Chapter 277 Reasoning Game
Seeing Zhao Changtian's insistence, Cao Yang didn't say anything more.He made it very clear that if there is a problem with the funds in the agency, it will not affect him, Cao Yang, but Zhao Changtian, who will take office next year.

According to the current funding situation in the agency, if something goes wrong, it will only last until Zhao Changtian takes office.

"By the way, what do you want from me?" Cao Yang asked.

Zhao Changtian pointed to the stack of letters in his hand, "This is the letters sent by readers to participate in the prize quiz. I have compiled a total of [-] letters. It is still early, and the peak period of incoming letters should be a few days away I just arrived, and there will be more letters later."

"There are fifteen letters so soon?" Cao Yang took the letter in surprise, "I thought it would take a few days before anyone participated. It seems that this prize quiz is quite successful. There are some Did the reader figure it out?"

Zhao Changtian said with a smile: "Do you think there might be?"

"Haha, that's right, it's impossible to guess. It's not that it's impossible to guess, it's just that Yu Dong hides the details too deeply, and most people's thinking follows the relationship and motivation of the characters. It's impossible to think of such a thing." It would be multiple personalities of one person."

In fact, Yu Dong gave a lot of clues in the novel, for example, when describing the childhood of several characters, he would bring some similar content in his notes.In fact, it is the same thing, with different personalities and different perspectives.

Many people don't pay attention to these places, and even if they pay attention, they probably don't think much about them.Some people even think that this similar plot is just a dramatic arrangement.

Some writers just like to make the fate of characters related in a certain way.

"Although no one guessed the answer, some readers' ideas are quite interesting. For example, this reader guessed that Xu Si might have faked his death, and he teamed up with Chu Junshan to make arrangements. This is a bit like Agatha's novel "The Strange Case of an Island" Isn't the judge relying on suspended animation to control everything?"

Zhao Changtian smiled and pulled out a letter, said the above content, and then pulled out another letter: "There is also this reader, he thinks the names of several characters look like a sacrifice, maybe there is an evil organization Participate in it. The statement that Liu Changlin killed people just to be famous is still a bit flimsy. Even if ordinary children lack love and want to attract others' attention, they usually don't use this method. It is very likely that Liu Changlin joined some evil organization..."

Different readers have different perspectives, but their ideas are all interesting.

After chatting with several letters, Zhao Changtian said with relief: "I used to think that it was difficult for mystery novels to open up the market in China, but now it seems that there is no soil for mystery novels in our country, but there is an opportunity missing, and Yu Dong is very good at it." Maybe that was the opportunity."

Cao Yang nodded in agreement with this statement, "Yu Dong is well-known and his works are excellent. His appearance may indeed promote the domestic market for mystery novels. In fact, the same is true for science fiction before. Since Yu Dong came out, the atmosphere of domestic science fiction has become more and more popular. The better, not only Yu Dong has harvested a large number of readers, but also many excellent science fiction authors, and more excellent science fiction novels, gradually forming a virtuous circle."


Zhao Changtian clapped the letter in his hand, "I have an idea, whether we can set up a mystery essay essay, if this wave of "Fatal Identity" can be launched, then this essay will naturally be launched. It just happens that the column of the novel family We also need the next novel to take over, and we can find it from the solicitation works.”

"On the spur of the moment?" Cao Yang asked.

"I thought of it on the spur of the moment." Zhao Changtian nodded.

"Your mind is really quick, but I suggest not to make a decision on this matter lightly. Let's have a meeting tomorrow morning to discuss this matter and see what everyone thinks. You should also know that once the essay solicitation activity starts, the editorial department will If you are going to get busy, at least let other colleagues be mentally prepared."

"Okay, I'll notify you in a moment."


"It's getting better."

Looking at the dozen or so people in the classroom, Wang Hailin smiled gratifiedly.

After the second issue of "Fatal Identity" came out, the response was very good, and Wang Hailin took advantage of this opportunity to quickly recruit troops.Sure enough, the recruitment went much smoother this time, breaking through to double digits within a few days.

"President, we still need to have a fixed activity classroom. Before, there were only a few of us, and it was okay to fight guerrilla warfare. Seeing that there are more and more people, the mobility is not so strong."

"Yeah, look at the Science Fiction Society and the Poetry Reading Club, they all have fixed classrooms, and the interiors are well furnished. Among other things, we must have a place to put books, right?"

Listening to what the members said, Wang Hailin scratched his head.

He was also worried about the activity classroom, but he never applied to the school because there were still fewer people in the association.

If there are not enough people, the school will not approve fixed activity classrooms.

It took a long time for the Science Fiction Association and Poetry Reading Club to get activity classrooms.

"Why don't you ask Mr. Yu?" a member suggested.


"President, aren't you very familiar with Teacher Yu?"

"Familiar is familiar...OK, let me ask."

"President is mighty!"


When Yu Dong was about to go back to the dormitory, he ran into Wang Hailin in the corridor outside the office.


Yu Dong nodded, "Are you here?"

Wang Hailin had a flattering smile on his face, "I'm here to find you, Brother Dong."

"What about the class?"

"No, it's a matter of the Mystery Fiction Association."

Yu Dong nodded, "Then let's talk."

"Okay." Wang Hailin followed Yu Dong's buttocks, "Recently, our Reasoning Association has developed quite well."

"I heard that you are the president of the association now. The Mystery Fiction Association's idea is very good, but it can't be a gust of wind, and it must be managed well. I heard from Qu Aiguo that you hold "Fatal Identity" every day. Not very suitable, there are many excellent mystery novels."

"No, no." Wang Hailin leaned sideways and followed Yu on the east side, "It just so happens that "Fatal Identity" is being serialized, so we paid more attention to it. And we don't have activity classrooms now, so many activities can't be done." Expand..."

Yu Dong stopped in his tracks and glanced at Wang Hailin. This kid could tell what shit he was about to open his mouth.It is estimated that I want a fixed activity classroom and want to help myself.

"How many members of your association are there now?"

Wang Hailin timidly raised a finger.

Yu Dong was surprised, "There are 100 people so soon?"

Wang Hailin shook his head and smiled awkwardly, "It's a dozen or so people."

"A dozen or so people." Yu Dong was amused by him, "You are a creator of a play, you are really particular about the choice of words and sentences. As a teacher, I feel ashamed."

"Brother Dong was joking, isn't it not long since the beginning. But now we can recruit a few people every day, and I believe it won't take long to complete the great cause of a hundred people."

"There are more than a dozen people, don't even think about having a fixed activity classroom, just fight guerrilla warfare. I suggest you tell this matter to the Propaganda Department first, and file a case with them. When the number of people comes up, the classroom will be ready immediately." It has been arranged. I reckon that we will not be able to arrange classrooms for you until the next semester, when the school will make overall arrangements and spare classrooms for you.”

Yu Dong gave Wang Hailin a serious analysis, and then said, "What you have to do now is not only to recruit people, but also to let the school see your value. Why did the school support the Science Fiction Association so readily before? Isn't it because they expanded their territory and opened the branch to other schools?"

"Of course I know about this. I was still in the vanguard at the time. But science fiction was already so popular at that time, it's different from our current situation."

"There are difficulties, to be overcome."

As soon as this official sentence came out, Wang Hailin knew that there was no hope of fixing the classroom, so he nodded in disappointment, "Okay, I see, Brother Dong."

Seeing his listless look, Yu Dong stretched out his hand and patted his head, "With you like this, can things be done?"

If someone else patted Wang Hailin on the head, he would probably go berserk, but when Yu Dong patted him on the head, he didn't have any temper at all.I can only explain obediently, "I'm just in a hurry."

"You have to learn more from Qu Aiguo on this point. He seems to be careless, but he has a subtlety in his roughness, and he is calm when it comes to big things."

"I have always followed my elder brother as an example."

"Does your association have a temporary activity site?" Yu Dong asked.

"I've been running around all over the past few days. I'm at the Second Teaching School today. When I came, all the members were still there."

"Come on, let's go and have a look."

Wang Hailin's eyes widened, "Brother Dong, are you going to our activity site?"

"Is there anything wrong?"

"No, no, I'll show you the way."

Wang Hailin hurried forward, afraid that Yu Dong would suddenly change his mind.He knew that if he could bring Yu Dong to the activity point to meet the members, even if we didn't have activity classrooms, the members would be at ease.

On the way Yu Dong followed Wang Hailin to their activity site, he kept thinking about a question, what form should the school association exist.

The Cucumber Garden Science Fiction Association is now developing so fast that Qu Aiguo said that it has gradually penetrated into schools in surrounding cities.

However, would an association of this size still be a school organization?In other words, if it is still regarded as a school organization, can it be maintained for a long time?

The answer is obviously impossible. Relying on the model of school organization, the Cucumber Garden Science Fiction Association is destined to be short-lived. When this wave of enthusiasm passes, I am afraid it will dissipate.

What is the significance of this association?That is, when the sci-fi novels are hot, everyone gathers together to make a fuss, and when the sci-fi novels dissipate, everyone also leaves?

Can the society continue to export talents for science fiction, attract and cultivate readers?

It wasn't the first time Yu Dong thought about this question, but it was only when Wang Hailin came to him today about the Mystery Fiction Association that he thought about it again.

Yu Dong was going to find time to have a good chat with Qu Aiguo and Wu Changxin about this matter, so as to find a sustainable development path for the Cucumber Garden Science Fiction Association.

It can't be the end, seeing him build a tall building, seeing his building collapse.

"Brother Dong, we're here."

Yu Dong was interrupted by Wang Hailin's voice, he looked into the classroom, there were a dozen or so students chatting together in twos and threes.

Wang Hailin stepped into the classroom first, and coughed lightly, "Ahem, let us welcome Teacher Yu Dong."

The students who were chatting all looked over and applauded enthusiastically when they saw Yu Dong.

"Welcome Teacher Yu!"

It has to be said that these members of the Mystery Fiction Association have grown a pair of iron hands, and a dozen of them have the aura of dozens of people.

Yu Dong is so famous in Jinyi, there is no student who does not know him.The students present basically greeted Yu Dong on the road. Some students even felt familiar with Yu Dong, probably because they had met many times.

Because there are many people, I will not introduce them one by one.

Yu Dong walked in front and said with a smile: "I have been paying attention to your association since its establishment, and today I just have time to come over with Wang Hailin to see you. If you have any difficulties, you can ask me, and you can ask me any questions. If it can be solved, I will help you solve it, and if it can't be solved, I will help you convey it to the school."

The students looked at each other, but no one dared to speak first.Wang Hailin looked anxiously, and said, "Such a good opportunity, please be more active."

It was still the two senior juniors who were accepted before, and one of them raised his hand and said: "Mr. Yu, we have no difficulties, but we are very curious about "Fatal Identity". We speculated with the president that Xu Si escaped by feigning death. Is this guess correct?"

Then he added, "Of course, if it's inconvenient, Teacher Yu, you don't have to answer, just pretend I didn't ask this question."

Yu Dong didn't answer his question, but asked him instead: "Why do you have such conjectures?"

"Because we have seen Agatha's "The Strange Case of the Lone Island", and the justice in it used this method, we guessed whether you are paying tribute to Agatha, Mr. Yu."

"This conjecture is very interesting, but it is not the final answer. As for the answer, it is inconvenient for me to disclose."

Seeing that they were all standing, Yu Dong raised his hand to signal, "Let's sit down and chat."

After everyone sat down, Yu Dong spoke again, "It seems that everyone knows a lot about mystery novels, and the setting in "The Strange Case of an Island" is really interesting. Since you have seen Agatha, do you have any questions?" Have you seen "Murder Notice"?"

All shook their heads.

Seeing everyone shaking their heads, Yu Dong guessed that the novel might not have been translated yet.

"It doesn't matter if you haven't read it. The reason I mentioned this novel is because I thought of a game in this novel. Maybe this game can make your association's usual activities more interesting."

"What game?" Wang Hailin asked.

"It's a killing game."

"killing game!"

The students have never played the game before, and only listened to the name, which felt quite scary.

Yu Dong laughed again: "It's just a reasoning game."

 Thanks to [Huang Tian in the sky] for the 100 tip
  Thanks to [2long fungus] for the 1500 tip
  Thank you [Cheese Flavored Wafers] for the 1500 tip
(End of this chapter)

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