Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 271 The atmosphere suddenly warmed up

Chapter 271 The Atmosphere Suddenly Becomes Heated (seeking a monthly ticket)

"Hi everyone, I'm XX."

Everyone in front of them greeted each other in the same simple way as they had agreed upon.

Finally, when the microphone was passed to Yu Dong, he wanted to say a few more words, but in the end he couldn't bear to break the formation and said, "Good evening everyone, I'm Yu Dong."

After Yu Dong said hello, he wanted to return the microphone to Gu Haiyang, but Gu Haiyang got another microphone from somewhere and said, "Since the microphone is in the hands of Senior Brother Yu Dong, let's start with Senior Brother Yu Dong." Right. In fact, senior brother Yu Dong is not a few years older than me, and he taught us as a teaching assistant before, and he returned to his alma mater after a few years, how does senior brother Yu Dong feel?"

"You should ask Senior Brother Su Tong this question. I have just graduated two years ago, and the school is similar to when I left. If I have to say it, with a filter of my alma mater, I look at the scenery of the school and the brothers and sisters , it will be somewhat blurry." Yu Dong replied with a smile.

"Filter... Senior Brother Yu Dong's expression is very interesting. I think the filter in front of Senior Brother Yu Dong's eyes may not be able to filter out those good memories in school. Since Senior Brother Yu Dong also mentioned Senior Brother Su Tong, then Let's just ask Senior Brother Su Tong, what are your special thoughts when you come back this time?"

Yu Dong tactfully handed the microphone to Su Tong, who took the microphone and patted it first habitually, "Hi, hello, okay... I am different from Yu Dong, I have been away from school for nearly ten years. Ten years ago, when I left here, most of my classmates were still in primary school. Yu Dong just mentioned a word, filter, which I think is very vivid. The bricks and tiles of the school are right in front of me, but they It is different when we see it. This is probably because each of us has a different filter in front of our eyes. I suddenly remembered a sentence, before you see this flower, this flower will die with you. Come and see When this flower blooms, the color of this flower becomes clear for a moment. There is only one Yanshi University, but it becomes different because of the sight of thousands of us."

As soon as Su Tong said this, the theme suddenly sublimated.

The students below applauded vigorously, and Yu Dong couldn't help clapping on the stage.

As the host, Gu Haiyang was also very happy, he was afraid that the invited writers would not speak.Now it seems that the two alumni, Su Tong and Yu Dong, are still strong.

"In fact, it's not just Su Tong and Yu Dong who are alumni of our school. As far as I know, teachers such as Mo Yan, Liu Zhenyun, Yu Hua, and Hong Feng have also studied in our school..."

When talking about the writer's class, Mo Yan and Yu Hua became the protagonists. These two looked more honest than the others, but they were not rivals at all when chatting.

Ma Yuan usually bluffs, but when it comes to such an occasion, Mo Yan and Yu Hua are not as good at talking.

Mo Yan and Yu Hua, although their voices are not loud and their speed is not fast, their chat rhythm is very good, and they often use some gestures to cooperate.

Later, Gu Haiyang simply donated the microphone in his hand and let them both take one.

But after the two of them opened the painting box, the rhythm of the scene changed suddenly.

Especially Yu Hua, holding the microphone, prodding, cesai, transformed into the host.

He first put the microphone near Hong Feng's mouth, "Hong Feng, do you still remember that we used to play football when we were at Yan Normal University. You didn't know Mo Yan at that time, and you always called him the goalkeeper brother."

"It's only been a few years. How could I have forgotten that Liu Zhenyun was often watching from below, and I called him the cheerleader. Later, it was rumored that Liu Zhenyun became the captain."


After chatting with Hong Feng and the others about football, Yu Hua chatted about Yu Dong and Bi Feiyu again: "Most of you probably know that I am writing in Jinyi's resident school now. I live in the same building as Bi Feiyu in Jinyi , I usually go to his house to grab a meal when I have nothing to do, but more often the two of us go to find Yu Dong together."

"Yu Dong is a workaholic. He has no hobbies. Every day he is sorting out materials in the office or writing at his desk in the dormitory. But Fei Yu and I just like to disturb him. He probably hates us in his heart, but he is embarrassed to say..."

As he spoke, he poked the microphone to Yu Dong's mouth, "Am I right?"

Yu Dong smiled and said, "You still have some self-knowledge."

Hearing Yu Dong's words, the whole room burst into laughter.The students probably didn't expect that the literature exchange meeting would be so easy and so homely.

Although most of them have the mentality to learn, but to be honest, who doesn't want to know the gossip of celebrities?
Moreover, a writer is a writer, and the life that is obviously very ordinary and ordinary will become extraordinarily interesting when spoken from their mouths.

Gu Haiyang didn't expect that the exchange meeting would suddenly turn into a chat between writers, but he didn't worry too much about it, this form is very good, just look at the audience's reaction below.

And this way, he is also happy and relaxed. The only difference between him and the audience at the moment is that he is on the stage and everyone else is off the stage.

Among the audience, there were two women sitting side by side, and one of them, who was older, smiled and asked the person next to him: "Xiao Xia, Yu Dong is quite humorous, was he like this before?"

Xiao Xia shook her head, "I don't know."

"I don't know? Aren't you..." In the middle of speaking, the woman who asked the question stopped talking, she could see that Xiao Xia was not in a good mood.

In fact, it is understandable that Xiao Xia is in a bad mood. The matter between Xiao Xia and Yu Dong has been spread in the department to some extent.It is said that Xiao Xia failed Yu Dong in order to stay in school. Unexpectedly, Yu Dong became more prominent when he went to Jinyi. In two or three years, he became a well-known writer. He wanted money and fame.

The most important thing is how good-looking Yu Dong is. How many girls in the department liked Yu Dong back then, but in the end it was Xiao Xia who took the initiative and was with Yu Dong, but in the end she didn't cherish it.

We chatted on the stage for more than an hour, but the audience below didn't get tired of listening, especially when Yu Hua said that Yu Dong had a serious illness last summer and suddenly stopped talking, some students were so anxious that they shouted: "Teacher Yu Hua, keep going."

Gu Haiyang quickly took Yu Hua's microphone. Although the small talk was very effective, since it was an exchange meeting, there were still some topics to be discussed, and there would be a question-and-answer session afterward. If this continues, there will be insufficient time.

"If you want to hear it, we will invite teachers to be guests when we have the opportunity in the future. Or we can also hope that you will write these interesting things in life into your works. In fact, before the teachers came, the teachers of the Chinese Department had been bringing Students are studying your work."

"Everyone knows that the experience of each teacher is different. Some graduated from the Chinese Department, some have worked as reporters, worked as fitters, and some were doctors before. The teachers of our Chinese Department are studying recently. What is the difference between the creation of writers and writers who did not graduate from the Chinese Department?"

In fact, I had already discussed this issue with Hu Yueming and the others in the afternoon, but now it was just Gu Haiyang's guidance, and then everyone chatted separately.

Everyone can only talk about their own writing experience and experience. As for the difference, no one has made a conclusion, and it is all left to the audience to judge.

After this part is over, it is the interactive part.

The first person to ask a question was a boy. He greeted Yu Dong politely and called Yu Dong by name: "Brother Yu Dong, I want to ask you a question. Do you think anyone in our country can really win the Nobel Prize in Literature? If you If so, who do you think it would be?"

Unexpectedly, the first question is quite tricky.

I don't know when it started, people in China have paid more and more attention to the Nobel Prize.In recent years, the Nobel Prize in Literature has attracted a lot of attention in China, mainly because everyone obviously lacks confidence in other awards, and they feel that it is impossible for anyone to win it for a while.

But the literature award is different. Is my Yangyang China inferior to others in literature?
It's okay to say that it can't compare with Europe and the United States, after all, the awards are run by others.

But now we can’t even compare with the Neon Kingdom. Yasunari Kawabata won the Nobel Prize in the 60s. Although no second Neon man won the Nobel Prize in Literature in the following years, there have been constant scandals, especially this year, and the result has not yet come out. , the one with the highest voice is Kenzaburo Oe.

It's not just readers, who among these writers doesn't want to win the Nobel Prize?How many people have not specifically studied the Nobel Prize-winning works?
So this question is hard to answer.

Yu Dong didn't hesitate, and replied directly, "I think there should be. As for when and who will win, I can't tell you, because I haven't studied the rules of the Nobel Prize. Of course, even if I have thoroughly studied the rules of the Nobel Prize, and writing a novel that complies with the selection rules may not necessarily win the prize."

As soon as the words came out, the following began to mutter.

Yu Dong really dare to say that the implication of this is that the Nobel Prize is not just an award for works, and it can even be said to be a denial of the Nobel Prize to a certain extent.

"Senior Brother Yu Dong, do you think you are likely to win the prize? From your point of view, it seems that you don't attach as much importance to the Nobel Prize as others do. If the Nobel Prize is awarded to you, will you refuse it?"

When Gu Haiyang heard this question, he frowned. He looked at the boy who asked the question, and thought to himself who this kid is, he must be too difficult.

Yu Dong didn't think much about it, and said with a smile, "You can't represent others, maybe I just don't value the Nobel Prize as much as you do. I think all the writers here have the hope of winning the Nobel Prize, but they may need to re-apply. Wait a few years, because we're not old enough to receive a lifetime achievement award."

Now that it was time to talk, Yu Dong simply said a few more words.

"The award is an affirmation to a writer. If there are no special circumstances, I don't think any writer will refuse. Over the years, everyone has been saying, to go global. The car industry knows that it should learn from Europe, America and neon, and the computer should learn from the United States. , heavy industry... But literature, where is the world of literature? Some say Soviet Russia, some say France and Germany, and some say the United States... Do we all have to learn it?"

Speaking of this, Yu Dong felt uncomfortable sitting, so he stood up directly.

"Some people may say that we should learn from the strengths of others and discard the dross. But what is the essence and what is the dross? Who decides?"

"Okay, if we insist on a point of view, the whole world should be integrated, all the good ones should be kept, and all the bad ones should be eliminated. Then, do we have any good things in Chinese literature? Yes!"

No one answered, but many people were nodding, approving Yu Dong's opinion.Even if some people think that Chinese literature is inferior to foreign literature, it is not that there are no good things.

"Since there is, why didn't Soviet Russia come to learn? Why didn't France, Germany and Italy come to learn, America didn't come to learn, and neon didn't come to learn? Because they know that literature cannot be learned. It is deeply rooted in our entire cultural circle. It is difficult for others to learn what we are doing, and it is what we should try our best to hold on to.”

At this time, everyone else was listening to Yu Dong's words carefully, and only the educated boy just said again: "But many of our writers have been reading foreign works since they were young, so it's hard not to be affected."

Yu Dong pushed aside one side of his coat, pinched his waist, and said with a smile, "Who among us here has not seen foreign works? I'm sure everyone has. Does that mean that we have seen foreign works and wrote them out?" Is it the same as foreign ones? No, the difference lies in the fact that the land under our feet brings us something that will never be less than that brought by a few foreign works, so our core will not be foreign. "


Yu Dong raised the hand pinching his waist to take the microphone, and pinched his waist with the hand holding the microphone before.

"Domestic literature is enough for us to talk about, so don't keep thinking about going to the world. The nation's literature may not be the world's, but the nation's must be the nation's. Well, I'm done."

After speaking, Yu Dong handed the microphone to Gu Haiyang.

The applause from below has already sounded.

Regardless of whether you understand it or not, this series of speeches alone is worthy of everyone's applause.

After Yu Dong sat back, Yu Hua leaned over and whispered, "It's different for a teacher and a counselor. They talk in the same way and cheer up. But once you start, it won't end well later. Ah. Look at how many of them—”

Yu Hua pouted at the others, Mo Yan and the others were applauding and thinking.

"It is estimated that they are all thinking about how to behave when asked a question for a while."

"Not at all." Yu Dong smiled.

"just wait."


In the end, Yu Hua guessed it right, and with Yu Dongkai's idea, the atmosphere in the back suddenly became lively.

First, the person being asked the question no longer sits and answers the question, but walks to the front with a microphone.

Secondly, they no longer simply answer questions, but also extend a lot of things.

The most exaggerated one was Yu Hua himself. He didn't like to stand, so he simply dragged the chair to the front.

People asked him: "Is Teacher Yu Hua used to living in Jinyi? Has the city of Jinling brought you any surprises?"

Fortunately, he directly talked about the literary differences between the North and the South, and he couldn't stop talking. Just one question, he answered Xiao Er for 10 minutes.

After the exchange meeting ended, Gu Haiyang looked at the time and found that nearly four hours had passed.

When the class was over, Gu Haiyang said sincerely: "Every teacher has worked hard today."

Wasn't it hard work? He was exhausted just listening to it while standing on the stage. Ma Yuan and the others felt as if they had been injected with chicken blood one by one. They seemed to have completely forgotten the soreness caused by playing football yesterday.

"It's not hard, I feel like I can fight again."

It was Ma Yuan who spoke, and he was being held up by Ruan Xiaohu and Bi Feiyu.

Ruan Xiaohu didn't come to the stage today, so he just sat in the audience and listened, and only came up after the moment was over.

Ma Yuan continued to babble, "If I knew it earlier, I would have participated in the exchange meeting first, and then played football. My state is still affected today, and I only played [-]% of my strength, which is slightly inferior to Yudong."

Yu Hua smiled and said, "It's more than one trick. I saw that your legs were shaking when you were standing and talking. We know you play football. The students probably think you're nervous."

Ma Yuan patted his head, "Careless, careless."

Everyone went out, discussing whether to have a supper, when they saw a woman looking at them earnestly as soon as they left the door.

When everyone was wondering, the woman said, "Yu Dong, long time no see."

"Oh, I'm looking for you." Ma Yuan patted Yu Dong with a smirk on his face, "Then you have something to do, let's go first."

Mo Yan and Hong Feng also looked at Yu Dong with smiles, while Bi Feiyu and the others frowned, because they all knew Cheng Yanqiu.

Bi Feiyu patted Yu Dong on the shoulder, "We'll be waiting for you in front, come here quickly."

He used some strength for this clap, with a hint of threat: Don't make mistakes, kid.

Cheng Yanqiu and Fu Jing got along well, now that they met a suspicious woman, of course Bi Feiyu was going towards Cheng Yanqiu.

Yu Dong smiled, "You guys go first, and I'll follow."

The others left happily, Yu Dong looked at the woman in front of him and said with a smile, "It's not been a long time, but it's only been three years."

It's only been less than three years... The fantasy in Xia Yangyan's heart was shattered all of a sudden.Probably in Dong's heart, even if he hasn't seen himself for 30 years, it's not too long.

She originally wanted to come over and explain to Yu Dong, but now she didn't know what to say.Even if Yu Dong showed resentment towards her, but Yu Dong acted like a stranger.

"If there is nothing else, I have to go, they are still waiting for me."

"I... have nothing to do."

"See you."

Yu Dong smiled, walked past Xia Yangyan, and walked towards Su Tong and the others.

If it wasn't for seeing the expectation in Xia Yangyan's eyes, Yu Dong wouldn't have to be so indifferent, he could also chat with her openly, like an ordinary friend.

ps: Ask for a monthly ticket

 Thank you [Cheese Flavored Wafers] for the 320 tip
  I will make a recommendation in a while, please give me a monthly ticket.
(End of this chapter)

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