Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 292 Introducing a Teacher

Chapter 292 Introduce a teacher to everyone (11500\10000)

After taking a cold shower, Yu Dong couldn't fall asleep anymore.

Seeing his fiancée sleeping soundly, Yu Dong turned off the other lights, leaving only the light next to the table, and then took out a paper and pen from his bag and began to write in his diary.

The first time I came to Lanzhou City, I always had to record something.He was afraid of forgetting some things, so he wrote them down first, and after the trip to Lanshi was over, he would write an essay after returning home.

Maybe as I write and write, if I have some inspiration, I can still make a novel.

Tomorrow, Cheng Yanqiu is on vacation, and Yu Dong is going to take her for a stroll in Lan City first. When she is about to work, he will go around and have a look around to get a feel for this northwest city.

This time he came here, he didn't bring much luggage, just a bag, and there were few clothes in it. Many of them were materials given by the Sichuan Provincial Association for Science and Technology and Jinling University of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

Regarding "The Martian", he still needs to carefully study the research materials to ensure that there will be no major problems when writing.

It was twelve o'clock at the desk, and Yu Dong also felt sleepy, so he hugged the quilt and lay down on the sofa.


In Yang Xiao's office, Jimmy was holding a large enamel tea mug.

A large cup of tea was brewed in the tea mug, and Jimmy had difficulty holding the handle with one hand, so he had to hold it with the other.

Seeing Jimmy's effort, Yang Xiao smiled and said, "I told you, no one here drinks tea like this."

Jimmy used the lid of the tea mug to push the foam out of the tea, stretched his neck and took a sip of the hot tea.

"I like to drink tea like this, it's interesting."

"If you think it's interesting, I'll give you an enamel tea mug later, and I'll give you a pack of good tea. You can drink it when you go back."

Jimmy shook his head, "The tea is good, the water is good, the tea set is good, the most important thing is the environment for drinking tea and the tea friends I meet. I like to drink tea in President Yang's office. When I see you, I feel like I have seen China. The past and future of science fiction, I saw the pillars of a towering building..."

"Stop, stop, we haven't known each other for a day or two. If you have something to say, talk about it, don't just flatter. What is it for this time?"

Jimmy smiled, "It's not a big deal. Didn't "The King of Science Fiction" have been looking for science fiction authors a few days ago? You should have heard of this. The terms they offer are very good, and some authors are really attracted by it." , but I was still suppressed."

Yang Xiao looked at Jimmy with a smile on his face, this guy is lying all over the place, what he said may not be true.But in the matter of "The King of Science Fiction", the initiative is really in Jimmy's hands.

At present, most of the well-known science fiction writers in China have signed contracts with Jimmy.The most important thing is that Yu Dong also cooperates with Jimmy, and it is that kind of in-depth cooperation, otherwise Yu Dong would not be able to write a novel called Deep Space, directly using the name of Jimmy's company.

If Yu Dong and Jimmy are going to "The King of Science Fiction", there is nothing they can do.

But Yang Xiao believed that Jimmy would not easily run away with the author. "Science Fiction World" is developing very well now, its sales are constantly increasing, and its brand effect has also emerged. If they cooperate, they will win, and if they divide, they will lose.

"If you have any ideas, just say it."

Jimmy nodded. "I want you to work with Science Fiction King."


"Well, cooperation. "The King of Science Fiction" has a relatively big appetite now, and wants to do everything. It wants to wrestle with you in original literature and translation of foreign masterpieces, and also wants to make comics work. I would like to do this. Not good."

Yang Xiao picked up his teacup and took a sip, "I know a little bit about this, and they have no choice but to do so. As far as I know, they lack professionals in comics, so they want to take advantage of the sci-fi world. Bo Dongfeng, first use the text section to attract readers. Their idea is very simple, even if the comics cannot be produced, at least the text section can have a drink with "Science Fiction World."

"Hey, here's the problem. If you are willing, if you are willing, you will get something if you are willing. They want both ends, but in the end they will fail at both ends. I have never seen any sci-fi comics from them. Determined, too timid." Jimmy shook his head and sighed again, with a heartbroken look.

If you don't know the details, you may think that Jimmy is really worried about "The King of Science Fiction".

"You, it doesn't hurt your back to stand and talk. If they have money and someone, they will naturally have determination. Now that they have no money and no one, of course they can only think of this kind of compromise method, cross the river by feeling the stones, and take one step at a time."

"So, didn't I come to rescue them? I was building a comic team a few days ago. They lack people, and I can provide them. They lack materials, and I can provide them."

"I didn't see it, you Jimmy is still a good person."

"President Yang, let me tell you in detail..."

In the following time, Jimmy roughly explained his plan to Yang Xiao.

He is going to promote the cooperation between the two magazines "Science Fiction World" and "Science Fiction King", so that "Science Fiction King" will give up the text section and focus on comics wholeheartedly.

Of course, "Science Fiction World" can't do comics, and the comics market should be left to "Science Fiction King".

Since it comes to cooperation, of course it cannot be so simple. According to Jimmy, after the release of "Science Fiction King", the two sides will promote each other.Once the works of the authors in Jimmy's hands are handed over to "Science Fiction King", they will be specially marked "Science Fiction World".

Regarding the point of not doing comics, Yang Xiao agreed, because she had no such plan in the first place.

However, Yang Xiao has some opinions on mutual promotion. She thinks that "Science Fiction World" has an absolute advantage in the comparison between the two magazines.

Their "Science Fiction World" does not need the help of "Science Fiction King" to promote it. On the contrary, if "Science Fiction King" has the help of "Science Fiction World" to promote it, their early stage will be much easier.

No matter how you look at this comparison, "Science Fiction World" is at a disadvantage.

"President Yang, take a long-term view. Although they need your help more in the early stage, they will be able to repay you in the later stage. Moreover, I plan to set up an animation company, so that the three parties will form a complete industrial chain. Only when we hold together to keep warm can we become bigger and stronger, and we can't fight alone."

At this moment, Yang Xiao finally understood.

After all, Jimmy just wanted to raise their two magazines as hens to help him lay eggs, and his ultimate goal was for the animation company he was talking about.

The point is that in this industrial chain, Jimmy holds the front end and the back end and has absolute control.

The front end is those writers, who output texts and hand them over to "Science Fiction World", after a round of brewing and publicity, and then send them to "Science Fiction King" to make comics and then go through a second round of brewing and publicity.

When everything is ready, Jimmy will make these works into animations and send them to the market to make money.

With the first two rounds of publicity and screening, the step of making animation is basically stable and profitable.

But Yang Xiao also knows that if this industrial chain can be formed, it will be beneficial to the entire industry, and their "Science Fiction World" will definitely benefit, and it will eventually be a win-win situation.

And only Jimmy can do this. He has money, someone has ideas, and more importantly, he has channels.

Yang Xiao couldn't find any reason not to agree.

In the end, Yang Xiao knocked on the coffee table and said, "You should settle the matter with "The King of Science Fiction" first, and we'll talk about the rest later."

Jimmy said with confidence: "No problem."

In fact, Jimmy thought about getting a magazine by himself before, but after thinking about it later, it was not only troublesome, but also had no advantages.

Although "The King of Science Fiction" is a grass-roots team, at least they have an official endorsement for them, so they are not afraid of any troubles.

Although Yang Xiao hasn't finalized it here, Jimmy knows that the matter has basically been completed, and the rest is to get "The King of Science Fiction" done.

This matter is even simpler. Niu Erfang has no money, no one, and no channels. Jimmy ran over and was sure to agree.


When Cheng Yanqiu woke up in the morning, she found that she was the only one in the room, and Yu Dong didn't know where to go.

Last night I took a shower and lay down on the bed, and then I didn't know anything.The past few days are really busy. There are more than 30 programs in this art festival, and their advisory group has to face various problems every day.

Moreover, the hotel room they stayed in was of mediocre condition, definitely not comparable to the one Yu Dong lived in, so last night was also the best sleep she had recently.

She also had an old dream last night, dreaming that she and Yu Dong were wearing school uniforms and walking hand in hand on the school's cinder track. As they walked, the school uniform turned into a wedding dress, and the cinder track turned into a red carpet.

At the end of the red carpet, there are relatives from both sides, waiting for them one by one with smiling faces.

When they walked in front of their relatives, they found that each of them was holding a child, a boy and a girl.They called Yu Dong's father and her mother.

"Are you awake?"

Cheng Yanqiu was reminiscing about the dream last night when Yu Dong pushed the door in with a bag.

"I didn't dare to buy anything else. I searched around and found soy milk and fried dough sticks. I see that there are quite a lot of customers eating at his house, so it should be pretty good."

Yu Dong opened the bag, took out the soy milk and fried dough sticks and put them on the table, "Would you like to eat now?"

Cheng Yanqiu didn't speak, but stared at him with strange eyes.

"what happened?"

"Get out, I'll get dressed." Cheng Yanqiu finally spoke.

Yu Dong patted his head, "Hey, I forgot about this. How about I close my eyes and turn around, and you change from behind? I promise, I will never..."

Before he finished speaking, a pillow flew over.

Yu Dong ducked to avoid the pillow attack, then ran out in a hurry, shouting as he ran, "Get out, don't be rough."


The two of them went shopping after breakfast. There is still something to do in Lanshi today, and the business district is doing pretty well.

Today they went to eat at the restaurant recommended by the front desk staff, and they ate until evening. Yu Dong also bought a bunch of desserts for Cheng Yanqiu to bring to her colleagues.

Send Cheng Yanqiu downstairs to the hotel, considering that Cheng Yanqiu is not living alone, there is a girl in the same room, so Yu Dong didn't go up.

Cheng Yanqiu waved to Yu Dong with the snacks in hand, and then went upstairs.

When she returned to the room, she found that Bai Yan and Xu Yu were both there.The two were chatting, but when they saw her coming back, they stared at her with piercing eyes.

"Hey! Why don't you hurry up and recruit them as they are!"

Bai Yan jumped up suddenly, startling Cheng Yanqiu.

"Bai Yan, why are you crazy?"

Bai Yan shook her head and said, "It's not that I'm crazy, it's that you're crazy. Tell me, what's your fiancé's background?"

"What's the origin? People's teacher." Cheng Yanqiu opened the bag in his hand, "I brought you some dessert."

"Wow, dessert." Bai Yan ran over, found a piece of sugar oil cake, and took a firm bite.

After chewing a couple of mouthfuls, she said again, "Don't try to get away with desserts, we all know that your fiance—it's Yu Dong!"

Cheng Yanqiu laughed out loud, "It was Yu Dong who said this, didn't he introduce it to you at noon?"

"No, no, no, I mean, he is the great writer Yu Dong, the same Yu Dong who wrote "Death of a Widow" and was made into a movie."

"Oh, so I said this, haven't I told you before?"

"No, absolutely not." Xu Yu said.

"I guess I forgot." Cheng Yanqiu smiled, and stuffed the dessert into their hands again: "Blame me, blame me, I should report to you in advance. Eat some dessert to calm down."

"I think you want to gag us with desserts." Bai Yan was not polite, and she accepted all the desserts Cheng Yanqiu gave her, "Don't worry, we won't tell anyone else, but you Keep it a secret too, we can't be blamed if we are discovered later. Haha, if Senior Brother Chen Feng finds out about this, his heart will be cold. There is no way he can dig this wall."

"Eat your dessert well." Xu Yu pushed Bai Yan, signaling her not to talk about it.

Chen Feng is their senior brother and has always liked Cheng Yanqiu, but Cheng Yanqiu has always ignored him.When they met again this time, Chen Feng went to look for Cheng Yanqiu again, only to learn that she already had a fiancé.

After knowing that Cheng Yanqiu had a fiancé, Chen Feng kept holding back his energy. After all, he thought highly of himself and was unwilling to lose to others.

That's why Bai Yan said this. After all, in her opinion, no matter what level of comparison, it is impossible for Chen Feng to compare too far.

But for some reason, Bai Yan vaguely wished to see the scene where Yu Dong and Chen Feng met, it must be very interesting.


What Bai Yan didn't expect was that the scene she expected would happen the next day.

Yu Dong arrived at Baitashan Park early the next morning.

Cheng Yanqiu and his group were arranging musical instruments, Yu Dong saw Cheng Yanqiu from a distance, and was about to walk over, but found an unknown creature.

This unknown creature had been wandering around Cheng Yanqiu's side all the time. Although it wasn't very close, Yu Dong's keen observation ability found that the unknown creature's attention was on his fiancée, and he always wanted to get closer to her.

After identification, this is the enemy.

Bai Yan was chatting with Xu Yu when she suddenly felt the aura around her change.

There is a situation!
Then she and Xu Yu saw Yu Dong coming from a distance.

"Yu Dong!" Bai Yan held Xu Yu's arm tightly: "It's a good show, have you noticed that there is a fierce light in Yu Dong's eyes?"

Xu Yu curled his lips: "So far away, you can see any light in his eyes?"

"It's not about looking, it's about feeling."

Bai Yan and Xu Yu saw Yu Dong, but didn't tell Cheng Yanqiu, and Cheng Yanqiu was turning his back to Yu Dong's side at the moment, so they didn't notice him.

Others may have seen Yu Dong, but no one knew him.

After Cheng Yanqiu arranged the instruments, he was about to move them when Chen Feng suddenly ran over, "Yanqiu, let me help you."

"No, it's not heavy, I can do it myself."

"It's okay, I'll do it, you..." After speaking, Chen Feng was about to grab the instrument from Cheng Yanqiu's hand.

At this moment, a hand stretched out to block between the two of them.

"No, I'll come."

Yu Dong picked up the drum on the ground and asked Cheng Yanqiu, "Mrs. Yu, where should this drum be moved?"

Cheng Yanqiu didn't expect Yu Dong to come over suddenly, and...what's the situation with Mrs. Yu, he never called himself that?

She pointed to the front blankly: "Just move it there, and I will use it later."

"As you order, Mrs. Yu."

Holding the drum, Yu Dong quickly walked to the designated location, put the drum down, and turned back, "Madam Yu, what else can I order?"

Chen Feng looked at Yu Dong who appeared suddenly, and asked Cheng Yanqiu: "Who is this?"

Yu Dong looked at Chen Feng, "I'm Mr. Yu."

"Oh." Chen Feng lowered his head, he didn't know why he lowered his head like a loser, then he raised his head to look at Yu Dong again, "You are Yanqiu's fiancé, good to meet you, good to meet you."

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows, "It seems that my wife told you about me."

"I said it, but you're not what I imagined." Chen Feng raised his head, "I thought Yanqiu's fiancé would be special. At least it wouldn't be the first time I saw her friend, it would be revealed Such a strong hostility. It can't help but make people feel that you are not confident."

Yu Dong said with a smile, "I'm sorry to disappoint you. But I didn't expect that you would be my wife's friend."

"He is one of my senior brothers." Cheng Yanqiu said.

"Oh, brother, it seems that this brother's Chinese is not very good, and he mistakenly thinks that brother is equivalent to a friend. As a Chinese teacher, I don't mind explaining the difference between the two words, brother and friend. .”

Chen Feng gritted his molars, "Okay, hurry up and get busy. The team leader will come in a while, and he will definitely criticize us if we haven't cleaned up. Also, idlers should not touch the musical instrument. If there is any damage, you will be responsible for it." .”

After finishing speaking, Chen Feng turned his head and left.

After he left, Cheng Yanqiu looked at Yu Dong with a smile on his face, "You took gunpowder today, I've never seen you like this before. Or, we great writer Yu, who is extraordinary and free from vulgarity, sometimes get jealous?"

"It's not jealousy, it's a declaration of sovereignty."

"Well, I have nothing to do with him."

Yu Dong shook his head, "The flies around the flowers will not be changed by the will of the flowers. If you want to drive them away, you can only rely on the brave flower protectors. Mrs. Yu, I wish to drive away all the flies for you."

"Stop joking, I'm going to get down to business, and my teacher will be here soon."

When he started to work, Yu Dong ignored the harsh words from the unknown creature just now, he would help if he should, and touch the instrument when he should.

On the other side, Bai Yan and Xu Yu also ran over when they saw that the battle was over.

"Mr. Yu Dong, hello, hello, I'm your book fan." Bai Yan made friends as soon as she came over.

Yu Dong doubted, "Have you read my book?"

I have really read his book, so my reaction to his name would not be so dull yesterday.

"I watched it last night." Bai Yan was thick-skinned, and continued to add, "I have always been a fan of your movie before. I watched "Soft Knife" several times, and I cried every time I saw it."

"Then I thank you for Zhang Yimou and Gong Li."

"You still know Zhang Yimou and Gong Li?"

Xu Yu rolled his eyes aside, "Bai Yan, aren't you talking nonsense? How could this director not know the author of the original work?"

"That's right." Bai Yan smiled and continued, "Teacher Yu Dong..."

"You should still call me Yu Dong."

"Oh, okay, Yu Dong, the one just now was Chen Feng, our senior brother, who has been chasing Yanqiu, but we can assure you that Yanqiu has never paid attention to him, it was all his wishful thinking, don't worry, we will definitely stand by you side……"

Just as he was talking, a man in his 60s and [-]s came over, and everyone present greeted him one after another.

"Hello, Team Leader Liu."

"Hello Senior Brother Liu."

Team Leader Liu looked around, nodded and said, "After setting it up, let's try the effect in a while to see how the sound effect of this piece is and what needs to be adjusted."

"it is good."

After group leader Liu gave the order, he walked towards Cheng Yanqiu and the others again, and was about to say something to them, when he noticed Yu Dong was beside him, and asked, "Who is this?"

Cheng Yanqiu introduced shyly: "Teacher, he is my fiance."

Liu Shikun said in surprise: "You are Yanqiu's fiancé, yes, you look very talented. Are you from Jinling?"

"No, I came from Rongcheng."

"The family belongs to Rongcheng?"

Yu Dong replied with a smile, "My family is from Shanghai, and I'm going to Rongcheng to do something."

"Oh, okay, okay, I heard from Yanqiu that you teach drama, give us guidance later, and give some valuable advice from the perspective of you dramatists."

"Teacher, you may have misunderstood me. I teach drama creation literature, and theoretically I am a Chinese teacher."

"Oh, that's it." Liu Shikun laughed, "That's because Yanqiu didn't make it clear, but it's okay, just come and have fun. By the way, what do you call me? I can't just call you Yanqiu's fiancé, right?"

"My name is Yu Dong, Gangou Yu, Dongfang's Dong."

"Yu Dong, Yu Dong." Liu Shikun read Yu Dong's name twice, and suddenly his eyes lit up, "You can't be..."

"That's right, Senior Brother Liu, he is the great writer Yu Dong."

When Bai Yan heard Yu Dong introduce herself just now, she had been looking at Liu Shikun expectantly, hoping that he would recognize Yu Dong, but now she couldn't help but rush to speak out.

"It's really you. I like your "Xiangxi" very much. I'm going to wait for it to come out in a single volume before I buy a copy." Liu Shikun smiled and shook his head, marveling at how small the world is.

He was not flattering Yu Dong, but really liked "Xiang Xi". Originally, he went to be a judge of the Tchaikovsky International Piano Competition in June and wondered whether he could catch up with "Xiang Xi" and even asked his family I helped him buy a copy, but I didn't expect that "Xiang Xi" would skip the ticket.

"Hey, what a coincidence."

Liu Shikun took Yu Dong's arm and shouted to the others, "Come on, come on, everyone stop, I will introduce a teacher to you."

When Cheng Yanqiu saw Liu Shikun pulling Yu Dong, he knew something was wrong.

Liu Shikun is her senior brother and also her teacher.He is a piano master. To outsiders, he is very elegant, but those who know him well know that although he is over 50 years old, he has a very out-of-the-ordinary personality.

Now he was pulling Yu Dong to introduce to everyone, Cheng Yanqiu was not surprised at all, it seemed like something he could do.



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(End of this chapter)

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