be more thoughtful, while children are more simple.

As soon as Cheng Yanqiu and the others entered the courtyard of Yu's house, children of all ages came over.

Some of these children are Yu Dong's younger brothers and sisters, and some are nephews and nephews.

The boy of Li Xiaobo's family was only five or six years old, snuggled into his mother's arms, and shouted: "Auntie is so beautiful."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone laughed.But what the child said was not false at all. The first time everyone saw Cheng Yanqiu, two words popped out of their minds: beautiful.

Of course, her beauty is not beyond everyone's expectations. Yu Dong has been good-looking since she was a child, and now she has become a great writer. It would be strange if she didn't find a beautiful one.

After Yu Dong made arrangements for Cheng Yanqiu's family, he ran to pick up her grandparents.

When it was almost twelve o'clock, the people gathered together.

Lunch was not arranged at the hotel, and six tables were set up directly at home.The tables were all borrowed from the neighbors in the neighborhood, and no chef was invited, all relying on the help of relatives, which actually made the banquet stunned.

Fortunately, the owner's yard is big, otherwise it really wouldn't be able to accommodate so many people.

Yu Hansheng knew that Cheng Yanqiu's father and grandfather were both big drinkers, so he specially arranged for a few drinkers to accompany them at the table.The Cheng family and his father were also very happy, basically they would not refuse.

It's just that the wheel battle is not good, the father and the father are very sharp-eyed, and they remember exactly who drank and how much at the table.

Toast them, no problem, but drink as much as they do first.

It doesn't matter if you don't drink as much, but you can only hold the cup for a while.

Although there are many relatives in the Yu family, but when it comes to drinking, none of them can take the lead.It stands to reason that the old man and the others must at least be accompanied by Yu Dong's elders at this table, but the older generation can't get so much to drink, so they can only call Yu Dong's old cousin Li Xiaobo up again.

Li Xiaobo is a kid with many minor problems, but there are two brushes in the wine market.So when Yu Han called him, he came up with confidence.

He was also too careless, thinking that since he was drinking with his elders, he couldn't take advantage of it. He drank two cups with Cheng Liye and Cheng Mingde first, and let them do whatever they wanted.

Later, while drinking, he realized that something was wrong. The two of them were still as stable as Mount Tai after drinking seven or eight taels of wine.

Seeing Li Xiaobo's state, the old man knew that he was about to die, so he pressed his hand, "Young man, let's take a rest. You drink well, but you made a major mistake in strategy. There is a saying in the art of war, knowing yourself and the enemy, and winning every battle without danger. Knowing the strength of the enemy, he showed his cards first. It was a close battle, but due to a strategic error, he lost in the end. Besides, drinking, getting drunk is not the purpose..."

When Cheng Mingde talked about the drinking scriptures, all the relatives of the Yu family present were stunned when they heard it, but Yu Dong had already experienced it before, so he was not surprised.

In fact, the performance of the Cheng family father and son subverted everyone's imagination.

Before that, they only knew that the Cheng family and his son were professors of Yanda University and Jinling University. When they heard that they were professors, they thought they were old scholars who wore glasses and talked about others, but they didn't expect to be so down-to-earth.

After eating, everyone put together two tables of mahjong.

Uncle Cheng Yanqiu's family didn't go to the poker table, and followed Yu Dong to visit the house.

The second floor is empty and there is nothing to see. The main thing is to look at Yu Dong's room.

Seeing Yu Dong's room full of books, Chen Yuyong smiled and said, "Yu Dong, you and Luo Luo are really a perfect match. Looking at your room, I feel like I went to my brother-in-law's house."

The aunt patted her son's head, "Study hard with your brother-in-law and read more books."

"Know it."

Chen Tao curled his lips reluctantly, and asked Yu Dong, "Brother-in-law, there are so many books here, did you write any of them?"

"Yes." Yu Dong nodded, opened the cabinet, and pointed to the top shelf, "Most of them are here, some are single volumes, and some are magazines."

"so much!"

The cabinet was quite big, and the upper compartment was packed to the brim with dozens of books.Of course, they are mainly magazines, and there are twenty or thirty copies of "Science Fiction World" alone.

"There is also "Science Fiction World". I saw someone read it at school, but it was full of words, and it gave me a headache. I still like to read comics."

Chen Tao picked up a copy of "The World of Science Fiction" and became even more surprised when he saw the cover, "This cover also has your name, brother-in-law. Yu Dong, a master of science fiction, looks quite powerful."

"The title of master of science fiction is promoted by the magazine."

"There are also "Harvest", "Zhongshan" and "Contemporary" on it. They are all very powerful magazines. Our teacher reads them every day."

Yu Dong smiled, not to mention, although Chen Tao reads comic books every day, he knows all of these literary magazines.

Uncle Chen Yuyong looked at Yu Dong thoughtfully, and it seemed that his future nephew and son-in-law were not that simple.

After visiting Yu Dong's house, my uncle's family also knew more about Dong. Later, Chen Yuyong always wanted to ask his sister about Yu Dong's situation, but he never found a good opportunity.

Dinner was relatively early, and it started after four o'clock, because everyone was busy returning to Jinling.

It wasn't until eleven o'clock in the evening that Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu returned to Jinyi.


The next morning, just as Yu Dong woke up, Bi Feiyu and Yu Hua blocked his door.

Yu Dong held a toothbrush bowl and asked the two of them, "What's the situation?"

"Come to interview, how does it feel to be engaged?"

Yu Dong squinted at the two of them, "You are all from here, and you still want to interview me?"

Bi Feiyu laughed and said, "You are engaged now, do you want to ask Lao Wu to share a house with Mr. Cheng?"

"I'm getting married, which broke your hearts. You're not married yet, what's the matter with splitting the house? The two of you came here early in the morning just because of this matter? You really have nothing to do."

Yu Dong ignored them, squeezed some toothpaste and started brushing his teeth.

Yu Hua smiled and said, "It's not all because of this. You were not here yesterday, and Fei Yu and I made a deal. We can't just have an exchange meeting at Yan Normal University this time. That would be so boring."

"Then what else do you want to do?" Yu Dong brushed his teeth, his mouth was full of foam, and his speech was a little vague.

"It's been a long time since we played football. Let's call Hong Feng and Shi Tiesheng later. Let's have a football match. What do you think?"

"Yeah, the World Cup is about to start, let's warm up first."

"Why, you still want to participate in the World Cup." Yu Dong shook his head, "It's not easy for Yan Normal University to gather a team that is better than us. Don't you still want Tie Sheng? Gatekeeper?"

"What kind of gate should he guard? He is responsible for being our cheerleader this time. Let Mo Yan guard the gate. He can guard the gate." Yu Hua said.

"Bah." Yu Dong spit out the foam in his mouth, then rinsed his mouth, "I've never seen you guys so enthusiastic about this exchange meeting."

"Since it's an exchange meeting, of course it needs to be comprehensive." Yu Hua said confidently.

"Hi." Yu Dong sighed, "Okay, you guys pull the team yourself, and I'll tell the school later. But I advise you not to be too playful, and you still have to prepare well for the exchange meeting, juniors and sisters of the Chinese Department I don't have a good temper, if you don't pay attention to it, maybe I will make things difficult for you on the spot and embarrass you."

Yu Hua smiled and said, "I believe that, just by seeing you and Su Tong."


Chen Tao was always groggy when he was studying in the morning. It was almost midnight when they got home last night, and it was already a little bit late when they went to bed, and they woke up at five o'clock in the morning, which was a bit overwhelming.

After morning reading, Liu Naiwen, the deskmate, said to him, "Chen Tao, you stole someone last night, and you kept yawning just now. Fortunately, the old class didn't come, otherwise you would die."

Chen Tao rubbed his head, "Yesterday my cousin got engaged, and my brother-in-law's family is in Shanghai, so I took a car all day."

"How is it? Is it fun to go to Shanghai? Have you seen the Oriental Pearl Tower?" Liu Naiwen asked curiously.

"Didn't I tell you that after a day of driving, I don't have time to play. My brother-in-law's house is in the suburbs, so there's nothing to do." Chen Tao sighed.

"Don't you brag to me every day about how beautiful and talented your sister is, how can you find a brother-in-law who is from the country?"

Chen Tao rolled his eyes at Liu Naiwen, "Isn't it vulgar? Do you know what love is? Besides, my brother-in-law's family is not poor at all, and he is a writer... By the way, is there anyone in our class who likes to watch "Science Fiction World"? I I seem to have seen someone before."

Liu Naiwen pouted forward, "Jin Yang, he's the only one in our class who likes to read science fiction. I've read a little, but it's not interesting. Why are you asking this?"

"I'm going to ask him something."

Chen Tao got up and walked in front of Jin Yang, and asked, "Jin Yang, do you usually like to watch "Science Fiction World"?"

Jin Yang was doing a math problem, and looked up at Chen Tao after hearing what he said, "Why are you asking this?"

"Have you heard too much?"

Jin Yang asked back, "Do you know Akira Toriyama?"

"Isn't this nonsense?"

"Then what you're asking is nonsense?"

Chen Tao rolled his eyes, he shouldn't have come to ask Jin Yang, this guy is usually very arrogant, relying on his own study, he doesn't look down on anyone.

Anyway, I am also the player who ranks second all year round. Although you are number one all year round, you should at least give some respect.

Besides, how could brother-in-law and Akira Toriyama get in touch?Does Jin Yang mean that brother-in-law is like Akira Toriyama in comics in science fiction?

It sounds like this, but it's hard to believe.

"You mean, Yu Dong is on the same level as Akira Toriyama?"


"Oh, then..." Chen Tao heaved a sigh of relief.

"Why is Akira Toriyama following Yu Dongbi? It's a joke. The reason why I use Akira Toriyama as an example is because you only know Akira Toriyama."

"You... have said it, Toriyama Akina is world-class, and his comics have sold tens of millions of copies."

"Is it great if you sell more? Yu Dong has driven the domestic... no, even the American science fiction market. Just the cost of film and television adaptation alone will beat your family Akira Toriyama, let alone how much he is. The book will add up to tens of millions of sales."

Seeing Chen Tao's stunned expression, Jin Yang proudly said: "Even if Yu Dong closes his pen now, the two books "Resident Evil" and "Second World" alone are enough for him to eat for a lifetime."

"Resident Evil? Is the full name "Resident Evil vs. Blue Blood Man"? I seem to have seen it before." Chen Tao asked.

"Oh, that's an inferior work that follows the trend. The original version is called "Resident Evil", and I knew you must have never read it. Besides, Yu Dong is not only a good seller, but also a writer. He also won the Zhuang Zhongwen Literature Award. Author of "Death of a Widow", "Mending the Sky", "Xiang Xi" and many other thick works. So how does your Akira Toriyama compare with others?"

"Hey, hey, it's not appropriate for you to step on one and praise the other?"

"Let me be honest, I don't care if you read comics, but don't compare those who draw comics to Yu Dong."

Chen Tao became angry, "Didn't you do the comparison yourself?"

"If you don't ask me, can I compare them?"


Chen Tao was so angry that he wanted to roll up his sleeves and fight with Jin Yang.

But after his brain heated up, he remembered his purpose for coming here.He just wanted to ask his brother-in-law if he was famous in the science fiction world, but he didn't expect the result to be so unexpected.

Of course, it's also irritating. Although it's true that Yu Dong is his brother-in-law, it always makes people feel uncomfortable when people use Yu Dong to belittle his idol.

Chen Tao stared at Jin Yang for a while, then suddenly rolled his eyes, and said with a smile, "Do you know why I asked you about Yu Dong?"

"I don't know, and I don't want to know. The class is about to start. I suggest you go back to your seat. I still want to do a few more questions." Jin Yang said lightly.

"You don't want to know, but I want to tell you." Chen Tao made a strange face, "Hey, I know Yu Dong, and I had dinner with him yesterday, I didn't expect that."

"You really--"

Jin Yang looked up at Chen Tao, then shook his head and said, "You don't need to be like this, this kind of lie is too low-level. If you had dinner with Yu Dong yesterday, it's impossible that you didn't know about his situation and came to ask me."

Chen Tao scratched his head, Jin Yang's logic was really flawless.But the fact is that he really didn't know that his brother-in-law was so powerful.

"I don't need to lie to you. If you don't believe me, I will take you to see him later. He is teaching in Jinyi."

"It seems that you don't know anything about Dong."

"Haha, start trusting me. Now, I'll take you to see him, but you must apologize to me after you see him. If you want to say that Akira Toriyama is super powerful, Akira Toriyama is the most powerful manga artist in the world, yes , is a cartoonist, not a cartoonist.”

Jin Yang glanced at Chen Tao: "Seeing Yu Dong, there are many explanations for this sentence. You can see it when you look at it from a distance, and you can see it when you look at the photo."

"I let you meet a real person, and I let him talk to you, and sign books for you."

Jin Yang narrowed his eyes, "Really?"

"It's true."

"Okay, as long as you can do it, I'm willing to do what you say." Jin Yang nodded and said, "When will you take me to see him?"

"Go tonight."

"make a deal."

Chen Tao happily wanted to high-five Jin Yang, but found that the Jin Yang birds didn't like him.

 Thank you [Huang Tian Zai Kong] for the 100 tip
  Thank you [Book Friend 20191215182923875] for the 100 reward of the boss
(End of this chapter)

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