Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 272 Do you have an old friend here?

Chapter 272 Do you have an old friend here?

After Yu Dong followed the team, Hong Feng asked with a smile, "Are there any acquaintances at school?"

"My former classmate stayed in school after graduation." Yu Dong replied indifferently.

Of course, Hong Feng and the others didn't believe that the woman and Yu Dong were just ordinary classmates. Everyone saw the woman's eyes just now, but they couldn't fake it, but seeing that Yu Dong didn't want to talk about it, they didn't ask.

In the end, the supper was arranged by Gu Haiyang on behalf of the school. The funds saved last night happened to be put together. Everyone found a white beer at a stall and drank some. They didn't drink much. They mainly chatted until midnight. A group of talents wandered back to the hotel.

There was nothing to say all night, and the next morning, Hong Feng, Ma Yuan, and Liu Zhenyun left first.Yu Dong and the others bought the tickets for the night of the 25th, and they will stay in Yanjing for more than a day.

Not long after Ma Yuan and the others left, Yu Hua also left.It was not easy to go back to Yanjing, he had to hurry up and go back to see his wife and children.

"Help me explain to Dean Hu, I will pay a visit in the future when I have a chance."

When they were leaving, Yu Hua ran to Yu Dong's room and told him this.

Yesterday morning Hu Yueming invited them to have dinner today, and they all agreed at that time.

Yu Dong smiled and said, "It's okay, I'll explain it to you. You go back first, and we'll visit you tomorrow morning."

"What is there to see at my place? The place is cramped, and there is no room for you to sit in the past. Let's wait until later, when we change places." Yu Hua said.

"We haven't seen Hai Guo since he was born, so it's shameful not to go. It's settled like this. I'll be with Feiyu and the others tomorrow."

Yu Hua thought for a while, then nodded, "That's fine, but don't bring anything with you, or I'll have to take care of the food."

Bi Feiyu just came in at this moment, and when he heard Yu Hua's words, he smiled and said, "Yu Dong, do you understand what he said? If we didn't bring anything with us, he wouldn't care about food."

"Understood, Teacher Yu Hua is quite strategic when reaching out for something." Yu Dong laughed.

Yu Hua smiled and shook her head, "Okay, it's up to you, I'll go back first."

After Yu Hua left, Bi Feiyu smiled and said, "I don't know what Yu Hua thinks, Chen Hong and his wife should have been taken to Jinling long ago. The school has allocated the house, and we friends are here Over there, there is always some help."

"He's probably worried that Jinyi's job is unstable. After all, there is no establishment."

"Hey, as long as he doesn't leave by himself, it's impossible for Old Wu to let him go. You see, after a while, Old Wu will ask him to re-sign the contract. If you take ten thousand steps back, even if Jin Yi doesn't want him, It’s better for him to build a house in Jinling than here in Yanjing.”

"He has his own ideas, so let's not ask too much about it. He is in a much better situation than before, and he has more choices, so we don't need to worry about it."


At noon, I went to Hu Yueming's house for dinner. Apart from Yu Dong and Bi Feiyu, Mo Yan, Su Tong and Ruan Xiaohu were also there.

Several people chatted with Hu Yueming in the living room for a while, Yu Dong got up and walked towards the kitchen, "I'll see if my wife can help."

Hu Yueming smiled and said, "Otherwise, your mistress likes you the most."

"Teacher, I'll come too." Ruan Xiaohu also stood up.

Yu Dong didn't turn his head back, he waved his hand to the back, "Let's rest."

Standing at the door of the kitchen, Yu Dong looked inside.

"Miss, what can I help you with?"

Xu Qinghua looked at Yu Dong, pointed to the vegetables on the chopping board, "Choose the vegetables for me."

Yu Dong still thought that his wife would definitely kick him out, but he didn't expect to ask him to choose vegetables.He put the vegetable basket aside, and while choosing the vegetables, he looked at his mistress, and he guessed that his mistress probably had something to say to him.

Sure enough, after a while, Xu Qinghua said with a smile, "The exchange meeting went well, I heard the old nonsense, and the response was quite enthusiastic."

"It's the younger brothers and younger sisters who are supporting us."

"Have you seen Xiao Xia?"

Yu Dong paused, then continued to choose dishes, "I see."

Xu Qinghua turned his head and glanced at Yu Dong, "Xiao Xia came and sat for a while two days ago. Although she didn't say anything, I know what she means. I don't know much about you two, and I don't want to ask too much. I just want to tell you, if you still can't let go, don't worry too much about what happened before..."

"Master, I'm already engaged."

Xu Qinghua was stunned for a moment, and then a gratified smile appeared on his face: "You said this earlier, it made me worry. Now that you are engaged, it means that you have let go of the previous things, and you should stop thinking about Xiao Xia , did you explain things clearly when you met her last night?"

"It's clear."

"That's good. Whether it's a boy or a girl, you must explain this kind of thing clearly, and you can't be ambiguous, otherwise you will be irresponsible to your fiancee. Does your teacher know about the engagement?"

"I don't know yet, I'm going to tell him today."

"Let me help you tell him..." Xu Qinghua wiped his hands with an apron and walked out of the kitchen, and said to Hu Yueming with a smile, "Old Hu, Xiao Xiao is engaged, you don't know."

When Hu Yueming heard about Yu Dong's engagement, he was a little surprised at first, and then rolled his eyes.

When Yu Dong came out of the kitchen, he happened to see this white eye.

"When did it happen? Why didn't I know?"

Yu Dong smiled and said, "I just got engaged last week, I haven't had time to tell you yet."

"I got engaged last week. It's not too late to tell me now. But I want to ask you, how long have you been with this partner? Why didn't you tell me when you came here last time? A few days ago Xiaoxia came to my house to sit After a long time, as long as I know you have a partner, I can send her away with a word."

"I know about this." Bi Feiyu said with a smile, "His date is Cheng Yanqiu, the music teacher of our school, and he has been with him for more than a year."

Su Tong smiled and said, "I've seen it before, and it matches Yu Dong very well."

"The appearance is nothing to say, and the temperament is also very good." Bi Feiyu laughed and said, "Dean Hu, if you want to meet, then quickly arrange for the teachers from Yan Normal University to go to our school to guide the work. The drama creation students The level of their writing is not enough, and you need respected teachers like you to calm them down."

Hu Yueming looked at Bi Feiyu, "Feiyu, you are very good at hitting snakes with sticks. I was thinking before, how did Yu Dong start to become glib after going to Jinyi? He used to be such an honest child, I think I probably learned it from you."

"Teacher's eyes are like a torch." Yu Dong smiled.

Bi Feiyu yelled that he was wronged, "Dean Hu Mingjian, I was also a good boy before I went to Jinyi, and I became like this when I met Yu Dong."

Hearing the two of them gag, Hu Yueming thought it was quite interesting, "Actually, it's not bad. Yu Dong was sometimes too awkward in school. As for the matter of going to Jinyi, I'm also making arrangements. Tong Qingbing has already made an agreement. Teacher Yang didn't say anything. It shouldn't be too long, and the trip will happen this semester."

"Then I have thanked several teachers from the students of the previous drama creation."

Hu Yueming waved his hand, "You're welcome, we also wanted to study this time. Speaking of which, drama creation is not compatible with our Chinese department. Many of the things you teach are not accessible to our Chinese department. Actually I’m also curious about what kind of drama creation you two graduates from the Chinese Department are like.”

Su Tong smiled and said: "The teaching is very good. Before, some people in their school asked students to write scripts. This matter was even in the news. It was quite famous in Jinling at that time."

"No, the one who went last time was a liar."

"Anything else? Tell me about it."


Several people chatted around the coffee table for a while, and when it was almost time to eat, Yu Dong got up and ran to the guest bedroom, "Teacher, I'm going to visit your study."

"Hey, boy, don't—"

Yu Dong's footsteps were so fast that Hu Yueming didn't stop him.

Hu Yueming likes to buy books. You can see books everywhere in the house, but most of the treasured books are kept in the guest bedroom.

There is no study room in his house, the guest bedroom is basically a study room, except for a bed, the rest is full of books.Yu Dong likes to go in when he has nothing to do, and when he meets something he likes, he borrows it back.

After coming and going, Hu Yueming was a little afraid of Yu Dong going to the "study".

In fact, this was Hu Yueming's connivance, although sometimes he would be reluctant to give up, but as long as Yu Dong came to borrow, he never refused.

Many students in the courtyard said that Hu Yueming regarded Yu Dong as his own son, but they didn't know that it was difficult for Hu Yueming's own son to borrow books from him.

"I'll go see that kid."

Hu Yueming thought about it, but still couldn't help getting up and walking towards the guest bedroom.

Although he said he was looking at it, he actually wanted to enter the study to share with Yu Dong the newly bought book.

The others also stood up, and the place to chat was changed to the guest bedroom.

The guest bedroom in his house is not big, with a single bed and only a desk.The desk is built into the wall, and there are small cabinets on the side and top, which are full of books.

Yu Dong glanced at the cabinet and said with a smile, "Teacher, there aren't any new books on the shelves recently."

Hearing this, Hu Yueming was not convinced, "Why not?"

He moved a chair, stepped on it, opened the cabinet on the top, took out two books from it,
"I finally bought this French version of "Gitanjali" through a friend. There is also a note written by Tagore in it. There is also this "One Hundred Years of Solitude" in Spanish. Although it is not signed, it is It's the first edition. I put it on the top because I was afraid you would miss it."

Bi Feiyu and the others couldn't help laughing, Hu Yueming said that he was afraid that Yu Dong would miss it, but took the initiative to take out the books and introduce them one by one.

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Don't be afraid that I will miss you. I don't know French or Spanish."

Then he patted Ruan Xiaohu again, "Xiaohu, I have read almost all the books here that I can understand, so there is nothing to see. You, you should seize the opportunity and read it carefully. If there is something you like , you can borrow it back to have a look.”

He bit the word "borrow" very hard.

Hu Yueming's mouth was twisted with anger, "You boy, you don't teach well, you just teach these things. Xiaohu, you can't learn these bad things from your teacher, but you are coming here for the first time today, and I will give you a book. You are good!" Check it out, and if you like it, let me know."

"no need……"

Ruan Xiaohu was about to refuse, but Yu Dong pulled his arm: "The old man is so kind, how dare you refuse. If you don't know how to choose, I'll help you choose... That's the way, reminiscing about the past, it's not bad of."

"Hehe, you really know how to choose. This set of Reminiscing Things Past was published by Yilin the year before last, and it was also the first edition. I asked him to choose one, and there are seven of them."

"Isn't it just one book, divided into seven? Besides, you always have a set of French editions, which are kept beside you."

Hu Yueming smiled and said, "Although you don't understand French, you can recognize books. Okay, let's just do this."

Ruan Xiaohu quickly waved his hands, "No, no, no..."

Hu Yueming had already taken the book off the shelf and stuffed it into Ruan Xiaohu's hand, "Your teacher is right, I already have a French version, and this Chinese version is useless. Yilin's set of books is not very good. Not to mention the joint translation, some places are still very rough, and it is very different from the original version. After you finish reading it, if there is anything you don’t understand, you can ask me.”

"Thank you, Teacher Hu..."

Yu Dong patted the back of Ruan Xiaohu's head, "Call Master!"

Ruan Xiaohu was taken aback by the photograph, and quickly changed his words, "Thank you, Master."

"Okay, okay, let's go out to eat. Just call this master, let's have a good drink at noon."


After the meal, Hu Yueming didn't stay with Yu Dong and the others for dinner, they sat down and drank tea for a while, and Yu Dong and the others left.

Leaving Hu Yueming's house, Bi Feiyu asked, "Where are we going now? Shall we go find Yu Hua? We just have dinner with him."

"You bother him just after the husband and wife are reunited? You still want to eat dinner at his house, so it's a good temper for him not to throw you out with a broom." Yu Dong said.

"Then where are we going?"

"Why don't you go shopping at school?" Su Tong said.

Bi Feiyu was not very interested, "I went shopping for a while yesterday, and I also took a walk in the morning. I really don't have much to do."

"How about we go to Shi Tiesheng, or find another school?"

Yu Dong thought for a while and said, "Let's go to Renmin University for a stroll. Tie Sheng will look for him next time."

"Why Renmin University?" Bi Feiyu asked.

"Because it's not far away, and you haven't been there before, I'll take you to see it."

Yu Dong actually wanted to go for a stroll, to see if he could meet Wang Xiaobo.But Wang Xiaobo should have resigned by now, and he can only try his luck if he wants to meet him.

Regarding the proposal to go to Renmin University, other people have no opinion, anyway, it is just a shopping, no matter where you go.

Renmin University is indeed not far from Yan Normal University, just a few stops away, and we will arrive soon.

A few people walked around the school, found a chair to sit for a while, felt really bored, and left in the evening. During this time, Yu Dong kept looking around, but he never saw Wang Xiaobo.

He was not afraid that he would not recognize him when he saw him. Wang Xiaobo was extremely tall and had a special appearance. He belonged to the kind of person who could be recognized at a glance in the crowd.

Bi Feiyu noticed that he was looking around all the time, and when he left he was still disappointed, so he teased: "Do you have an old friend at Renmin University? Why have you been so out of your mind?"

 Thank you [Bai 97 You] for the 100 tip
  Thank you [Trouble 47] for the 100 reward
  Thank you [Moon Hidden Star Hidden Night] Big Brother for the 1000 reward
  Thank you [Ghost Valley Holy Word] for the 100 reward of the boss
(End of this chapter)

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