Chapter 269
When they arrived at the box, several people set up the game first.

Because there are many people and there is a surplus, Yu Dong is no longer popular, so Bi Feiyu and the three of them pull Mo Yan to a table.

But after playing for a while, the pot came up.The shabu-shabu is good at this point, and the dishes are served quickly.

At this time, the round was not over yet, and several people agreed to go back to continue at night.

"Come, come, don't rush to eat, let's fill up the wine first."

Mo Yan looked very excited. Before everyone was seated, he poured wine in a hurry.

Yu Hua smiled and said, "Guan Moye, did you meet any happy event?"

"A friend comes from afar."

Mo Yan smiled, and poured a little more for Yu Hua's cup: "Forget about the others, the main reason is to see you happy."

"You can pour it whatever you want, isn't the cup just this big."

Mo Yan looked really happy. He used to talk a lot, but he had never seen him so proactive when drinking.Because of stomach problems, he basically controls his drinking now, and sometimes he doesn't even taste a drop of alcohol.

Taking the initiative to drink tonight, the others didn't think much about it, they just thought that he must have held it in for too long and wanted to drink.

But halfway through the drink, everyone felt something was wrong.

Mo Yan was too proactive, holding a glass to provoke everyone, within 10 minutes, half a catty of wine was gone.

They are all acquaintances, and they know roughly how much they can drink. A few years earlier, it would have been fine for Mo Yan to drink like this, but now his stomach won't allow him to drink like this anymore.

Yu Hua was also a little dizzy from drinking, and wanted to have a drink with Mo Yan, but was stopped by Su Tong, "You two, you both drink and eat meat, and you have become uncles. Do you mind serving me?"

"Brother, it's okay, I..."

Just as Gu Haiyang opened his mouth, he saw Yu Dong winking at him, so he stopped talking.

Yu Hua and Mo Yan were a little embarrassed, so they put down their wine glasses and started to help cook the meat.

Yu Dong lowered his head and asked Su Tong in a low voice, "Is there something on Mo Yan's mind?"

Su Tong shook his head, "I don't know, he usually doesn't have much contact with us. But he can't let him drink this wine anymore, we have to watch it."

Later, Yu Dong simply took the wine bottle into his hand and let him pour the wine.Mo Yan wanted to grab the wine bottle, Yu Dong said with a smile: "I am the host tonight, of course I should pour the wine. If you want to be the commander of the wine, please have another meal tomorrow night."

Mo Yan said with a proud face: "Okay, let's have another meal tomorrow night, and I will be the host. Speaking of which, I have to treat you to a meal. I have been here several times before, and I just ate..."

Now he was drunk and chattering, and his speech was incoherent, saying one thing and another.

Talking and talking about the first meeting with Yu Hua, and then talking about the first meeting with Bi Feiyu... After talking about the whole circle, he said it all over again.

"It's not very good this time, I saw it all at once." Bi Feiyu laughed.

"Yeah, I see, it's not easy to come here this time..."

Changing the subject, Mo Yan started a new round of nagging, starting to talk about how difficult it was for him to come here.

Everyone listened patiently to his nagging, but he suddenly burst into tears while he was talking, and kept repeating: "It's not easy to come out..."

Seeing him crying, the others rushed to comfort him and asked him if he was worried, but he didn't say anything, just kept repeating the same sentence.

Later, when the dinner was over and he returned to the hotel, he said a few words in a daze before falling asleep.

After Yu Dong and the others settled Mo Yan, they got together in a room and chatted.

It was Yu Hua who guessed after the alcohol had worn off that Mo Yan might not be happy because of his mother's affairs.

Mo Yan had talked with Yu Hua about his mother before, the old man was not in good health, and had been suffering from serious and minor illnesses for the past few years, Mo Yan felt anxious when he thought of his mother's health.

But no one can say for sure, you can only guess casually.

Yu Dong felt that what Yu Hua said should be similar. He remembered that Mo Yan wrote "Big Breasts and Wide Buttocks" after his mother passed away, and it should have happened in the past two years.

Mo Yan kept repeating that sentence, probably because of guilt.

Several people chatted for a while and were a little tired, so they went back to their rooms to sleep.


The next day, Mo Yan was still in good shape after being hungover, and even pulled Su Tong and the others to say that he was going to Yanshi University to play football.

The friendly match was arranged in advance and started at ten o'clock in the morning.

Before the game started, they went to meet with the school leaders.

The principal Su Fukang, Hu Yueming and Tong Qingbing from the Chinese Department were all there, but they didn't say much, just exchanged a few simple greetings.After all, the exchange meeting will start tomorrow, and many things can be discussed after the exchange meeting.

Coming out of the principal's office, Hu Yueming and Tong Qingbing were going to the stadium to watch their game. On the way, Hu Yueming laughed and teased them: "The literature exchange meeting will include a football friendly match, not to mention unprecedented, it is also unprecedented."

Yu Hua laughed and said, "Probably won't be the last one. If we're called next time, we'll have to play a game."

"You often play football on our school's playground." Tong Qingbing smiled, and then asked Yu Hua, "You are still used to writing at Jinyi School now? Chen Hong is still in Yanjing, if you don't It’s too convenient to consider that Yan Normal University will come, and our treatment will not be worse than their Jin Yi.”

Tong Qingbing used to be a teacher in their writer class, and he had a good relationship with Mo Yan and Yu Hua, and they talked more directly.

His invitation was not out of politeness, but because he really wanted Yu Hua to reside at Yan Normal University.

Jin Yi invited Yu Hua, and the results came out quickly, and Yan Normal University naturally moved their minds.

Yu Hua responded with a smile, "My contract with Jin Yi hasn't ended yet."

"The contract can be concluded, so it can be terminated naturally. If there is a termination fee, it will be easier, just pay the money to terminate the contract." Tong Qingbing said.

"In fact, there are many good writers, such as Hong Feng, Liu Zhenyun and Ma Yuan, aren't they all ready-made." Yu Hua said.

After hearing Yu Hua's words, Tong Qingbing naturally understood what he meant, smiled, and said nothing more.

As for Hong Feng and the others, it's not that the school didn't think about it, it's just that each has its own difficulties.

First of all, sign Yu Hua at least not to give a salary, because Yu Hua does not have a salary in Jinyi.But they can't do it if they sign Hong Feng, and they may not be willing.

Ma Yuan doesn't care about the establishment, but he likes to run around without restraint, so it is very difficult for him to be stationed in the school.

Furthermore, when the school signs a writer in residence, the writer's reputation must be considered. In the past two years, there are only a few young writers who have become famous, Su Tong, Yu Hua, Mo Yan, Bi Feiyu, Wang Shuo...Jin Yi took over all at once. took three.

In fact, Tong Qingbing had seriously considered the possibility of digging Yudong before, and even discussed it with Hu Yueming, but the result was that it was almost impossible.

Tong Qingbing learned from Hu Yueming that Xiaoxia in the department had a date with Yu Dong before, but now they broke up and asked Yu Dong to come over. The two often meet and are prone to embarrassment.

Knowing this, Tong Qingbing didn't say it again.

During the conversation, several people arrived at the stadium, Hong Feng, Liu Zhenyun and Ma Yuan were already waiting on the sidelines.

Yu Dong met Liu Zhenyun, and it was the first time seeing the other two.

Ma Yuan is tall, and looks tough at first glance, but when he smiles, his eyebrows bend to both sides, forming a standard character horoscope. With his European-style double eyelids, he is quite cute.

Hong Feng is more ordinary-looking, of medium height, with black-rimmed eyes.

Yu Hua poked Yu Dong's arm, and laughed softly, "Are you afraid?"

"Afraid of what?" Yu Dong asked back.

"There are so many avant-garde writers here, aren't you afraid?"

This brings us back to Yu Dong's articles criticizing the avant-garde.

When the avant-garde faction was booming, someone listed the five pioneer generals, namely Yu Hua, Ma Yuan, Hong Feng, Su Tong, and Ge Fei. Today, there were only four of the five tiger generals at the scene, and only Ge Fei was missing.

But the two of them didn't remember this at all, but Ma Yuan still remembered that Su Tong lied to him that Yu Dong was a woman.

"At that time, Su Tong said that you were a woman, and I really believed it."

Ma Yuan is a typical northeastern man with a hearty personality. He patted Yu Dong on the shoulder the first time they met, and was very warm.

Standing with Ma Yuan felt oppressive. He was taller than Yu Dong, and he was much thicker. He looked a lot bigger than Yu Dong.

When Yu Dong was slapped by him, it felt like he had turned his head and slapped him on the shoulder.

Su Tong pulled Ma Yuan's hand away, "Handle lightly, our team today is also younger than Yu Dong, if you shoot him badly, we will definitely be beaten today."

"Hey, what are you afraid of? I have me. Is my name Dongbei Gullit fake?"

"Anyway, it's not true."


Today's game was an 11-a-side game, but Yu Dong and the others couldn't even make up eleven players, so they pulled a few more from the student team.

Seeing that it was an 11-a-side system, Yu Dong knew it would be cold today.

In such a big venue, only Su Tong and the others have the physical fitness, not to mention too much, and they have to go down after rushing back and forth twice.It means that Bi Feiyu has better physical fitness, and Yu Dong himself is also a half-baked guy with a very thin body. If the opponent fights a little bit, he can fly several meters away immediately.

Fortunately, the school knew that their strength was definitely not good, so they specially selected a bunch of top experts to fight.

Some people may wonder, if you want to release water, why not pick some rookies, why pick experts, afraid that the writers will not lose enough?

In fact, this kind of thinking is wrong. The level of the writer team is so low that it cannot be lowered. If you want to find someone who is better than them, you can only find someone who has never played football.

However, those who have never played before can easily injure people if they do not pay attention to their movements. It is not as good as playing with a group of masters who can freely control the rhythm.

Facts have proved that the decision made by the school is correct.

The entire first half of the game was very exciting. The student team's pass was perfect and the offense was smooth, but they always missed the point in the goal, and then because the offense was too forward, the writers' team counterattacked.

After the first half, the score was fixed at one to one.

During the halftime break, Hong Feng, the interim captain, took everyone to do a serious tactical analysis: "Although they are good at running, they are inexperienced in attacking. As long as we are patient and defend, we are very hopeful to win. Bi Feiyu is an important point of fire for us, the midfielders can go to Bi Feiyu directly after they get the ball, if we succeed in the game, if we fail in the game, we can shrink the formation and defend the opponent."

Later, Hong Feng praised Yu Dong by name again: "Today, Yu Dong played very beautifully as a central midfielder. The formation is broken up."

Facing Hong Feng's praise, Yu Dong was too embarrassed to accept it.

He did play well today, but that's because the opponent didn't fight him at all, leaving him a lot of space to pass the ball.

In fact, everyone more or less knows that the students are a little bit of water, but the opponent's level of water is very high, which makes them play very happily.

When the second half was about to start, Hu Yueming came over with a young man, "Add someone to you."

When Yu Dong saw the young man brought by Hu Yueming, his expression froze: Why is this boy here?

"This is Ruan Xiaohu from Huizhou Writers Association." Hu Yueming introduced.

"Hello, teachers." Ruan Xiaohu nodded respectfully to Yu Dong and the others.

Ruan Xiaohu was very young, but everyone didn't think much about it. The standards of the Municipal Writers Association were low and there were many young people.Not to mention the city-level writers' associations, there are quite a few provincial-level writers' associations as big as Ruan Xiaohu.

Only Su Tong was a little surprised, "Is there a Writers Association in Huizhou City?"

Hu Yueming explained with a smile, "It will be formally established next month."

"So that's the case, I don't remember it."

Ruan Xiaohu greeted everyone, then ran up to Yu Dong, "Teacher Yu, long time no see."

"Yeah, long time no see, I haven't seen you write a letter these days."

"There are a lot of things these days that are delayed."

On the other side, Yu Hua heard the conversation between the two, and asked curiously, "You know each other?"

Yu Dong nodded, "We've known each other for a long time."

After that, Yu Dong didn't continue to talk about this topic, but asked Ruan Xiaohu, "How is your football?"

"It's alright."

"What position do you play?"

"Anything is fine, but generally there are more attacking midfielders."

"Okay, then you kick the front midfielder, and I will kick the back midfielder."

In fact, Yu Dong has a lot to ask Ruan Xiaohu, but the timing is not right now, he is going to find another opportunity to ask after the game.

The second half of the game started quickly. After Yu Dong received the ball, he saw Ruan Xiaohu running and passed the ball to him.

The quality of this pass was mediocre, it was a half-high ball, but Ruan Xiaohu took the ball lightly with his thigh, just in time to stop the ball in the attacking direction, and then dribbled the ball towards the opponent's penalty area at high speed.

The opponent's defensive player didn't take it seriously at first, and the defense was a bit sloppy. After Ruan Xiaohu took two steps in a row, he realized that something was wrong. The central defender and midfielder all pressed towards him.

Ruan Xiaohu smashed the ball twice in a row to get rid of the defender, and then made a fake shot and made a true pass. The ball reached the unmarked Bi Feiyu.Bi Feiyu didn't waste the opportunity and calmly scored the single-handed goal.

It took less than 30 seconds to kick off in the second half, and Yu Dong and the others took the lead.

Ruan Xiaohu's performance was not only dumbfounded by the other party, but also the people on Yu Dong's side.

The most surprising thing was Yu Dong. He had known Ruan Xiaohu for such a long time, but he didn't know that Ruan Xiaohu could play football, and he played so well that he should be at the level of the main force of a college team.

But this time it was also because of the opponent's carelessness that the kick went so smoothly. Afterwards, the opponent knew how powerful Ruan Xiaohu was, and became more cautious, and arranged tactics to restrain Ruan Xiaohu.

Until the final whistle sounded, neither side scored again, and the writers' team won [-]-[-].

As for Ruan Xiaohu, because of the series of escapes and the last pass at the beginning of the second half, they successfully captured the "hearts" of Hong Feng and Ma Yuan. After the game, they all circled around Ruan Xiaohu.

"Good boy, a bit like Maradona."

"Hey, if you had come in the first half, we might have scored more goals."

"With Ruan Xiaohu, our team has a bright future."

Yu Dong originally wanted to find a chance to chat with Ruan Xiaohu, but Ma Yuan and the others had been clinging to Ruan Xiaohu and couldn't find a chance.

Moreover, after Ma Yuan and the others won the game, they were very inflated, and they were discussing what kind of writer football team they wanted to sweep the Quartet!

"Later, let's make up our strengths and find those university teams to play. I have made up my mind, first play Yanda, and then Yanjing University of Technology... After the school in Yanjing has passed the customs, I will go to Jinling, and then Shanghai. "

Looking at Ma Yuan who was excitedly planning his future, Yu Dong couldn't help shivering.

 Thank you [Suzhong Three Wolves] for the 100 reward
  Thank you [White Running Monk] for the 111 reward
(End of this chapter)

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