Chapter 290 Professionals (seeking a monthly pass)


Jimmy shook hands with Liu Cixin enthusiastically, and then introduced himself: "My name is Jimmy James, you can call me Jimmy. Yu Dong, you bring him in and sit down. I just got up and changed my clothes first."

In fact, Jimmy saw the manuscript in Liu Cixin's hand at a glance, and probably guessed why Chudong brought him here.

Anyway, this kind of thing is not the first time, Jimmy is already familiar with it.

He changed his clothes and finished washing quickly.

After finishing, Jimmy walked out and smiled, "Have you two had breakfast?"

"Not yet." Yu Dong said.

"Then let's go to the restaurant and talk about something while eating." Jimmy suggested.

The matter was not in a hurry, so Yu Dong nodded in agreement, and the three of them went to the restaurant for breakfast together.

After arriving at the restaurant, Jimmy served several plates of kimchi, "Every time I come to Rongcheng, if I don't eat local kimchi, I won't leave. Is Mr. Liu a local?"

Liu Cixin shook his head, "I'm from Hedong, but I also like the kimchi here."

Jimmy took a sip of porridge with kimchi. After he came to China, he learned a lot of domestic habits, such as drinking porridge, just like eating fried liver in Yanjing before. He didn't use chopsticks or spoons, just opened his mouth.

The sound is still loud.

Yu Dong has long been used to it, but Liu Cixin is surprised.

He didn't know much about foreigners, he had only been to the Soviet Union, and he had never seen such a foreigner.

After sucking up half of the porridge in the bowl, Jimmy was about to get down to business.He looked at the manuscript on the table and asked Yu Dong: "Have you read this manuscript?"

Yu Dong nodded, "I've read it, and I'll tell you my specific opinions later. I brought Liu Cixin to meet you, for no other purpose. Let you get in touch and see if there is any opportunity for cooperation."

Although Yu Dong didn't say it very clearly, but Jimmy is full of eyes, so he can understand the meaning of it naturally.Yu Dong said that the specific comments will come later, probably because the manuscript is still flawed.But let them contact again, it must be that Liu Cixin has potential and is suitable for signing.

Jimmy nodded with a smile, "Okay, if Mr. Liu doesn't mind, please give me the manuscript later. Then let's talk in detail sometime. By the way, did Yu Dong tell you about my situation?"

"I haven't had time to tell him yet." Yu Dong replied helpfully.

Jimmy nodded and looked at Liu Cixin, "Okay, let me tell you about me now. I'm an American. I worked as a reporter for a while and stayed in China for a few years, so I can speak Mandarin well."

"you are too humble."

"Haha, *** said that humility makes people progress. Now I am a professional writer agent, and I am responsible for doing some operation work for writers. There are many writers who cooperate with me now. First prize winner Wang Jingkang, second prize winners He Hongwei and Hu Changqing, third prize winner Yang Peng, and Yu Dong sitting in front of you all signed contracts with me."

Before Liu Cixin could react, Jimmy continued: "In addition to the science fiction world, there are some other writers, such as Bi Feiyu, Yu Hua, Mo Yan, etc."

These names exploded in Liu Cixin's ears like thunder. Before that, it was impossible for him to think that so many well-known domestic writers would cooperate with a foreigner.

What happened next, Liu Cixin was completely dumbfounded.

Because Jimmy talked about the signing of the contract, such as not getting a commission for less than 5 yuan a year, signing every few years, and negotiating the terms of the contract renewal when it expires.

He heard a general idea, anyway, his mind is full: If you don't sign a contract with Jimmy today, you will lose money.

Later, when Jimmy asked him if he wanted to sign, he agreed without hesitation.

After agreeing, he still felt a little dazed.

Is this a bit sloppy?The other party didn't even read his own manuscript. Could it be that he was able to sign it just because of Yu Dong's introduction?

Thinking about it later, it seems that Jimmy has nothing to lose by signing himself.

Although the contract stipulates that there will be no commission for less than [-] Jimmy, but Jimmy is completely free to not help him operate it. Anyway, Jimmy has the final say on whether to operate or not.

But he doesn't seem to have lost anything. He didn't sign a long-term contract. He can choose not to renew the contract after it expires.His annual income does not exceed [-] in the short term, and he does not need to pay Jimmy a dime.

And the possibility of his annual income exceeding [-] in the short term is almost zero.

In fact, Jimmy didn't take Liu Cixin seriously at first, but later Yu Dong spoke to him alone.

"Liu Cixin has great potential, we can focus on training him."

Yu Dong seemed to be right. He Hongwei, Wang Jingkang, Hu Changqing, Yang Peng, and Bi Feiyu all proved their strength during this period.

I'm afraid it won't take long before all the money spent on them can be earned back.

Since Yu Dong was particularly optimistic about Liu Cixin, Jimmy was more careful and prepared to observe him first.

But Jimmy and Liu Cixin discussed the rest of the matter, and Yu Dong was going to Lanshi to find a wife.


"It's so windy here, I've only been here for less than a month, and my face has turned yellow."

At the gate of Baitashan Park, three girls stood together, and one of them was muttering, apparently complaining about the climate in the northwest.

"Bai Yan, it's not because of the wind that your skin has deteriorated. Since we came here, how much have you eaten every day?"

Bai Yan retorted, "It's hard to come here. If you don't eat some local specialties, wouldn't you be in a panic? You think so, Yanqiu?"

Cheng Yanqiu glanced at Bai Yan, "I think Xu Yu is right, you just eat too much. This morning you just ate a big bowl of beef noodles and a piece of thousand-layer beef pie."

"That's right, you said that you want to eat local specialties, and you can just eat their beef noodles. This thousand-layer beef cake is from your Chang'an side, right? What are you eating?" Xu Yu said.

"Hey, I won't talk about it, I can't talk about you two. Both of you are fairy daughters, and you don't eat fireworks. By the way, Yanqiu, when will your fiancé come, I'm already hungry."

Cheng Yanqiu was also looking around. Half an hour ago, she received a call from Yu Dong, saying that she would arrive in half an hour. It has been half an hour now, but she has not seen anyone.

"Your fiancé came here by car?" Bai Yan suddenly poked Cheng Yanqiu's arm.

"He said he came by car."

"What car do you take, it can't be that one?"

Bai Yan pointed to the front, a Hutou Ben was slowly approaching.

Cheng Yanqiu shook his head, "I don't know, and I can't see the people inside."

"It can't be your fiancé, right? I know your fiancé is rich, but I didn't expect him to be so rich. Hey, this car is hard to buy even if you have money."

Bai Yan pouted her mouth, expressing amazement.When Cheng Yanqiu went back to school, a private car took her there, but that car was average, it was a Volkswagen, and it couldn't be compared with this Hutou Ben.

Cheng Yanqiu didn't know cars, and she didn't know what Hutou Ben meant, but she was a little puzzled, because with Yu Dong's character, it was impossible to be so ostentatious.

Hutouben got closer and closer, and finally passed in front of the three of them...

"Ah, no."

Before Bai Yan finished speaking, a blue three-legged car wobbled up ahead.These three jumpers looked like they had experienced wind and rain. Several pieces of the blue exterior paint were peeled off, and the iron sheet on the side was deformed.

Not far from the three of them, the three jumpers stopped with a "stab".

"Master, I'll give you the money, thank you."

"No thanks." The uncle who was driving waved his hand, and walked away buzzing three times.

After the car left, Yu Dong was exposed behind him.

Not seeing each other for over a month, seeing Yu Dong again, Cheng Yanqiu trotted over and hugged Yu Dong, regardless of his reserve.

Bai Yan and Xu Yu looked at the two people who were embracing each other, Bai Yan said: "Yanqiu's fiancé looks very handsome, but the way he appeared on the stage is a bit shabby, I thought he came here on a tiger's head .”

Xu Yu glanced at Bai Yan, "I think you have been corrupted by the bad ideas of capitalism. You see how much Yanqiu likes him."

Cheng Yanqiu hugged Yu Dong for a while, then remembered that there were two friends beside him, and hurriedly pulled Yu Dong to walk in front of them, "This is my fiancé Yu Dong, these two are our colleagues who worked together. They all belong to the same school, but not from the same class."

"Hello." Yu Dong greeted the two girls with a smile.


Xu Yu frowned, "Why does Yu Dong's name sound so familiar?"

Bai Yan smiled and said, "Every name is familiar to you."

Yu Dong smiled, but he was not yet well known.

It happened to be time for dinner, and the few of them didn't have time to run too far, so they had a meal at a nearby restaurant.

Because the art festival is about to start, the Baitashan Park has become more and more lively recently, and there are quite a lot of people in the restaurant.

After eating and leaving the restaurant, Bai Yan said with a smile, "You came at the right time today. We will have a day and a half holiday from this afternoon to tomorrow night. Originally, if you didn't come, we made an appointment with three people to go shopping together. Now Now that you're here, Xu Yu and I won't disturb your world."

"Thank you both for fulfilling."

"Hey, it's quite humorous."

After Bai Yan and Xu Yu left, Cheng Yanqiu first took Yu Dong for a stroll around Baitashan Park.The scenery of the park is normal, but because of the art festival, a lot of decorations have been made, and it looks quite lively.

"Our team is not considered busy, it's just a music advisory group, they are all doing some assistance work, or if something goes wrong with the show, our people here can take over at any time."

Cheng Yanqiu said that she was not busy, but Yu Dong could still see some fatigue in her eyes, maybe the situation might not be as easy as she said.

Yu Dong rubbed Cheng Yanqiu's hair distressedly, and pulled her into his arms, "I'll take you to something delicious tonight."

"Take me something delicious to eat?" Cheng Yanqiu looked up at him.

Yu Dong was stunned by this question, he only wanted to take Cheng Yanqiu to eat delicious food, but he didn't realize that he didn't even know where the delicious food was here.

On the way here, he actually asked the three-jump driver.The problem is that the driver's Mandarin is very poor, and he didn't understand what he said after talking for a long time.

"I'll ask a specialist later."

The professionals in Yu Dongkou refer to the front desk staff of the hotel.

He lives in the Lanshi Hotel, which is next to the Lanzhou University. The two young men at the front desk, facing Dong's inquiry, said in unison, "The dishes in our restaurant are all..."

"Except for your hotel." Yu Dong quickly drew a range for them.

The two young men looked at each other, and one of them counted skillfully, "If you two want to eat noodles, you can try Mazilu Beef Noodles, it's on Jiuquan Road, or Mijia Lianglu Noodles. Almost, just ask in the past. If you want to eat meat, you can try horse bearded lamb, or Jinding bacon. You can also bring back some sugar oil cakes and gray beans from his family to eat..."

Listening to the young man's detailed introduction of Lanshi's delicacies, Yu Dong looked at Cheng Yanqiu and said proudly, "How did I find a professional?"



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(End of this chapter)

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