Chapter 275 The Last Murderer
Wang Hailin and the others bought three copies of "Sprouting".

The boss knew Wang Hailin, and asked specifically, "President Wang, what's the situation with "Sprouting"? Last month, so many people came to ask, I deliberately ordered more, why didn't so many people come to ask this month?" .Didn’t you, Mr. Yu, publish a novel in Germination? It’s still serialized.”

Wang Hailin glanced at the boss, "What's the hurry? It's not the first day. And how many books can you buy? Are you afraid that our school students won't be able to eat it? Didn't I just sell you three books?"

"I entered fifty books." The boss gritted his teeth and said.

Wang Hailin gave a thumbs up, "You are courageous. I remember that you only entered five copies of "Sprouting" every month, right?"

The sales volume of "Sprout" in Jinyi is not good, and five copies purchased every month may not be able to sell.The reason why the boss bought fifty copies in one go is because he believed in Yu Dong's market appeal.

Take a look at "Science Fiction World". The Science Fiction Association alone orders fifty or sixty copies every month. Some months it sells well, and even a hundred copies can be sold.

There are also magazines such as "Harvest" and "Zhongshan". Once the works of Mr. Yu and Mr. Bi are included in them, the sales will also increase sharply.

"President Wang, you go back and help promote the publicity, just say that the latest issue of "Sprout" has come out." The boss begged.

"Okay, it's up to you to say, but later we order magazines, you have to give us a discount."

"It's all small things." The boss laughed.

Wang Hailin took his two juniors to the school, and when he reached the reception room, he greeted Uncle Zhou, and suddenly he saw the bookshelf in the reception room, so he approached with a smile: "Uncle Zhou, what are you waiting for?" In your "Sprouting", our teacher Yu's new work is serialized in it."

Uncle Zhou took the magazine with a smile on his face, "I know that, but I was thinking that none of you would bring the magazine here, so I'll put it on."

Wang Hailin stretched his head to look, "Uncle Zhou, this is the latest one, it's best to put it in a conspicuous place."

Uncle Zhou made an OK gesture, "Understood."

Seeing Uncle Zhou put the book on the top and middle, Wang Hailin nodded with satisfaction, "Thank you, Uncle Zhou."

With the remaining two magazines, Wang Hailin and two students found a classroom.When the Reasoning Association was founded, there was no fixed activity classroom, so it could only find a classroom with no one in class as a temporary activity location.

Sometimes they also hold activities in the open air, or simply in the dormitory.

Because there are only two magazines, Wang Hailin promotes his style and lets the two juniors read them first, while he goes back to the dormitory first.

But when he came back from the dormitory, the two juniors hadn't finished watching it yet.

Wang Hailin asked suspiciously, "I've been away for four, five, 10 minutes, you guys are watching too slowly."

One of the juniors raised his head and said, "President, it's not that we read it slowly, but that this serial is very long. I think it's more than twice as long as last time."

Wang Hailin picked up a magazine and flipped through it. Indeed, it was more than double the length of the previous issue.

"Then I'll wait a little longer." Wang Hailin returned the magazine to them and sat beside him.

He felt a little regretful, he should have read the magazine before putting it in the reception room, or simply bought an extra copy.


Unable to read, he could only stare at the expressions of the two juniors, wanting to see how the second issue of the series was going to be.

The apprentices didn't have any special expressions, they were all very focused.This is also a good sign, at least the content is engaging.

About half an hour later, one of the juniors was the first to read it, and said to Wang Hailin excitedly, "President, after this..."

Wang Hailin waved his hands again and again, "Don't talk about the plot."


"Let me see for myself."


After taking the book from his junior, Wang Hailin immersed himself in reading it carefully.To be honest, there is a disadvantage of serialization. It has been a month, and he has somewhat forgotten the content of the previous issue.

Of course, it was mainly because the content of the previous issue was not exciting enough, leaving him with not many memories.

However, this did not affect his reading this time. After reading it for a while, he read it.

And, it seems...

The content of the second issue gave people a completely different feeling, and suddenly there was a feeling of a mystery novel, especially when the guard Xu Si was attacked at the beginning.

Then they braved the rain to find Lin Xiaoqi, but Li Shuang died.


In other words, regardless of whether Lin Xiaoqi died or not, this was already a murder case.

But who is the murderer?It seems that the policeman Chu Junshan and the guard Xu Si can only be ruled out for the time being... No, these two should not kill people logically, but they can't prove their innocence.

When Li Shuang died, Chu Junshan dragged him ashore, so is it possible that Chu Junshan killed him, and he directed and acted such a scene?

And Xu Si, it seems that he has an alibi and claims to have been attacked.

But he also had the opportunity to commit the crime. It was dark and raining heavily. If Xu Si ran out and killed Li Shuang, it was possible.

The reason why Wang Hailin had such a guess was that on the way back to the classroom, Chu Junshan and the others found bloodstains in the corridor, and the direction of the bloodstains was two-way. Xu Si should have gone out during this period, and then returned to the classroom.

Of course, no matter what, Lin Yi should be the most suspect. She thought Li Shuang killed her daughter, so she had the most motive for killing Li Shuang.

But when they returned to the classroom, Xu Si was already dead.

Later, Chu Junshan tied up Lin Yi and Liu Changlin, asked Wu Yue to watch them, and then rode his bicycle to the police station for rescue.

When Wang Hailin saw this, his heart skipped a beat, it's broken!
Originally, Wang Hailin didn't set his sights on Wu Yue, because she didn't look like a murderer no matter what, but Chu Junshan's move made him a little worried. From a dramatic point of view, it was obvious that Chu Junshan tied Lin Yi and Liu Changlin. hint.

Sure enough, Wu Yue was a key person.

At that time, Li Shuang did not throw Lin Xiaoqi into the water, but Wu Yue did it, and before she did it, she already knew that Lin Xiaoqi was not dead. It can be said that this was not a manslaughter, but Wu Yue's intentional killing.

The reason why she threw Lin Xiaoqi into the water on a whim was because she had been bullied and neglected by her teacher for a long time. She thought that the reason why Lin Yi didn't pay attention to her was because she put her mind on her daughter Lin Xiaoqi.

Later she knew that it was Lin Yi who killed Li Shuang.

At the end of this issue, Wu Yue held a piece of glass and asked Liu Changlin: "Why do you want to kill people?"

Liu Changlin replied with a smile: "Because I want to be famous."

It's over here, and they didn't explain whether Wu Yue killed Lin Yi or not.

However, there is a parenthesis at the end, and there is a paragraph inside.

(Prize quiz: Who is the final murderer.)
 Thank you [Book Friend 20191215180923875] for the 500 reward of the boss
(End of this chapter)

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