Chapter 270

Hu Yueming and Tong Qingbing left halfway through the game, and the student team came over to say hello after playing and left.

Gu Haiyang was left with a group of writers sitting on the edge of the playground talking.

It was almost twelve o'clock at noon after the game, but everyone was in no hurry to eat. When they were on the field, adrenaline was secreted, and everyone didn't feel too tired. After sitting down for a while, the sequelae of lack of exercise became prominent.

Su Tong was the first to complain of a backache, and was ridiculed by Ma Yuan and the others.

Later, when everyone was going back to the hotel to take a shower, except for Bi Feiyu and Ruan Xiaohu, none of them walked steadily.

Ma Yuan put his arm around Ruan Xiaohu's neck, on the one hand he really likes this kid, on the other hand his two thighs are writhing with pain, if it wasn't for Ruan Xiaohu supporting him, he might be ashamed.

After returning to the hotel and taking a shower, it was already past one o'clock in the afternoon.

At this moment, everyone didn't want to walk anymore, so they asked Gu Haiyang and the others to buy some food from outside, and then everyone gathered in Su Tong's room to eat boxed lunches.

The reason why I want to go to Su Tong's room is because their room has a large window and there is an empty space where they can put on a posture.

When the meal was halfway through, Ma Yuan suddenly asked, "Xiaohu, why did you come here this time? It couldn't be that Professor Hu knew you were good at football and asked you to help out."

With food in his mouth, Ruan Xiaohu swallowed a few mouthfuls when he heard Ma Yuan's question, and then replied with a smile: "I have known Dean Hu for a while, and later I heard that some teachers are going to Yan Normal University When I came to the exchange meeting, I asked with a straight face if I could come, but I didn't expect Dean Hu to agree."

"Don't call us teacher, Shengfen. Although you are much younger than us, you can also call me Brother Sheng. You can call me Brother Ma, and others are up to you." Ma Yuan laughed, "Dean Hu likes young people, You recommend yourself like this, and he has no reason to disagree."

"Well, Brother Ma." Ruan Xiaohu shouted obediently.

Mo Yan was the quickest eater, he had already put down his lunch box and lit a cigarette by the way.

After the cigarette was lit, he looked at Ruan Xiaohu with a smile: "You can enter the Writers' Association at your age, have you written many works before?"

"Just a few articles, all posted on "Youth Literature"."

"That's not easy anymore." Yu Hua followed suit and lit a cigarette, "When I was your age, I was still playing with mud."

"You are still playing in mud at this age?" Bi Feiyu laughed.

"I like playing with mud, don't you?" Yu Hua took a sip of his cigarette, then looked at Yu Dong: "Just now on the playground, you said you knew each other. How did you meet him? Did you meet President Hu?"

"You two know each other?" Ma Yuan also looked at Yu Dong curiously.

The expressions of the others were similar to Ma Yuan's, but they didn't expect Yu Dong to know Ruan Xiaohu.

Yu Dong didn't want to talk about this at first, but he had already been asked, so he could only explain, "When I returned to Jinling from other places, I met Xiaohu on the train. At that time, I met him once, but I met him again in Jinling later. Once, we got to know each other. He was working in Jinling at the time, and he often went to my place to play in his spare time."

"You guys still have such a fate, but why didn't I know about it?" Bi Feiyu scratched his head, "I followed you after you went to Jinyi."

Yu Dong said with a smile: "Xiaohu gets up early, so I can't meet you."

"That being said, I usually get up pretty early."

Yu Hua curled her lips and said, "If it's based on foreign time, you got up early... So, Xiaohu got to know Dean Hu through you?"

"No." Xiaohu shook his head, "When I met Dean Hu, I didn't know that Mr. Hu was Mrs. Yu's teacher. At that time, I was a tour guide in my hometown, and Mr. Hu and the others were brought by me when they went on a tour. That's it. We got to know each other. It was only after Teacher Hu told me that I realized that they knew each other.”

Hearing Xiaohu's explanation, Yu Dong secretly slandered his teacher.When Hu Yueming called him, he clearly asked him to tell Ruan Xiaohu himself, but the old man couldn't hold back in the end.

Others didn't know the link, but when they heard this story, they all exclaimed that it was destined.

"This fate is not shallow. Three people and three places are bound together by chance." Ma Yuan sighed: "This world is obviously very big, but there are always moments when people feel that it is so small You see, if Xiaohu hadn’t come to Yanjing, we wouldn’t have been able to get to know him. Maybe if we miss this opportunity, we’ll never get to know each other in our lifetime.”

Mo Yan waved his hands and said, "Ma Yuan, what you said is underestimating people. Xiaohu can publish several articles in "Youth Literature" at such a young age. His future future is limitless. The literary world will definitely leave his name. You don't want to know him. .”

"That's right." Ma Yuan nodded, "But I think, whether it's Yu Dong's fate with Xiaohu, or Dean Hu's fate with Xiaohu, it's actually a foreshadowing for him to meet us. What are we doing? Hehe, that naturally makes us firm in our determination to form a football team."

Everyone rolled their eyes in unison, the horse was really on top, and while talking, they turned the topic back to the formation of a football team.

However, Ma Yuan is the only one who has a hot head, and the others are not interested in forming a football team.

Everyone is in different places, and it is not easy to sit together like today, let alone form a football team to compete.

Who has the time.

What's more, they all know their own level of football. If the opponent didn't release water today, the goal would probably be shot through.Ruan Xiaohu played well, but football is not a personal thing.

Seeing that everyone was not arguing with each other, Ma Yuan didn't go on further, and changed the topic to talk about Yu Dong, "Yu Dong has been very popular in the United States recently. He held a signing event in the United States and signed 1 More than [-] books, I heard about this when I was in the frontier."

"No, there are only a few thousand copies." Yu Dong waved his hand.

In fact, the reason why the number of more than 1 copies has been circulated has something to do with Jimmy. At that time, Jimmy’s news wrote "nearly [-] copies", and later it became "tens of thousands".

But a few thousand copies are enough to surprise the people present.

Especially Mo Yan, his "The Country of Wine" only came out last year. At that time, the first printing was only [-] copies. As for how many copies were sold, there is no specific statistics, but the sales volume is definitely not good. It is estimated that it will sell two to three thousand copies at most. Book.

Such a comparison reveals the gap. Yu Dong's books sold at one signing will exceed the total sales of "Liquor Country", and it may be far more than that.

The others are similar, everyone's book sales are not very good, except for Yu Dong, Liu Zhenyun and Yu Hua are probably slightly better.

In fact, Liu Zhenyun and the others are in quite complicated moods. It is impossible to say that Yu Dong's sales are not bad at all, but they also want to learn from Yu Dong, hoping that their books will also have good sales.

It's just that the books that Yu Dong sells abroad are "Second World" and "Resident Evil", which are of no reference to them.

After much deliberation, I can only drag and drop Yu Dongxiang as a writer of popular novels.

It was not possible to talk about the sales volume, but Yu Hua proposed to play two tables of cards, and the scene became lively again.


It wasn't until the evening that Yu Dong found a chance to be alone with Ruan Xiaohu.

When alone, Ruan Xiaohu became even more shy.He bowed his head and rubbed his hands, like a student waiting to be punished.

Seeing him like this, Yu Dong laughed inexplicably, "I don't have anything special to see you, I mainly want to catch up with you, and by the way, congratulations on joining the Writers Association, I haven't joined yet."

"Mr. Yu, you will definitely be able to join. Like our Huizhou Writers Association, we can't invite you even if we want to." Ruan Xiaohu said hastily.

"I'm not from Huizhou, and I don't work in Huizhou. Why do I join the Huizhou Writers Association?"

"I'm just making an analogy. Writers' Associations across the country will definitely welcome you. I feel that none of the people in our Writers' Association can compare to you."

Yu Dong shook his head and said with a smile: "This kind of comparison is unnecessary, everyone has something worth learning from. You don't have to be too cautious in front of me, we are friends..."

"But in my heart, you will always be my teacher. Although I have not been with you for a long time, the things I learned during that time are something I will never forget in my life. They have changed me and will Accompany me all my life. In the story I wrote in "Little Tiger", the prototype of the protagonist is myself, and the gentleman with the manuscript is..."

Yu Dong waved his hand, not letting Ruan Xiaohu continue.

Yu Dong didn't want to challenge whether what was written in "Little Tiger" was true or not, it was not a good thing for Xiaohu.

"If you treat me as your teacher, then I will treat you as a student. As a teacher, let me teach you that there are many things in the world that you don't need to explain clearly, just keep them in your heart. Don't be too harsh on yourself, just look up and look forward. You can make your way.”

Ruan Xiaohu nodded thoughtfully, and then asked expectantly, "Then can I call you teacher directly in the future?"

"Yes." Yu Dong nodded, and then walked into the room with his hands behind his back, "Come here, we will have a meeting in a while and talk about the exchange meeting tomorrow."

Ruan Xiaohu looked at Yu Dong's back, grinned, and followed.


In the past two days, Yu Hua and the others either played cards or played football, and they had already played so much that they didn't know where to go, so Yu Dong specially called everyone to hold a brief meeting in the evening, and talked about tomorrow's exchange meeting.

The process of the exchange meeting is very simple. In the morning, Yan Normal University will send people to take these writers around the school to show off.

After eating at noon, the teachers of the Chinese Department sat down with the writers to hold a discussion meeting, chatting about the recent development of the literary world.

The discussion will be about two or three hours, and then after dinner, the writers will go to the auditorium to share their experience with the students. There is no specific time schedule for this link, which mainly depends on their own performance, but because there is an interactive link, the time will not be short , It will probably take two or three hours to finish.

Yu Dong held this meeting mainly to make the writers participating in the exchange meeting well prepared.


Early the next morning, when Gu Haiyang brought two students to pick up the writers, he couldn't help but pat his head.Most people walk with a limp today because they exercised too much yesterday.

Especially when they went down the stairs after leaving the hotel, Ma Yuan supported Ruan Xiaohu and yelled wildly: "Hey, hey, hey, hey."

After strenuous exercise, it is okay to go up the stairs with leg pain, but going down the stairs is indeed fatal.But everyone else deliberately endured it, only Ma Yuan screamed wildly.

When they arrived at the school, Hu Yueming and the others saw the situation and thought to themselves what kind of school would they be taking them to visit, so they decided to skip the step of visiting the school and directly hold the discussion meeting.

For this decision, Ma Yuan and the others certainly agreed with it.

The discussion meeting went smoothly, because we are all acquaintances, and there is nothing vain.

Four of the Pioneer Five Tigers will come, so it is naturally impossible not to talk about the avant-garde.

When it came to the avant-garde, no one else said anything, but a few representative writers of the avant-garde started to reflect first.

It may be a bit too much to say introspection, it should be said to be a summary of experience.

After these years, they are also aware of the disadvantages of avant-garde literature, and their understanding is deeper than others.

After talking about avant-garde literature, everyone talked about magic realism. In recent years, magic realism is probably the hottest topic in China.

Not to mention Shan Jun, there are quite a few writers present who are related to magic realism, and Yu Dong is among them.

Many people in the outside world think that "Westward" is the best localized magical realism work in recent years, but some people think that "Westward" is the least magical realism work.

The latter sentence is actually a bit contradictory, because it not only admits that "Xiang Xi" is a magical realism work, but also wants to deny its magical realism characteristics.

Yu Dong did not express any opinion on what "Xiang Xi" is.He told Yu Hua that the purpose of their writers is to write, and it is up to the critics to judge what they write.


In the evening, everyone moved to the Jingwen lecture hall.

At this time, the Jingwen lecture hall hadn’t been remodeled yet, so it looked cramped and old. However, many students came, and many of them had no seats and could only sit in the aisle.

As soon as the crowd entered, the applause and cheers of mountains and tsunami immediately sounded.

Ma Yuan and the others wanted to hold their heads high to respond to the cheers of the students, but after a few steps they showed their original shape and walked with a limp.

The podium was not big, and a few chairs were placed, and the writers sat down according to the previously agreed seats.

Originally, Yu Dong was supposed to be arranged in the middle, but Yu Dong refused.

He should be regarded as a half-master in Yan Normal University, and he is already young, so it is really inappropriate to sit in the middle.In the end, Tong Qingbing couldn't resist, and arranged for Yu Dong to be on the side.

Speaking of it, the conditions are still very simple, there is only one microphone in the whole lecture hall, Gu Haiyang, as the host, said a few words with the microphone, and then let the writers introduce themselves one by one, the microphone had to be turned on.

(End of this chapter)

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