Chapter 284 Mars (ask for subscription, ask for monthly pass)

Jimmy went to Jinling and returned to New York after finishing his important affairs.

Regarding the network, that meeting did not discuss any results. In the end, only a network department was set up in the company and an employee was arranged in it.

This employee has no other job, and is usually responsible for paying attention to domestic news about the Internet. Whenever there is any movement, he will report to Yuyu, and Yuyu will filter the information.

After returning to New York, Jimmy began to promote "Werewolf Killing".He likes to race for time in everything he does, and it's the same now. He wants to be the first to register everything that can be registered, and promote everything that can be publicized.

In fact, before others arrived in New York, Deep Space America had already started to do these things.After he arrives, a comprehensive plan will be officially launched.

While registering the trademark, he found Dante with the English versions of "Fatal Identity" and "Resident Evil 2".

Today, Dante is no longer the manager of the commercial department, but has been promoted to the deputy general manager of the company. In this building, there are more than ten thousand people under one person.

But even though he has been promoted, Dante's attitude towards Jimmy has not changed.Today's Jimmy is very popular in the American literary circle.

And now that Jimmy came to him, the coffee he drank was getting better and better.

"I'd love to come to your place, at least good coffee."

Jimmy held a coffee cup and looked at New York City through the floor-to-ceiling windows. Dante's new office was in a better location than before, and he could see many things that he couldn't see in the previous office.

Dante made himself a cup of coffee and sat down on the sofa next to Jimmy, "Is it just for coffee today?"

"I won't drink your coffee in vain. I've brought you a manuscript."

Jimmy put down his coffee cup and took out a document bag from his briefcase, "This is YU's new novel, about reasoning, it has been published in China, and the response is very good."

Dante also put down his coffee cup, and took the manuscript from Jimmy: "Fatal Identity...Why did YU switch to writing mystery novels?"

In fact, when he heard that it was reasoning, Dante felt a little disappointed in his heart. The transformation of a writer is not easy.Although there are some writers who are able to control works of multiple themes at the same time, there are very few of them, and most of them still focus on a certain theme.

Dante's disappointment didn't show on his face, but Jimmy could still see what he was thinking.

"I told you a long time ago that YU is an all-rounder. He is actually famous for traditional literature in China. Therefore, you don't have to question whether he can handle a variety of subjects. This "Fatal Identity" has also been tested by the market, and the quality is not as good as it is." any problem."

Dante said with a smile: "Jimmy, don't get me wrong, I don't think so at all. So, I'll let someone from the editorial department come over and take a look, and I'll give you an answer after reading it, how about it?"

"Don't worry, the manuscript will stay with you, take your time."

Jimmy didn't want to play tricks with Dante now. He had reached the point where he didn't need to play tricks with Bantam, and he didn't want to waste time playing tricks.

He still has the manuscript of "Resident Evil 2" in his bag. If it was in the past, he would have used "Resident Evil 2" to help "Fatal Identity" raise the price.

But now it is different, he starts to plan more for the future.There is an old saying in China that all eggs cannot be put in one basket.

As for Jimmy, recently he is considering whether to find a basket to put eggs in, or even make a basket by himself.

With Yu Dong's current fame, publishers, large and small, will definitely flock to him as long as he throws out an olive branch.

Jimmy drank his coffee quietly, admiring the beautiful scenery outside the window, but the more he was like this, the more stressful he was. Dante hurriedly asked the head of the editorial department to come over.


The second day of the fifth lunar month.

Write on the calendar: Avoid getting married.

However, according to Yu Dong's observation, there are quite a lot of marriages today, not just Feng Ming and Wu Aiyuan.

Feng Ming and Wu Aiyuan both work, so there were many school teachers there that day.

After the meeting, Yu Dong, Bi Feiyu and Yu Hua sat at a table and ate melon seeds. Chen Hong hugged the child and joked, "Yu Dong, Yanqiu, when will you two have a drink? Look , you are at a disadvantage, everyone is a double."

Fu Jing also teased, "It's best to have a baby soon, and then the family of three will go out to drink."

"You still know how to live." Yu Dong smiled, "But we get married and have children, and none of you will be able to run away when the time comes, and you all have to give me big red envelopes."

"Speaking of the big red envelope, Jimmy's gift is too big. With 200 yuan, Lao Feng probably feels pressured." Bi Feiyu said.

Yu Dong just found out about the red envelope.

Before Jimmy returned to the United States, he met Feng Ming at school, and the two had a good relationship. They chatted about the fact that Jimmy knew that Feng Ming was going to get married, and he said that he must go when the time came. Even if he didn't go, the ceremony would definitely come.

Later, when he returned to the United States, he left a red envelope for Yu Yu, and asked Yu Yu to help him present the gift.

The boy Yu Yu is also upright, so he really agreed.

Today, when the balance came, I not only paid Jimmy's 200 yuan, but also paid 30 yuan for the ceremony.

The 230 yuan was really stressful for Feng Ming, not that the money was an astronomical figure that Feng Ming couldn't afford to pay back, but that it was difficult for these two people to pay back the gifts.One is an American, and the other is neither familiar nor related to him before.

So, even though Jimmy is a China hand, he really doesn't understand some things.He thought that 200 yuan was not too much, and he also thought it would be okay to bring a gift with the remaining amount.

The margin is the same, Jimmy is different, and he doesn't follow suit.Yu Dong didn't know about this until he arrived at the scene. It's inappropriate for Yu Dong to say anything at this moment. He can't decide to reduce Jimmy's share and drive away the rest.

Yu Hua smiled and said, "Jimmy still has an American head. So Mars is still Mars, Earth is still Earth, there is a difference."

"What about Mars?" Yu Hua was talking, when Hu Changqing ran over and sat down at the table, "Yu Hua, are you going to write science fiction too?"

Yu Hua glanced at Hu Changqing, "Old Hu, why do you always push me to write science fiction novels? Wouldn't science fiction be enough with you?"

"Don't be prejudiced against science fiction. Mr. Ren Lao She wrote "Cat City Tale" before. But if you don't write science fiction, why are you interested in Mars?"

"I'm telling you this. As an ordinary human being, don't I even have the right to care about Mars?"

The two bickered for a few words, but brought the topic to Mars.The "Cat City" mentioned by Hu Changqing just now is a science fiction novel written by Lao She in the early days. The protagonist takes a plane to explore Mars, and then the plane crashes. The protagonist discovers a cat country full of cat people.

Compared with its sci-fi nature, this novel is more satirical. It is a very yin and yang novel. As for who is yin and yang, it is a matter of opinion.

But when it comes to Mars, Hu Changqing did some research, "Maybe we can live on Mars in the future. Although the photos taken by existing probes show that Mars is dry and dusty, much like the Gobi desert, but a few years ago A meteorite suspected to have formed on Mars was found in Antarctica. Through the study of this meteorite, people discovered the carbonate material inside, and liquid water should have existed when it was formed. Also, scientists said that there were bacterial fossils in it.”

Those present here basically don’t understand astronomy, so Yu Dong knows a little bit. He followed Hu Changqing’s topic and said: “Mars is indeed the most promising planet for us to immigrate to, but its detection is still in progress. Preliminary stage. But I still hope to see humans land on Mars one day."

It's just that there is not much hope, Yu Dong added silently in his heart.He is not as optimistic as others. Regarding when humans will be able to land on Mars, he thinks it will take at least 70 to [-] years from now. How many of them will survive by then?

His rebirth can affect many things, but the impact on aerospace development may be minimal.

Hu Changqing patted his head: "Why don't we write some novels related to Mars? Recently, thinking about themes makes my head hurt. It would be nice to write about Mars."

"A novel about Mars..."

Yu Dong muttered to himself that he might not know as much about Mars as Hu Changqing, but he remembered the novel "The Martian".

To be honest, the planet Mars in the novel "The Martian" is not the most important point. To write this novel, what is needed is some general knowledge of physicochemical biology and some engineering knowledge.Looking at the whole novel, it is actually a cheerful diary of survival on a different planet. The protagonist is optimistic and positive, always able to enjoy the hardships, and has the ability to use limited resources to survive.

If I want to write a novel similar to "The Martian", what do I need to prepare?

Understand those physical chemistry and plant knowledge, understand astronomical knowledge, understand...

In fact, these things are secondary, because the author of "The Martian" paved the way for him.

And most importantly, Yu Dong needs an active, localized, and humorous protagonist.

Yu Dong suddenly looked at Yu Hua, raised his brows, isn't there one?

Then, he looked at Bi Feiyu again, there should be two of them.

If these two guys can be sent to Mars, they can definitely put on a good comedy.

"What do you think we are doing? What the hell are we planning?" Yu Hua backed away, "I've seen your eyes before, so there must be nothing good."

"Yes, there must be no good fart." Bi Feiyu nodded.

Yu Dong smiled and said, "No, you two look good."

Bi Feiyu straightened her body, "Remove the 'men'."

Yu Dong grabbed a handful of melon seeds from the plate on the table, shared some with Bi Feiyu and Yu Hua, and said, "If you were to be thrown on Mars alone, the materials would keep you alive for a year. What is an idea? What is most desired?"

Bi Feiyu took a mouthful of melon seeds, "You are really vicious."

Yu Hua thought about it seriously, narrowed her eyes and said, "What do I want...can I let someone take you to accompany me?"

"If someone can pick me up, can't they pick you up?"

"You didn't mention the conditions. What if I committed some crime and was exiled to Mars?" Yu Hua said.

Yu Dong rolled his eyes and said, "You mean you want me to go to jail with you?"

"Then what crime did he commit? No appendix crime?" Bi Feiyu teased.

"You have an appendix?" Yu Hua glanced at Bi Feiyu.

Bi Feiyu covered his stomach, "It really does."

Yu Dong shook his head. If these two people go to Mars, I don't know if they can perform a humorous comedy. They will definitely live soon.

There wasn't much time for them to discuss Mars, and the wedding reception soon began.

At this time, getting married is relatively simple. Those who don’t serve wine will get a certificate to inform their relatives and friends. Those who serve wine should dress more formally and sit down for a meal. Ordinary people’s weddings don’t have those ceremonies.

On the contrary, marriages in rural areas are more lively, with intensive procedures and various ceremonies from morning to night.

Feng Ming and the others had torn up the marriage certificate before, and the school's house was also allocated. They have been decorating the past few days, and they are waiting to move in after drinking today.

They also saw Feng Ming's parents.

Feng Ming's father was tall and dark-skinned, and his voice could be heard throughout the hall when he laughed.Feng Ming inherited more of his father's appearance, while his mother looked much smaller, standing in front of her husband, just past her shoulders.

His mother spoke in a low voice and had a kind smile on everyone she saw.The old couple came over to chat with Yu Dong and the others just now, and it can be heard that Feng Ming's mother should have received a good education and speaks very well.

After seeing Feng Ming's parents, Yu Dong and the others can easily understand why Feng Ming has a delicate heart under his rough appearance.Father's hardware and mother's software combined to form the current Feng Ming.

After dinner, the guests were coaxed to the new house. Yu Dong and the others stood in the new house for a while and then left. There were too many people and there was no place to set foot.

The key point is that Feng Ming and Wu Aiyuan were dragged by the seven aunts and eight aunts to talk, and there was no bridal chamber.

After leaving the staff apartment, Yu Dong was thinking about "The Martian".If he has a super memory and can memorize the full text, it will save trouble. The key is that he can only remember the general idea, and it takes a lot of thought to write it out.

Cheng Yanqiu looked at Yu Dong's profile and asked, "What are you thinking about?"

"I'm thinking about the old nonsense thing about Mars today."

Yu Dong smiled, looking at the double happiness stickers on the pillars downstairs in the apartment building, he felt that the whole apartment building was glowing red and full of joy against the backdrop of this pair of double happiness.

Upstairs in Feng Ming's room, he could still hear noisy voices, Yu Dong looked at Cheng Yanqiu, "Luoluo, let's get the certificate on New Year's Day."


When Yu Dong said this suddenly, Cheng Yanqiu was a little caught off guard. Didn't the previous sentence still talk about Mars?
"It's been a year since I got the certificate on New Year's Day. After I got the certificate, I went to Lao Wu to ask for a house. I wanted to decorate our wedding room well. Some household appliances have to be bought in advance, and it takes time."

Cheng Yanqiu also came to his senses at this moment, nodded slightly, "Okay, I'll tell my parents later."

 Thanks to [GOGO Gaogao] for the 500 reward
(End of this chapter)

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