Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 267 Stop Fighting, Stop Fighting

Chapter 267 Stop Fighting, Stop Fighting

"Yu Dong, when I passed by the door just now, Uncle Zhou said that your brother-in-law is here and asked you to go and have a look."

Just as Yu Dong returned to the dormitory after dinner, He Yu ran over and said something to him, and then said with a smile: "Mr. Cheng has a younger brother? It doesn't look very big, he is ten years younger than Mr. Cheng."

"It should be her cousin."

Yu Dong frowned, wondering why Chen Tao came here now.

Chen Tao lives in Yuhua, and goes to school there, not close to here.He still has to go to school today, and he should have just finished school for a while, so it's not easy to come here.

"It doesn't look like there is something urgent. When I got to the door, he and his friends were chatting with Uncle Zhou."

Yu Dong nodded, "Okay, I'll go and have a look."

After saying hello to He Yu, Yu Dong went out of the yard first, wondering if he should find Cheng Yanqiu first, then he gave up the idea and decided to go and see why this kid Chen Tao came here first.

Before Yu Dongren reached the door, Uncle Zhou saw him with sharp eyes, and said to Chen Tao and Jin Yang, "Hey, your brother-in-law is here."

Chen Tao stood up suddenly and ran towards Yu Dong, "Brother-in-law, brother-in-law!"

Yu Dong looked at the cheerful Chen Tao, a little puzzled, what's going on with this kid today?We just met once, the relationship is not to this point, right?

"Did you come to see your sister?" Yu Dong asked.

Chen Tao shook his head, "I'm looking for you for whatever I'm looking for. Brother-in-law, come with me, and I'll introduce someone to you."

"Introduce someone?"

Yu Dong looked at the guard room, and there was a boy who was about the same age as Chen Tao.

Chen Tao looked at Jin Yang's bewildered look, and he was in a good mood. Isn't this kid crazy, and now he is acting like a little daughter-in-law.

"Jin Yang, this is my brother-in-law, Yu Dong." Chen Tao proudly grabbed Yu Dong's arm, "Brother-in-law, this is my classmate, he likes your book very much."

It turned out to be a book friend, and Yu Dong greeted him with a smile, "Hi, I'm Yu Dong."

Jin Yang nodded slowly, "Hello, Teacher Yu, I am Jin Yang, the golden Jin, the sunny Yang."

Before seeing Yu Dong, Jin Yang never believed that Chen Tao really knew Yu Dong.

This guy Chen Tao is very good at studying, he is the only one in the class who can threaten his status in terms of academic performance, but this guy is usually indifferent, very mischievous, and likes to play some pranks.

Jin Yang always believed that the reason for Chen Tao's behavior was because he had read too many comic books.So he has some opinions on comic books, thinking that these things affect the mental development of students.

Unexpectedly, what Chen Tao said was true, he really knew Yu Dong, and he was even Yu Dong's uncle.

Jin Yang has always wanted to meet Yu Dong, but has never had a chance. He never expected to meet in this situation.

Yu Dong didn't feel strange about Jin Yang's reaction, it's quite normal for him to be shy at this age.But since it is a book friend, and it was brought by my brother-in-law, some benefits should be paid.

He waved his hand and said to the two, "Let's go, go to my dormitory and sit down. By the way, have you eaten yet?"

"Not yet." Chen Tao laughed, "Brother-in-law, does Jinyi have a cafeteria? Is the food delicious?"

"I'll take you to taste it. You can judge for yourself whether it's good or not. But before eating, you still have to go to my dormitory. You came here directly after school. You probably didn't have time to tell your family. Go to my place and call my family." A phone... Jin Yang, have you installed a phone in your home?"

"Fake it, the phone number is..." After the phone number was reported, Jin Yang realized that he should have said goodbye to Yu Dong directly, and it was only right to go back to eat now, why did he report the phone number.

Yu Dong nodded, wrote down the phone number, and then went back to the dormitory to call the two of them, explaining the situation and telling their parents not to worry.

After the notification, Yu Dong educated the two children: "No matter what happens in the future, you must first think of your family and try not to worry your family. You think nothing will happen if you come here, but Your family members don't know the specific situation, and they will definitely be worried when they see that you are not going back for a long time."


The two children nodded like chickens pecking at rice.

Yu Dong smiled and said, "I'll give you my phone number. If you want to come over in the future, please tell me in advance to prevent me from not being at school."

"Can I come over too?" Jin Yang asked timidly.

"Of course, if you like science fiction, I can take you to the Science Fiction Association if you have time. There are all book friends who like science fiction. Alright, let's go to dinner now."


After dinner with the two boys, Yu Dong gave Jin Yang two more signed books. Although Chen Tao doesn't usually read science fiction, he asked Yu Dong to give him two more.

After chatting for a period of time, Yu Dong probably also figured out the situation. Chen Tao brought Jin Yang here today purely to show off.

Before leaving, Chen Tao jumped out and said, "Brother-in-law, don't worry, I will give you a big publicity when I get back, so that all the students in our school will like your book."

"Then thank you very much." Yu Dong said with a smile.

Chen Tao patted his chest, "You're welcome, we will be a family from now on, if I don't help you, whoever will help you."

Then Chen Tao pulled Jin Yang out of the school, and said as he walked, "Jin Yang, don't forget our agreement."

Jin Yang met Yu Dong and got a signed book. He was in a good mood and said simply: "Akira Toriyama is the best manga artist in the world."

"Hey, that's right. Also, thanks to me, you got two autographed books. It's okay to treat me to a bag of Nande tomorrow, right?"

"No problem, please eat two bags."


After sending Chen Tao and the others away, Yu Dong swayed towards the dormitory with his hands behind his back.

When passing by the bulletin board, I stopped to read it for a while. Since the publication of the three "Essays in the Cucumber Garden", there has been a wave of essay writing in the school. No matter what the major is, everyone is striving to write essays.

Wu Changxin saw that the enthusiasm of the students was so high, so he asked the student mailboxes to open a contribution channel for students to submit contributions. The mailbox department screened the submissions, picked up some high-quality ones and posted them on the bulletin board.

Before that, Wu Changxin had always wanted to create a literary school magazine, but after being interrupted by Yu Dongyi, he didn't do it.Now he had another idea, but he didn't think about getting a school magazine, so he planned to get a school reading material, collect students' articles from time to time to make a collection, and then print dozens or hundreds of copies to circulate in the school.

At this moment, several articles have been published on the bulletin board. Yu Dong read a few paragraphs and found that the level is quite good.

In fact, most of the articles written by the students were in the imitation stage, so the articles on the bulletin board were somewhat similar to those written by the three of Yu Dong and the others, but this was not a problem. It should be normal for students to be influenced by the teacher.

"Hello, Teacher Yu."

Yu Dong turned his head and saw two students, a man and a woman, who seemed to be lovers.It was getting dark now, and the street lights in the school were turned on. The two students looked at Yu Dong with smiles, "Didn't you cross the road with Teacher Cheng tonight?"

After a long time, Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu going out for a walk at night has become a scene of Jinyi. Both the teachers and the students in the school have basically seen the two of them walking.

So when they saw Yu Dong alone, they started joking.

"Yeah." Yu Dong nodded and smiled, "We still have to rely on young people like you to pave our way for Jinyi."

Being ridiculed by Yu Dong in turn, the girl backed away in embarrassment, while the boy smiled and waved Yu Dong, "Teacher Yu, we are going to cross the road."

After the young couple left, Yu Dong also took advantage of the first moonlight to wander around the school.He has been in Jinyi for less than three years, and the school has undergone great changes, and the night is more lively than previous years.

The number of toads in the grass hole probably hasn't decreased, but their calls are much weaker than in previous years. People coming and going make them learn to be silent.

For a moment, people thought that the toads were gone, but when the footsteps stopped for a moment, they regained their courage and screamed wantonly.

Yu Dong looked up and saw a first quarter moon hanging in the sky.This moon is still the moon more than two years ago, but this toad has probably changed a lot.


On the day Yu Dong and the others set off for Yanjing, it was Guyu, and it really rained moderately.

After getting on the train, Bi Feiyu looked at the rain outside the window and said with a smile, "It's an old saying that rain is rare in grain rains, but I didn't expect it to rain. It seems that this year will be a good year."

"Let's hope. The floods in the past few years have caused heavy losses, and it's coming to the flood season again, so we can't have any more problems." Su Tong sighed.

With an optimistic attitude, Yu Hua said, "Our country cannot be crushed by natural disasters."

"What about man-made disasters?" Bi Feiyu asked.

Yu Hua thought for a while and said, "Man-made disasters can only crush you for a while."

Bi Feiyu joked, "People who read your works may not believe that you can say these words."

Yu Hua retorted, "People who read your works may not believe that you are such a person."

"What kind of person am I?"

"That's the kind of person."

"What kind of person is such a person?"

Su Tong shook his hands at the two of them, "How old are you? It's a headache. Let's play poker."

"Isn't playing poker more noisy?"

"When everyone quarrels together when playing poker, no one feels arguing."

"That's right!" Yu Hua gave a thumbs up, and then took out a deck of playing cards from her bag, and the four of them just happened to smash them.

When Pudan was first popularized in Jinyi, Yu Dong was considered a master, and he could teach others a thing or two.But times have changed, and now among the four people in this train carriage, he has become the best one.

The other three elder brothers are all veteran companies, and Bi Feiyu counts cards to the point of insanity.

Originally, his skills were almost fine, but he was afraid of being serious. In the beginning, Su Tong and Yu Dong's gang fought a round and suffered a disastrous defeat.

When encountering this kind of test of friendship, Su Tong didn't tell Yu Dong what to say about brothers and sisters, and directly put a big pot of losing cards on Dong's head, "Taicai, Taicai, writing is too prolific on weekdays , it seems that this card game is neglected practice. Fei Yu, change seats with me."

Bi Feiyu was bold and bold, and agreed without hesitation.

When shuffling the cards, Bi Feiyu said with a smile, "Old Su, Yu Dong is good at playing cards, but you are still not good at practicing. Come on, let me cooperate with him and show you."

Another round ended, and Bi Feiyu and Yu Dong suffered a disastrous defeat.

"I'm on the wrong road with Yu Dongpai, Yu Hua, let's change seats."

At the end of the third round, Yu Hua and Yu Dong suffered a disastrous defeat.

"How about we use rock-paper-scissors, whoever loses will follow Yu Dong's family."

"it is good."


Yu Dong watched the three of them discuss their belongings, slapped the table angrily, and made a gesture to leave the table, "I don't want to play anymore, why should I suffer such a big humiliation."

Yu Hua hurriedly hugged Yu Dong, "Don't go, don't go, I'll be with your family, I'll be with your family."

"Or, I'm fine with your family. I just had a problem with playing cards."

"That's right, that's right, it's our lack of technology that's dragging you down. You're mainly out of luck."

The three of them rushed to coax Yu Dong again.

Later, when playing cards, the atmosphere suddenly changed. No matter what cards Yu Dong played, everyone else would praise him.

"This card is played well, it must have been considered that the opponent has a big pair."

"These three bands and two soldiers made dangerous moves, and they won by surprise. They are very powerful."

This game also gradually attracted other fellow villagers in the carriage to watch the game. After watching for a while, the onlookers couldn't help but sigh inwardly, "This young man is probably a leader or a boss, regardless of his age."


Once there is no winning in the game, it is difficult for people to maintain excitement for a long time, so after two or three hours, everyone is a little tired. On the contrary, the onlookers in the back are full of enthusiasm. Hearing that they stop playing and want to rest, they are saddened.

Some people came up to ask for advice on how to play, and Bi Feiyu began to teach it seriously, "This bastard..."

In the second half of the journey, Yu Dong and the others began to close their eyes and rest their minds, while the other tables became lively, and those they knew and didn't know gathered together for several tables, and started to fight.

Yu Dong closed his eyes and thought about the exchange meeting for a while, when he suddenly thought of some small problems, and was about to talk to the three of them, when Yu Hua said, "Fei Yu, you were a bit rash when you played against the second one just now. Yu Dong didn't see through your cards, otherwise the whole game would be lost."

"It's a bit reckless, but your big king is also unreasonable. You know that the little king is in my hand, and you blocked my hand. Otherwise, I wouldn't be downstream, and you might be able to double belt. "

Yu Dong opened his eyes and looked at the two of them. Both of them closed their eyes and just closed their eyes to review the game just now.


Yu Dong sighed. If the two of them had the passion to play poker in their creation, it would be rare for them to write two novels a year.

Forget it, don't worry about it, let's wait until Yanjing to talk about the exchange meeting.

Yu Dong closed his eyes again, ready to rest for a while, but suddenly heard a noise not far away.

The four of them opened their eyes one after another to look, only to see two men wrestling together, the others did not dare to pull, and spread out an open space as their ring.

The two sides in the fight were entangled, and the national curses in their mouths never stopped.

However, it seems that the situation is not very serious. This kind of fighting has no room for display, and it is not easy to cause serious injuries.

The surrounding onlookers shouted "Don't fight, don't fight", but judging from their excited expressions, it seemed that they wanted to encourage both sides to put in more effort.

 Thank you [20170101193044063] for your 100 reward
(End of this chapter)

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