Chapter 288 I Picked Up a Cow (Please Subscribe, Ask for a Monthly Pass)

"By the way, Senior Brother, how is your new book? Everyone is very concerned about it recently."

Yang Peng suddenly talked about Yu Dong's new book, and everyone else read it.

Now everyone knows that Yu Dong is going to open a new book, and it's about Mars.

"Still thinking about it, not writing." Yu Dong said.

Hu Changqing said with a smile, "We talked about the subject of Mars at the time, but after I went back and thought about it for a long time, I couldn't think of what to write. But Yu Dong, you have to hurry up, I think a large number of Mars will appear in the market soon subject matter."

"What are you afraid of?" He Hongwei said disdainfully, "I'm afraid that no one will write it. Can those who follow suit write things in a hurry? When Dong Ge's new book comes out, it will definitely sweep all over the place."

"I see." Wang Jingkang pushed his glasses: "Even if they are not in a hurry, I am afraid that no one can write too much. Mars has always been there, and anyone can write. They didn't have any ideas before, could it be because of Yu Dong? If you want to write, they will be able to write well?"

Yu Dong nodded, "That's right, Mars has always been there, anyone can write it. So if you have ideas, you can write it too, don't worry about me."

He Hongwei waved his hand and said, "Don't worry about you, but we should also worry about ourselves. When the works come out together, we will be the ones who get hurt."

In fact, what He Hongwei said also expressed the aspirations of several other people. Only those unknown authors can do things like following the trend, and even some well-known authors are reluctant to touch it.

In this wave of enthusiasm, following the trend and writing a novel about Mars may benefit, but it is more of a backlash and will definitely be scolded by many readers.


At 02:30 pm the next day, the Galaxy Awards ceremony started on time.

Although it is still held in a hotel, the style this time is indeed not comparable to the previous ones.Yu Dong and the others were taken aback by the battle when they entered the arena. There were three floors of reporters, and many of them were carrying cameras.

A bunch of readers surrounded the reporter, some of these readers came here spontaneously, and some were invited by the magazine.

This year, the magazine prepared a small benefit for book fans. They held a lottery and gave out [-] tickets. Readers who won the lottery can use the tickets to enter the venue to watch the awards ceremony.

Not only that, after attending the ceremony, you can also participate in the follow-up sci-fi fan meeting, and have the opportunity to get in touch with the writers up close. If you are lucky, you may get books and magazines signed by the writers.

After everyone entered the venue, they found that the current venue was quite different from the past. The seats had been remodeled to reduce the comfort level, but the number of seats had been increased to ensure that more people could attend the awards ceremony.

There are also choreography and lighting, which look very professional, just like a small auditorium.

There was a half-hour performance before the award ceremony officially started, and it was also thoughtful, with singing, dancing, and stage plays, and there were quite a lot of elements.

What impressed everyone the most was the space stage play at the end. In less than 10 minutes, it told about the joys and sorrows of an interstellar immigrant. This stage play also coincided with the interstellar feature launched by the magazine last year.

After the show ended, the award ceremony officially began, starting with the third prize.

Yang Peng won the third prize for "Galaxy Imagination", and Hu Changqing and He Hongwei won the second prize for "Bacterial Invasion" and "Spiral Arm Lover" respectively.

When the second prize was presented, Yu Dong had already stood on the side of the stage, and when the second prize was presented, he walked up with the microphone.

As soon as Yu Dongshang went up, there was a loud cheer in the arena.

Because many readers came, the atmosphere was very enthusiastic. When other authors came to the stage to accept the awards, the audience had already warmly applauded the authors.

It's just that when Yu Dong came to the stage, the applause suddenly rose to an order of magnitude.

Whether Yu Dong's novels are good or not is another matter. His achievements in the foreign book market in the past two years alone are enough to conquer domestic readers.

So excited!

Few people are unwilling to give applause to such a writer who has brought glory to the country.

People are used to advocating the strong, and Yu Dong is the undisputed strong in the field of science fiction.

When the applause faded, Yu Dong on the stage pressed his hands, "Thank you for your applause, but tonight, I am just a brick, a brick responsible for drawing out beautiful jade. It is the first time I come to this stage as an award presenter, and I feel It’s a great honor. Why? Because it reminds me of the time when I received the trophy from President Kang on this stage.”

"Before I came to the stage, I was still thinking, what am I capable of? I also have this opportunity to personally hand over the trophy, which symbolizes the highest honor of Chinese science fiction, to the author with the best performance this year. Just think of me as thick-skinned, and I finally came up. "

"Ha ha……"

Hearing Yu Dong's self-mockery, the audience couldn't help laughing out loud.

After they finished laughing, Yu Dong continued, "Actually, I have already seen the result of the grand prize. This is a writer I like very much. His works always reveal a kind of desolation and sadness, and his writing style is cold but not lacking in warmth. However, if you think that he is really going to stage a warm scene for you, then you will be fooled, because no warmth can escape the fate of being cut off in his works... Well, speaking of this, many people You may have already guessed who it is, so I won’t be fooling around. Now I announce that the first prize winner of this year’s Galaxy Award is "Star", authored by Wang Jingkang!"

Amidst the applause, Wang Jingkang walked onto the stage excitedly, took the trophy from Yu Dong's hand, and was about to exchange greetings with Yu Dong, but Yu Dong put the microphone in his hand and said in a low voice, "Come on, now the stage is here!" It's yours."

After finishing speaking, Yu Dong withdrew from the stage and gave up the stage to Wang Jingkang.

None of the Galaxy Award-winning works this time are from previous lives, and all of them are new works.It may be because of the rapid development of domestic science fiction in the past two years that the writing ideas of these authors have also changed a lot.

Especially after the magazine launched the interstellar topic last year, more authors turned their attention to the fascinating outer space.

Moreover, everyone's writing style has also changed a lot, and this is most deeply influenced by Dong.

For a while, everyone was analyzing Yu Dong's novels and found that there were many writing skills hidden behind his seemingly plain language.It is these skills that make his writing look different from others.

The flamboyant and imposing rhetoric that everyone pursued in the past has gradually rarely appeared in people's works.

Everyone began to pursue a more beautiful thing called rhythm.

The beauty of a sentence, a paragraph, or an article does not lie in how many beautiful words and sentences are used, but in the rhythm formed by each word and each word group.

Yang Xiao once said in a private chat with Tan Kai that Yu Dong single-handedly improved the overall writing level of Chinese science fiction writers.

This sentence may be exaggerated, but it is not without reason.Since the appearance of Yu Dong, people have discovered that science fiction novels can be written in this way, and those languages ​​full of beauty may not only appear in traditional literature.

For Wang Jingkang, today is a happy day.

Although he is old, he entered the industry very late, and he is a late bloomer.Now he has won the first prize of the Galaxy Award within two years of entering the industry, which makes him full of hope for the future.

Sometimes Wang Jingkang also thinks that these science fiction writers are lucky, because it happened just in time for the emergence of Yu Dong and the time when Chinese science fiction was on its way to glory again.

Now writing science fiction is not only a hobby, but also brings him a lot of money.

And after having a writer's agent, he can only focus on writing, and don't have to worry about other things at all. Everything will be arranged by someone to help.

But he also has worries. He is worried that he is old and lacks energy, and that many knowledge updates are not as good as those of young people.In a place as imaginative as sci-fi, this is a fatal flaw.So he has been working hard to improve his writing skills and pursue the latest scientific knowledge, not wanting to be left behind by these young writers.

After Wang Jingkang finished his acceptance speech, the award ceremony ended.

However, today's event is not over yet. In the following time, everyone will move to the restaurant to carry out the following activities, the sci-fi fan meeting and reporter interviews.

After arriving at the restaurant, of course, Yu Dong and today's award-winning writers attracted the most attention from the reporters.This is not the first time for them to receive an award, and they all have experience facing reporters.

After about ten minutes, Yu Dong and the others sent the reporters away.

The next sci-fi fan meeting will be more casual, everyone will split up, and readers will chat with their favorite authors, ask for a group photo, and some ask for autographs.

In fact, Yu Dongting likes this kind of atmosphere. There are only a hundred readers in total, and there are less than 200 media reporters. They are scattered in this hall, and each person does not face too many readers.

Even if Yu Dong is more popular, there are only 30 to [-] people around him now. Many readers will move to find other authors when they see that there are many people in Yu Dong.

Generally speaking, it was much easier than the signing session. Yu Dong chatted with everyone while signing autographs.

"Student, your accent sounds like a northerner... oh, you are from are also from Yanjing Normal University? Alumni, hello, hello."

"New book, you will be able to read the new book after a while."

"My friend, you look over 30, calling me big brother is inappropriate... oh, over 40, that's even more inappropriate..."

"Girlfriend? No. But I have a fiancée."

"Why did "Xiang Xi" skip tickets? There is something wrong with the printing factory, and it will have to wait until September... Well, there will be a signing event, and the publisher will notify you in advance."


The readers' questions are quite common, and Yu Dong doesn't need to spend much time, just responding to them as if chatting with a friend.

They are also influenced by Yudong and talk about their own problems.

Some readers are not only fans of science fiction, but also read other works of Yu Dong. Some readers even didn’t read science fiction at all, but because they like Yu Dong’s other novels, they started to pay attention to science fiction, and then fell in love with science fiction.

Take the reader who asked about "Xiang Xi" as an example. He has been paying attention to Yu Dong since he published "Mending the Sky" in "Zhongshan", and he only started to pay attention to science fiction last year.

Some time ago, he had been waiting for the release of the single volume of "Xiang Xi". Originally, "Contemporary" released the news that it would come out in summer, but there is no specific announcement until now.

In fact, the booklet of "Xiang Xi" was originally scheduled to be released at the end of July, and a signing event will be held at the same time.However, due to some problems in the printing factory, the release date was postponed to late September, and Yu Dong himself only got the notice a month ago.

Some readers asked about "Fatal Identity" and the werewolf killing game, but because today is a science fiction event, Yu Dong didn't talk much.

When the book fan meeting was coming to an end, Yu Dong was going to meet Hu Changqing and the others, when halfway through, a man with glasses and a simple and honest face appeared in front of him.

This man looks to be about 30 years old, with a slightly high hairline, and a bunch of hair in the middle drooping on his forehead, looking a bit naive.

When he saw the man, Yu Dong squinted his eyes because he looked so much like a person.

He should be a reader, but he didn't speak while standing in front of Yu Dong, but it could be seen that he wanted to speak.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Yu Dong spoke first, "Do you want my autograph?"

The other party nodded and handed over the magazine in his hand.

Yu Dong took the magazine and looked at it, and it turned out to be the December 91 issue of "Science Fiction World".This issue of Yu Dong's "One Day" was published in the magazine. It can be said that this is Yu Dong's starting point in the science fiction world, and many people also started to know Yu Dong from this issue.

A man's use of this magazine can explain a lot of problems. He probably came here for himself, or he really likes the novel "One Day".

"Where is the signature?" Yu Dong asked.

The man pointed to the blank space on the cover, "Just sign here, thank you."

This was the first time a man spoke to Yu Dong. His voice was deep but clear.

Yu Dong signed his name on the cover, and then asked, "What's your name?"

When he asked "What's your name?", Yu Dong's face was filled with anticipation. He hoped that he had not misidentified the person, and hoped that the other party would report that name.

The man was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile, "Liu Cixin, Wendao Liu, kindness, kindness, old and new."

Yu Dong smiled knowingly, and signed the words "Liu Cixin" on the back, and then asked him, "Listen to your accent, aren't you a local?"

Liu Cixin shook his head, "I'm from Hedong. I was lucky enough to get an admission ticket this time, so I came to have a look."

"Let's chat while walking." Seeing that there were readers around, Yu Dong said something to Liu Cixin, and then walked forward.

Liu Cixin was a little confused in the back, why did he chat while walking?I just came over to ask for an autograph, and didn't say anything else.

But Yu Dong said so, Liu Cixin didn't want to miss this opportunity, so he immediately followed.



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(End of this chapter)

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