Chapter 291 Experience (5200\10000)

"Xu Yu, take a look at these headbands, they are so pretty and not expensive."

Bai Yan was carefully selecting the hair ropes sold at the street stall, but Xu Yu was attracted by a book on the nearby bookstall.

This book is "Resident Evil". Xu Yu had read a little bit of this book before, because it was selling well for a while.It's just that she flipped through a few pages at the time, and felt that the style was a little dark, which didn't suit her, so she put it down.

She thought Yu Dong's name was familiar before, but she just couldn't remember where she heard it.

Seeing "Resident Evil" now, Xu Yu suddenly remembered that the author of "Resident Evil" seemed to be called Yu Dong, and he had heard many people mentioning this name at the time.

Xu Yu leaned over to pick up "Resident Evil". The paper was rough and the printing was fuzzy. It looked like a pirated copy.But the content is correct, just like the original version, the author's name is written under the title: Yu Dong.

Then turn inside, there is a brief introduction of the author.

"Yu Dong: Winner of Yinhe Award and Zhuang Zhongwen Literature Award, author of "Resident Evil", "Second World", "Closed Loop", "One Day" and other works, among which "One Day" is adapted from a famous Hollywood movie..."

There is not much information revealed in the introduction, it is all about the work.

But Xu Yu still saw the familiar information at the end.

"The novel "Death of a Widow" was adapted into the movie "Soft Knife" by Zhang Yimou."

Xu Yu had seen the movie "Soft Knife". At that time, there were quite a lot of people watching this movie. All the female colleagues around her had watched it, and the response was very good.

And...Xu Yu looked at Bai Yan who was picking up the hair rope. Bai Yan had also watched the movie and cried.

It's just that they all stared at the director and actors at the time, and no one paid attention to who the original author was.

Is this Yu Dong the same as Cheng Yanqiu and her fiancé?
Yu Dong's name is quite common, and it's not surprising to have the same name.The author's profile did not mention Yu Dong's personal information, nor did he even mention whether he was a man or a woman or how old he was.

At first glance, one wouldn't expect this to be a young man in his 20s.

Besides, Cheng Yanqiu's fiancé doesn't look like a writer either.

Although Xu Yu didn't know what a writer should look like, subconsciously he believed that a writer shouldn't look like Cheng Yanqiu's fiancé.

Seeing that Xu Yu was silent for a long time, Bai Yan looked up at her, "What are you thinking? Reading?"

"Do you still remember today when I said that Yanqiu's fiancé's name sounded familiar?"

"Well, what happened?"

Xu Yu handed the book in his hand to Bai Yan, pointed to the author's introduction on it, "Take a look."

Bai Yan read it quickly with a puzzled expression, and then handed the book to Xu Yu, "Impossible, there are too many people with the same name and surname in this world. Besides, if he is really a great writer, Yanqiu would have shown us off a long time ago." Already."

"If it was you, you would definitely show it off, but it's not like you don't know Yanqiu's character, she won't show it off."

"That's not a secret."

Bai Yan muttered something, although she said she didn't believe it, she still murmured in her heart.

What if it is true?

Once this thought arises, it is very difficult to get rid of it.

Bai Yan took the book and asked the owner of the bookstall, "Boss, do you understand the author Yu Dong?"

The boss was smoking, glanced at the book in her hand, and said indifferently, "Yu Dong, who doesn't know, a great writer."

" it over?"

The boss sniffed, "This book costs five yuan a copy."

Xu Yu understood, and took out five yuan to the boss, "We bought it."

After receiving the money, the boss changed his smile, "Yu Dong, he's very famous these few years. I heard he's a university teacher, and he's not very old."

"Male and female?"

"Nonsense, can a woman be called Yu Dong?"

"anything else?"

"What else?"

"What does Yu Dong look like, and where does he teach?"

The boss took a drag on his cigarette and looked at Xu Yu and Bai Yan like they were idiots, "I haven't seen him before, how can I know what he looks like?"

"You man—"

Bai Yan couldn't stand this anger, and wanted to go up to argue with the boss, but was stopped by Xu Yu, "Then I don't know what he looks like, you know where he teaches, right?"

The boss smiled and pointed to the newspaper shelf, "Have you seen the third issue of "Zhong Shan" this year? Five yuan."

Bai Yan couldn't help it now, "Boss, don't think I don't understand, "Zhong Shan" is only priced at four yuan."

"That's four yuan." The boss is easy to talk to.

"Let's go, I don't believe that no one else knows about it." Bai Yan pulled Xu Yu to leave.

Xu Yu waved his hand, "Forget it, boss, here you go."

The boss accepted the five yuan with a smile, and then changed another one. "Here, I will give you one yuan, and this magazine is yours."

After receiving the magazine, Xu Yu asked, "Boss, can we talk about it now?"

The boss laughed, "Isn't the answer in your hands?"

Xu Yu was taken aback, and quickly opened the magazine, searched in the catalogue, and soon found Yu Dong's name.

It is an "Essay on Cucumber Garden".

Cucumber garden?It seems to be the Jinling Academy of Art where Yanqiu is. I heard Yanqiu mention it before.

Xu Yu looked at the words "Cucumber Garden" in a daze, and Bai Yan snatched the magazine from her hand: "What's wrong?"


The professionals Yu Dong found were good, but in the end they didn't go to the stores he mentioned, but started shopping around Lanta.

Everyone says that the business of students is easy to do, because there is a large flow of people, things sell quickly, and many students are not picky.

But everyone knows that good business will gradually become difficult to do after a long time.

Catering next to the school should not be expensive, and the taste should be passable.It is said that students are not picky because most of the time students don’t have to be picky. Once they are picky, no one will not be picky.

It was Cheng Yanqiu's suggestion to go around Lanta.

They arrived at Lanzhou University at three o'clock, and it wasn't time to eat at the moment, so the two held hands and walked around the campus.

It feels a little different in Jinyigamalu than in Landagamalu. Here, no one knows them, and people who pass by occasionally take a look at them and probably think they are students of our school.

Lanzhou University has developed well in recent years, from the inside to the outside. No matter in terms of hardware facilities or academic level, it can rank among the best in the country.

The academic level will not be felt for a while. When you are in it, what you can feel the most is that the school is so big that the two of them hold hands and walk without knowing where they are going.The main reason is that the two of them got used to working on Jinyiba Road, but they were not used to suddenly coming to Landa Road.

Although it is summer vacation, there are still many students in Lanzhou University.Even when the two passed by a teaching building just now, they could still hear the sound of classes coming from inside.

"Don't you think it's interesting to take a walk here?"

Cheng Yanqiu walked in front of Yu Dong, with his hands behind his back, facing Yu Dong, walking backwards.

Before Dong could reply, she continued: "When I was at Jinyi, everyone knew us, and students came to say hello from time to time. But here is different, no one knows us, it makes me feel like we are students of this school .We are not teachers, and you are not a well-known writer. We are just two ordinary students, thinking about studying and falling in love all day long."

"Every night before you close your eyes and go to bed, you are the last thing you think of in your mind, and you are the first thing you think of when you open your eyes in the morning."

Yu Dong smiled, went over and grabbed Cheng Yanqiu's hand, "Let's go!"

"Why are you going?"

"Going to be a student?"

Yu Dong pulled Cheng Yanqiu like this, just in front of him came a middle-aged man, wearing thick glasses, with a stocky figure, about forty years old, he seemed to be a teacher.

"Hello, teacher." Yu Dong bent down and shouted, and then pulled Cheng Yanqiu.

Cheng Yanqiu also bent down involuntarily, and shouted: "Hello, teacher."

The male teacher glanced at the two, but didn't recognize who it was, but still responded with a smile, "Hello."

"It's always hard work." Yu Dong shouted again.

Like a repeater, Cheng Yanqiu also shouted: "Teacher, you have worked hard."

"Not hard, not hard."

After Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu left, the male teacher touched his head and couldn't figure out what was going on. Have these two students taught themselves?

Along the way, Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu bent down when they saw someone who looked like a teacher, "Hello, teacher."

About a dozen people called out, and the two of them held hands, ran to the side of the road and found a place to sit down, holding back their laughter.

Cheng Yanqiu patted his chest, his face turned red, "I'm so nervous."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Why are you so nervous? It's not shameful to say hello to the teacher."

"Anyway, I'm so nervous, I'm afraid of revealing my secrets."

After a while, when Cheng Yanqiu was almost calm, Yu Dong dragged Cheng Yanqiu back again.

"What are you doing this time?"

"Still a student."

The two walked to the teaching building they passed by just now, Yu Dong stood downstairs and listened for a while, determined the direction, then pulled Cheng Yanqiu up to the second floor, and walked into a classroom where classes were in progress through the back door.

"Do you all remember what was the last essay question in science last year? What is it... don't you remember? Did you not read the real question that just came out, or did you forget it? In July 49, U.S. Secretary of State Acheson ..."

The class was taught by a middle-aged female teacher, and what she said should be a political class for the postgraduate entrance examination.Seeing Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu walking in short, the female teacher gave them a gouged look.

"That's why some of you should not pass the exam. You are only halfway through the class, and you haven't even brought your books. I don't care about you. You are responsible for whether you do well or not in the exam. Anyway, you graduated Assignment is also included. If you fail the exam, the unit is not going well, it’s okay, anyway, don’t you still have precious and memorable youth?”

The female teacher lost a few words, and then began to talk about the content of the lesson.

Yu Dong pulled Cheng Yanqiu to find a seat and sat down. He could feel that Cheng Yanqiu's hands were shaking.

Sitting next to Yu Dong was a male classmate who gave Yu Dong a thumbs up: "Brother, wow."

Yu Dong said with a smile: "General, general."

In fact, he was also a little embarrassed. Originally, he wanted to bring Cheng Yanqiu to experience student life. He had tried his best to be careful, but it still affected others in class.

So the boy continued to talk to him, but he just waved his hand, indicating that he was in class now and it was not convenient to talk.

Seeing his gesture, the boy secretly slandered, what are you pretending to be, you didn't even bring a book, you are listening to a fucking class!
But the first class ended soon. During the break, the boy poked Yu Dong's arm, "Brother, do you want me to lend you the book?"

Yu Dong declined with a smile, "Thank you, no need, we're just here to feel the atmosphere."

The boy was obviously stunned for at least two seconds, and there was no expression on his face.

What the hell is this guy?To feel the atmosphere?

"Which major is brother?"

"I'm from the Chinese Department."

"Chinese Department, the Chinese Department is good... Hey, that's not right, this is a science and politics postgraduate entrance examination class, why did you come here as a liberal arts student?"

"So I'm here to feel the atmosphere."

The boy didn't know what to say, so he turned his head back.

When Yu Dong was discussing with Cheng Yanqiu about leaving, the boy turned around again and asked, "I know Li Qiuhao from your Chinese Department, do you know him? He is also in the third grade."

"I don't know Li Qiuhao." Yu Dong stood up and patted the boy on the shoulder, "Why don't you turn around and ask him if he recognizes me, my name is Yu Dong."

"Yu Dong." The boy whispered it once, and then looked at Yu Dong and the others who got up and left, "Oh, you are leaving now, are you not going to listen to the next class?"

Yu Dong waved his hand, "See you by fate."

After leaving the classroom, Cheng Yanqiu pinched Yu Dong's arm, "You are too bad, you cheated that classmate so pitifully."

"I never lied to him."

Cheng Yanqiu thought for a while, and it was true, Yu Dong didn't tell a single lie. He said he was from the Chinese Department, and he didn't say that he was from the Chinese Department of Lanzhou University.

"Where are we going now?"

"It's getting late, let's go foraging."


Ma Kai ran to the library after class, he guessed that Li Qiuhao must be here.

After searching two floors, I finally found Li Qiuhao on the east side of the third floor.

He walked up to Li Qiuhao and whispered, "Li Qiuhao, I have something to ask you."

"What's the matter?" Li Qiuhao didn't lift his head.

"Is there anyone named Yu Dong in your Chinese department?"

"Yu Dong?" Li Qiuhao chuckled and looked up at Ma Kai, "You kid, are you here to tease me on purpose?"

"What do you mean?" Ma Kai was puzzled by Li Qiuhao's reaction. If there was one, there would be none. What do you mean by teasing him?
In the last class in the afternoon, Ma Kai was absent-minded. The main reason was that the buddy was too paradoxical. He came and left strangely.

"We don't have Yu Dong in our Chinese department, but I know there is one in the Chinese department."


The more Li Qiuhao talked, the more confused Ma Kai became.What is this with?Could it be that I slept too little last night and my head is confused today?Why can't they organize any logic in their minds today?
"Yu Dong, Beijing Normal University, Department of Chinese, well-known alumni, famous writer. He is the author of well-known novels such as "Xiang Xi", "Mending the Sky", "The Death of a Widow", and won the Zhuang Zhongwen Literature Award in 1992. He is also a A writer of popular novels, many of his works have been adapted into movies, and he has a decisive influence in the book and film industries of China and the United States. According to statistics from unknown sources, Yu Dong is the author who has made the most money since the 90s in China, with a net worth of tens of millions , do you want me to go on?"

After listening to Li Qiuhao's words, Ma Kai slapped his legs suddenly, "I was cheated by that kid!"

Seeing Ma Kai's excitement, Li Qiuhao asked curiously, "Who is that kid? How did he lie to you?"

"That's it..."

Ma Kai told Li Qiuhao exactly what happened in class, and Li Qiuhao suppressed a smile after hearing it: "You still don't study enough, if it were me, he would expose it on the spot."

"Aren't you talking fart? If I were from the Chinese department, I would have exposed him too. Let me see him next time, and he will not be as good as he is."



After eating, while the two were walking to digest food, Yu Dong suddenly sneezed.

Cheng Yanqiu joked: "Look, I did something bad today, and I got retribution."

"Well, it seems that I can't do this anymore." Yu Dong nodded.

In fact, Yu Dong feels that it is because of the air problem here, not to mention the dryness, it is still gray.

This is a heavy industrial area, and sacrificing the environment is also a helpless move, especially in recent years, not only here, but many places in the country have not done well in environmental governance.But there is no way, some roads should still be walked, if not, there will be no way to go.

Being scolded is better than not having enough to eat.

Who doesn't want green mountains and green waters, but green mountains and green waters are not so easy to get.


When we arrived at the hotel, we sat in the room for a while. Cheng Yanqiu wanted to leave, but Yu Dong said it was still early, and he would leave after a while. Zhengda Variety Show was about to be broadcast, and he would leave after watching it.

After Zhengda Variety Show ended, Yu Dong said, "It's so late, it's dangerous for you to go back alone. If I send you back first, you have to come back later, why don't you stay here for one night. You sleep on the bed, I sleep on the sofa Just do it."

"I don't have any clothes..." Cheng Yanqiu thought of something in the middle of speaking, and gave Yu Dong a blank look, "No wonder you insist on taking me to buy clothes this afternoon."

Yu Dong said seriously: "Just think about it, I didn't take you to buy it because I heard you said that you didn't bring much clothes."

"Okay, I'm going to take a shower." Cheng Yanqiu took the clothes and went into the bathroom.

Yu Dong was outside listening to the sound of splashing water inside, distracted, arranging the pillows for a while, pressing the quilt for a while, and turning the light in the room to dark yellow.

I have to say that a big hotel is a big hotel, and the lighting is better than that of a small hotel.

But Cheng Yanqiu took a bath slowly, beyond Yu Dong's imagination, and after blowing his hair, it took 27 minutes for Yu Dong to hear the sound of the bathroom door opening.

In the next scene, Yu Dong almost had a nosebleed.

Cheng Yanqiu didn't wear any clothes... no, it's not that she didn't wear anything, she didn't wear the clothes she bought today, but wrapped her body in a bath towel.

"You should buy a pair of pajamas. Wear this to sleep overnight, and you won't be able to read it the next day." Cheng Yanqiu said while folding the new clothes.

The bath towels in the hotel are just that long, just covering the upper chest, and the long legs underneath are exposed.

Yu Dong rubbed his nose, feeling something itch inside.

He suppressed the fire in his body, stood up awkwardly, and walked sideways to the bathroom, "I'm going to take a shower too."

Cheng Yanqiu nodded, "Well, hurry up and wash, and go to bed after washing."

"it is good!"

Yu Dong took a shower very quickly, it took only 10 minutes before and after. If he hadn't blown his hair, he could have solved it in 5 minutes.

"Luoluo, I'll—"

When Yu Dong walked out of the bathroom, ready to welcome spring, he encountered cold winter.

Cheng Yanqiu was already lying on the bed and fell asleep.

"Pretend to be asleep?"

Yu Dong walked over slowly, tried a few times, and found that she was indeed asleep.

Probably because she was tired, she felt tired during the day, and after walking around for so long in the afternoon, she probably couldn't bear it now.And the bed in this hotel is really comfortable.

Yu Dong kissed Cheng Yanqiu's forehead lightly, shook his head, and murmured, "I'll take a bath again."

This time, I took a cold shower.



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  Today's goal is [-], let's see if we can play it for a long time
(End of this chapter)

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