Chapter 289 A Friend
After walking for a while, Yu Dong turned around and said to Liu Cixin with a smile, "Don't get me wrong, I saw you holding a magazine from 91, and suddenly remembered a lot of things from the past, so I wanted to call you down for a chat, so as not to delay you time?"

Liu Cixin waved his hand and said, "Don't delay, I'm here to attend the meeting."

Yu Dong nodded, looking at the magazine in his hand, "Why did you bring this magazine here?"

Liu Cixin explained, "Because it was in this magazine that I saw your novel for the first time. I like your novel very much. You control the rhythm of the story very well, which is difficult for ordinary authors to do. Yes. I myself sometimes start to write, but I always feel unsatisfied when I write it.”

"You also write novels? Is it science fiction?" Yu Dong raised his eyebrows and asked.

In fact, Yu Dong asked knowingly, but Liu Cixin could not know the inside story. He nodded and responded, "Yes, they are all science fiction. I always feel that there are many things in my mind, but I am not satisfied with writing them. Before reading your novels, I tried to write it, but in the end it didn’t get published.”

"I think it can be better, so I want to wait until I am satisfied with the changes before publishing?"

"It's not just for this reason. In fact, I sent the novel to President Yang Xiao to read it, but nothing happened afterwards."

Yu Dong looked at Liu Cixin in surprise, because he didn't know about it, "Hearing you say that, I really want to read your novel."

"I brought it."

Liu Cixin blurted it out, and then regretted it a little. Yu Dong probably just said it casually, but what he said made him unable to step down.But it is not easy to take back the words that have been spoken and the water that has been spilled.

But what Liu Cixin never expected was that Yu Dong said with a smile, "Then can I take a look?"

"I put it in the hotel..."

"I live in 312. If you want, you can visit me at 08:30."

Liu Cixin nodded, "Okay."


It was the first time I met Liu Cixin, and it was not good to be too proactive, so Yu Dong left after chatting with him for a few words and went to find Hu Changqing and the others.

As in previous years, there was a celebration dinner in the evening.

Halfway through the meal, Yang Xiao came over to look for Yu Dong with a wine glass.

"I'm going to stay in Rongcheng for a while this time, right?"

Yu Dong shook his head regretfully, "The plan can't keep up with the changes. I have something to do. I'm going to Gan Province."

"What are you doing there?" Yang Xiao asked in surprise.

"Isn't the Chinese Art Festival about to start? My fiancée is helping out there. I'll go and see."

"Fiancee, I heard about this from Jimmy. Is it such a coincidence, next time I have a chance, let me meet my siblings. I want to see what kind of girl can fall into the eyes of you and the great writer."

Yu Dong waved his hand, "I'm joking, what kind of insight do I have. Speaking of which, Miss Xiao, you have seen her before."

"I've seen..." Yang Xiao frowned and thought about it, and then raised his eyebrows, "I really thought of such a person, when you came to participate in the Galaxy Awards for the first time that year, we met in the hotel lobby A girl, can't it be her?"

Yu Dong admired: "Sister Xiao, you have a really good memory."

Yang Xiao said with a smile: "It's not that I have a good memory, she is such a beautiful girl, it is easy to be remembered, and she has the same name as everyone in Peking Opera. At that time, I thought you two had something to do, but I didn't expect that two years later, she She has become your fiancée. When you get married, remember to send me an invitation card, and I will drink your wedding wine."

"It should be next year. The exact date has not yet been determined. I will definitely invite you when the time comes. Don't worry about that."

"That's good. Since I'm going to accompany my fiancée, I won't keep you. Come on, let's have a drink. I wish your new book success."

"Okay." Yu Dong picked up his cup and clinked it with Yang Xiao.

After drinking, Yu Dong took the opportunity to ask Yang Xiao: "Sister Xiao, I want to ask you something, have you ever heard of Liu Cixin?"

"Liu Cixin." Yang Xiao patted his head, "I remember, he sent me a novel before, and the manuscript was in my hands for a year, but it was not published to him in the end. Do you know him?"

"I met you today, and I heard him talk about submitting an article to you, so I asked."

Yang Xiao nodded, "He's here too. In fact, it's a pity that his manuscript is good, but it's too political, and his writing skills are a little immature. I helped him contact several publishers. In the end, no one was willing to publish it for him.”

"Well, I see."

"Okay, I won't tell you for now, I'll go talk to other people, eat and drink well, have fun."

After Yang Xiao left, Yu Dong stopped drinking.People who know him well know that he doesn't drink much, so they don't persuade him.Unfamiliar people didn't dare to persuade them, they came over with a glass, and Yu Dong returned with juice, and they didn't mind.

Although Yu Dong is young, few people here can force him to drink.

When the banquet ended, it was already early eight o'clock, Yu Dong went back to the room first, and saw a person standing at the door from a distance, it was undoubtedly Liu Cixin.

When he got there, Yu Dong looked at his watch, "We made an appointment at 08:30, it's only early eight o'clock, you come so early, you're not afraid that I'll be late, why are you waiting?"

Liu Cixin smiled, "Anyway, I'm fine."

Yu Dong nodded without saying anything, opened the door and invited Liu Cixin in, "Come in and sit down, I'll pour you a glass of water."

"Hey, no need..."

While speaking, Yu Dong had already picked up the teapot, "I didn't prepare any tea, so just order it and drink plain water."

Passing the water to Liu Cixin, Yu Dongshun took the manuscript from Liu Cixin's hand.

It is a thick stack, and it looks quite large, and this manuscript has many signs of wear and tear, which should have passed through the hands of many people. This is probably the manuscript that was sent to Yang Xiao before.

The first page reads the title of the book: The Supernova Age.

Yu Dong has read the book "Supernova Era". If I remember correctly, it should have been published after 2000.As for why it took so long for this book to be published, Yu Dong actually didn't understand.

Of course, he guessed that there are two reasons, either the book has changed or the environment has changed, the former is more likely.

He flipped through the book for a while, but the front was not much different from the later edition, and the problem might be in the back.


This book seems to be more than 30 characters in length, and Liu Cixin's handwriting is not too scribbled, but it is definitely not very neat, so it is estimated that it is impossible to read this manuscript in less than five or six hours.

After watching for about ten minutes, Yu Dong raised his eyes to look at Liu Cixin, who was in a daze with an empty cup, and said with a smile, "Well, you go back first, and when I finish reading, I go to look for you, and you don't have to wait here .”

He couldn't watch it for five or six hours, and let Liu Cixin wait here for five or six hours.

Liu Cixin was in a daze, but when he heard Yu Dong's words, he reacted for a moment, then hurriedly got up and said goodbye, "Okay, okay, I won't bother you."

Seeing him turn around and leave, Yu Dong quickly called him, "You haven't told me where you live, how can I find you tomorrow."

"Oh, I live in 202."


After coming out of Yudong's room, Liu Cixin stared at the "312" sign for a long time.He was somewhat disappointed, because he felt that Yu Dong was probably perfunctory.

I also blame myself for not explaining the length of this manuscript to Yu Dong at the beginning.

I guess Yu Dong thought it was just a short novelette before, so I said I want to read it.Now that it is such a long novel, I don't really want to read it, but I am too embarrassed to say it directly, so I said that I will find myself tomorrow.

This is understandable, after all, Yu Dong must be in the middle of the night to finish reading this manuscript.

He didn't know why he would bring the manuscript with him when he came to the Galaxy Awards.

Want to see Yang Xiao again?
He did have this idea, he knew that Yang Xiao had watched it for a year, and the ending was already clear, but he just didn't give up.

In the afternoon, Yu Dong took the initiative to read his manuscript, which rekindled his dying heart, but it was almost extinguished now.

Liu Cixin stood at the door shaking his head, shuffled and walked slowly towards his room.


Early the next morning, Liu Cixin was brushing his teeth in the toilet when he suddenly heard a knock on the door.


Liu Cixin yelled, rinsed his mouth quickly, and went out to open the door.

I thought it was a hotel waiter, but I didn't expect Yu Dong to stand outside the door.

"Looking at your appearance, I'm surprised." Yu Dong said with a smile.

"No, no, please come in, please come in." Liu Cixin gave way and asked Yu Dong to go in.

After entering the room, Yu Dong returned the manuscript to Liu Cixin, "I've finished reading the manuscript, and it's pretty good overall."

Hearing what Yu Dong said, Liu Cixin didn't quite believe it. How long has it been?How could Yu Dong stay up late for his manuscript and wake up so early?
"Your thinking is very good, but it is full of too many political arguments, and some places are not handled properly. First of all, it makes people uncomfortable to read. Let's talk about the political color in it, some are too strong, such as For the part of exchanging the country, no editor can pass the draft for you."

When Yu Dong spoke again, Liu Cixin froze.

He actually read it!
If I hadn't really read it, it would be impossible to say such a passage.

But what surprised him was still behind, only to hear Yu Dong continue: "The part of exchanging land is interesting on a certain level, but don't you find it very abrupt? We regard the whole novel as a whole , without the part of exchanging land, the sci-fi nature of the novel has not been weakened, but with this part, the overall fluency has dropped a lot."

"From a dramatic point of view, this part is not only abrupt, but also abrupt. It has a dramatic reversal, but no dramatic rationality."

Yu Dong read the manuscript of "Supernova Era" last night when it was close to two o'clock. After reading it, he found that this manuscript and the later published "Supernova Era" can be said to be two books, and many contents are different. .

In fact, Yu Dong could simply point out the content of the published version of "Supernova Era" to Liu Cixin, and tell him what to do here and what to do there.

But Yu Dong didn't do this. On the one hand, this level of guidance was a bit too much, and it would easily arouse Liu Cixin's disgust.On the other hand, he felt that since it was Liu Cixin's book, he should leave it to Liu Cixin to take care of it, and he didn't need to encourage it like this.

You should trust Liu Cixin, he has the ability to write well.

So Yu Dong only talked about this book from the perspectives of literature and science fiction.

In terms of literature, Yu Dong is a professional, and Liu Cixin can't understand many of the things he said, but even if he only understands part of it, he still finds it very useful.

Especially the dramatic interpretation made Liu Cixin suddenly enlightened.

When he was writing novels before, he always felt that something was awkward, but he didn't know what the problem was. Now that Yu Dong finished speaking, he finally knew where the root of the problem was.

In fact, Yu Dong never thought that one day he would guide Liu Cixin to write a novel, and it was still a science fiction novel, but Liu Cixin is still very immature.It can be seen that he has ideas, but the expression is not mature enough and has no system.

You can even find in this 30-word novel that the writing style has changed from the front to the back.

This is a manifestation of immature writing style, because novice authors will change a lot as they write, some are progressing, and some are regressing.

At the end, Yu Dong concluded: "You have a lot of ideas, but you still lack something in the control of a novel. If this novel is going to be published, it must be revised, and it is a major revision, maybe once or twice Three times will not work, you have to change it until you feel like throwing up when you read this book. So my suggestion to you is, while trying to revise this book, try to write a short story to improve your control force."

Hearing that Yu Dong said that it could not be published, Liu Cixin was not disappointed this time, but instead ignited a fighting spirit from the bottom of his heart.

He looked at Yu Dong, feeling really incredible.Yu Dongming is only in his 20s, a few years younger than himself, but he doesn't behave like a young man in his 20s at all.

Just now, listening to Yu Dong's speech, Liu Cixin even felt like he was back in a middle school classroom.

Perhaps this has something to do with Yu Dong's occupation, isn't he a university teacher?
Yu Dong thought for a while, and then said, "I'll introduce someone to you, and he may be able to help you in your future creation."

Liu Cixin looked at Yu Dong gratefully, and said sincerely, "Thank you, Yu Dong."

"You're welcome, I'll take you to that person and bring the manuscript with you."

"it is good."

The person Yu Dong was talking about was Jimmy.

When Jimmy opened the door for Yu Dong, he was about to complain that Yu Dong was disturbing his sleep early in the morning, when he suddenly saw another person standing next to Yu Dong, he changed into a professional smile, "Who is this?"

Liu Cixin looked at the foreign man wearing a white vest in surprise. His thick chest hair seemed out of place with his fluent Mandarin.If you don't look at the person but only listen to the voice, you will never think that this is a foreigner.

"This is Liu Cixin, a friend of mine."



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(End of this chapter)

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