Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 268 You, Editor-in-Chief Su, have not been able to produce enough recently.

Chapter 268 You, Editor-in-Chief Su, have not been able to produce enough recently.
Yu Dong and the others were a little further away from the "ring", the battle became more and more intense, and the onlookers gathered tighter and tighter. They were blocked by the onlookers, and it was difficult to see what was going on inside.

Bi Feiyu was physically stronger and more courageous. She got up and wanted to squeeze over there, but was grabbed by Su Tong, "Don't join in the fun, the marshals have already arrived."

The marshals did come, they were in the opposite carriage, and they were rushing this way.

As soon as they stepped into this carriage, the police officers shouted, "Scatter, scatter."

It may be that the fight was too exciting, and the onlookers were reluctant to part with this free fighting match, so most of them didn't move when they heard what the marshals said.

The marshal is 50 years old, slightly fat, and he is calm in the face of such emergencies.

Just now he heard someone shout that someone was fighting, this kind of situation is not a big deal.

"Scatter quickly, don't disperse, and send all to the bureau at the next stop. It's enough to watch the fun, go back and sit down, protect your things."

Sure enough, these words worked, and people ran back to look at their things, for fear that some thieves would take advantage of them to watch the excitement.

The marshals took advantage of the empty space to reach the two fighters. The two had exhausted a lot of energy in the fight just now, and now they were lying on the ground, pulling each other's hair, panting heavily.

"The two of you are so close that the saliva of your breath can jump into each other's mouth. If you are not sick, it's okay. If one of you has some kind of infectious two don't have any infectious diseases, right?"

As soon as the marshal's words came out, the two quickly distanced themselves from each other, but they still refused to let go, pulling each other's hair tightly.

"Okay, okay, let go. Now let go and I'll adjust it for you two. It's okay. If you don't loose it, I'll handcuff you and send it to the police station at the next stop. Even if it's the last It's nothing, so I want to waste the time of the two of you, right?"

At this moment, both of them were a little loose, and the policeman continued to say, "It's not easy to go out, are you two together?"

"No," said one of them.

"Not together, what was the reason for the fight?"

Neither of them spoke, but the person next to him helped to explain: "Just now, everyone played cards together. The two of them from the same family quarreled when the cards didn't come out right. Let's get started."

"How big is the card?"

"Not playing for money, pure entertainment."

The marshal laughed, "You can fight if you don't play for money, but if you play for money, you can still get it? What cards do you play?"

"It's called Pudan. It's a new way of playing. A few brothers over there taught us." The speaker pointed to Yu Dong and the others.

The marshal looked at Yu Dong and the others, and suddenly became alert.Some new ways of playing in the train appear from time to time, and some of them are indeed new ways of playing, but most of them are fraudulent means.

Some charlatans bring poker to others to play cards, and promote new ways of playing, with the ultimate goal of defrauding money.

This kind of deception is brilliant because it is difficult to define it as cheating, because cheaters generally do not cheat when playing cards. The reason why they can cheat money is because they set the rules and they are more familiar with them.

At the beginning, I played stupidly and pretended to be stunned. I lost and won, and even lost a little. When I hooked up other people's addiction, I started to close the net.

And this kind of deception is not like some scams that require a few tricks, and one person can carry out the deception.

"Get up first, and follow me to the front to have a look. If anyone is seriously injured, he has to be sent to the hospital."

At this time, the two young men who were fighting had almost lost their anger, and they got up and followed the marshals.

"Take your luggage with you."

After a while, two police officers came back with one of them, and the other should have been placed in another compartment to prevent further fights.

"Fortunately, I didn't get hurt this time. Don't be so impulsive in the future. Take a step back and endure the calm for a while. How important is it to play cards..."

The marshals criticized and educated the young man, then turned and left.

Just when everyone thought the matter was over, the two marshals came to Yu Dong's side and stopped suddenly.

"Several, did you teach them new ways to play just now?"

Bi Feiyu looked up at the two marshals, "Well, what's the problem?"

The chubby policeman said with a smile, "It's okay, I want to ask you to understand the situation. Please take out the ticket first."

Yu Dong and the others cooperated to take out the ticket to the police for inspection.

The marshal looked at the tickets of several people and said with a smile: "Is there a business trip from Jinling to Yanjing?"

"Yes." Su Tong nodded.

"How many people belong to the same unit?"

"No." Su Tong shook his head, pointing at Yu Dong and the others: "The three of them have one unit, and I have one unit."

"What unit?"

"I'm from "Zhongshan" magazine, and the three of them are from Jinling Art Institute." Su Tong said truthfully.

"Is the "Zhongshan" magazine from Jinling or Yanjing?"

Before Su Tong answered, a young man next door said with a smile, "Officer, I see that you don't usually read, and I don't know where Zhong Shan magazine is."

The chubby marshal turned to look at the young man, "What's the matter with you?"

Not to mention, the chubby marshal had been smiling all the time, but now his face was quite dignified, and the young man stopped talking when he saw him staring.

""Zhongshan" is from Nanjing." Su Tong replied.

The chubby policeman nodded, and asked again: "Your "Zhong Shan" published a column in the March issue, right? What's it called?"

Yu Dong smiled, it seems that the marshal did not know where "Zhong Shan" was, but was just checking Su Tong's identity.

Su Tong continued: "You should be talking about "Cucumber Garden Essays". There are three articles in it, written by Yu Hua, Yu Dong and Bi Feiyu."

When asked here, the marshals actually no longer doubted Su Tong's identity.He usually reads literary magazines, so when he heard that it was "Zhong Shan", he wanted to check it out.

At this moment, after confirming that the other party is "Zhong Shan", the policeman smiled and said: "Your "Zhong Shan" is very good, are you from the editorial department? Your current editor-in-chief is Su Tong, right? After becoming the editor-in-chief, I don’t feel like writing anymore, and I haven’t seen much of his works.”

"No, he has posted about [-] long and short articles in the past few years." Su Tong laughed.

Su Tong laughed, and the other three laughed too.

Mainly this scene is really funny.

The marshal looked at a few people and didn't know why they laughed, but he didn't ask carefully, nodded and said, "Maybe I didn't pay much attention, it's fine, it's okay, you guys can be busy."

After finishing speaking, the chubby policeman took another young policeman away.


After the police left, Bi Feiyu said with a smile, "The editor-in-chief of Su University is quite famous."

"Stop joking, do you know why he came to ask us?"

"Why else? I think the swindlers we teach are a bit suspicious. There are many scammers on the train. I met one on the train once before. Three people played with one person."

"The past few years have been much better. There are many scammers. I remember that in the early years, they were often robbed." Yu Hua said.

"It will get better and better." Yu Dong smiled, "Just like this train, it will also get faster and faster."

Yu Hua nodded: "The train has indeed been faster these years, but I think it's almost reaching the upper limit."

"The upper limit can't be right. Those high-speed railways abroad have been developed for so many years, and they are quite stable. The speed is ridiculously fast. Even if we can't fully keep up, we shouldn't have a problem chasing [-]% to [-]% of the level." Bi Feiyu said .

Su Tong was not optimistic, shaking his head and said: "Difficult, we can keep up with the progress of other things, such as telephones, mobile phones, computers, these things are easy to update. Railways are different, the project is too big, and we will build a new one in a few years." It’s okay to have two lines, but if you really want to cover the whole country, the price is unimaginable.”

Bi Feiyu disagreed with this point of view, and said, "I don't think so. I really made up my mind. It will definitely be done in 50 to [-] years. If you want to get rich, you must first build roads. It is precisely the mobile phones and computers you mentioned. It can be later, transportation is the cornerstone of development, if it is not done well, it will be difficult for other developments to keep up.”

"This is also a possibility... Yu Dong, what do you think, your science fiction novels contain many descriptions of the near future, and I think some of them are quite plausible." Yu Hua asked Yu Dong again.

Yu Dong smiled and said: "I agree with Feiyu's statement that if you want to get rich, you must build roads first, and transportation must be developed first. Compared with developing other high-tech, repairing roads can reduce the time people waste on traffic." , can better improve production efficiency. According to the experience of foreign high-speed railway development, in the future, we will go from Jinling to Yanjing, and back and forth in one day will be more than enough.”

Yu Hua pondered for a while, then smiled and said, "I was really convinced by you, I hope to see that day."

"Will see."


The journey was long, and several people discussed it and took turns sleeping to prevent any problems.

Nothing happened along the way, but when they got out of the car, the four of them ran into that chubby policeman again.

With a special smile, he kept staring at Yu Dong and the others.

After walking a long distance, Bi Feiyu turned around and could still see the marshals watching them.

"This person has probably guessed our identity."

"Maybe." Su Tong smiled, and several people entered and exited the passageway.

In fact, Bi Feiyu really guessed right, the chubby marshal did react later.

The marshals actually knew that Yu Dong and Bi Feiyu were Jin Yi's teachers, and had also read "Essays on the Cucumber Garden". When they were interrogating just now, they had been thinking about fraud and didn't think about it. is missing something.

But since he didn't recognize him at the time, he didn't bother to bother him later.

As soon as the four of Yu Dong left the station, they saw someone holding a big sign that said "Yanjing Normal University Exchange Meeting".

There are three people under the sign, two men and one woman.One of the men, Yu Dong, was still acquainted with him. He was a junior in the Chinese Department, one class lower than him, and his name was Gu Haiyang.

Gu Haiyang also saw Yu Dong at this time, and waved excitedly, "Brother, brother!"

Yu Dong waved his hand in response, and then rushed over with the others.

When he came to him, Yu Dong said with a smile, "Gu Haiyang."

Gu Haiyang nodded wildly, "Brother, you still remember me. I stayed in school after graduating the year before last, and now I am working as a counselor in our department. Both of them are my students, Meng Fei and Li Kai, second-year students in the Chinese department."

"Hello senior brother, hello teachers." The two students bowed obediently to say hello.

Yu Dong nodded and introduced, "Su Tong, Yu Hua, Bi Feiyu."

After exchanging pleasantries between the two parties, Gu Haiyang said, "Let's go and settle down first, and then go to have a meal. Teacher Mo Yan has arrived, so we should wait in the hotel now."

"Hotel? Don't you want to go to the guest house?" Su Tong asked.

"Principal Su said that it's rare for you to come here, so he arranged for a hotel."

In fact, the guest house of Yan Normal University has just been built, and the conditions are still good, and it is next to the school cafeteria.But since the school arranged a hotel, Yu Dong and the others didn't say anything.

When they arrived at the hotel, Mo Yan ran over as soon as they put down their things.

Compared with the last time we met, Mo Yan gained a little weight, his face became more fleshy, and his eyes became smaller.

"You're living a good life in the army." Yu Hua joked with a smile, and then asked, "Why didn't you pick us up, isn't it appropriate?"

"Obviously you invited me to the exchange meeting, but you want me to pick you up?" Mo Yan curled his lips, and said, "Hong Feng and Liu Zhenyun come over tomorrow."

"Yes, Teacher Mo Yan, besides the two of them, Teacher Ma Yuan is also coming tomorrow." Gu Haiyang said with a smile.

"Ma Yuan? Isn't he in the frontier?" Su Tong asked suspiciously.

"Just came back at this time."

"It seems that the people invited this time can be neat." Bi Feiyu laughed.

These people were planned to be invited this time. Originally, Mo Yan and the others were not sure about how many of them, but they never expected that when the exchange meeting was about to start, they would all have time.

"Teachers, let's go have dinner together?" Gu Haiyang said.

"Has it been arranged?" Yu Dong asked.

"I haven't decided yet, but it's tentatively determined to be a nearby meal spot, let's go there now."

Yu Dong waved his hand, "Don't worry about it tonight, I'll make arrangements. Ladies and gentlemen, let's go to Xicheng to eat hot-boiled mutton tonight. When we arrive at Yan Normal University, it's fine for me to be the host."

"If you invite me to dinner, what's the problem?" Yu Hua smiled, then looked at Su Tong again: "Old Su, they all came from Yan Normal University, there is still a gap in the structure."

"What you said is unreasonable. Yu Dong is my younger brother, not your younger brother, right?"


Gu Haiyang dragged Dong to the side and whispered, "Senior brother, this is not appropriate, the school allocated the funds."

"It's okay, listen to me. We finally come back once, and I will take them out to have fun."

Yu Dong actually knew that the standard set by the school would definitely not be high. This was not because the school was stingy, but because it was stipulated there.And they have already been arranged to a hotel, if the food is up to a higher level, it will not sound good to say it.

It's not easy to come here, of course everyone wants to eat and drink well, so Yu Dong said he made arrangements because he didn't want to embarrass the school.

"Let's go, let's go, it's meal time, maybe it's difficult to get a seat."

There are quite a few hot-boiled mutton restaurants in Xicheng. Fortunately, it is not the peak season. They asked two restaurants and picked up a box.

 Thank you [Huang Tian Zai Kong] for the 100 tip
(End of this chapter)

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