Chapter 287 Mars is really hot (add more, ask for subscription, ask for monthly pass)
At the end of May, a new issue of "Science Fiction World" was launched.

As usual, most readers find the latest "Deep Space" and read it first, and then read other articles. However, after the end of "Deep Space" this time, readers found a paragraph attached to it.

The content of this passage probably means that Yu Dong is preparing to write a novel about Mars in the near future, but there is a lack of information, and enthusiastic readers are invited to provide information.Readers who want to provide materials can sort out the materials and send them to the magazine.

"Mars? Good Mars!"

"Where is Mars?"

"Mars is the planet most likely to emigrate that we have learned so far. Yu Dong won't write about our emigration?"

"Maybe it's a disaster movie, and then people from all over the world immigrate to Mars."

As soon as this issue of Science Fiction World came out, discussions about Mars arose.

In fact, not every reader of "Science Fiction World" knows about Mars, and most of them have a superficial understanding of Mars.So after reading this issue of the magazine, there are not many people who can provide information, but more people are interested in Mars.

The books about Mars in the bookstore are suddenly no longer uninterested, and there is an extra topic of Mars in the usual discussion.

What kind of planet is Mars, so that Yu Dong wants to write a novel for it?

At first, the topic of Mars was only circulated among science fiction fans, but gradually, passers-by discovered that more and more people seemed to be discussing Mars.

Why are so many people talking about Mars?

Did something happen to Mars?

Some people say that Mars is the most likely planet for immigration.

Later it became that people on Earth have the hope of immigrating to Mars.

Later, it became that we might have to immigrate to Mars.

Over the years, the topic of immigrating to alien planets has never stopped. Especially in the past few years, there have always been various news that human beings are going to leave the earth. Although they are all false news, they still remain in people's minds.

Sparks caught fire and became real Mars.

Even Yang Xiao didn't expect that she just wanted to promote Yu Dong's new book, and tied Yu Dong's new book with a magazine by the way, but she didn't expect to arouse people's interest in Mars all of a sudden.

The magazine has also received many letters from readers, many of which are about Mars, but there are very few useful materials, and most of them are asking about the direction of Yu Dong's new book.

What's even more outrageous is that some readers became interested in Mars because of the content of the new issue, but they couldn't find any information about Mars in the bookstore, so they wrote to ask the magazine if they could send some information for them to study.

When Tan Kai showed the letter to Yang Xiao, Yang Xiao almost lost his smile.

These readers are all talents.Obviously they were collecting materials, but they turned to the magazine to ask for materials.

But this made Yang Xiao think of a good idea.

The main purpose of her proposal to collect information from readers is to bind Yu Dongxin's book. As for whether the information can be collected, she has no hope at all.

Just imagine, no matter how good the readers are, can they be as good as the teachers of the Association for Science and Technology?Therefore, even if readers provide information, it is not as good as that provided by the Association for Science and Technology.

Now that everyone has developed a strong interest in Mars, she changed her mind and decided to open a column on Mars to give readers knowledge about Mars.

In this way, they can take back the popularity they created, and this kind of popular science knowledge can also add some image points to their magazine.

Didn't some people say that science fiction is bad?That's fine, we will also do the science popularization by the way.

It is not that the magazine has not done popular science content before, but the space is small, the content is small, and the work is not serious, and sometimes there are even fallacies.

So this time Yang Xiao decided to take science popularization seriously, not only rigorously, but also interestingly.

It is best to combine it with the more popular novels nowadays.

Yu Dong's new book hasn't come out yet, so it doesn't matter, isn't "Deep Space" being serialized? "Deep Space" involves so much scientific knowledge, and there are too many popular sciences.

Black holes and wormholes can be used to talk about it, and we will start popularizing science after the knowledge of Mars is finished.

It won't be too troublesome, just go to the teachers of the Science and Technology Association for help, and this kind of article will come out easily.


Not two days after Yu Dong returned to Shanghai, Wu Changxin called him.

When receiving the call from Wu Changxin, Yu Dong was still a little surprised, wondering if there was something unfinished at the school, but he did not expect Wu Changxin to tell him that Zhu Jianying, the principal of Jinling University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, sent someone to send a document. It's about Mars.

"There are quite a lot of information. I weighed it and it weighed more than ten catties." Wu Changxin said excitedly, "He called and asked me if you need information on Mars, but I was confused. After listening to his explanation I just found out that you posted news on "Science Fiction World". It made me feel embarrassed, but I don't know about you clearly before him. "

Yu Dong smiled and said, "It's the news from "Science Fiction World" president Yang Xiao. I just didn't expect this to alarm Jinhang."

"I didn't expect that. He was quite enthusiastic. He said that if you need anything else, just tell them, and they will definitely help. Yu Dong, I think so. He is so enthusiastic. Let's thank each other anyway. If you have time, you can call Give Principal Zhu a call to express your thanks."

"this is necessary."

Not only that, Yu Dong is going to write a thank you letter in front of the novel, thanking all the units that provided the information this time, and if the materials sent by their school can be used, they will also be added to the thank you letter at that time.

"Okay, I'll report his phone number to you, and you can write it down."

"Well, I'm looking for a pen and paper."

After remembering Zhu Jianying's phone number, Yu Dong told Wu Changxin to ask him to help send the information given by Jinhang to Shanghai, and then the two chatted for a few words before hanging up.

After chatting with Wu Changxin, Yu Dong called Zhu Jianying.

Hearing that it was Yu Dong, Zhu Jianying was very happy, and told Yu Dong what materials he needed, just feel free to mention it, and invited Yu Dong to visit their school when he had time when the term started.

"I'm very happy to help you. I know that for the popularization of scientific knowledge, no matter how much research we do here, it will not be as useful as you write a novel. Only by doing a good job in popularizing scientific knowledge will there be more Only when more people are willing to devote themselves to this industry can a school like ours exist.”

Zhu Jianying spoke very modestly, and of course Yu Dong couldn't be complacent, "Principal Zhu is overrated. The key to the development of science lies in the efforts of you professionals. As literary and art workers, we are very satisfied to contribute a little bit. And, without your efforts, our novels would not have been written."

"Haha, let's stop talking politely. When your new book comes out, I will definitely buy a copy."

"Principal Zhu, if you want to read it, I'll give you a few copies then."

"That's daring."


"You and Yanqiu should come back early. Brother Jiang is getting married on the fifth day of August, and you two will be there then."

Before Yu Dong set off for Rongcheng, his mother told him something.

"What month is the fifth day of August in the Gregorian calendar?" Yu Dong asked.

"Did not notice."

Yu Dong went to find the calendar and looked it up. When he saw the date, he said, "Brother Jiang is really good at picking dates. The fifth day of August happens to be September [-]th, Teacher's Day."

"Is it okay to ask for leave?"

"should be no problem."

Every year, the school holds a meeting on Teacher's Day, but usually the meeting has little to do with Yu Dong and the others, so it shouldn't be too difficult to ask for leave.

Qin Fang nodded, and said, "Also, after you finished your work in Rongcheng, you hurried to find Yanqiu. The climate in the northwest is not good, and she must not be used to it as a girl in the past. You should go there early and take care of her. "

Yu Dong smiled and said, "She is going to participate in the art festival, not going to the countryside, but also in the city. Besides, your daughter-in-law is not that delicate."

Qin Fang rolled her eyelids, "You just need to tell me this, don't say it to Yan Qiu's face. That's all right, hurry up, you won't be able to catch the bus."

Yu Dong was pushed out of the house by his mother.

When he arrived in Rongcheng, Hu Changqing and his group had already arrived, as well as Jimmy.

For this Galaxy Awards, Jimmy made a special trip back.Another thing is that recently, some well-known sci-fi writers have been approached by people from "The King of Science Fiction", and of course all of Jimmy's writers have declined.

"The King of Science Fiction" is almost ready to be released in September. Recently, they are short of works, so they want to find some authors.

As far as Jimmy knows, several authors have already agreed to "The King of Science Fiction" and are ready to contribute.Of course, none of these authors are very famous, and they are even worse than Hu Changqing.

When Jimmy came here this time, he also wanted to chat with the authors under him to see how to deal with this matter.

As soon as Yu Dong arrived, everyone ran to his room.

This year's standard is higher than previous years. Each author lives in a single room, and the rooms are quite spacious, so it's not too crowded for a few of them to come.

The two young men, He Hongwei and Yang Peng, were still so lively. When they came in, they would be called by senior brother and brother Dong, but they were not polite. They would sit on the stool if they had one, or sit on the window sill if they didn't have one.

"I heard from Xiao Li that this year's award ceremony will be more grand, and there will be a TV station to record the video, and there will be many reporters here." Yang Peng said.

Jimmy nodded and said, "It's like this. The preparations for this year are really good. And there will be a meeting at that time, some readers will come to participate, and you will sign autographs on the spot. But this is not mandatory, see when the time comes You volunteer."

"Of course I would." He Hongwei smiled, "I've always wanted to hold a book signing, but I just didn't have the chance. What about you, Yang Peng?"

"Me too." Yang Peng nodded.

Jimmy smiled and said, "There will be a signing event sooner or later. After this year's Galaxy Awards, the company will start to promote you guys systematically. But you'd better write a few novels, publish a single volume, and collect them It’s still not as good as a long story.”

Several authors nodded. Jimmy had told them about this a long time ago, and they were all considering writing novels, for example, Hu Changqing and Wang Jingkang had already started writing.

"There is another one. In the autumn, I plan to organize a meeting for science fiction fans in Jinling. You can go there when you have time. Jinling has a strong science fiction atmosphere now, because there is a science fiction association, and many college students like science fiction very much. ’ said Jimmy again.

The two young men Yang Peng and He Hongwei immediately agreed that Hu Changqing was in Jinling. Of course, they also said that there was no problem. Only Wang Jingkang might be in trouble. He is in the factory and is very busy with work, so he may not be able to leave. It is not yet certain .

In fact, the reason why Jimmy wanted to hold this sci-fi fan meeting was also to prepare for the new building in the future.

After the building is completed, it is impossible to just use it as the company's office, and some activities will inevitably be held.Jimmy has already figured it out. When the time comes, make room for a sci-fi theme pavilion, which can often hold some sci-fi exhibitions.

Jimmy has always believed that cultural products must be made into a cultural chain so that their influence can last forever.Now their company has no shortage of people, no shortage of works, as long as it works well, it will definitely be produced.

He is still working on one thing recently, which is to select some suitable works from these authors, adapt them, and then make them into a series of science fiction sketches.The cost is not high, but as long as you do it with your heart, the effect will definitely come out.

For example, for the "Alien Monkey" written by Hu Changqing before, Jimmy has already written the script by hand, and the filming can't be too long. It's no problem to make a version of two or three 10 minutes.The works he selected all have a characteristic, the plot is relatively simple, the drama is strong, and it is best to have a reversal.

When the series is ready, sell it if you can. If you can't sell it, the big deal is to spend some money to find a TV station to show it.With his current relationship in the United States, this matter is not difficult to handle.

"In the future, you will have more and more activities, first at home, and later you may go abroad."

"Overseas?" He Hongwei's eyes lit up, "Can our works go abroad?"

Jimmy curled his lips and said, "Look at your worthless appearance, what's the big deal if your work goes abroad? Even if you don't believe in yourself, you have to believe in me. You have to remember that you are no worse than any other country's science fiction authors. The difference is It’s because your channels are different. Many American science fiction writers are not living as well as you. Be bold, maybe you can win a Nebula Award and a Hugo Award in the future.”

"I really dare not think about it." He Hongwei sighed, "Brother Dong's "Second World" is not even nominated."

"Don't worry, there will be. If they don't give it for a few years, they won't be able to continue this award."

What Jimmy said made He Hongwei and the others a little unbelievable, as if in Jimmy's eyes, the Hugo Award and the Nebula Award were nothing at all.

Of course, the results and reputation of "Second World" are here, and Jimmy's words are not sour.




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