Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 282 My tall image is certified

Chapter 282 My tall image is certified
"Have you got anything?"

"It's here, look."

Two half-children stood at the foot of a wall, sneaky as members of an underground organization. One of them took out two "Sprout" magazines from his arms and handed one to the other.

"Only two copies?"

Seeing that there were only two copies, Chen Tao couldn't help curling his lips, "Aren't we going to develop the organization, how can two copies be enough?"

"Then what can I do, I found these two books after searching around. How about we go to the Drum Tower at night?" Jin Yang said.

Chen Tao waved his hand, "Forget it, two books are two books, that's enough, let's read it first and then talk about it."

Since the last time they went to Jinyi together, the relationship between Chen Tao and Jin Yang has become better and better.

Jin Yang knew that Chen Tao's brother-in-law was Yu Dong, so he acted proactively. Chen Tao was a good-natured donkey, and Jin Yang's good words to him were more useful than anything else.

The point is, after Chen Tao started to get in touch with science fiction, he discovered that it is not only those comics that are interesting.Although science fiction is tiring to read, once you really read it, you will have the urge to study the details inside.

Originally, he was about to read "Closed Loop" a few days ago, when Jin Yang suddenly ran over with a copy of "Sprouting", saying that his brother-in-law's new book "Fatal Identity" was doing well.

After listening to it, Chen Tao was a little moved, so he put down "Closed Loop" and watched "Fatal Identity".

When I saw it, I fell into it.

It turns out that it's not just science fiction that's interesting. It should be said that my brother-in-law's novels are all interesting.

It's just that serialization is a headache. They have been waiting for the new issue of "Sprout" for a while, and he couldn't stand it for a while. He wanted to go to his brother-in-law to see if he could walk through the door. Read the manuscript of "Fatal Identity" in advance to get a sneak peek.

It was Jin Yang who stopped him.

"This kind of thing is too embarrassing for the teacher."

"What's the problem? I'll just take a look, and nothing will be missing."

"Can you guarantee that you won't reveal the following plot after watching it?"

"Of course!" Chen Tao assured, patting his chest.

"Then let me ask you, after you read it, will you tell me?" Jin Yang asked again.

"Then..." Chen Tao thought for a while and said, "It should be possible."

"Then can you guarantee that I won't leak it?"

"How could you—"

"I can't guarantee it myself, so you should not ask. If you ask, Teacher Yu Dong will not be able to handle it. Let me show you. I am afraid that the follow-up plot will be leaked. It is not a good thing for him or the magazine. Don't give it to me." Look, I'm afraid of offending your future brother-in-law."

Chen Tao scratched his head, "Is it so complicated?"

"Stop being a monster, it would be bad if it affects the relationship between your brother-in-law and your sister."


What Jin Yang said is correct, but that is for ordinary people.If Chen Tao really went to Yu Dong to ask for the manuscript, he would definitely be rejected. Yu Dong would not think about it at all, and would even give Chen Tao some ideological education.

That's not all, if Cheng Yanqiu finds out, Chen Tao will be educated by the two of them together.

Anyway, Chen Tao didn't dare to go to Yu Dong to ask for the manuscript later, so he waited obstinately until the new issue of "Sprout" came out.

"Look quickly, what is the ending, who is the final murderer?"

"Class is about to start, wait until noon to find time to read it in one go." Jin Yang stuffed the magazine into his arms and walked towards the teaching building.

Chen Tao glanced at the magazine, shook his head unwillingly, stuffed the magazine into his arms, and followed Jin Yang's footsteps: "Let me tell you, how can you be so patient? You can hold back the magazine once you get it." dont see."


After finally arriving at noon, both of them didn't bother to get the lunch box, and took out the magazine to find the latest serial part of "Fatal Identity" without lifting their buttocks.

After a while, the people who went out to eat came back after washing their lunch boxes one after another. Jin Yang slapped the table violently and shouted: "A stroke of genius!"

"What kind of a fortune? Jin Yang, why are you so excited?"

"Scared by you, are you reading science fiction again?"

Chen Tao also looked up at Jin Yang and asked, "What's wrong?"

Jin Yang waved his hand, "It's nothing, just keep watching."

Seeing the interaction between the two of them, the others were even more interested.

They felt that there was something wrong with Jin Yang and Chen Tao recently. These two used to be indifferent to each other, but for some reason, they got closer and closer during this period of time.

Looking at the situation right now, it seems that they are still reading the same book.

"What are you looking at?" Someone asked.

Jin Yang thought for a while, and handed "Sprouting" to the man, "I just finished reading it, you can watch it for a while."

Then he took out two copies of "Sprout" from the belly of the table, "If you want to read it, start from the front. The "Fatal Identity" in it is very beautiful. Chen Tao, I'm going to eat, do you want me to bring your lunch box back?" ?”

Chen Tao waved his hand, "No, no, I'll finish it soon."

"Well, I'll go first."

Twenty or ten minutes later, Chen Tao rushed to the canteen to get a lunch box. Jin Yang had already finished his meal and was waiting for him.

"finish watching?"

Chen Tao rolled his eyes, "It's over, you beast, how can you read so fast."

Jin Yang smiled and said: "It's not that I read fast, but you read slowly. You read too many comics, and suddenly you read so many words, your reading speed must not keep up with me. The two of us have different ways and habits of receiving information, so I still want to say that comics can be read, but you can’t catch them to death, it will really affect your reading ability.”

"Let me just say you still have a prejudice against comics."

Chen Tao said something angrily, and then silently picked up the lunch box to eat. In fact, he now somewhat agrees with Jin Yang's statement.

"After reading the ending, don't you have any ideas?"

Chen Tao took two bites of rice and said, "The ending is indeed unexpected, but this kind of arrangement always feels out of touch with reasoning, more like we were deceived by the author."

"Actually not. If you review the previous plot carefully, you will find that the author has hinted at the ending in the article. Although these characters are different in age and identity, they have a lot in common. I thought these common points were the same. A metaphor or a symbolic expression, but now it seems that these are clues, clues to the ending."

Jin Yang squatted on the steps in front of the dining hall, and continued: "The reversal of the ending is very interesting, but I think this novel should not only pay attention to the reversal of the ending and the reasoning part. It brings all doubts into one At the same time, pushing to such an ending can actually arouse readers' thinking. We don't know about split personalities, but after reading the novel, we can't help but wonder how many kinds of personalities are hidden in a person's body, and how many of these personalities are there? What experiences have they been affected by. Also, the growth process of these characters has exposed many problems..."

Chen Tao was holding the lunch box, blinking his eyes. He understood some of Jin Yang's words, but he didn't understand some of them.

He used to always think that Jin Yang likes to pretend to be deep, and looks down on this and that, but in fact, he doesn't have any second-hand stuff in his stomach.But now with more and more contacts, he found that Jin Yang is really more mature than other students, and knows many things that other students don't know.

"By the way, have you watched the next game?"

Chen Tao was taken aback, "What game, there are games?"

"Yeah, there is also a gameplay attached to it, called "Werewolf Killing - Please Close Your Eyes When It's Dark". I took a rough look at it. The game process is quite complicated, and it is divided into several rounds."

"I didn't pay attention." Chen Tao scratched the back of his head, "I came out in a hurry after watching the ending. I was in a hurry to eat, and I gave them the magazine."

"It's okay, let's study it later and find a few people to try it out."

"How many people are you looking for? How many people are needed for this game?"

"It says it's the primary version, and it needs eight people."

"Isn't the premium version more expensive?"

"Who knows."


Because the ending is about to come out, this issue of "Sprout" has attracted a lot of attention. The twenty copies bought by the book stall owner at Jinyi Gate were all sold out, and some people still haven't bought them.

The first thing everyone pays attention to is who is the last murderer.

Many people are expecting that they can guess correctly, after all, the prizes are extremely rich.But the ending made them both amazed and disappointed. Who would have thought of such an ending?
No wonder the magazine is willing to set up such a generous prize, because it knows that no one can guess the ending.

"I just said, this prize is nothing to take."

When Fang Tao was researching "Werewolf Killing", a classmate walked up to him and said this, because he knew that Fang Tao had sent a letter to the magazine before and participated in the event, so it is somewhat gloating to say this now.

But Fang Tao didn't care. He raised his head and smiled, still studying the rules.

The person who spoke was embarrassed, "I didn't mention you, but this magazine is too deceitful, and it's normal if you didn't guess correctly. What are you looking at, the next game? It feels a bit complicated."

"Fortunately, I'm researching it. Let's try it out some time in the afternoon. This game was invented by Yu Dong. It should be very good."

"You, Dong is already a cult of personality. This game looks so complicated, I guess it is difficult to organize it. It requires eight people at once. It is useless for you to study the rules by yourself."

Fang Tao smiled, but did not respond. Seeing this, the other party walked away tactfully.

In the evening, Fang Tao went to the Science Fiction Association to recruit eight people to play "Werewolf".

Fang Tao is straightforward and informal, and he is very happy in the club, so when he said he wanted to play a game, everyone gave him face. In addition, the game was invented by Yu Dong, and he got together in a short time, and there were several more people. audience.

Many people have read the rules of the game, but they can't figure out the specific process. Fortunately, Fang Tao was well prepared, first explained the rules to everyone in detail, and then he acted as the judge to lead everyone to play the game.

It is inevitable that the game will stumble at the beginning, but under Fang Tao's control, the players' rhythm becomes more and more stable, and finally they can finish a game smoothly without Fang Tao deliberately reminding them.

Situations like this happen in many schools, but they are usually universities, because only universities can spare so much time and find so many people to play a werewolf game.


When other schools started to figure out how to play the game, Jinyi's werewolf killing fun group was already in full swing.

With this game, the Mystery Fiction Association has grown rapidly, and now it has nearly 100 members.Wang Hailin has been thinking about two things during this time, one is to find a school for a fixed activity classroom, and the other is to find a way to develop the Mystery Fiction Association to other schools.

In addition to this game, because of the ending of the novel "Fatal Identity" and the "Please close your eyes when it gets dark" mystery essay solicitation activity launched by "Sprout", the popularity of mystery novels has continued to increase recently.

After reading "Fatal Identity", many people started to look for other mystery novels to read.

Some people say that if you want to know how the book market is doing recently, you have to go to the bookstalls below to see which books they sell the most, which books are placed in the front, and which books are placed in the back.

But for the students of Jinyi, the book shelf in the reception room is the wind vane of the book market. As long as you see how the books on the bookshelf in the reception room are arranged, you can know which books are selling well recently, at least in a school like Jinyi. The method is practical.

But sometimes things are actually reversed. Sometimes even if a magazine sells well, as long as it can be placed on the bookshelf in the reception room, it can become popular in Jinyi.

Now that communication is underdeveloped, if students want to keep abreast of things in the literary circle, they will first go to the reception room to have a look. If they see a new book on the bookshelf, they will go to the bookstall outside to ask.

"Uncle Zhou, do me a favor, put a copy of "Star" on it for me, and I'll treat you to a drink later."

The owner of the bookstall at the gate of Jinyi ran to the reception room when there was no one in the afternoon, and begged the uncle to help him put a copy of "Star" on the bookshelf.

There was a period of time when "Stars" sold well, but these few issues he pressed a little more, and now he wants the uncle to help him do publicity and clear the inventory.

The uncle glanced at him, flipped through the notebook and said, "Look at what you said, you still want to bribe me? If you want to be on the list of gods in our concierge room, you can get on it if you want to? It must have the articles of our school's teachers and students on it. I know about the magazine "Stars", and the students in our school have not submitted any articles these days, so how can we submit it to him?"

"Accommodating, maybe it will be available in the next issue."

"There will be one in the next issue, so let's talk about it in the next issue. Let me tell you, kid, if you think of me as the kind of person who can bend the law for personal gain, then you are very wrong. Have you seen "Fatal Identity"?"

"I have seen it, I must have seen it, it is our teacher Yu's masterpiece, how can I not read it?"

"Alright, since you've read it, do you know Xu Si in the novel?"

The boss rubbed his hands, "I know, I know, it's that guy, I'm quite impressed, what's wrong with him?"

In fact, the boss didn't read the novel at all, but when Uncle Zhou asked this question, he could only follow along.

Uncle Zhou raised his head, "This Xu Si, the prototype is me, the image is called upright, impartial law enforcement, stern and selfless. So don't work on me for nothing, my tall image has been certified by Teacher Yu Yes, there is no possibility of a style problem.”

 Thanks to [GOGO Gaogao] for the 500 reward
(End of this chapter)

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