Chapter 281

In the end, Zhang Yimou didn't go to see how the Werewolf Killing was played, but asked Yu Hua to call Bi Feiyu, and the four of them formed a table to fight.

At that moment, when Yu Dong and Zhang Yimou first met, Zhang Yimou had just learned how to play the egg.At this moment, Zhang Yimou has come from behind and has become a master of smashing eggs.

"Teacher Yu Dong, your smashing skills have regressed a lot."

Yu Dong glanced at Zhang Yimou. This old Mouzi was usually very humble, but he changed when he was at the poker table. He was so crazy that he needed to be beaten just like Bi Feiyu.

In fact, Zhang Yimou is not to be blamed. When he first learned how to smash eggs, his skills were immature. At that time, Yu Dong was an unbeatable super master in his heart.

Now that I have returned from my studies, I have the feeling of returning to my hometown after being rich and honored.He can rely on Dong to witness his growth.

During this period, we talked about the banning of the movie "To Live", and Yu Hua asked Zhang Yimou what his plans are in the near future, whether he will follow up with another movie, or whether he will take a break to adjust.

Zhang Yimou said with a smile: "I don't have any specific plans, it depends on fate. If I didn't like "To Live" before, I am afraid I would take a break for a while. I want to take a break, but if I come across a script that I want to shoot, or When encountering tasks assigned from above and below, I have to take pictures."

He looked around, his eyes flicked over the faces of Yu Dong and the others, "Actually, it depends on you great writers, maybe you can write some good novels, I still have to ask for it."

"Isn't Yu Dong's "Xiang Xi" in the works right now? Have you never thought about making it?" Yu Hua asked.

"I really thought about it." Zhang Yimou smiled, "There are only two points. First, the novel is too famous. Second, there are too many stories in it."

"Isn't it good to be famous?" Bi Feiyu asked.

"The novel is too famous, and the pressure of film and television adaptation will become greater. Especially with so many stories in it, there will always be some things that I have to delete. When the movie comes out, readers will compare it with the original and find that many things are missing. will be satisfied."

"I read those martial arts novels, and I didn't have this concern when it was adapted for film and television."

"The positioning is different."

Zhang Yimou only said "the positioning is different", but did not go into details. Instead, he talked about "Xiangxi" itself, ""Xiangxi" is actually suitable for filming as a TV series. There is no need to delete or modify anything, and it is directly filmed according to the layout of the original book. , it will be a good TV series. Of course, whether to shoot or not, how to shoot, the initiative is still in the hands of Mr. Dong. I think you and Jimmy should have plans. After all, you have three works in the past two years Adapted films are coming out. One domestic and two foreign, and they are all big productions."

"Good luck."

"This can-"

Just as Zhang Yimou opened his mouth, Fu Jing came out of the kitchen wiping her hands, "You guys should take a break after playing cards. It's time to eat. Bi Feiyu, please clear the table in a while, and Yu Dong, go and call Teacher Chen Hong and Yanqiu." .”

Yu Dong nodded, "OK."

Yu Dong was supposed to be a host today, so please go to Jinling Hotel.But Bi Feiyu tried his best to invite them to eat at home, so they came to Bi Feiyu's house to play cards.

Cheng Yanqiu came here to watch them play cards for a while, then went to Yu Hua's house to help Chen Hong take care of the children.After Chen Hong came, Fu Jing and Cheng Yanqiu were active and often went to chat with her. The three of them met more times than Yu Dong and his men.

After this round was over, Yu Dong got up to find Cheng Yanqiu and the others, but unexpectedly, the two of them came here with their children.

"I also said to call you."

Chen Hong said with a smile, "Why do you want to call, the two of us came here after smelling the smell of rice."

The apartment is not big, but it's not too crowded for seven or eight people.

Chen Hong came in with the child in her arms, first said hello to Zhang Yimou, and then said to Yu Dong: "Over there, I am discussing with Yanqiu. When Xiaoguo gets older, I will buy a piano, and I will talk to Yanqiu when the time comes." Autumn studies music."

Yu Haiguo hid in her mother's arms, blinking her eyes, still not knowing what her mother's words meant.

While clearing the table, Bi Feiyu joked: "Teacher Cheng knows a lot of musical instruments, don't stare at the piano, let him try every instrument in the future. If you don't have musical talent, you can learn something else. I'll take him to the gym , Yu Dong's handwriting is good, you can teach him calligraphy, and his father, you can teach him to pull his teeth... If it doesn't work, let Zhang Dao teach him to make movies in the future."

Originally, Bi Feiyu was just joking, but Chen Hong took it seriously, counting with her fingers: "You can learn to make movies later, music and calligraphy should be cultivated from a very young age, four years old, no, three years old It's time to start."

Seeing Chen Hong's serious plan, everyone in the room was laughing, even Yu Haiguo in her arms laughed with the adults.He is still young, and he doesn't understand that some things in this world can be that one person's pain carries the happiness of many people.

Zhang Yimou also laughed, "Filmmaking also needs to be cultivated from an early age."

"Then it depends on Director Zhang to help cultivate it."

Yu Hua was smiling, her crow's feet gathered together one by one, like a well-trained soldier for morning exercise.When talking about his family, Yu Haiguo, he always has this expression.

"I don't need me, isn't Jinyi now working on the Department of Drama? I think directing and photography majors will be opened one after another soon. By then, your Yu Haiguo will be able to learn eighteen things without leaving Jinyi's gate. martial arts."

After hearing this, Yu Hua just smiled and waved his hands, while Bi Feiyu beside him rolled his eyes, wondering what he was thinking.

During the meal, Bi Feiyu kept trying to persuade him to drink.Later, Zhang Yimou couldn't stand it any longer, and covered his wine glass, "Mr. Bi, if you have anything to say, just tell me."

Bi Feiyu put down the wine bottle, showing a simple and honest smile, "How do you say that, I'm happy to have a drink with you after all, what can I do?"

"But when you remind me like this, I really remembered a small thing."

Zhang Yimou heaved a sigh of relief when Bi Feiyu said something was up.The fact that Bi Feiyu can speak in front of so many people is definitely not something that would embarrass him too much.

"Let's talk straight, don't be so roundabout, this is not your style."

"Then I'll just say it straight." Bi Feiyu smiled, "You also know that our school wants to reorganize the drama department, and first opened a drama creation class. As for me, as the drama creation counselor, I work all day long. They are all worried about the future of the drama creation students. Let me think about it, the film and television industry is a family, you are such a big director, I have to ask for your guidance..."

Before Bi Feiyu finished speaking, Zhang Yimou shook his head and waved his hands again, "Don't, don't, you've found my shortcoming. I studied photography, but I don't know anything about drama and literature. If you Jin Yi I have a major in photography, so it’s okay for me to share my experience, but this drama can’t really come.”

"Listen to me first."

Bi Feiyu couldn't help but picked up the wine bottle again.

Seeing Bi Feiyu's action, Zhang Yimou was taken aback, "Say it, say it."

The reaction of the two of them seemed that what Bi Feiyu was carrying was not a wine bottle, but a spear or cannon.

"Some of our drama creation students also want to develop in the direction of directors. However, the school lacks soil. They are a lone army of drama creation, and they have nowhere to learn from. I just thought, let you talk to them, at least Let them know what it's like to make a movie?"

Hearing what Bi Feiyu said, Zhang Yimou nodded. It is quite normal for Xichuang students to want to make movies.He himself is a photography student, and he is not a professional counterpart.

"Just chatting, nothing else?" Zhang Yimou asked.

Bi Feiyu patted his chest and assured, "It's just a chat, there is absolutely nothing else. Of course, if you don't think the ostentation is enough, I can apply to the principal and arrange an activity for you to come to Jinyi to instruct academics. Banners, send dozens of students to line the road to welcome them."

Zhang Yimou hurriedly said, "Forget it, let's keep a low profile."

"Okay, it's up to you."

For Zhang Yimou, this is not a big deal, but it's just a matter of little effort.Helping this favor is selling the face of everyone present.


After the banquet, several people sent Zhang Yimou out of the school, and Yu Dong pulled Cheng Yanqiu and Yu Hua to say goodbye.

The evening wind in May and June blows on people like soft cotton.Just after the fifteenth day, the moon is still very round, hanging in the middle of the sky, and it has become softer because of the warm wind.

The two strolled around the campus by moonlight, and when they passed the performing arts teaching building, Cheng Yanqiu suddenly pulled Yu Dong back.

Yu Dong was dragged by her and was taken aback, what's going on?


Before he finished speaking, Yu Dong suddenly heard a familiar melody, which seemed to be the one that Cheng Yanqiu played to him at that time. He didn't recognize the first part just now, but now he played the cheerful part in the middle, and he recognized it all at once. up.

Immediately he understood why Cheng Yanqiu had to run away.

Yu Dong laughed, "Come on, let's get closer and listen."

Before Cheng Yanqiu could react, Yu Dong had already gone up the stairs first, and reached the second floor in the blink of an eye. She gritted her teeth and followed.

The two stood at the door of the piano room, Cheng Yanqiu hugged Yu Dong's arm to pull him away, but he couldn't pull him away, and could only stand obediently next to him.

After a while, the students inside finished playing the piece, and Yu Dong said, "Student, please excuse me, what is the name of this piece?"

The students who were playing had their backs to Yu Dong and the others. When they heard the sound, they turned around. Seeing that it was Yu Dong, they were a little surprised and subconsciously replied: "A girl's prayer."

Yu Dong smiled and nodded, "Thank you."

Then he dragged Cheng Yanqiu away.

The student in the piano room rubbed his head, feeling a little dazed. After a while, he thought again with doubts: No, isn't Teacher Cheng right next to him? How can she not recognize such a simple piece?
"So it's called Maiden's Prayer."

The two stood under the tree in front of the performing arts teaching building, and Yu Dong looked at Cheng Yanqiu with a smile on his face. The way they looked when they held hands for the first time.

Yu Dong stared at Cheng Yanqiu like this for a while, then suddenly said, "The flowers are half in bloom, and I'm a little drunk."

The wine that he drank at night has not dissipated, the fog in front of his eyes is hazy, and behind the haze, Cheng Yanqiu is like a half-bloomed flower, the color cannot be distinguished, but it exudes a moving beauty.

Yu Dong flicked the hair in Cheng Yanqiu's ear, and was about to make the next move, when suddenly two greetings came from beside him.

"Hello, Teacher Yu, Hello, Teacher Cheng."

The two girls stood seven or eight meters away, looking at Yu Dong and the others with gossip.

Yu Dong cleared his throat, nodded solemnly and responded, "Hello, classmate, the moon is pretty good tonight, let's go for a walk."

"Let's go to piano practice."

"Work so hard, come on."

"Ms. Yu, Mr. Cheng, you go ahead, we are leaving."


The two girls walked away with smiles, Yu Dong looked at their backs, then turned to look at Cheng Yanqiu, "Shall we continue?"

"Continue with your head."

Cheng Yanqiu ran away.


Zhang Yimou wanted to keep a low profile, but he couldn't keep a low profile at all.

The students of Xichuang only knew that there was a special person coming to teach them that day. At first, they didn't know who it was. Then Zhang Yimou came, which made their eyes drop all over the place.

"Director Zhang!"

The cheers erupting in the classroom quickly attracted the attention of other students. After someone recognized Zhang Yimou, the news spread quickly in the school.

Things come and go and change.

"Zhang Yimou has come to teach in our school."

This is the version that Yu Dong heard in the office at last.

"Zhang Yimou came to teach in our school?"

"It's not unusual. Yu Hua has already been stationed at our school, and Zhang Yimou is here as a guest teacher. What's the point?"

"Zhang Yimou is coming next semester, who will he teach this semester?"

"I heard it's an opera creation class."

"Is there a directing class or a photography class in the drama creation class?"

"Probably not, who knows?"

This news sparked a discussion among the teachers in the office. They said everything, but it seemed that they all believed that Zhang Yimou had really come to teach.

Jinyi has developed really well in the past two years, frequently appearing in major newspapers, and its soft power and hard power have soared, so that the confidence of the teachers and students in the school is getting stronger and stronger.

If Zhang Yimou's teaching in Jinyi had been two years ago, no one would have believed it.

In the end, Yu Dong, an insider, explained it to them.

"Oh, so it's just a temporary class."

"But if there is one, there will be two. Maybe he will be a guest teacher next semester."


Wu Changxin knew about Zhang Yimou's going to give lectures to the drama creation class in advance. He respected Zhang Yimou's own wishes and didn't say anything, and he didn't even go to attend the lectures.

Now that the news spread like wildfire, there was nothing to hide, so he went to meet Zhang Yimou openly.

By the way, I would like to invite him: I can come to Jinyi more in the future, and if I want, the school can hold a special course for him.

Zhang Yimou didn't refuse or agree. He just said that he was busy recently and couldn't come to Jinyi to teach.

Wu Changxin could tell that Zhang Yimou had left a way for himself, maybe he could really come here in the future.

As for the students in the drama creation class, of course they are full of enthusiasm for Zhang Yimou's arrival. Among them, Jia Zhangke's performance is the most eye-catching.

As a student of drama creation, Jia Zhangke has studied photography and directing a lot.

Although in Zhang Yimou's view, the so-called "professional knowledge" that Jia Zhangke has learned is somewhat weak, but it is not easy for a student of drama creation to have such an understanding of film shooting.

In comparison, others are much weaker.Some students shouted how much they wanted to make movies, but what they talked about was still limited to words.

Later, Zhang Yimou chatted with Jia Zhangke alone for a while, and learned that Jia Zhangke wanted to make a movie because of "Yellow Earth", and he looked at this kid differently.

"Yellow Earth" is Zhang Yimou's proud work. Back then, he won several photography awards with this film, which completely established his reputation in the photography industry.

Later, before leaving Jinyi, Zhang Yimou told Yu Dong and Bi Feiyu: "The students of your drama creation are all pretty good, but Jia Zhangke is probably the only one who can be the director of a movie. If If there is a chance, we should train him in this direction.”

Bi Feiyu said unexpectedly, "It seems that you are quite optimistic about Jia Zhangke."

"He is a good seed, and he has his own understanding of movies, which is not easy at his age."

After Zhang Yimou left, Bi Feiyu scratched his head worryingly, "It's okay if Zhang Yimou doesn't say anything. Hearing what he said, I'm afraid our training will not be in place and delay that kid Jia Zhangke."

Yu Dong patted Bi Feiyu on the shoulder, "Don't worry too much. Jia Zhangke is very determined. Whatever he wants, he will take the initiative to work hard in that direction. We teachers can't be like nanny in the study of college students. Worry about everything, what we have to do is to find a general direction for them, and then cooperate with them. Besides, it is not easy for you to invite Zhang Yimou to give them lectures."

One class can’t talk too much, but Zhang Yimou is a film master, his class can open up a vast world for students, no matter it is a door, a window or a small hole, they can let students see to that wonderful world.

Bi Feiyu smiled: "I worked hard this time, next time it's your turn."

"The last time I took the students to the United States, isn't that considered an effort?"

But Bi Feiyu complained, "Hey, when it comes to this, I want to talk about you. The last time I brought all the art students, why didn't I bring a few drama students. Let them go to the United States to learn advanced film Industry, isn’t it the counterpart of art students?”

"Okay, that doesn't count last time, I'll work harder next time, okay?"

"How about once." Bi Feiyu patted Yu Dong on the shoulder in turn, "Those who are capable will work harder. If I work hard once, you have to work hard twice."

 Thank you [Ghost Valley Holy Word] for the 200 reward of the boss
  Thank you [Huang Tian Zai Kong] for the 200 tip
  Thank you [It’s too late to say goodbye] the big guy’s 100 rewards
  Thanks to [Drinking Moon Desolation Alone] Big Brother for the 100 tip
  Thank you [Magic Moon Cold Eyes] for the 100 reward of the boss
(End of this chapter)

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