Chapter 280 You are confused
After the students demonstrated for two or three rounds, Bi Feiyu and the others also had a general understanding of how to play the werewolf killing game.

And they have always stood in the perspective of God, and they have much more information than the players, so they can always make correct judgments.

It's like playing cards and watching three cards, of course you know how to play the cards to win.

After watching a few scenes, Bi Feiyu rubbed his hands eager to try.

He himself is extremely confident in his game talent, and the audience's perspective makes him feel that the game is not difficult, so he pulls Liu Changmin and the others to play a game.

Liu Changmin and the others are similar. When the students were playing just now, they watched anxiously and always wanted to give the students some advice.Now that Bi Feiyu made a move, they agreed with the situation.

Yu Dong teased Bi Feiyu and said, "Aren't you going out for an outing? Why did you sit down?"

Bi Feiyu said with a smile: "Play a game to feel it, and we will go out later."

He still feels that the game is simple, and he thinks he has mastered the essence of the game, and now he is sitting on it to play, because he wants to let others see how good he is.

But most people don't know enough about themselves, and Bi Feiyu and the others are no exception.

The game looks very simple at first, but you don't know how difficult it is until you actually get started.

For example, Liu Changmin drew a werewolf as soon as he went up.He was honest, and after he got the werewolf, his expression immediately changed.

Bi Feiyu joked: "Old Liu is so nervous, didn't he get a werewolf?"

When Liu Changmin heard this, he became even more nervous, faltering and hawing, not knowing what to say.When the others saw him like this, they all showed suspicion.

Sure enough, in the first round, Liu Changmin was voted out by everyone when the prophet did not jump.

Then the second round of prophets jumped out, issued a golden water, and marked a wolf, and the wolf that was marked was Bi Feiyu.

The werewolves lost quickly.

Bi Feiyu patted his head and complained, "Old Liu, your mental quality is too poor."

In fact, his own psychological quality is average, otherwise the prophet would not test him in the second round.

Jimmy and Zhang Xian performed better.

Jimmy performed well, and Yu Dong was not surprised. This game was originally suitable for a player like Jimmy who didn't blush when he told a lie.

On the contrary, Zhang Xian, although he played this game for the first time, performed very well. After getting the prophet, he took the audience away.

In the second game, we got the werewolf and played a prophet. His demeanor is so calm that people can't help but believe him, regard him as a real prophet, and follow his rhythm.

But whether it's good or bad, everyone is fascinated by this game.

Werewolf killing is very interesting, the game form is novel, and everyone usually has few entertainment activities, so once you play it, you can't rest.

They said they were going to go for an outing, but they quickly forgot about it.

Wang Hailin also reacted very quickly, and immediately said that their Mystery Fiction Association had set up a werewolf killing fun group, and warmly invited the teachers to come and play if they had nothing to do.

After Jimmy played two games, he ended up pulling Yu Dong aside.

"Dong, you are confused!"

Yu Dong was puzzled, "Why am I so confused?"

"Let me ask you first, did you really create this game? Did it happen elsewhere before?"

"There really wasn't any other place before."

Yu Dong only answered Jimmy's second question, but in Jimmy's view, Yu Dong's words were equivalent to answering two questions, and it was impossible for him to think that Yu Dong could plagiarize future things.

"Such a good thing, you shouldn't share it so casually. We should maximize its effect. For example, you can ask "Sprout" magazine to attach the gameplay of this game to the final chapter of "Fatal Identity", In this way, if someone comes to verify who invented this game in the future, that magazine will be the real evidence."

"And you can replace names like prophets and witches with characters in novels. For example, replace the witch with Wu Yue, the prophet with Chu Junshan, and the hunter with Xu Si. Don't you have an advanced version? You can use Li Shuang and the others will be added."

Yu Dong stared at Jimmy for a while. This guy has an extraordinary talent in marketing, and he can come up with various ideas casually.

"My intention is to make everyone more interested in reasoning, and there is also an interesting game to play by the way."

"I understand, leave this to me later. Don't worry, I will not use this game to make money. On the contrary, I will spend money to let more people play this game for free. I just want people to remember that you Yu Dong The creator of this game. When they play this game, they will think of you."

Jimmy danced and gave Yu Dong a plan.

Yu Dong can always bring him surprises. In Jimmy's view, there are many things that can be discovered in the game of Werewolf Killing.In view of the current situation, he must act immediately, implement the plan, and bind this game firmly with Yu Dong.Moreover, he also wants to promote the development of this game, so that this game can quickly develop to the whole country and even the whole world.


When Jimmy had finished speaking, Yu Dong said, "I may need you to help me with some private matters."

"What's personal?" Jimmy asked.

Yu Dong looked at Cheng Yanqiu's direction, and said with a smile, "Can you find for me, is there any ancient old house that can be bought and sold."

"You mean the garden kind?"

Yu Dong nodded, "Almost."

"You want to buy?"

"Let's have a look first, and we'll decide whether to buy it or not. If there is no one that can be bought or sold, the one that can be rented is also fine."

"Okay, I'll ask someone to pay attention to it for you. But I still don't think it's cost-effective to buy gardens and gardens. It's better to buy land directly or wait until there are good commercial houses. It's okay to buy some commercial houses. I think buying a house in China is still very cost-effective. Yes, there must be a lot of space."

Yu Dong said with a smile, "You should consider buying a house in Jinling yourself."

"If I want to buy it, I will buy it in Yanjing. If I get a few courtyard houses, the price will definitely increase later. However, this thing is still risky. Maybe if the policy changes, it will all fall into my hands. But then again, the company will have more cash in the year after next. , we can use a piece of land to build a building, use part of it for employees to work, and use the other part for some entertainment activities.”

Jimmy had mentioned the matter of the building to Yu Dong a long time ago, but this plan is very expensive, and it will not be possible to do it for a while.

But Jimmy didn't think it was a big deal, so he went back to the bank to get a loan and got things done ahead of time.In this era where prices are changing day by day, spending future money in the present is equivalent to earning money.

Yu Dong didn't quite agree with this plan. After all, the construction of the building was not just needed, and it would not play a key role in the company's development. There was no need for a loan at all.

Therefore, Jimmy is going to wait until the company has accumulated a certain amount of cash before doing this. His current expectation is that this plan can be gradually implemented in two years.

Yu Dong didn't continue to talk about this topic, but instead asked: "Do you understand the situation of these writers you have now?"

"Understood, although I am often in the United States, I am always watching the situation here..."

Immediately afterwards, Jimmy briefly reported the situation. Recently, the science fiction writers in his hands have performed very well. The two young men, He Hongwei and Yang Peng, are very energetic, and at least one work is published in the magazine every month.

Hu Changqing and Wang Jingkang, the two older ones, did not give in. Their works came out one by one, and the quality was quite solid.

Hu Changqing, in particular, was eager to repay the computer money that Jimmy had advanced to him. Not only did he submit short stories to "Science Fiction World" every month, but he also planned to write his own novel, and he had the momentum to solve his "debt" with a full-length novel.

Only the publication of "To Live" has some minor problems. The situation is still unclear, but there are rumors that the film may be banned.

The publishing house is also very worried. They have already called the company several times, and they can only reassure them that there is no problem.

But Jimmy is not too worried about this. Even if the movie is banned, he has a way, and he has the courage to sell the book, and it will sell well.

The two chatted in the corridor for a while, and after returning to the classroom, Bi Feiyu and his teachers were still immersed in the game.

They didn't stop until after five o'clock in the evening when Jimmy said he would invite them to a restaurant.


Jimmy moved quickly, and contacted "Sprout" the next day, asking them to attach the rules of the werewolf killing game to the back of the novel in the next issue.

After Zhao Changtian received Jimmy's call, he patted the table and laughed, he really came to whatever he wanted.

A few days ago, he discussed with Cao Yang that he would ask Yu Dong to help him think of a theme for a mystery essay.

Unexpectedly, I haven't gone to Yu Dong yet, but Yu Dong came here first, and wanted to add a game method to the back of the novel.

Although Zhao Changtian didn't know what kind of game it was, how to play it, and whether it was fun, but this matter itself was very topical.

And judging from Jimmy's tone, this game should still be very good.

In this way, the magazine can take advantage of this game to call for essays.

He has to wait until Jimmy sends the gameplay of the game to make a good plan and see how to connect the game and the essay.


At the end of May, Zhang Yimou came to Jinling and brought good news and bad news.The good news is that "Alive" won three awards at the Cannes Film Festival.The bad news is that because of participating in the film festival without approval, the movie "Alive" was banned in China.

After hearing the news, Yu Hua was silent for a while.

He had just brought his wife and children from Yanjing to Jinling to settle down, and was immersed in the joy of welcoming a new life, but he didn't expect such a blow to his head all of a sudden.

Zhang Yimou looked at Yu Hua with regret in his eyes.He himself has lost a lot in this matter, but at least he has won the award. On Yu Hua's side, the booklet of "To Live" will be released soon.

Although the "To Live" novel was not banned along with it, Zhang Yimou, the piss of the publishing house, knew it, and he probably didn't want to help sell the book anymore.

Seeing the apology in Zhang Yimou's eyes, Yu Hua laughed instead, "It's not a big deal, this kind of thing has been expected for a long time."

Yu Dong was also beside him, he really expected this to happen, so when Zhang Yimou said it, he was not surprised at all.

"Since the matter has already happened, everyone should not think too much about it. Let Jimmy handle the matter of the book, there should be no problem."

Yu Dong's consolation still helped a little. Jimmy's professionalism was recognized by Yu Hua, so it should be very hopeful for Jimmy to handle this matter.

Yu Hua's ability to adjust is also strong enough, and he quickly made a joke about Zhang Yimou: "I said I admired you before, and I said in my heart that you know the review system of radio and television well. It's even more admirable."

Zhang Yimou smiled awkwardly, "The main reason is that I am eager to participate in the film festival. In fact, this film will not make a lot of box office if it is broadcast. The ban will not have a big impact."

Having said that, Zhang Yimou turned his head to look at Yu Dong: "I saw Feng Xiaoning a few days ago, and he really had a headache. "Chaos Diary" cost a lot of money to produce, and it took so long to shoot. , his heart would bleed."

Yu Dong nodded, and Feng Xiaoning also expressed his worries when he contacted him before.

There are not many sensitive plots in "Chaos Diary", but there is also a risk of passing the trial.

Yu Hua smiled and waved his hands, "Probably not, the time background of "Chaos Diary" is much better."

"Haha, you still say you admire me. I think I should be the one who admires you. You know more about the review system than I do." Zhang Yimou joked with a smile.

Yu Hua was about to fight back, but Zhang Yimou continued: "It's hard to come here today, do you want to join someone to play for a while? Call Su Tong?"

"What are you calling Su Tong? There are a lot of people at Jinyi who know how to play balls. Bi Feiyu is on this floor and can call over anytime. But recently, everyone doesn't like balls and has a new love." Yu Hua said .

"What new love? More fun than smashing eggs?"

In Zhang Yimou's eyes, there is nothing more fun than smashing eggs.

He can be said to be a loyal player of Jidan. Not only does he love to play, but he also spares no effort in promoting Jidan.

In his spare time, he always pulls the people in the group to smash eggs.Anyone who has been in his group, whether it is an actor or other staff, can basically learn how to smash eggs.

"It's not poker, it's a reasoning game involving multiple people. I haven't played it, but I saw them play it once."

"It's not poker." Zhang Yimou was a little disappointed, "Why did you suddenly play a reasoning game?"

"Isn't Yu Dong writing a mystery novel?"

"Oh." Zhang Yimou nodded suddenly, "I have indeed heard this news before, where did it come from..."

"Sprout." Yu Dong said with a smile.

"Yes, Germination, I was quite surprised at the time. I never expected to see your work in "Germination". But I have been busy a while ago, and I didn't find time to look at your new work."

In fact, it is not that there is no time. No matter how busy Zhang Yimou is usually, he always has time to read, but he lost interest when he heard "germination" and "reasoning".

In the past few years, his eyes have been on traditional literature, and the magazines he pays attention to are also "Harvest" and "Zhongshan".

(End of this chapter)

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