Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 285 Looking for information

Chapter 285 Finding Information
Yu Dong went to the bookstore the next day to look for books about Mars, but such books were not easy to find, there were many messy popular science books.

For example, Yu Dong found a book called "Three Hundred Questions on Mars". He thought it was a serious popular science book, but he didn't expect that most of the pages in it were about the secret of the "Martian face".

In the 70s, on the photo of the surface of Mars taken by Viking 1, there was a human face with a clearly visible outline.

This book starts from the photo of "Martian Face" and tells a series of fairy tales.If you look at it as a storybook, it's quite interesting.

The key is that the word "popular science" is marked on the outside of this book, which makes people feel outrageous.

I went to the bookstore and returned without success.

After thinking about it, Yu Dong decided to call Yang Xiao.Yang Xiao is a graduate of the Aviation Academy, so she should have a good understanding of this aspect. Even if she doesn't understand, she can definitely provide Yu Dong with information, which is better than him searching everywhere by himself.

"Hi, I'm Yang Xiao."

"Sister Xiao, it's me, Yu Dong."

Hearing that it was Yu Dong, Yang Xiao was a little surprised and said, "Are you willing to call me? "Deep Space" has been serialized for so long, and I haven't seen you come to ask about it. We always look for you. A few days ago Did you receive the invitation letter I sent you?"

"Received, received."

"I haven't heard from you since I received it. Alas, the great writer Yu has become so powerful now that he doesn't like our small magazine."

Yu Dong hurriedly said: "Don't, don't, sister Xiao, it's not like you don't know the situation on my side. Take it easy during the winter and summer vacations, and you are very busy at other times. This summer, I will go to Rongcheng to make an apology to you face to face, okay?" Bar?"

"I'm just joking with you." Yang Xiao said with a smile, "Speaking of the Galaxy Award, I have to make it clear to you in advance that there is no award for you this year because you didn't have a work last year. "Deep Space" is considered this year. We will have to wait until next year to judge the awards. Of course, this time we invite you here not just to watch, we will arrange for you to be an award presenter, and you will work hard when the time comes."

"It's easy to say, no problem. I'm a little more relaxed, and I don't have to think about my acceptance speech."

"That proves that our relationship hasn't faded yet. By the way, what are you talking about on the phone, isn't it just for the invitation letter?" Yang Xiao asked.

"No, I have a favor and I want to ask Miss Xiao for your help."

"What are you busy with?"

"I'm preparing a novel about Mars recently, but unfortunately, I don't have some information. Sister Xiao, you are a science and engineering student, and you should know more about it. I can only ask you for help after deliberation. gone."

After hearing Yu Dong's words, Yang Xiao was overjoyed: "This is a good thing! Let me just say, you haven't been doing much in science fiction recently, and I won't talk about the literary circle, and you even went to write Mystery novel. Now let me describe to you my true feelings some time ago, that is, I dare not speak out. Now it’s all right, you take the initiative to write. Tell me, what information do you want? There are a lot of information about Mars, specifically What aspects?"

"I need……"

Before Yu Dong could start talking, Yang Xiao said again, "I can't explain clearly on the phone, how about this, you list out the requirements, and then go to the Deep Space Company to use their fax machine to send the requirements to us .”


Yu Dong nodded, he also thought the idea was good.But "Science Fiction World" is indeed much richer now, and can even afford a fax machine, and now a fax machine is much more expensive than a computer.

"I have another suggestion." Yang Xiao said again, "Since you want to write a novel about Mars, why don't you give readers a warm-up in advance. I'll help you make an advertisement in the magazine, saying that you urgently need to follow For scientific information related to Mars, enthusiastic readers can provide information if they are willing."

"Let readers provide information?" Yu Dong raised his eyebrows. Why does this sound so similar to what Jimmy would say?
"That's right, it kills two birds with one stone. It not only promotes your work in advance, but also obtains the information you want."

In fact, for "Science Fiction World", killing two birds with one stone, if Yu Dong really agrees to Yang Xiao's proposal, then Yu Dong's new book that hasn't come out will basically be tied to "Science Fiction World". If there is no accident in the future, it will be published in "Science Fiction World".

Moreover, the interstellar topic is still going on. It has experienced two waves of high popularity before, and the popularity of this topic has recently decreased.If the magazine now releases rumors that Yu Dong is going to write a novel related to Mars, it will definitely stimulate the market and give a boost to the interstellar topic.

Yu Dong could probably guess what Yang Xiao was thinking, but he really needed information, and with his relationship with Yang Xiao, there was no problem with this cooperation.

That being the case, he nodded in agreement, "Okay, then I will trouble you, Sister Xiao."

"What's the trouble? It's my duty. Remember to send the list as soon as possible so that I can prepare the materials for you. I will ask some friends from the Science and Technology Association to help you collect them."

The two chatted for a few words and then hung up the phone. Yu Dong listed the things he wanted on the paper one by one, not only related to Mars, but also some other knowledge involved in the novel.

In this random list, several pages are listed, ranging from the topography of Mars to the working principle of the space toilet, as long as Yu Dong can think of it, they are all listed.


After the list was passed to Yang Xiao, all Yu Dong had to do was wait.

Just wait, he has other things to do these two days.

The day after tomorrow is the Dragon Boat Festival, and Yu Dong is going to Cheng Yanqiu's house to send the festival off. Although he is not married yet, this is the first festival after the engagement, and Yu Dong needs to take it seriously.

In fact, it's also simple. The Cheng family doesn't pay much attention to it, and there are no five or six ways to say it.

Yu Dong had already asked Yu Yue to send someone to help him buy things, two boxes of health care products, and one box of Jiannanchun.Before Jimmy wanted to send an assistant to Yu Dong, he said he didn't need it, but when something happened, he was unambiguous about using someone.

If someone else does everything for him, he will become lazier and lazier. Yu Dong is the same now. Sometimes when he encounters some errands, he will think of asking Yu Yu to send someone to help him.

But in other words, there is no way to ask others to do some things for him. He is really busy, busy teaching, busy writing books, and busy dating Cheng Yanqiu.

The day before the holiday, his mother made a special phone call to Yu Dong and told him over and over again not to lose etiquette when he went to his father-in-law's house, and he must bring enough gifts.It wasn't until Dong told her mother about everything she wanted to bring that she felt relieved.


"Come on, let's eat zongzi. I know you like meat zongzi, so I made it specially for you."

Yu Dong entered the house, and as soon as his butt fell on the chair, Chen Yuqing came over with a plate of rice dumplings.

"Don't eat too much, have lunch right away."

Chen Yuqing gave another instruction, and then took her daughter to the kitchen.Ever since Cheng Yanqiu got together with Yu Dong, Chen Yuqing's demands on her have increased a lot, especially in cooking.

Cheng Yanqiu is also very interested in cooking now, one is willing to teach, and the other is willing to learn. During this time, Cheng Yanqiu's cooking skills have indeed improved a lot.

After the mother and daughter entered the kitchen, Cheng Liye asked Yu Dong with a smile, "I heard from Luoluo, are you going to get the certificate on New Year's Day?"

Yu Dong was about to peel the zongzi, and when he heard his father-in-law's question, he put down the zongzi and nodded in response: "I suggested it, and we will definitely live in the school often after we get married, so I want to get the house assigned by the school in advance and decorate it early Let’s take a look. The furniture and electrical appliances are easy to get, but it takes time to decorate.”

Cheng Liye said with a look of relief: "After Luoluo came back, she told us what you thought, and her mother and I both thought it was very good. Although she is not married yet, it is definitely right to think a little bit more. But after hearing what you said, it seems Still want to find a house outside?"

"Well, with this plan, the school's house is still a bit small. It's okay to squeeze it now, but it will definitely be inconvenient in the future."

As soon as Yu Dong finished speaking, his mother-in-law came out of the kitchen and said with a smile, "Yu Dong's idea is not bad. If you and Luoluo raise children in the future, the place will be too small. But you have to be careful when looking for a house." The location should not be too far from the school, or it will be inconvenient. You can buy the house yourself, and her father and I won’t care about it, but after the house is bought, let’s get the furniture and appliances.”

"Do not……"

"Don't rush to refuse, we know that you are not under financial pressure, but as Luoluo's parents, this is what we should do. Of course, I don't want to hinder you, and I will directly give you the money to buy furniture and appliances .It doesn’t matter if you buy good or bad ones, if you buy more, you keep it for yourself, and if you don’t, you post it yourself.”

Chen Yuqing spoke very firmly, and Yu Dong couldn't refuse, so he could only nod, "Then thank you, the elder."

"Well, let's eat zongzi."

Chen Yuqing waved her hand, then turned and went back to the kitchen.

Cheng Liye said with a smile, "Your aunt has a bad temper, Luoluo is like her mother, you have to take care of her in the future."

Yu Dong shook his head, "It's not a shortcoming, I don't need to worry about it."

"Oh?" Cheng Liye raised his eyebrows, "You still can talk."

In fact, the old couple should be rich, and their family background is well-off, and they haven't spent too much money in these years.Now after the salary reform, Cheng Liye would have a few hundred yuan a month at least, and the couple would add up to 2000 yuan.

This kind of income is very high in Jinling as a whole.

Yu Dong's salary has also increased a lot this year, but he usually doesn't pay attention to it, so he doesn't know exactly how much it has increased, about two hundred yuan.

The money he usually spends now is still earned from buying subscription certificates before, as well as his manuscript fees and copyright fees. The company has earned a lot of money over the past year, but there has been no dividends, and they are all transferred in the account.

Last year, Yu Dong was going to give Jimmy a dividend, but Jimmy refused.He believes that there are many places where the company spends money, and rushing to pay dividends is not conducive to the operation of the company.

Jimmy really can't spend much money now. Although he has no salary, all his expenses can be reimbursed through the company as long as they are not excessive.

In fact, Jimmy was also somewhat influenced by Dong. In Jimmy's opinion, compared to Dong's net worth, his life was a bit too simple, and the money he spent on himself throughout the year was not even comparable to other teachers in the school.

Not to mention other places, but in Jinling City alone, there might not be many people who are richer than Yu Dong, let alone someone as simple as him.

But it's not that Yu Dong has no desires, it's just that in his opinion, there is really no place to spend money.He doesn't buy things because he has money, he only buys things because he needs them.

For example, he asked Jimmy to inquire about the garden before. Although this kind of house must be expensive, he thinks it is useful to him, so he will not save the money.

Spending money is usually a happy thing, but you must also pay attention to the method, otherwise you will lose your happiness because of spending money sooner or later.


If Cheng Liye was dissatisfied with his son-in-law at one point, it might be his drinking capacity.

He even gave Yu Dong a nickname, Yu San Liang, because Yu Dong only drank San Liang at most each time.

After Yu Dong and the others left, Chen Yuqing closed the door and scolded her husband, "You, you, who would call their son-in-law a nickname, and make people laugh when they tell it."

Cheng Liye laughed, "It's okay, it's okay, don't worry, no one will laugh at you. Yu Dong is a really good kid, not to mention wealth and talent, but his attitude towards life alone is worthy of praise. To be honest , Before, when I knew that Luoluo was with Yu Dongchu, I was also conflicted. Of course it is a good thing that my son-in-law is a great literati, but many literati always have problems in thinking, too romantic and too free."

"You can't say that. The last time I saw Bi Feiyu and Yu Hua, they seemed to be pretty good, just like ordinary people."

"It depends on the situation. Yu Hua is much better now. A few years ago, you didn't have to meet this person. Just by looking at his works, you can tell that his eyebrows are all up."

"I think it's all good anyway."


After lunch, Chen Tao slipped out of the house on his bicycle.

All the way to the south gate of Yuhuatai, Chen Tao covered the sun with his hands and patrolled around, and found Jin Yang sitting on the steps, but he was the only one.

Chen Tao ran over, frowned and said, "Why are you the only one, and the others?"

Jin Yang was reading with a book, and looked up at Chen Tao, "It's still early, we have to wait a while."

"All right." Chen Tao sat down beside Jin Yang, stretched his head to look at the book in Jin Yang's hand, "You are not afraid of hurting your eyes with such a bright sun."

"I'm afraid, so I cover it with my hands."

Chen Tao curled his lips, "I'm so tired from reading like this, why don't you find a shady place to stay?"

"I'm afraid that later people won't be able to find it."

Chen Tao wiped the sweat from his forehead, looked at Jin Yang again, and closed Jin Yang's book with his hand, "Don't read it here, go find a cool place to stay, I will guard here, I promise not Let the people behind go to the air."

Jin Yang looked at Chen Tao with an imperceptible smile in his eyes, then nodded and said, "Okay."

 During this period of time, I am going to make up all the updates I owed before, and today it is still 8k
(End of this chapter)

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