Chapter 283 Dropping in and making me feel bored
In fact, Uncle Zhou has never read "Fatal Identity". The reason why he knew Xu Si was because he had talked about this book with students before. At that time, some students speculated that Xu Si's prototype was Uncle Zhou.

In fact, the student was just making a joke, but Uncle Zhou got excited when he heard this, and he pulled the student to ask around.

Xu Si didn't have a strong presence in the novel, but seeing how excited Uncle Zhou was, the student took the initiative to beautify the character.

The descriptions of the students may be only 30.00% beautified, and Uncle Zhou himself beautified 70.00% in his mind, and a perfect image came out.


Yu Dong himself didn't have time to pay attention to the werewolf killing game, because the teacher delegation from Yan Normal University was coming these two days.

As the link connecting the two schools, he naturally had to take on the responsibility of receiving Hu Yueming and the others.

Hu Yueming and the others had a big battle this time. In addition to him, Tong Qingbing, and Yang Minru, they also brought Gu Haiyang and a few students from the Chinese Department.The reason for bringing students here is also to let them experience it in advance, maybe their working environment will be similar to Jinyi in the future.If possible, let these few students start teaching.

After Yu Dong and Bi Feiyu went to the train station to pick up Hu Yueming, the old man pulled Yu Dong aside while others were getting on the train, "Why are you two here?"

"Principal Wu originally wanted to come, but there was something wrong with the school, so he sent the two of us here." Yu Dong explained.

Hu Yueming shook his head, "That's not what I meant. Wu Changxin is the principal, so it's okay if he doesn't come to pick us up. But what about your fiancee, why didn't you bring it?"

Yu Dong said with a smile: "Teacher, you are here on business, why do you care about personal matters when you come here?"

"What business or private matter, I'm asking you now."

"She has class right now, and I'll be the host to invite everyone to dinner in the evening, and I'll take her there then."

"It's settled." Hu Yueming warned, "I came here with the mission assigned by your mistress, and I won't be able to return without seeing your fiancée this time."

"Don't worry, I'll definitely see you."

When going to eat at night, Hu Yueming saw a girl standing at the door of the restaurant from a distance, and hurriedly poked Yu Dong's arm, "Is that your fiancee?"

Yu Dong looked over there and saw that it was really Cheng Yanqiu, so he couldn't help laughing out loud, "Teacher, your eyes are really good, I haven't noticed it yet. But then again, teacher, why do you think Is she my fiancee?"

"You two look like a husband and wife." Hu Yueming laughed, and walked towards Cheng Yanqiu.

As soon as Hu Yueming arrived in front of Cheng Yanqiu, Cheng Yanqiu bent down and shouted, "Hello, teacher."

"Okay, okay." Hu Yueming said to Yu Dong with a smile, "Look, we also have a master-student face, she recognized it at a glance."

Yu Dong couldn't help curling his lips. Just now he and Hu Yueming stood together and looked at Cheng Yanqiu for a while. It would be strange if Cheng Yanqiu couldn't guess Hu Yueming's identity.

In the evening, Yu Dong was the host, Wu Changxin and Hu Changqing were on the school side, the others were the old group, and Yu Hua, who was eating and drinking, was naturally there too.

Since it was Yu Dong's treat, this meal was a private banquet, so Wu Changxin and the others didn't talk too much about business affairs, and they talked more about Yu Dong, Su Tong, and Yu Hua.

The three of them are the intersection of the two schools, they are both natal family and husband's family.

"This time we are here to see what Jin Yi looks like. Nowadays, the teachers and students of Yan Normal University are too curious about Jin Yi, and this is all thanks to the three of Yu Dong and the others."

Speaking of Jinyi, Tong Qingbing couldn't help but mention "Cucumber Garden Essays", "After the "Cucumber Garden Essays" series came out, some people in our school also published essays about Yan Normal University and Jishuitan Essays."

Hearing the Jishuitan essay, both Yu Dong and Su Tong laughed. Yan Normal University has a different name, called Jishuitan Teachers College, because Yan Normal University is located in the Jishuitan area.

In fact, many schools have other names, such as "Wudaokou Vocational and Technical College" in Tsinghua University, "SYS University" in Sun Yat-sen University, and so on.

This category says that it may be a bit abrupt for others, but it is more interesting for students.

Yang Minru smiled and said, "I taught both Yu Dong and Su Tong. At that time, Su Tong, no one doubted that he would become a writer, because at that time he often wrote novels and published them in well-known journals. Rather, Yu Dong is excellent in character and learning, with top grades, he doesn't look like he will become a writer at all."

"I understand Mr. Yang's words. Yu Dong is both excellent in character and academics, but I am confused." Su Tong said.

"It's not really muddled, anyway, I remember that you didn't pay much attention in my class."

"This is wronging me. I listen to your class most attentively in our department. After so many years, I still remember the Bo Zui you taught in class. Last time we went out to eat, we talked about it. But Bo Zui Hard to find."

"Just remember these, and forget all the professional knowledge."

Yang Minru is fat, but because of reading ancient books all the year round, she exudes a classical temperament, and even speaks with a different accent from ordinary people.

If one only looked at her appearance and condition, others would probably think that she was only in her sixties, and they would never believe that she was nearly eighty now.

When talking in private, I seldom hear her mention ancient poems, but once I drink wine, all kinds of poems and words will come out immediately.

Later, Yu Dong and the others saw what Bo Zui was.

The drunk Yang Minru, like many people after drinking, babbled on and on, but she spoke more elegantly, so that people would not be bored.

For example, at the end of the show, she pulled Cheng Yanqiu to praise him desperately.

What "clear water comes out of hibiscus, let it be carved naturally", what "hibiscus is not enough for beauty makeup, and the wind from the water palace brings pearls and emerald fragrance", and what "it looks like a river with bright moon and clouds, and its body is like the flowing waves of clear wind" are all applied to Cheng Yanqiu .

If you want to say that she is drunk, she has all kinds of poems at her fingertips, and she doesn't get stuck at all.If you want to say that she is not drunk, this state is not like a normal person.

Cheng Yanqiu didn't know how to respond to those words that praised him to the sky, so he could only support Yang Minru's arm to prevent her from falling.

Yang Minru seemed to like Cheng Yanqiu very much, and when he went to the hotel, he insisted on dragging Cheng Yanqiu to her room to talk.Originally, Yu Dong and the others were not worried about her, but it happened that she was pulling Cheng Yanqiu, so they asked Cheng Yanqiu to accompany her.

Seeing Cheng Yanqiu helping Yang Minru into the room, Hu Yueming shook his head and said, "She shouldn't be allowed to drink tonight, after all, she's old, what if something goes wrong?"

Tong Qingbing laughed: "She usually likes to drink, and you will kill her if you don't let her drink. Besides, she didn't drink much tonight, so it's okay. Others don't understand her like this, and we old friends rarely see her." Is it? If you want me to say, she is not drunk, it is more like self-hypnosis with the help of alcohol."

The idea of ​​"self-hypnosis" was deeply endorsed by Dong and the others. Teacher Yang's behavior was indeed like self-hypnosis. She seemed to want to use this method to achieve a certain state of herself.

In the modern world, those poems can no longer be used in daily life. If one or two lines of poems are always popped out when speaking in daily life, it will always make people feel pretentious.On the contrary, after drinking some wine and finding a hazy state, those things that usually seemed abnormal became normal.


The next morning, the car carrying Hu Yueming and the others stopped at the gate of Jinyi.

There is a long banner above the door, which reads: Warmly welcome the representatives of Yanjing Normal University to come to Jinling Academy of Arts to guide the work.

There were two rows of people standing under the door, including teachers and students, including Yu Dong and Bi Feiyu.

After Hu Yueming got out of the car, he was startled when he saw this situation. He held Wu Changxin's hand and sighed: "Principal Wu, if I had known that you were up to something, I wouldn't have come here. It's so exciting , isn’t it bad for the reputation of our old bones?”

Tong Qingbing also said with a smile, "Yeah, his heart can be punished."

"Misunderstood, misunderstood, and I asked someone to set up this banner. The people who came to welcome us at the door were all spontaneously organized. Our Jinyi students, among other things, are enthusiastic."

Wu Changxin didn't lie. The people at the door, except for the teachers who were arranged by the school, most of the students came to join in the fun.

Originally, these students joining in the fun were clustered here and there, and the formation was very chaotic. Yu Dong waved his hand and adjusted their formation, so it looks so orderly now.

"Welcome, welcome, warmly welcome."

"Welcome to the leadership of Yan Normal University."

"Welcome, teachers."

I don't know who started it, but all kinds of cheers broke out in the welcome team. When all these cheers came together, it sounded like three words: Chaos!
Hu Yueming heard the messy welcome, and said with a smile: "Now I believe that you didn't arrange them deliberately."

While chatting and laughing, everyone walked past the reception room. Uncle Zhou stood at attention at the door and saluted, "Welcome all the leaders of Yan Normal University to visit our school. On behalf of the reception room, I salute you all."

Uncle Zhou's set made Hu Yueming and the others dumbfounded.

"Hey, you guys are amazing at gold art, even the reception room is so energetic." Hu Yueming stretched his head to look inside, and he saw a bookshelf, "This is really... a garden full of books."

Tong Qingbing was also amazed, "Your Jin Yi is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger."

Wu Changxin knew the details of Uncle Zhou and his temperament, so he didn't think there was anything wrong.Lao Zhou is a good braggart, but he has a lively vibe about him.

Now that Jinyi is thriving in all aspects, it also needs the strength of Lao Zhou.

Moreover, Wu Changxin himself was satisfied with the layout of the reception room, so of course he wanted Hu Yueming and the others to take a look.

After passing the reception room, after a short walk, we arrived at the wishing stone.

No special introduction is needed, the sign next to the wishing stone teaches people to read carefully. Yang Minru took Cheng Yanqiu to the side of the stone and asked: "This is the wishing stone written in "Lu Xiulan", it is similar to my imagination."

Cheng Yanqiu nodded, "That's it."

"Have you ever made a wish?"

Cheng Yanqiu shook his head again, "Not yet."

"That's a pity." Yang Minru said with a smile, "I don't know if there will be a moon tonight. If there is, I will come and make a wish."

She turned to look at the Jinyi students who were watching: "Students, have you all made a wish before?"

"Promise, promise."

"Promised many times."

"As long as there is a moon, yes."

Yang Minru nodded. She looked at the stone in front of her carefully for a while, and said to Dong and the others: "This stone has listened to so many people's wishes for many years, and I am afraid that it understands people better than people."

Yu Hua smiled and said, "Teacher Yang's words are wrong. If you want to talk about listening to people's wishes, this stone is probably not as good as a bosom sister."

"Not necessarily, the complaints heard by the intimate sister are all processed. Even if it is an anonymous letter, when people know that the object of the complaint is an individual, they will make a choice. But it is different when facing a stone. , people are likely to burst out the deepest desire in their hearts.”

After hearing Yang Minru's words, everyone including Yu Hua nodded in agreement.

Wu Changxin originally wanted to urge some teachers to go to the teaching building quickly, but after seeing this scene, he gave up this idea.The so-called teaching and the so-called guidance do not necessarily take place in the classroom.

Now everyone gathers around a stone, and the masters can also pass on the Tao to the students.

Yan Normal University is a model of teachers, teaching and educating people is very worth learning from other schools.Wu Changxin invited a few of them here, not just to give them a few lectures for the students, but more importantly, to let them bring the temperament of Yan Normal University to Jinyi, so that the teachers and students of Jinyi can feel it.

Wu Changxin is not afraid of exposing Jin Yi's shortcomings, he has always maintained an open attitude, and wants Jin Yi to try his best to absorb other people's good things.


Hu Yueming and the others stayed in Jinling for several days. Before leaving, Yang Minru pulled Cheng Yanqiu and said, "If you have time, you must go to Yanshi University and go with Yu Dong."

"Yes, your mistress is thinking about seeing you," Hu Yueming said.

Cheng Yanqiu nodded, "I will definitely visit when I have the chance."

When they came, many people welcomed them, and when they left, more people came to see them off.In just a few days, Yang Minru and the others conquered the hearts of Jinyi—especially the students majoring in drama creation.

I thought they were old pedants, but I didn't expect that each class was more interesting than the other.

In particular, Yang Minru's classical literature class was so lifelike, "Bo Zui" was successfully passed from Yan Normal University to Jin Yilai.

Most of the students, who have never seen a class since they were young, can still attend like this.

In fact, Tong Qingbing also came with a mission this time.He mainly came to learn from the experience of writer-in-residence here at Jinyi, and he wanted to start the writer-in-residence program of Yan Normal University after returning.

So in the past few days, Tong Qingbing focused on observing the movements of Yu Hua, the only resident writer in Jinyi.

After some investigation, Tong Qingbing discovered that Yu Hua was free-spirited in Jinyi, visiting every day to make fun of boredom.

In the end, Tong Qingbing came to the conclusion that the writer-in-school really couldn’t just invite young writers like Yu Hua, but only those old writers to retire.

As for why Jinyi's invitation to Yu Hua was successful, in the final analysis, it was because Yu Dong and Bi Feiyu were at school.

 Added more, 8k is not easy today

(End of this chapter)

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