Chapter 274 The Internet

On the way back to Jinling, because of the lack of Yu Hua, there was no way to make a table of poker, and Yu Dong was not interested in playing cards, so the three of them stopped playing cards, and instead took out a book from their bags to read. .

I brought this book with me when I came here, but I was busy playing cards and didn't take it out to read.

Yu Dongduan wrote a book and looked at the two of them, and said with a smile: "Confucius said, if three people walk together, there must be my teacher; if four people walk together, there must be a game of cards."

Bi Feiyu raised his eyes and looked at Yu Dong, "Threesomes can also have a game of poker, but you are too good to play with you."

"When you want to use me, it's all good. When you don't need me, throw it away like a bag." Yu Dong shook his head and sighed, "Small man? Little man!"

Bi Feiyu glanced at the book in Yu Dong's hand, "I've read "The Analects of Confucius", I think I can do it for you."


When he arrived in Jinling, Su Tong bought a copy of "Yangtze Evening News" at the train station, and Yu Dong deliberately took the newspaper over and read it carefully. To Su Tong.

"Why, haven't you seen the "Yangtze Evening News"? Haven't you been interviewed by them, more than once."

Yu Dong laughed, "I'm afraid you bought Yangzi Evening News."

"What? Didn't I buy the Yangtze Evening News?"

Yu Dong gestured in the air with his hand, "It's Yang next to the wooden letter."

Su Tong looked surprised, "Is there such a magical thing?"

"It's true. I have a copy in my dormitory. It's very interesting. I'll show it to you later."

"That's something to see."

The three of them hailed a car and asked the master to go to Jinyi first.

Su Tong read the newspaper in the car, and after reading the news on the front page, he said with a look of surprise: "Our country has connected to the Internet, just a few days ago."

"Internet? Let me take a look." Bi Feiyu grabbed the newspaper and read it seriously.

In fact, China’s access to the Internet was not very sudden at this time. As early as the end of the 80s, China sent an email to Germany. In the 90s, China registered its own domain name cn and opened an international email service using cn.

This step-by-step development, full access to the Internet is basically a matter of time.It can be said that everyone has been waiting for this moment before, and this moment has finally arrived.

Yu Dong glanced at it and then didn't follow. It wasn't that he didn't pay attention, but that he paid attention earlier than Su Tong and the others.Not only him, but Jimmy has also been paying attention to this matter.

Jimmy is very interested in the World Wide Web. He feels that the World Wide Web can integrate resources, and it is likely to be the main promotion channel for entertainment works in the future.

Of course, Jimmy's understanding of the Internet is still limited. After all, the world's first web page has only been released for a few years, and he still doesn't have a clear idea of ​​what the Internet can do.

Yu Dong told him before that with the World Wide Web, people can watch TV through the website in the future, and movies may not be released in theaters, but only released on the website.

Jimmy wasn't too surprised at the time, but he felt that what Yu Dong said might take a long time.

Yu Dong doesn't have much ambition for the Internet, because he doesn't understand many things.It is not to say that after experiencing that era and seeing many, many advanced things, he can control the wind and rain on the Internet, which is unrealistic.

He just wants to build a Chinese website to give authors and readers a good platform, hoping to avoid some detours, and this is what he is capable of doing.

He didn't need to tell Jimmy about accessing the Internet. I believe Jimmy should have known the news by now. Jimmy has been paying attention to these things all the time. Even if he is in the United States, he will let them continue to pay attention.

Deep Space China already has more than a dozen employees. After this period of training, the employees have gradually matured and are able to help Jimmy solve many problems.


Yu Dong's guess was right, the second day after he returned to Jinyi, Yu Yu came to him.

Yu Yu learned the news on the 21st, and quickly passed the news to Jimmy in the United States.

Jimmy was very happy to hear the news, so he made preparations. Jimmy planned to go to China to organize a meeting in a while and establish a network department in the company.

At present, the specific domestic policy on the Internet has not yet been released, and the website is still hard to say. What Jimmy wants is to prepare the layout in advance, and wait for the policy to be released, so that he can adapt to the situation.

It is definitely not easy to do this, and all aspects must be considered.

Jimmy is different from Yu Dong. Yu Dong doesn't expect the website to bring him much profit. He only hopes that the website can run healthily and produce some positive effects.

As for Jimmy, he definitely hopes that the website can make money, and even making money should be the first priority.

Yu Dong knew Jimmy well, so there was more to talk about this in the future.


Unknowingly, the time came to the beginning of May.

On this day, Wang Hailin took two members to the bookstall to buy the latest issue of "Sprout", but the two members he brought were not members of the Science Fiction Association, but members of the newly established Mystery Fiction Association.

After "Fatal Identity" came out last month, it reminded the students that the school only had a poetry reading club and a science fiction club, but no other types of clubs, such as the Mystery Fiction Club.

Wang Hailin volunteered and recruited several people to set up a Mystery Fiction Association, with himself as the president.

It's just that mystery novels are not popular in schools, "Fatal Identity" has not received a good response, and the students have not been inspired.

So after [-] days of operation, the entire Mystery Fiction Association plus the chairman Wang Hailin only has eight people, and five of them were recruited by Wang Hailin from the Science Fiction Association by using the vice-chairman's "obscene power" .

In other words, there are only two members who have developed from Zheng'er Bajing.Jinyi hasn't developed yet, let alone go to other schools.

Therefore, Wang Hailin attached great importance to these two members, and even dragged them when he came out to buy magazines today.

"You two should perform well. Our association has just been established, and you are all veterans. After a while, when the association has more people, we will elect another vice president. Whoever performs well by then will definitely win the prize." The support of more members. And I can't be the president for a long time, at most until the first semester of my senior year, and won't you young people rule the world by then?"

Along the way, Wang Hailin kept drawing big cakes for the two juniors.

Don't say it, this trick is quite effective.

These students have never eaten any pancakes since they were young, so the big pancakes Wang Hailin drew for them were heard in their ears and sweetened in their hearts.

"President, don't worry, we will work hard and strive to surpass the Science Fiction Association."

Wang Hailin said with a smile: "Good, good, ambitious. Our Jin Yi's mystery novels—should be our China's mystery novels business depends on you."

 Thank you [Loki_TSJ] for the 500 reward
(End of this chapter)

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