Chapter 286
After Jin Yang left for a while, he came back again, with two popsicles in his hand besides the book.

The two of them squatted on the stone steps with a popsicle stick, looking in the direction of the south gate.

"Tell me, will someone release pigeons today? Take the two of us, this time there will be only nine of us. If someone misses the appointment, we will stare blankly."

Eating popsicles made his body cool down a lot, but as the appointed time got closer, Chen Tao's heart became more and more dry.

"It's a holiday today. It's not easy to come out. There is a high possibility that someone will miss the appointment." Jin Yang said with a smile.

Chen Tao tilted his head and glanced at Jin Yang, "Why are you in no hurry?"

"Because it's useless to rush."

Chen Tao sighed and shook his head. He knew it was useless to be anxious, but how could he control it?

Ants on a hot pan, even if they know they can't escape, they still have to rub their feet.

"Do you have an idea?" Chen Tao asked again.

Jin Yang nodded: "Actually, when I called them, I knew there might be problems. There were exactly nine of them. It's normal for someone to lose the chain. But we don't have to play with the classmates in the class, we can also find other people. I was just now After wandering around for a while, there were quite a few students who were about our age playing chess, leather painting, or marbles, and they were very bored."

"You mean, how many passers-by should we recruit to make up the number?"

"It's not just charging, it's about developing the masses and expanding its influence. Didn't you hear that Jin Yi has set up a werewolf killing interest group, and you also want to set up a game club? I think you shouldn't just focus on our class , we can open the game club outside."

Having said that, Jin Yang stood up and turned around, pointing to the back of the park and said, "I've thought about it carefully, Yuhuatai can be our base, it's a big place and there are many students, so we can let it go. There is also the name of the club. It is not good to be known by teachers and parents if it is called the game club, it is better to call it the reasoning club, even if it is known, there will be no big problem."

Chen Tao looked up at Jin Yang, blinking his eyes, "You think so much? But aren't you afraid of delaying your studies?"

"You can't delay your studies, just control your time. During the holidays, we will make an appointment to come and play together for a while. This game requires brains. It's better than being in a daze at home."

Chen Tao scratched his head, "I didn't think so much, I just wanted to help my brother-in-law promote the publicity. When I saw him last time, I was full of praise."

Jin Yang walked over and patted Chen Tao on the shoulder: "It's okay, I will help you."

Chen Tao was quite moved, and held Jin Yang's hand tightly, "Good brother."

When he let go of his hand, Jin Yang had an extra popsicle stick in his hand.


Chen Tao and Jin Yang waited for another half an hour, and five people came one after another.

"It seems that brothers Tian Xuyang and Tian Lei won't be able to come." Chen Tao sighed.

Jin Yang smiled and said, "Don't wait for them, let's go in and find a place to play games."

Chen Tao was a little apprehensive about inviting strangers to participate in the game, but seeing Jin Yang's confidence made him feel more at ease.

What happened later, Jin Yang solved it by himself without the need for other people to come forward.

Before, Chen Tao and the others thought that Jin Yang had a problem with his communication skills. He was usually a loner, and he didn't see him actively talking to others.

But he was able to run to chat with those strangers, and they had a good chat.Chen Tao asked himself, he must not be able to do this, how embarrassing it is.

So, it's not that Jin Yang has poor social skills, it's just that he doesn't care about his classmates at ordinary times.After thinking this through, Chen Tao was angry and laughed at the same time.

In the end, the task of pulling the head was overfulfilled, Jin Yang pulled four people, and there were eleven people on both sides.

The game requires eight players and one judge, so there are two more spectators.

But everyone doesn't care about being a substitute, because they are not familiar with the game, and it's good to watch others play first.

Because Jin Yang is most familiar with the game flow, he will be the judge and control the rhythm.

The Werewolf Killing game is still a bit too difficult for junior high school students. The first two rounds were not played smoothly, and some people even started to retreat, thinking that this game is too difficult, and it is better to play something simple, such as marbles.

But it was suppressed by Chen Tao.

Compared with Jin Yang, Chen Tao has this advantage. He mixes very well in the class, no matter whether he is a good student or a poor student, he can play together.In other words, Chen Tao has a mass base.

If it wasn't for Chen Tao, even these few people wouldn't be able to get here today. After all, it's a holiday today, and many people wouldn't be able to get out.

As the game continued and everyone became more and more familiar with the game, they discovered the fun of the game.

Although they still played very well, the process was not very smooth.But the charm of this kind of group social game is not comparable to that of marbles, and the excitement it brings is also something they have never seen before.

After playing for more than an hour, Jin Yang asked Chen Tao to be the judge, and he ran to the side with a notebook to record something.

After the game in the afternoon, Chen Tao came to Jin Yang and found that he had already recorded several pages.

"What are these?" Chen Tao asked.

"There are three things, the first is the technical statistics of the students present, the second is some game skills I have summed up after playing the game for this period of time, and the third is the preliminary plan for the organizational structure of our reasoning club in the future .”

Chen Tao looked at Jin Yang in disbelief, "You made so many things in such a short time?"

Jin Yang shook his head, "Not much, I was thinking about the game skills before, but after seeing so many actual battles today, it became clearer. I have thought about the organizational structure of the reasoning agency for a long time, but now we need Based on the existing personnel, it has been refined. Only the player's technical statistics are a little more troublesome, but I only made a rough estimate, and I have to add it later."

"That's right." Jin Yang said again, "If we want to ensure the enthusiasm of the members, it's useless to rely on us to shout. We need to establish a ranking system. Behind."

"It's easy to do. If you win a game, you can add a few points, and if you lose a game, you can lose a few points."

"It's not that simple. It's like a boxing match. Experts compete with novices. The novices won't get the same points as the experts."

"Then why don't the masters and the inferiors compete together? Separate them."

"It's okay to have more people in the future, but now there are only a few people, how do you divide it? Okay, let's take this matter slowly, and do as you said first. By the way, I named our reasoning agency, called Yuhua Reasoning Agency, what do you think?"

"Very well, I'll go talk to them."

Chen Tao walked up to the others, beckoned them together, and said with a smile, "I tell you a good news, our Yuhua Reasoning Club has been officially established, mainly for playing games and reading books. Everyone volunteers to join, and is willing to join us." Hands up for joining."

Several students in the same class as Chen Tao raised their hands, and the new friends who had been drawn before looked at each other, and one of them asked, "Can we join too?"

"Of course, our reasoning society is open to all rivers, and we welcome anyone who is willing to join."

After Chen Tao finished speaking, those four people also raised their hands.

Students are particularly keen on joining an organization. There are many primary and secondary schools that like to form gangs, such as Baguamen, Thirteen Taibao, and Honghuahui.

In fact, most of them don't know what it means for Jin Yang and the others to establish this reasoning club, and they don't think about what will happen in the future. They only know that it's good for everyone to gather together to play games.


A week after the Dragon Boat Festival, when Yu Dong came back from the outside, Uncle Zhou stopped him with a smile, "There is a package from Rongcheng, probably a letter sent by readers to "Science Fiction World."

This is not the first time this kind of thing has happened, not only "Science Fiction World", but also "Harvest" and "Contemporary" have also sent packages, which are all letters from readers to Yu Dong, and each time it is a big package.

"But this time it doesn't seem to be as much as last time." Uncle Zhou muttered again.

Yu Dong knew that the package probably wasn't a reader's letter, so he picked up the package with a smile, "It's not popular recently."

Uncle Zhou said sternly, "How is this possible? It's probably because their magazine office missed the arrangement. It may also be that their magazine office is concerned about the postage. The heavier the package, the higher the postage fee."

Yu Dong smiled, and he just made a joke, but he didn't expect Lao Zhou to take it seriously.

"Let's go, Uncle Zhou."

Uncle Zhou nodded, and after Yu Dong had walked for a while, he still shouted from behind, "Teacher Yu, come on."

Maybe it was Uncle Zhou's cheers that helped, and Yu Dong quickened his pace.

When he arrived at the dormitory, he opened the package. As expected, it was not a letter, but a document sent by Yang Xiao.

This material is not small, and Yu Dong was quite tired carrying it back to the dormitory from the door.

Inside the package were documents, books, and even handwritten manuscripts.

While browsing the information, he called Yang Xiao.

After the call was connected, Yang Xiao smiled and said, "Have you received the information?"

"Well, I received it. I didn't expect there to be a manuscript."

"You are blessed, the manuscripts are all written now. I took your list to the seniors of the Association for Science and Technology. After reading it, they said that many things are not difficult. There is no need to spend time looking for information, and the efficiency is low, so I will give it to you. I wrote the solution by hand," Yang Xiao said.

Hearing what Yang Xiao said, Yu Dong felt that he was lucky, and at the same time, he was grateful to Yang Xiao and the seniors of the Association for Science and Technology.

"Next time I have a chance, I must thank those teachers in person."

Yang Xiao laughed, "I thanked you for your help. Actually, I heard that you are going to write a novel about Mars, and they are quite willing to support it. Mr. Kang also knew about this, and he was very pleased. He even asked me to write a novel about Mars. You have a word, if you want to write, you have to write more rigorously. Literary and artistic creation can indeed be exaggerated, but you can’t go against common sense. You have a great influence now and you need to set an example. He also praised you, and the previous "Deep Space" wrote It’s very good, the scientific knowledge has been worked hard, and some bold imaginations have also been carried out.”

"I will definitely remember Mr. Kang's words."

"Okay, I'll hang up if there's nothing else to do. Hurry up and conceive your new book. I hope that when I see you next month, I can hear your thoughts and even see your manuscript."

"That's probably a bit difficult."

There is only one month left before the Galaxy Awards ceremony, and there are still so many materials to read, it is impossible to complete it in one month.

Besides, it's the end of the semester, and the school work is also busy.Wu Changxin tried his best to avoid Yu Dong when arranging his work, but he still couldn't escape those basic jobs that belonged to Yu Dong.

Originally, Yu Dong wanted to take Cheng Yanqiu to Rongcheng to participate in the Yinhe Awards for a while, but Cheng Yanqiu's former teacher called her two days ago and asked her to go to the art festival to help.So she will go to her alma mater in these two days, and then meet with the teachers and rush to Gan Province.

This trip will be until the end of August, because the music festival lasts for ten days, starting from August 28th and ending on August [-]th.

The two also agreed that Yu Dong would go to Gan Province to find her after finishing his business in Rongcheng.

Yu Dong was worried that she would take the train alone, so he arranged for a car to take her directly to Yanjing.

Before Cheng Yanqiu left, Yu Dong gave her a mobile phone, "I also bought one, the number is pasted on the back of your mobile phone, call me anytime if you have anything to do. Don't worry about the phone bill, I'll charge it for you. "

"I can't afford the mobile phone, can I still afford the phone bill?" Cheng Yanqiu accepted the phone with a smile, "After you have participated in the Galaxy Awards, you must hurry to find me."

Yu Dong nodded, "Definitely."


After sending Cheng Yanqiu away, Yu Dong became busy. Every day was work, work, work, without any free time.

Fortunately, the content of the work is different, so I can change my mind. Although I am a little busy, I don't feel tired.

On the contrary, Yu Hua and the others expressed that they were very tired, because every time they came to play with Yu Dong, they would be turned away.

Sometimes Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu came to look for Yu Dong together. Seeing that he was reading the materials seriously, they didn't disturb him. Instead, they squatted at the door of the East room, talking about the mountains with a cigarette in their mouths, and waited until the two cigarettes were finished. Seeing that Yu Dong hadn't finished his work, they left by themselves.

Sometimes, they would leave a note for Yu Dong.

It usually says something like "Come here" or "I'm busy, don't bother me".

In fact, every time they came over, Yu Dong knew and just ignored them on purpose.They also knew that Yu Dong was deliberately ignoring them, so they left a note to express their displeasure.

Of course, when the school was at its busiest, Yu Hua was the only idler left, because Bi Feiyu was also very busy.

He was alone and had nowhere to go, so he could only run to Su Tong in the end.

Su Tong was quite welcoming at first, but after Yu Hua went to smoke cigarettes every day, Su Tong couldn't stand it anymore, so he said, "If you have the time, why don't you go back and write manuscripts, or take the children with you."

Later, Yu Hua stopped looking for Su Tong, and told Bi Feiyu that Su Tong didn't know how to flatter him.




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(End of this chapter)

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