Chapter 278 The Boss

The reasoning game sounds much gentler than the killing game, and the students are more acceptable.

"Let's just call him dark, please close your eyes."

The reasoning game sounds much gentler than the killing game, and the students are more acceptable.

"Let's just call it dark, please close your eyes."

Having said that, Yu Dong asked, "Who has a blank sheet of paper?"

"I have, I have." A classmate hastily tore a page from his notebook and handed it to Yu Dong, "Teacher Yu, is one page enough?"

"Enough, thank you."

After taking the paper, Yu Dong took out a pen again, wrote the words "Please close your eyes when it gets dark" on the paper, and then continued, "Agatha briefly mentioned this kind of game in "Murder Notice" , she described it like this, draw lots from a hat, someone will play the dead, someone will play the detective, someone will play the murderer, then turn off the light, someone will be patted on the shoulder, then scream, lie on the ground and pretend to be dead. The detective Find the murderer by questioning everyone."

Wang Hailin raised his eyebrows and said, "Brother Dong, this game is not very interesting. It sounds powerful, but it is very troublesome to operate. Detectives need to rely on many things when investigating a case. The deceased simply pretended to be dead, so what about the way of death?" Forget it? And after the lights were turned off, did the murderer pat the deceased on the shoulder? It is very possible to know who moved by listening to the footsteps. If the murderer did not pat the deceased on the shoulder, there would be a lot less clues, because the murderer did not even have contact with the deceased... ..."

In fact, Wang Hailin considered these things, and the complete plot can be solved.But what Yu Dong is going to talk about today is not the game of plot killing, which is a game where you have to change the script once you play it once. After the script killing, wait until the werewolf killing is proficient, let them study it by themselves. After all, it is impossible for Yu Dong to give them one by one. write scripts.

When the time came when they were going to play script killing, it was time for all the students in the drama creation class to participate and exercise their script ability.

"Don't worry, just listen to me. The game Agatha mentioned is just a prototype. A few years ago, a professor of psychology in the Soviet Union created a game called 'Mafia', which was born out of the game. This kind of killing game. And the game I want to talk about today is another game produced by improving the "Mafia". There are many modes in this game, and I will teach you the simplest one today, so that you can familiarize yourself with this game way of playing."

After speaking, Yu Dong wrote down the rules and process of the simplified version of "Werewolf Killing" on paper.

What Yu Dong wrote for them was the eight-player version that was the easiest to get started with. It might be less playable for veterans, but it was enough for pure novices like them.

He handed the paper with the rules to Wang Hailin, "Keep this paper first, and study it carefully later. Now you choose eight people, and I will play with you."

The simple version of Werewolf Killing rules is very simple, there are only eight people in total, besides civilians, there are four identities: Werewolf, Hunter, Prophet, and Witch.

Yu Dong first found eight pieces of paper to write down their identity information, and then put them on the table for the students to draw lots, and then he wrote down everyone's identity information one by one.

"Everyone first look at the identity in their hands, and remember this identity, then fold the paper and put it back on the table."

After confirming their respective identities, the game officially begins. Because there is no blindfold, the game process depends entirely on self-consciousness.Of course, with the presence of judge Yu Dong, the students would definitely not cheat.

"Please close your eyes when it's dark."

"Wolfman, please open your eyes."

There are only three wolves in this version, but after Yu Dong finished saying "Werewolves, please open your eyes", four people opened their eyes.

The student who opened the wrong eye also realized his mistake and quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm too nervous."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "It's okay, let's do it again."


This game was not smooth, because I was not familiar with the rules, so I made a lot of mistakes in the middle and restarted many times.They haven't developed the habit yet, and sometimes they still communicate with Judge Yu Dong.

Fortunately, the students' learning ability is quite fast, and they basically understand the rules after a game.But understanding the rules is just the beginning, and more tests are yet to come.

Yu Dong didn't think about teaching them how to improve their skills, because he himself played very averagely.

Let the students explore on their own, and they will be able to improve their skills quickly. All Yu Dong has to do is provide them with this game.

Although the game was staggering, the students were very interested in the game. In the less clever battle of wits just now, the adrenal hormones of the players and the audience continued to soar.

The werewolves were immersed in how to weave lies to hide their identities. The priests and civilians were carefully distinguishing the lies from the truth, and the audience watched anxiously because they knew the identities of the players.

According to Yu Dong's observation, it was the audience who were most excited.From the perspective of God, they knew the identities of all werewolves, prophets, and witches. Once someone made a deviation in their speech, several audience members would stomp their feet angrily, and Yu Dong had to remind them not to interfere with the player's judgment.

"Play slowly, and I will teach you the advanced version after you become proficient in this simple version."


The next day, Yu Dong received Feng Ming's invitation.Originally, according to the plan, Feng Ming and the others were going to get married in February, but later due to some accidents, the time was postponed, and now it is finally fixed, the lunar calendar is May [-]nd, and the Gregorian calendar is June [-]th.

Regarding the postponement, Yu Dong heard Feng Ming mention it.The parents of both parties had some disagreements about where to hold the banquet. The Wu family hoped to find a restaurant in Jinling, which was convenient and ostentatious.But for the Feng family, it was the complete opposite. Their family was not in Jinling, and the conditions were not very good. If they were to find a hotel in Jinling to hold a banquet, it would not only be inconvenient, but also greatly increase the cost.

After several months of negotiations, the Feng family finally gave in and decided to set up a few tables of wine in Jinling on the day of the wedding banquet. Only some close relatives will come to the man's side, and other relatives will have dinner in their hometown.

The matter of Feng Ming reminded Yu Dong that next year he will marry Cheng Yanqiu, and these things will have to be considered at that time.The Cheng family probably wouldn't care about these things, but Yu Dong himself had to think about them.


"what are you doing?"

Cheng Yanqiu quietly walked to Yu Dong's side with his hands behind his back, seeing him writing at his desk, he smiled and asked a question.

Yu Dong stopped writing and looked up at her.Cheng Yanqiu dressed casually today, with a long floral dress and a blue sweater, looking very refreshing.

"I'm writing a plan."

"What plan?"

"A proposal for our marriage."

"We're getting married..." Cheng Yanqiu bit his lips, "Do we need a plan for getting married?"

"Of course, marriage is only once in a lifetime. On that day, our relatives and friends will gather together, and all eyes will be cast on us with their blessings. So, to get married, the two of us can decide, But the matter of marriage itself is not just for the two of us. After that day, everyone will know that I am your husband and you are my wife. "

Cheng Yanqiu stared blankly at Yu Dong for a while, then suddenly smiled, "You actually feel a little sweet when you say such words in a serious manner."

She walked behind Yu Dong slowly, and gently squeezed Yu Dong's shoulder, "Mr. Yu, thank you for your hard work. But as the heroine, shouldn't you also listen to some of my opinions?"

"Of course, in fact, I'm going to draw up a few plans and show you later. There are Chinese-style ones, Western-style ones..."

Before Yu Dong finished speaking, Cheng Yanqiu interrupted him, "It must be Chinese style. If my grandpa sees me wearing white for marriage, he will probably lose his beard in anger."

Yu Dong was a little surprised and said, "Grandpa has studied abroad, so he cares so much about the color of the dress?"

"He cared very much. Once when I went to someone else's house for a wedding, he caught my dad wearing a pair of white socks and scolded him. In his opinion, red things can't be white."

"Okay, I understand."

Yu Dong himself didn't care too much about Chinese style or Western style. Since the old man didn't like Western style, he just didn't think about it.

"What about you, do you like Western style or Chinese style?"

"Me." Cheng Yanqiu rested his elbow on Dong's shoulder and rested his chin with his hand, "I also prefer Chinese style weddings, especially the ancient ones. I sit by the bed in a red dress, with a Embroidered red hijab. It’s best to be in the kind of antique house without electric lights, light a few dragon and phoenix candles, and the red candlelight is scattered on the hollowed-out carved windows... Hee hee, this is what I thought before, but now it’s true If you are going to get married, you won’t think about these things.”

"In that case, we have to find a cool time to get married, otherwise it will definitely be hot."

Yu Dong was joking, but kept Cheng Yanqiu's words in his heart.

In fact, Yu Dong is not only thinking about the wedding, but also the wedding room. Although the school will give them a house, since he has money, there is no need to wrong himself. He still wants to go back and buy a bigger house. Decorate it.

The two were chatting when suddenly Jimmy ran over in a hurry.

As soon as Jimmy saw Cheng Yanqiu, he laughed and joked: "Hi, lady boss, did I bother you?"

Cheng Yanqiu and Jimmy haven't met a few times, but Jimmy knew about their engagement, so he made a joke.But Cheng Yanqiu was a little puzzled, why did he call himself the boss?
Yu Dong smiled and said, "He's right. Jimmy and I are not just a writer and agent, I'm also his boss."

"You are his boss?" Cheng Yanqiu asked in surprise.

"Well, I will explain this to you carefully later."

"Okay." Yu Dong said and turned around to explain, Cheng Yanqiu didn't ask carefully, she looked at Jimmy, "How about I go first, you can talk."

But Yu Dong held her back, "No, we have to talk about the plan later. Jimmy, if you have anything to say, just say it."

Jimmy nodded and smiled, "It's nothing special. I just arrived in Jinling, so I came to say hello to you. By the way, I'm going to have a meeting at the company tomorrow night to talk about the Internet. You do you want to go?"

"Let's go and have a look."

"Okay, we start at seven o'clock. In addition, there are two other things. One is that the publicity of "Fatal Identity" is not satisfactory. The second thing is that the physical version of "Westward" is coming out soon, and we have to start preparing Promoted."

"I don't ask about publicity."

"I know this, but this time you need your cooperation. "Xiangxi" should have a signing sale. This signing sale is very important. Because of the title of the book, you got in touch with the Shaanxi writers and were even banned. They have become opposites. There must be many people staring at the signing this time, once your signing scene is not as good as "White Deer Plain", you will definitely be bad-mouthed."

Jimmy said something very important, but his expression was very relaxed, and Yu Dong knew the reason.

Although Chen Zhongshi's previous signing event was very popular, only a few hundred people attended it. It stands to reason that with Yu Dong's current market influence, there is no need to worry.

Even if it is a step back and the signing scene is not good, Jimmy has a lot of ways. The most rude and worst way is to find some trustees to participate in the signing.

But no matter what, losing to "White Deer Plain" is impossible.

"I will cooperate with the signing, just let them set it in summer." Yu Dong nodded, and then said, "Also, I have thought of a way for you to promote "Fatal Identity"."

"You figured out a way for me?"

Jimmy looked at Yu Dong in surprise.

It's not that he doesn't believe in Yu Dong's marketing ability, on the contrary, he thinks that Yu Dong knows more about marketing than ordinary people, but Yu Dong never takes the initiative to think about these things.

Yu Dong has always been a hands-off shopkeeper in marketing.

Unexpectedly, Yu Dong took the initiative to think of a promotion for him this time.

"I'm making a reasoning game, the playability is not bad, maybe it will help you promote it."

"what game?"

"I can't explain a sentence or two. I will take you to see it tomorrow and see how the students play."

"You are too appetizing, can't you do it today? If I don't find out what the game is today, I will definitely not be able to sleep at night."

Yu Dong shook his head, "Not today, let's go tomorrow, come back tomorrow. I still have something to discuss with the proprietress."

"Oh, okay." Jimmy looked at Yu Yandong resentfully, "Then I won't delay you talking to the lady boss, I'll come back tomorrow."

After Jimmy left, Cheng Yanqiu asked curiously, "What game did you play?"

"Let's go and see the game together tomorrow. Now let me tell you about my relationship with Jimmy and why he calls you the boss."

"it is good……"

It didn't take too much effort to explain, Yu Dong only said that he bought the subscription certificate and made some money, and then he paid to start a company and handed it over to Jimmy for help.

This kind of explanation was enough for Cheng Yanqiu, even if Yu Dong said that she would start a company with her own money, she would not ask any more questions.

"Okay, let's continue talking about the plan, lady boss." Yu Dong smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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