Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 279 The Beginning of the Game

Chapter 279 The Beginning of the Game

The next day happened to be Saturday, and everyone was fine in the afternoon. Liu Changmin and the others heard that Yu Dong had made a game, and they were very interested, saying that they would go and have a look.

Later, Bi Feiyu ran over to find Feng Ming and the others to beat him up, and when he heard about it, he wanted to follow him, and even ran to call Fu Jing.

In this way, one shouted one another, and a large group of people were healed.

When walking towards the teaching building, Yu Dong looked behind.

Good guy, this formation is too big.

Men and women, a total of ten people.

It is also true that the academic affairs are really busy recently, and there are many school things, so everyone hasn't gone out to play for a long time, and it's hard to get some free time, and want to join in all the fun.

"After watching the game in Yu Dong Lane, how about we go for an outing?" Bi Feiyu suggested.

"Where are you going? Still going to Gulin Park?" Zhang Xian curled his lips, "It's getting late now, and we can't go far."

"Do you want to go to Zijin Mountain?"

"I think it's better to just stroll around Xuanwu Lake. This spring is about to pass, so let's go and enjoy the spring breeze."

"It's not necessary to go on an outing, you can also go shopping. There are a lot of new stores in Xinjiekou, so go and see something new."


In fact, everyone has just had a mouth addiction. It is already more than two o'clock at the moment, and it will be at least three o'clock after finishing the game, so there is no time to go out for an outing.

If you want to go on an outing, how can you have the heart to watch some games.

Don't look at Bi Feiyu clamoring to go for an outing, but Yu Dong believes that if the two options of outing and playing cards are really put before him, he will definitely choose to play cards.Picnic, suburban fart.

For Bi Feiyu, most of the scenic spots can be visited once.His mentality of visiting scenic spots is similar to that of Internet celebrities in later generations who check in. As long as the person arrives, as for the scenery, he can just glance at it.

Before he went to Gulin Park for the first time, he happened to meet Yu Dong, and he sat and chatted with Yu Dong without even visiting the park.

Everyone went to the temporary activity classroom of mystery novels in a mighty manner, and the students in the classroom were shocked.

Be nice!

Isn't this an inspection by school leaders?

Wang Hailin hurried over, greeted the teachers one by one, then approached Yu Dong, and asked in a low voice, "Brother Dong, what's the matter?"

"Didn't I tell you last night, come and see you play games today?" Yu Dong said with a smile.

In order to ensure that he could see the game today, Yu Dong went to find Wang Hailin last night and asked them if they had any activities today and where the activity classroom was.

Wang Hailin scratched the back of his head. It was true that Yu Dong had looked for him last night, but he didn't say that so many people came.

How stressful it is.

Yu Dong smiled and said, "You play your own, as if we don't exist. Are you playing now?"

"Just played a game, I'll show the new members the rules." Wang Hailin said.

Yu Dong also noticed that there are obviously more people today than the day before yesterday, there must be more than 20 people.

"The number of your members is increasing."

"Thanks to the game you made, Brother Dong, many people came here after hearing about it."

Yu Dong nodded, "Then you can start now, we will watch from the side."

Then he waved to Liu Changmin and the others, asking them to find a place to watch.

Jimmy came with a mission, and Dong Dong said that he had already actively found a best viewing position.

Because so many teachers came to watch the match, Wang Hailin was also embarrassed to join the newcomers, so he sent the "veterans" who had been playing for two days, and the eight best performers.

The eight people who were sent up were trembling, like recruits about to go to the battlefield. They didn't need to observe carefully, but they could feel the nervousness emanating from them.

The teachers watching the battle were even more curious.

It's just a game, is it necessary to be so nervous?

And before they came, they only knew it was a game, and they didn't listen to Yu Dong's details. Now they are quite surprised to see that the game requires eight people. The game is quite big.

Before the game started, Wang Hailin ran up to Yu Dong and asked, "Brother Dong, are you coming to be a judge?"

Yu Dong waved his hand, "No, come on."

Wang Hailin nodded, took the notebook and ran to the judge's seat and sat down. After a long sigh of relief, he said, "Please close your eyes when it's dark."

Then all players close their eyes.

"Wolfman, please open your eyes."

At this time, three players opened their eyes. After opening their eyes, the three of them did not speak, but only used gestures and eye contact, and finally reached an agreement and pointed to one of them.

Wang Hailin wrote down the person's number, and then said: "Witch, please open your eyes..."

After the first night passed and no one died, the witch used the antidote.

Then this round of speeches began. Player No. [-] came up and revealed his identity, "I am a prophet. I tested No. [-] last night. He is my golden water..."

Yu Dong was a little surprised, because number one was a wolf, and everyone could see clearly just now that these students' ability to learn and explore is really good, and they will jump so quickly.

The audience was stunned, isn't this man a werewolf?How do you say you are a prophet?
The smart ones already know the key to this game.

Jimmy approached Yu Dong and asked in a low voice, "What does Jinshui mean?"

"In terms of the game, if the player checked by the prophet is a good person, it is golden water."

Jimmy nodded to express his understanding, and then he held his chin and said, "This prophet's speech is a bit unconfident, and it is easy for people to find flaws. If he is really a prophet, he should categorically say that number three is gold water, and It’s not that No. [-] is my golden water, but the addition of these two words of mine has a completely different meaning.”

Yu Dong looked at Jimmy with a smile, "You are quite suitable for playing this game."

The most important thing about werewolf killing is logic and status. As long as these two points are better than others, you can usually remain invincible.

There was a loophole in player number one's speech, but the state was very good, and the other players didn't find any problems.

But he still lost.

The reason for losing is to talk about another key to this game, luck.

Jin Shui, player No. [-], who he designated, jumped to you as a prophet.

The prophet of Jinshui jump is fatal to No. [-], the fierce jumping wolf.

Because the closed loop of logic was broken, if No. [-] was really a prophet, the Jin Shui he appointed claimed that he was a prophet, which is completely untenable logically.

Only when the number one is a wolf and the number three is a true prophet, can logic be revived.

So No. [-], the jumping wolf, was very unlucky. Jin Shui in the first round turned out to be a prophet, which directly exposed his identity.

Therefore, in the first round, everyone directly voted for No. [-], and then confirmed that No. [-] was the true prophet, and that No. [-] was Jin Shui.

(End of this chapter)

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